1、基础课:Advanced mathematics高等数学This is a mathematic foundation course focus mainly on the calculus. We learned about functions, limits, derivatives, differentiation and in tegrati on. We also lear ned the applicati on of these methods.Complex variable functions and integral transformations函数In this cou
2、rse, I learned about the complex numbers, and the Laplace tran sform.Laplace tran sform is more used in sol ving differe ntial and in tegral equati on. Here is an example:Probability and Mathematical Statistic概 率论与数理统计I lear ned about how to calculate the probability of a certa in eve nt. For exampl
3、e, there are ten balls in the box, 4 are red and the rest are blue, then the probability of grabb ing 2 red ball without putt ing them back is P=C2-4/C2-10=(4*3/2”(10*9/2)=2/1Fundamental Of College Compute大学计算机基础This course taught me about the basic use and components of computer. I learned about ho
4、w to making flash and simple web pages.College Physic大学物理In this course, I learned about thermology, options and some basic knowledge of electromagnetic included Fourday ,Lorentz, Lentz and so on.For example:Physics Experimen物理实验How to utilize the equipment rightly , observe the phenomenon, measure
5、the records, and finally analyze the results.Example(The measurement of inertia moment)Programming in C language语言程序This course is about how to program in C language.Here is an example showing how to compare two integer with C:#includeVoid main()int a,b,max;scanf(“%d,%d”,&a,&b);if (a=b) max=a;elsema
6、x=b;printf( “max=%dn”, max);Engineering Drawing!程制图This course is about how to communicate all needed information of a designed part from engineer to the worker who will make it. To be more specific, I learned about third-angle projection, section view, which shows internal features that are not cle
7、ar defined with regular projections. I also learned how to draw with CAD software.Microchip principle and applicatio 微机原理与应用This course is a foundation focus mainly on the assembling language. We also learned the basic instrument and inner circuit of computer.8.Single chipIn this course ,I learned h
8、ow to realize the function of single chip by writing the resource . First, teacher showed us the inner circuit and principle of chip, then was the function of each pins .finally ,we had a processing which kept two weekends.Technic Of ElectrotechnicIn this course, I have learned about the basic knowl
9、edge of circuits and its basic laws. Such as Ohms law(I=U/R, current , potential difference, resistance.),Kirchhoffs current law, Kirchhoffs voltage law. Kirchhoff s current law: The current flow out of a node is equal to the current flows into the node.Kirchhoff s voltage law: The directed sum of t
10、he potential difference in any closed circuit is zero.Example(draw a simple circu)itBasic Mechanic EngineeringConcept of Machine:Organization: each part has the relative motion, realize the motions transmit and convert.Mechanism: partment ,which cab realize the Energy convertion to accomplish useful
11、 works.Transmission: which transmit the energy and realize the modulation of speed .Force analysis:Distortion,stables,damageThe aim of force analysis is determine whether the element as desired described loading to ensure the normal operation.)Three characteristics: rigidity strength stability)Three
12、 defect forms: Axial tensil , Cut and extrusion , bent Example: 正应力(强度和刚度) ,剪切与挤压等。Common Machine: Leakage.Electronic Theorem:1.what are the electronics.Electronics, which include any machine powered by electricity, mainly have effect on the connecting ,breaking , parameters changing of circuit ,in
13、order to realize the control , monitor, protect of electrical equipment.2. Main comments:Electro-magnetic machine conclude the system and principle and Arc theorem conclude the characteristic and application.Electro-magnetic system: when the current or voltage into the coil , it would generates the
14、magnetic field. The flux would through majority the iron beam ,yoke, keeper ,air-gap enclose and generates the force on the face of keeper called EM force.When the attractive force can against the force of spring force , it can be closed.Arc: is a phenomenon of gas discharge . The neutral gas is dis
15、sociated and produces an ongoing plasma discharge.Because the high temperature can damage the connector , so we must eliminate the arc as quickly as possible.Eliminate methods:SF6,magnetic blowout , air lancing.The rest直易交难灭弧(AC/DC的各自特点thermal inertia热惯性, 吸力的计算公式推导过程;13.Power supply Engineering(:pow
16、er system and power supply circuit)A power supply system is a system which included the transformer, electrics, wire ,cable and so on.Basic theorem : Loads calculation (sum of rated power and the meaning of it: when calculate were over, the electronics would operate under the heating otherwise waste
17、 of the energy and materials.)Main circuit: the choice of transformer and wire and cableFunction of transformer: boost and reduce the voltage and isolation, protection. (3 phase non-excited double winding dry type) wire and cable:)cable used for power transmission and distribution)bare conductor: us
18、ed for overhead line)insulated wire: end of connection of low-voltage Secondary circuit for protecting ,monitoring, controlling and so on.relaying protection in circuit:Forms (current, voltage)Reversing and limit-time relaying protectionThe characteristic of them and the applicationFor example:14. A
19、utomatic control theory:focus mainly the feedback system and analyze the FS.what is the feedback system and automatic control (transfer function, meaning of transfer function and so on.)analysis of the feedback system: stability trainsient performanceIn elude the time domai n an alysis低氐阶 low-order,
20、高阶 high-order, 性 性 能分析 performance),root locus, frequency property.15. Digital Electronics:study the discrete compared with the analog electronicsMain comments: logic connection between the discrete.gate circuit : AND OR NOT XOR and so on, three forms expression function, truth table, circuit binato
21、rial logic circuit: half adder, full adder and difference Method of more complex logic:First, list the truth table and then used the karnaugh-map to simplify, get the logic function, finally draw the circuit gragh.Temporal logic circuit:It is consist of combination circuit and trigger which as a sto
22、rage unit.The storage circuit feedback to the input of combination it has a present statement and next statement.15.Analog electronics:study the Semiconductors and its application.diode:Function: current can pass in forward way and be clocked in reverse way. Principle: add some impurity into instrin
23、sic semiconductor, p-type is one put into the boron and produces the holes, become positive. N-type is one put into the phosphorous to become negative and produces electronics. Because of different intensity, they would spread from high to low and produce P-N region. When add forward voltage, the E-
24、field would be cut down and seems that resistor reduced otherwise would be wider.(同理可得BJT并且画他们的特性曲线等)BJTapplication: common collect,emission,basic.16. Electronics Powe:rit is technique which could transfer and control the power energy by electronics device.1) electronics device: uncontrollable(diode
25、), half controllable(thyristor), full controllable(IGBT) 其原理和工作状态,工作特性等transfer: rectify, invertion and other transfer.Rectifying is a convert from AC to DC. Invertion is a convert from DC to AC.举例画图:单相半波整流,单相全桥整流, VSI and CSIOther: AC-AC,DC-DC.举例: Boost chopper, buck chopper.control: PWM(phase widt
26、h modulation)17. Motor machine:What is motor, motor s type, principle, instrument, operation, characteristic and so on.Transistor: a device that changes AC electric energy at one voltage lever into another lever through the action of a magnetic field.1)instrument: it is consist of two or more coils
27、of wire wrapped around a common ferromagnetic core , they connected by magnetic flux. Because the flux is same, so the EM force is proportion to the numbers of winding.2) Principle: when flux linkage varying in any coils, it produces EM force.operation characteristic: no load and load operationNo lo
28、ad: equivalent circuit, impedance,Because eddy current losses hysteresis loss and so on, we regarded the iron loss as equivalent resistor Rm to stand for the heating, Xm is the main flux through the iron which generates the reactance.U2 = E1-I2(R2+jX2) = E1 - I2E2DC machine: electrical motor and generator. It can realize the conversion between direct energy and machine energy.1)
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