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1、2022届安徽省滁州市定远县育才学校高三下学期第二次月考英语试题 第卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)略四、阅读理解Answering the Community Needs of Our CityThe Silver City Council recognizes that citizens have certain needs.To better meet your needs,we have made several changes to community facilities in 2014.The followings show how we have tried to m

2、ake your life better.TransportThree stations for the suburbs have been added to the western train service.20 new buses for the southern line were purchased in January.50 per cent of city bus-stops have been upgraded.CommunicationBroadband cable is now available to all parts of the city.All of the ne

3、w Government buildings are smart-wired for better computer service!Medical FacilitiesThe new state-of-the-art Nightingale Hospital was opened in June.To overcome a shortage of trained medical staff at Dover Hospital,10 doctors have been employed from overseas.Some facilities at Station Street Hospit

4、al have been upgraded.EducationTextbooks will be free to all primary students in 2014!Rental for private schools has been reduced.Protection and SecurityExtra police now patrol(巡逻)the tourist areas.50 new police officers graduated in July and have taken up duties in the city area.Entertainment/Recre

5、ationThe new Central Community Building opened in May.5,000 new fiction books were bought for the Silver City Library.21Whats the notice mainly about?AThe work carried out by the people of Silver City.BThe facilities available in Silver City.CSome improvements in Silver City.DInformation for interes

6、ted tourists.22What can we learn from the passage?ATravel books are provided in the new library.BMore bus lines and stops are bought in Silver City.CFree medical treatment is available at Station Street Hospital.DThere are more police officers on duty now.23The public notice is from_.Athe communityB

7、the local governmentCthe Silver City LibraryDa travel agencyBWhen I see my children avoiding the food on dirty plates in the sink or cringing at the wet sand sticking to her hands, Im reminded of a time when I was unwilling to get my hands a little dirty.My parents owned a 500-acre ranch (牧场) in Mon

8、tana when I was young. We had the usual group of animals to care for: cows, sheep, horses, chickens, dogs and barn cats. There were always fences to fix and things to plow or burn. I probably didnt help as much as I should have, could have or would have if Id been a little older.One cold day, I was

9、checking on the sheep with my mother when she spied a sheep in trouble. The poor thing was trying to deliver her lamb and needed our help. My mother calmly held the sheeps head and instructed me to grab hold of two tender legs.I hesitated, and must have had quite a look of panic on my young face. Th

10、e little things were definitely not something I wanted to touch. But I worked up my courage and put my fingers around them. My heart beat in fear and excitement as I pulled with all my strength. I can still remember the feel of the unexpectedly soft legs and their sharp little hooves (蹄) as if it ha

11、ppened yesterday. I remember feeling happy to see “my lamb” being licked (舔) clean by her mother.Looking back, Im so glad that I didnt refuse to get my hands a little dirty. If I had, a wonderful memory would have been lost. Sometimes you need to get your hands a little dirty to experience something

12、 amazing and pure.24What does the underlined phrase “cringing at” in Paragraph 1 mean?APaying attention to.BFeeling uneasy about.CBreaking away from.DGetting curious about.25What can we know from Paragraph 2?AThe author owned a big ranch.BThere were many ranches in Montana.CThe author had to fix a l

13、ot of fences.DThe author was too young to help much.26How did the author help the sheep to deliver her lamb?ABy pulling the sheep baby out.BBy touching the little hooves.CBy holding the sheeps head.DBy cleaning the baby.27What does the author want to tell children?AIt is better for kids to help pare

14、nts earlier.BKeeping your hands clean is a good habit.CIt is certain to get dirty working on the ranch.DGetting hands dirty is to explore something unusual.CFor years,the giant squid (大王乌贼) had remained a modern mystery.Living in the dark depths of the ocean,the creature is difficult for scientists

15、to observe directly.It had also managed to avoid all attempts to film it.That changed last July:for the first time ever,scientists were able to catch the giant squid on video in its natural habitat.They were amazed by what they saw.The scientists filmed the squid in the North Pacific Ocean,south of

16、Tokyo,Japan.They followed it down to a depth of 2,952 feet.They shot more than 23 minutes of video before the squid swam off into even darker depths.The video footage will be released to the public later this month on The Discovery Channel.Tsunemi Kubodera,a zoologist at Japans National Museum of Na

17、ture and Science,led the team that filmed the squid.The team went into the ocean in a small submarine with lights invisible to both humans and squid.Since giant squid eat smaller squid,the scientists released a small squid as bait (诱饵)Then the scientists waited in the pitch black for the giant squid

18、 to approach.The color video shows the creature floating vertically,eating the bait squid.The giant squid is 9 to 10 feet long and is missing its two longest tentacles (触须)With those tentacles,it could have measured up to 26 feet long.It has huge black eyes,the size of dinner plates,“It was shining

19、and so beautiful,” Kubodera said.Because the deep ocean is so unfriendly to humans,little is known about the giant squid.Scientists say catching the mysterious creature on video is an important step toward understanding it.For centuries,sailors had reported seeing a huge,oceandwelling beast,thought

20、to be the giant squid.The creature is also believed to be the subject of the Nordic myth of the kraken,a sea creature that supposedly attacked ships in Scandinavian waters over the past thousands of years.28Why is it difficult to film the giant squid?ABecause it is illegal to film the giant squid.BB

21、ecause it is too expensive to make such a film.CBecause the giant squid lives in the dark deep ocean.DBecause the giant squid is dangerous to humans.29We can learn from the first paragraph that scientists_Afirst saw the giant squid in the oceanBdiscovered a new sea creature in the oceanChave the oce

22、an bottom secretly recorded on videoDhave first caught the legendary giant squid on video30According to the passage,the giant squids longest tentacles can be_A16 to 17 feet longB9 to 10 feet longCmore than 26 feet longDabout 36 feet long31The scientists released a small squid in the ocean to_Aincrea

23、se the number of the giant squidBtrick the giant squid into coming outCmake an educational film about itDshow concern for the giant squidDThe process of mountaintop removal mining (MTR) has caused permanent damage to Appalachia. Although the law requires that mining companies restore the mountaintop

24、s after the mining has been completed, the 1.5 million acres of mountains that have already been removed cannot be regrown, rebuilt, or replaced. The companies do secure the rock formations to prevent erosion and landslides, but their efforts cannot recreate the once-beautiful mountain landscape. Fu

25、rthermore, while companies are usually cautious about securing the rock formations, they seem less interested in restoring the native plants. MTR operations clear enormous areas of forests; some experts estimate that over 2,000 square miles of forests in the Appalachian region will have been razed b

26、y mining companies by the end of this year. Instead of replanting the native trees and shrubs that have been cleared, many companies chose to plant cheap, fast-growing plants.Environmental threats are not only created in preparing a mountaintop for mining, but they also continue once the coal has be

27、en extracted. After the explosion, the excess mountaintopwhich miners refer to as “overburden”is usually dumped into nearby valleys or streams. The overburden contains a variety of poisonous substances, including explosive residue, silica, and coal dust. Over 700 miles of streams in Appalachia have

28、been polluted by this dumping. Although the mining companies have built structures known as “sludge dams” that are intended to contain the runoff, these dams may easily burst or leak, sending thousands of gallons of poisonous chemicals into drinking water.While the Endangered Species Act, the Clean

29、Water Act, and other environmental protection bills can theoretically be enforced to protect Appalachia, local lawmakers have been unwilling to take action for fear of upsetting those who believe that the jobs created by MTR are vital to the community. However, instead of bringing jobs and prosperit

30、y to poor Appalachian communities, MTR companies actually bring destruction and poverty. MTR does not involve the amount of human labor required by traditional sub surface mining. Despite the poverty. MTR does not involve the amount of human labor required by traditional sub-surface mining. Despite

31、the fact that coal production has increased between 1950 and 2004. the human labor force working in these mines has sharply decreased. In the 1950s, there were approximately 130,000 people employed by the mining companies; by 2004, that number had decreased to 16,00. Moreover, while the coal compani

32、es may make enormous profits from MTR, Appalachian communities located near the mines suffer increased rates of kidney cancer, brain cancer, lung cancer, chronic pulmonary disorders and vision problems.32What does the underlined word “razed” in Paragraph I probably mean?ARestored.BClosed.CResearched

33、.DDestroyed.33What might the author think of the “sludge dams”?AThey are of little help in avoiding pollution.BThey are a threat to local mining companies.CThey are big enough to contain the overburden.DThey are cleverly designed to prevent flooding.34What do the figures in the last paragraph imply?

34、 AMTR hasnt contributed too much to employment.BThe population of Appalachia has decreased greatly.CThe number of mining companies has declined sharply.DMining companies havent brought in enormous profits.35What does the author try to convey in the text?AThe importance of traditional coal power.BHis

35、 love for Appalachian communities.CHis concern about the impact of MTR.DThe urgency of developing Appalachia.第二节 七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余项。How to Do the Preparation Work for Your EssaySometimes, you need to be able to write an essay in a short time for a timed exam

36、. In this case, preparation work for your essay is of great importance. With a little planning, you can write an essay that is good in just a short time.1. Develop a plan. Consider how much time you have to write the essay and develop a writing plan based on that. This will help you figure out how l

37、ong to spend on each part of the essay writing process._36_.2. Consider the essay question. You may know the topic of an essay when your teacher assigns it to you._37_Doing this brainstorming will direct you towards the appropriate research. It will also help the writing process go more quickly.3._3

38、8_Your argument or thesis statement is the point youre making in the essay through evidence and analysis. Develop your argument to help direct your research and make the writing process go more quickly.4. Research your essay topic. Youll need to strategically research your topic to find the evidence

39、._39_There are many different types of sources you can use for research, from online journals and newspaper archives to primary sources at the library.5. Write an outline of your essay._40_By structuring it in the same form as your essay and adding evidence, you will simplify and expedite(加快) the wr

40、iting process. Youll also be able to identify any areas that need better development.AAnd the plan will also keep you on task.BPay attention to your evidence and analysis.CDevelop your argument or thesis statement.DThe teacher will help you to finish your essay later.EHowever, even if you dont, firs

41、t consider the question.FThe evidence will help you construct your argument of your essay.GConstruct an outline of your essay to guide you through the writing process.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从4160各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。When I was a little girl

42、, one of my favorite things was a shoebox. I _41_ it up with pieces of paper, cards and leaflets (传单) that I had gathered. I called the box my “Post Office”. Every now and then. I would take it from under my bed and pour my “_42_” on the floor. I loved to play “Post Office”. I _43_ them by size or c

43、olor and then put them back separately into the _44_This led me to _45_ a new hobbywriting letters to children I had never met. It was _46_ to send my written pages to people I would never talk to _47_. My best pen friends were Svetlana in Belarus and Alastair in central England. They all lived far

44、away from me. It was to Alastair that I first _48_ declared my dream of being a songwriter. Actually, I had _49_ written a single song and I had no idea how to do so. But I told myself that I had to realize this _50_ well, I should never let my best friends _51_. I started to discover my favorite ba

45、nds and thought about how I should _52_ a song. As I grew _53_, I had more people to write to. In my early teens, I wrote to kids I had met on school trips and boys at other schools to talk about whatever we wanted. The _54_ I found to express myself in letters is one of the greatest _55_ of my chil

46、dhood. The box threw new _56_ on my life and my love for writing letters never _57_ me. As I now create music, I always remember my childhood _58_ all my life. Releasing new songs is _59_ to sending out handwritten letters. My “Post Office” is _60_ I got started.41AendedBmixedCfilledDput42AlettersBs

47、tampsCbrandsDpictures43AchangedBprintedCdecoratedDsorted44AbedBboxCenvelopeDoffice45Aprepare forBcome acrossCpick upDdepend on46AhonestBmagicalCshamefulDtraditional47Aby chanceBas usualCon purposeDin person48AproudlyBnormallyCaccuratelyDliterally49AeverBevenCneverDonce50AdreamBbeliefCachievementDrig

48、ht51AaroundBdownCawayDout52AsingBhearCrecordDwrite53AwiserBtougherColderDhealthier54AfreedomBskillCnerveDpace55AconversationsBmemoriesCdecisionsDadventures56AtrustBappreciationCdoubtDlight57AlostBdisturbedCleftDpassed58AlessonsBhobbiesClegendsDteams59AhelpfulBuseful CfamiliarDsimilar60AwhereBwhether

49、CwhatDwhen第二节 语法填空(共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(一个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Mr.Perkins stood at the bus stop and watched the cars go by.Many of the cars were new Beta 400s,and most of _61_were yellow.Mr.Perkins always_62_(wear) the same clothes as other men,ate the same food as other people,and did

50、the same things after work and at the end of the week.Mr.Perkins did not like to be_63_(differ).The following week,Mr.Perkins bought a new,bright yellow Beta 400.He was satisfied_64_it,and drove it to work in the very next day.He was very happy when he saw all the other Beta 400s in front,behind,and

51、 on both_65_(side) of him. Mr.Perkins parked his car in a big parking lot near his office,and worked the rest of the day.But when he came back at five oclock,there were_66_many bright yellow Beta 400s in the car-park that he did not know_67_was his car.He tried his key in some of the cars,but people

52、_68_(pass) by gave him a look he didnt like.So he stopped.Poor Mr.Perkins hard to wait_69_(patience) until his car was the only one that_70_(leave)in the parking lot.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏

53、字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Perhaps your teachers or parents have told you that when playing video games is bad many times. It hurts your sleep and make you do poorly in school. It appears that theres nothing good about i

54、t. Besides, it might not be truly. It turns out that video games may be good for your brain. In a study, people played video games for half hour each day. And scientists found that some parts of their brains get bigger. They are the areas where help people solve problems. It will be excited when teenagers hear this news. You can tell their parents video games make them much smarter. However,


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