已阅读5页,还剩29页未读 继续免费阅读




1、33/34中央财经大学1999年硕士入学考试会计学试题 招生专业:会计学考试科目:会计学注意: 1凡报考企业会计理论与方法方向的,做一、二、三、四题;凡报考西方会计理论与方法、治理会计理论与方法方向的,做一、四、五、六题;凡报考审计理论与方法方向的,做一、二、三、七题凡报考投资会计与审计方向的,做一、二、八题。2本试卷选择题可选一至四个符合题意的正确答案,不选、错选、多选,均不得分。3推断题正确的用“V”表示,错误的用“X”表示,推断正确的得分,推断不正确的倒扣分。4注意:本试卷所有的答案,包括选择、推断和填空,应按试题顺序号写在答题纸上,不必抄题,写在试卷纸上不得分。一、会计学基础(25分)

2、(一)选择题(10分):1为会计工作规定了空间活动范围是A.会计主体B持续经营C会计分期 D货币计量2下列内容中属干会计核算方法的是A会计差不多等式 B会计科目和帐户C复式记帐 D成本计算3会计凭证的作用是A.记录经济业务B明确经济责任C登记账簿 D编制会计报表4.银行存款日记帐簿是A.序时账簿B分类账簿C备查账簿 D总账账簿5.对原始凭证的审核要紧是审查其A合法性 B.合理性 C完整性D真实性6下列帐户中属成本计算帐户的有A.材料采购 B待拉费用C制造费用D生产成本7使发出存货的成本接近期末成本水平的发出存货计价方法是A.先进先出法 B.加权平均法C移动加权平均法D后进先出法8期末帐项的调整

3、一般有A.应计收入 B应计费用C收入分摊D成本分摊9既能提供货币指标又能提供实物指标的帐户是A.应收帐款 B固定资产C应付帐款D产成品10从1998年1月1日起我国企业开始编制的要紧会计报表有A.资产负债表 B利润表C财务状况变动表D现金流量表(二)推断题(5分):1能以货币计量但不能给企业带来以后经济效益的经济资源也是企业的资产。2审核会计凭证确实是行使会计监督职能的表现。3权责发生制是对会计信息质量要求的原则。4期间费用是指不能直接归属于某种产品成本的费用,发生在当期,应从当期损益中全部扣除。5集合分配帐户期末一般没有余额。(三)简答题(10分):1什么是会计核算形式?2什么是永续金存制?

4、二、财务会计(30分)()选择题(5分):l递延资产的要紧内容有A.开办费B固定资产改良支出C大修理支出 D.筹建期间汇兑净损失2在会计实务中,列入费用处理的损失项目有A.固定资产清理净损失B原材料、产成品盘亏净损失C坏账损失 D投资所发生的损失3某项固定资产的原值为 40000元,可能净残值率为 l,可能使用年限为 10年,在使用6年零5个月后售出,其间曾因大修理停用3个月,售出时的账面净值为。A.15580 B1459oC14190 D151804甲公司是乙公司的全资子公司,年末乙公司长期投资账面价值为210万元;甲公司实收资本账面价值为50万元,资本公积账面价值为10万元,没有盈余公积和

5、未分配利润。则合并报表上“长期投资”项目的金额是A.200万元B.210万元C160万元 D150万元5融资租入固定资产的原始价值包括A.租赁协议确定的价款 B支付的运输费C可能的修理费D支付的保险费(二)推断题(5分):l坏账预备提取依据是应收账款科目的借方发生额。2在递延法下,若税率、税种有变化,则对已计入递延税款的金额要进行调整。3“往常年度损益调整”科目的贷方反映企业往常年度多计的收益,借方反映企业往常年度少计的收益。4长期借款的本金和利息支出,以及外币折算差额,均应计入“长期借款”科目的贷方。5银行本票付款期内见票即付,因而银行概不受理挂失。(三)核算题(15分):11998年母公司

6、向子公司销售产品一批,货款尚未收到,金额为60,000元,母公司计提坏账预备的比例为5%,子公司计提坏帐预备的比例为3。要求:母公司在年末编制合并报表时,编制有关抵销会计分录。2某企业用公益金购建职工住房一栋,支付银行存款1,000,000元,并已交付使用。请作有关会计分录。3某企业7月份购入不预备在年内变现的甲企业债券一批,面值65,000,期限5年,年利率 20,购入时债券已发行2年零6个月,企业用银行存款实际支付价款104000元。年末,计算该债券的投资收益,折溢价的摊销采纳直线法,并按年分摊。请作有关会计分录。4某企业托付外单位加工材料(非金银首饰),原材料价款400,000元,加工费


8、费用总和。3产品成本需要进行成本还原的次数与计算产品成本的步骤相同。4一次支付数额较大,而且受益期超过一个月的费用都应作为待摊费用。5属于直接费用的生产工人工资都能够直接计入产品成本。6几种成本计算方法同时应用,是指在计算一种产品成本时,同时采纳几种成本计算方法。7生产经营费用按其经济内容能够分为计入产品成本的生产费用和不计入产品成本的经营治理费用。8商品采购成本包括按进价计算的已购商品的进价成本和应分摊的部分经营费用。(二)选择题(每题1分,共6分)1成本核算的基础工作包括A.定员定额治理制度B.原始记录制度C材料收发领退盘存制度 D内部结算制度2属于间接费用的有A.治理费用B车间机器设备折

9、旧费用C生产工人计件工资 D财务费用3某产品需要通过三道工序加工而成,第一、二、三道工序的工时定额分不是10小时、9小时、6小时,则第三道工序的完工程度为。A.51B8913C.60D 834采纳分批法计算产品成本时,作为成本计算对象的某一批不能够是A.不同定单中的同种产品B同一定单中同种产品的组成部C同一定单中的不同产品 D不同定单中的不同产品5产品成本计算的分类法适用于A.品种规格繁多的企业B能够按照一定标准分类的产品C只适用大批大量生产的产品 D企业生产的联、副产品6与计算产品成本有关的方法是A.材料的计价方法B机器设备的计价方法C无形资产的摊销方法 D待摊费用的摊销方法(三)简答题(4

10、分):简述成本会计的职能(四)计算题(7分):某工业企业采纳平行结转分步法计算产品成本。该企业生产的A产品,其生产费用在完工产品和在产品之间的分配采纳定额比例法,其中原材料费用按定额原材料的比例分配,其他各项费用均按定额工时的比例分配。有关资料如下:l第一、第二车间的生产费用车间项目原材料工费及福利费制造费用一车间月初在产品560525104905本月发生的费用372320983159二车间月初在产品19552835本月发生的费用375138222A产品定额资料车月初在产品本月投入本月产成品间份定额原定额定额原定额单件定额产量定额原定额额材料工时材料工时原材料材料工时 费用 费用费用 工时 费

11、用 一车间52802440320014005030100件 50003000二车间1300345540100件 4000合计52803740320048555070100件 50001 70003要求:(l)计算第一、第二车间原材料费用,工资及福利费和制造费用的分配单。(2)计算A产品在各车间应分摊的料、工、资的份额。(3)确定A产品的料、工、费成本。四、治理会计(20分):()推断题(每题1分,共3分):1降低约束性固定成本只有从经济合理地利用企业的生产能力,提高产品产量着手。2在没有期初存货但有少期期末存货的条件下,一个经营正常的企业采纳全部成本计算法求得的利润比采纳变动成本计算法求得的利

12、润要少。3从本质上讲,损益两平点确实是成本平衡点。(二)选择题(每小题2分,共6分):1下列方法中属于定量分析方法的有A.指数平滑法 B因果预测分析法C推断分析法D德尔斐法2在实际工作中,下列各项通常作为变动成本处理的项目有A.直接材料 B计时工资C计件工资D治理部门的办公费用3下列预算属于业务预算的有A.制造公用预算 B治理费用预算C现金预算D设备采购预算(三)简答题(4分):简述责任成本与产品成本的要紧区不。(四)计算题(7分):假定某公司每年需用甲、乙两种零件,由一台设备分批轮换生产。它们的全年需要量分不为72000个、144000个;它们的每批钢整预备成本分不为400元、600元;它们

13、的每个零件全年储存成本分不为6元、4元;它们的每日产量分不为600个、800个;它们的每日领用量分不为200个、400个。要求:(l)确定甲、乙两种零件的最优化生产批量;(2)假定该公司今年只生产甲零件一种,那么,它的最优生产批量、最优生产批数及全年所耗费的总成本各为多少?5, Western F1nanclal Accountlng(35 )l. True or False: (5)a. The term cash includes currency, coin, checks, money orders, and government bondsand notes.b. SPecial j

14、ournals are used primarily to record unusual transactions.c. When the aCquisition of a subsidiarys stock is treated as a peling of interests, subsid-iary retained earnings at aCquisition can be included as part of consolidated retained earnings.d. The consolidated inome statement always rePOrts all

15、revenues and exPenses of both theparent and sudsidiary.e. When a subsidiary is aCquired by the purchase of its stock by the parent, the retained earnings of the subsidiary as of the date of acquisition are not included in consolidated retainedearnings.2. Multple - choice(5)A.While preparing a bank r

16、econciliation, an accountant discovered that a $372 check re-turnde with the bank statement had been recorded erroneously in the dePOsitors accountingrecords as $327. In preParing the bank reconciliation the appropriate action to correct this errorwould be to:a. Add $45 to the balance Per the deposi

17、tors records.b. Add $45 to the balance per the bank statement.c. Deduct $45 from the balance Per the bank statement.d. Deduct $45 from the balance per the dePOsitors records.B. The Allowance for Boubtful Accounts represents:a. Cash set aside to make up for bad debt losses.b. The amount of uncollecti

18、ble accounts written off to date.c. The difference between total credit sales and collections on credit sales.d. The difference between the face vaIue of accounts receivable and the net realizable valueof accounts receivable.C. A credit memorandum should be issued when:a. Merchandise is sold on acco

19、unt.b. A customer makes a credit purchase fOr an amount in excess of his or her credit lindt.c. A seller decides to reduce the balance of an account receivable for easons other than pay-ment by hte customer.d. A buyer considers it appropriate to reduce the balance of an account payable for reasons o

20、ther than rnaking paymnt tO the creditor.D. A callable preferred stock entitles the corPOration toa. redeem the stock for its par valueb. redeem the stock at a previously sPecified pricec. redeem the stock for the total amount paid by the shareholder at the time the stock was issuedd. redeem the sto

21、ck in exchange for common stockE. Financial leverage involvesa. using preferred stock to retain voting contro of a corPorationb. the issuance of bonds because the firm is umable to sell stockc. uaing funds with a limited rate of return to finance a portion of the assets of the firmd. mone of these3.

22、 The stockholders equty of Sutton Corporation at Dec. 31, 1996, is shown below: stock-holders equity:Common stock, $10 par, l00, 000 shares authorized, 40, 000 shares issued . $400, 000Additional paid - in capitsl: common stock. -. . ., . . . . . $200, 000Total paid - in capital.- . . . . . . -. . .

23、 . . .-. $600, 000Retained earnings . .-. . . . . . . . . . . . .$l, 500, 000Total stockholderss equity.- . . . -. . -. . . . . . . $2, 100, 000Transactions affecting stockholders equity during 1997 are as follows:Mar. 31 A 5 - for - 4 stock split proPOsed by the board of directors was approved by v

24、ote of the stockholders. The l0, 000 mew shares were distributed to stockholders. Apr. 1 The company purchased 2, 000 shares of its common stock on the open market at $37 Per share.July 1 The company reissued 1, 000 shares of treasury stock at $45 per share.July 1 Issued for cash 20, 000 shares of p

25、reniously unissued $8 pre value common stock at aprice of $45 per share.Dec. 1 A cash dividend of $l per share was declared, pay3ble on Dec. 30, to stockho1dersof record at Dec. 14 Dec. 22 A 10% stock dividend was declared; the dividend shares are to be distributed on Jan. 15 of the fOllowing year.

26、The market price of the stock on Dec. 22 was $48 per share.The net income for the year ended Dec. 31, 1997, amounted to $177, 000, after an ex-traordinary loss of $35, 400 (met of relafed income tax benefits).Instructions:a. Prepare journal entries to record the transations relating to stockholders

27、equity that took place during the year.b. Prepare the lower section of the income statement for l997, beginning with the income before extraordinary items and showing the extraordinary llos and the net income. Also illustrate the presentation of earningsper share in the income statement, assuming th

28、at earnings per share is determined of the basis of the weighted - average number of shares Of outstanding during the year.c. Prepare a statement of retained earnings for the year ending Dec. 31, 1997. (l0)4. On January 1, 1996, Bishop Industries purchased 60, 000 shares of the wiely traded com-mon

29、stock of Franklin - Parker CorPOration for $1, 5000, 000. On this date, Franklin - Parkerhad 150, 000 shares of a single class of stock outstanding and total stockholders equity of $3, 750, 000. The following data is available regarding Franklin - Parker Corporation fOr 1996 and 1997:Net income (los

30、s) . . . . . . $(300, 000)$1, 500, 000Dividends declared & paid$(75, 000) $600,000Quoted market price per share at Dec.31$22$30Instructions:a. Briefly describe how Bishop Industries shoule account for this investment (e. g., cost, low-erof - cost - or - market, equity method, consolidate, etc. ) Ide

31、ntify the principa1 factors whichdetermine the accounting treatment.b. Compute each of the fOllowing amountS relating only to Bishops investment in Frandlin -ParkEr ChrPOration.(l )Cash dividends received by Bishop in 1996 and 1997.(2)Amounts (if any) rePOrted in Bishops income statement in 1996 and

32、 1997 for each ofthe following: Dividend Revenue; Investment Income (or LOss); Unrealizde Gain (or loss) on Marketable Equity Securities(3)Carrying value of this investment reported on BishOps balance sheet at Dec. 3l, 1996,and at Dec. 31 1997c. Compute the market value of Bishop Industries investme

33、nt in Franklin - Parker at Dec.3l, 1996 and Dec. 31, 1994, How are these market values reflected in Bishops financial state-ments, if at all? (10)5. Financial Planners has three partners - Reed, Stein, and Trump. During the current year their capital balances were: Reed $l40, 000; Stein, $l00, 000;

34、and Trump, $60, 000. The partnership agreement provides that parnters shall receive sa1atry allowances as follows: Reed, onne; Stein, $60, 000; and Trump, $38, 000. The partners shall also be allowed l2 % interestannually on their capital balances. Residual profit or loss is to be dividend: Reed, 50

35、%; Stein,30%; Trump, 20%Instructions:PreM SeParate schedules showing how incomeo loss wi1l be divided among the three Part-an in each of the fOllowing cases. The finure given in each ax is the annual partnership net in-come or loss to be Wted amOng the partners.a. Inare of $554,000b. Incom of $83,00

36、0c. the of $19,000六、西方审计 (20分)()选择题(每题2分,共10分):!国际审计准则包括A.一般准则 B工作准则C报告准则D附件2企业的内部操纵体系包含的要素有A.操纵环境 B会计系统C操纵程序D治理系统3由于审计人员方面的缘故导致的审计人员被诉讼的情况可能有A.违约 B过失C经营失败D欺诈4审计报告中必须具备的内容是A.已审会计报表的名称、反映的日期或期间 B审计意见C审计人员签章D报告日期5验证应收帐款的真实性最有效的审计程序是A.函证 B检查发票C.查阅明细表 D编制应收帐温帐龄分析表(二)推断题(每题1分,共5分):1由于种种缘故,被设计单位的内部操纵制度存在着

37、固有局限性,因此讲审计时总存在有固有风险。2被设计单位治理当局与律师声明书是一种有力的证据,但其本身不足以对审计人员 形成审计意见提供差不多证据。3在使用较低的操纵风险可能水平法下,审计人员依照低的打算可同意检查风险水平,安排执行扩大的实质性测试。4统计抽样能使审计人员量化和操纵抽样风险,故统计抽样应全面代替非统计抽样。5审计人员可能的审计风险和所需收集的审计证据数量成正比。(三)简答题:(5分)什么是审计重要性?审计人员在会计报表审计过程中应如何运用重要性原则?七、审计(20分) (一)推断题(每题2分,共6分): 1抽样审计只抽查一部分会计资料或经济业务,因此也叫做局部审计2注册会计师审查会计报表,只对托付人负责,形成的审计报告应直接向托付人提出,不需经任何机关部门或单位审定。3审计人员判定被审计单位所提坏帐预备是否适当的关键是要分析、推断有多少应收帐款属于无法收回的。(二)选择题(每题2分,共6分):1会计师事务所应当建立审计工作底稿保密制度,对审计工作底稿涉及的商业秘密保密。但在()情


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