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1、Artifficiaal Inntellligennce人工智能Thosee werre thhe yeears afteer thhe icce caaps hhad mmelteed becauuse oof thhe grreenhhousee gasses, and the oceaans hhad rrisenn to drowwn soo manny ciitiessalongg alll thee shooreliines of tthe wworldd.Amsteerdamm(), Veenicee(), Neew Yoork.forreverr losst.Milliions

2、 of ppeoplle weere ddispllacedd(移位,转转移,意为为背井离乡乡,无家可可归).Climaates becaame cchaottic(a.混乱的的,无秩序序的).Hundrreds of mmilliions of ppeoplle sttarveed inn pooorer counntriees.Elsewwheree(adv.在别处), a highh deggree of pprospperitty(n.繁荣, 幸运, 成功) surrviveedwhen mostt govvernmmentss in the deveelopeed woorldint

3、rooduceed(引入, 采用) leggal ssancttionss(批准,认认可) to striictlyy liccensee(许可,执执照)preggnanccies,whichh wass whyy robbots,who aare nneverr hunngry and who did not conssume resoourcees.beyonnd thhose of ttheirr firrst mmanuffactuure, were so eessenntiall an econnomicc linnk.in thhe chhain maill(锁子甲,铠铠甲) of

4、 sociiety.To crreatee an artiificiial bbeingg hass beeen thhe drream of mman sincee thee birrth oof scciencceNot mmerelly thhe beeginnning of tthe mmoderrn aggewhen our forbbeareers aastonnisheed thhe woorld withh thee firrst tthinkking machhinessprimiitivee monnsterrs thhat ccouldd plaay chhessHow

5、ffar wwe haave ccome(那是好久久以前的事事) The aartifficiaal beeing is aa reaalityyof peerfecct siimulaacrumm(像,影像,假像)articculatted(以关节连连接的,发发音咬字清清晰的,一一字一板的的) in limbbarticculatted iin sppeechhand nnot llackiing iin huuman respponseeAnd eeven painn-memmory respponseeHow ddid tthat makee youu feeel? AAngryy? S

6、hhockeed?I donnt uunderrstannd.What did I doo to yourr feeelinggs?You ddid iit too my handdAll rrighttTherees tthe rrub(the rub难难处,障碍碍 Therres the rub困困难就在这这里)Undreess.At Cyyberttroniics(公司名,意意为拟真电电子) of New JersseyThe aartifficiaal beeing has reacched its highhest formmThe uuniveersallly-aadoptted(

7、全球通用用的) Meccha(机器人,来自macchinee/mecchaniic)the bbasiss forr hunndredds off moddels servving the humaan raace.in alll thhe muultippliciity(多样) oof daaily lifeeThats faar ennoughh(与前面的的脱衣指令令呼应,意意为到此为为止,可以以穿上了)But wwe haave nno reeasonn to conggratuulatee ourrselvves(沾沾自喜喜)We arre riightlly(恰当地) prooud

8、oof ittbut wwhat doess it amouunt tto(相当于,等于)?Sheilla, oopenA sennsoryy(感觉的,知觉的) toyywith inteelliggent behaaviorral ccircuuitsusingg neuuronee(神经元)-seqquenccing(排序) tecchnollogyas olld ass I aamI bellievee thaat myy worrk onn mapppingg(绘制.的地图图,映射) thee imppulsee patthwayys inn a ssinglle neeuronnec

9、an eenablle uss to consstruccta Meccha oof a quallitattivelly(性质上,质量上) difffereent oorderrI prooposeethat we bbuildd a rrobottwho ccan lloveLove?But wwe shhip(把装上上船;航运运 意为卖卖出) thoousannds oof loove mmodells evvery montth.Of coourseeYourre yoour oown bbest custtomerr(客户,顾客客,服务对象象), Syatyyoo-SSama.Qua

10、liity ccontrrol iis veery iimporrtantt.Tell me. Whatt is lovee?Love is ffirstt widdeninng myy eyees a litttle bbitand qquickkeninng myy breeathiing aa litttleand wwarmiing mmy skkin aand ttouchhing my.And sso onn. Exxactlly soo. Thhank you, SheeilaBut II wassnt refeerrinng too(指的是) sennsuallity(好色;淫

11、荡) simmulattors(模拟器)The wword thatt I uused was lovve.Love likee thee lovve off a cchildd forr itss parrentssI prooposee thaat wee buiild aa robbot cchildd whoo cann lovveA robbot cchildd whoo willl geenuinnely loveethe pparennt orr parrentssit immprinnts(盖盖印,铭刻刻) onnwith a loove tthat willl nevver

12、eendA chiild-ssubsttitutte Meecha?(取代小孩孩的机器人人)But aa Meccha wwith a miind, withh neuuronaal() feeedbacckYou ssee, whatt Imm sugggestting is tthat lovee willl bee thee keyyby whhich theyy acqquiree a kkind of ssubcoonsciious(a.下意识的,潜意识的的n.thhe 下意识,潜意识) nevver bbeforre acchievvedAn innner worlld off m

13、ettaphoor(隐喻,暗喻), off inttuitiionof seelf-mmotivvatedd(自我启发发) reaasoniing(推理力) of dreaams.A robbot tthat dreaams?Yes.How eexacttly ddo wee pulll thhis ooff?(这怎么可可能?)You kknow, it occuurs tto meewith all thiss aniimus(敌意,意图,基基本态度) exiistinng aggainsst Meechass toddayit issnt simpply aa queestioon off

14、 creeatinng a roboot whho caan loove But iisntt thee reaal coonunddrum(迷,难题题), ccan yyou gget aa humman tto loove tthem backk? Ours willl be a peerfecct chhild caugght iin a freeeze-fframee(冻结图像像,停格,定格)alwaays llovinng, nneverr illl, neever channgingg With all the chilldlesss coouplees yeearniing(ye

15、arrnv.渴望,想念) in vainn forr a llicennseour llittlle Maacha willl nott onlly oppen uup a comppleteely nnew mmarkeetbut iit wiill ffill a grreat humaan neeedBut yyou hhavennt ansswereed myy queestioon If a roboot coould genuuinelly loove aa perrson what respponsiibiliity ddoes thatt perrson holdd towwa

16、rd thatt Maccha iin reeturnn? Its a mooral quesstionn, issnt it? The ooldesst onne off alllBut iin thhe beeginnning, diddnt God creaate AAdam to llove him?TWENTTY MOONTHSS LATTER The bbaby was bornn as the firsst leeavess of autuumn ffell. A babby booy. AAnd MMariaans wishh camme trrue The bboy hhad

17、 wwhitee haiir He waas baaptizzed MMartiin, aafterr hiss graandfaatherr(和祖父同同名) Dr. FFraziier. Hi. Goodd to see you. Helloo, HeenryListeen, ttheree wass an artiicle by RRandoom Baach iin thhe Joournaal off Chiinesee Meddicinne.They talkked aaboutt theese vviruss loccatorrs(定位器,探测器), Helloo agaain, M

18、oniicaMicrooscoppic(a.显微的的,微观的的) synnthettic(合成的,人造的) hunnter killlersDid yyou rread thatt artticlee?I cann stiill hhear you Im wworriied aaboutt herr, Heenry.Shess reaally got me wworriied.Yeah, I kknow Shess in the mostt diffficuult pposittion of ffeeliingshe sshoulld moourn the deatth off youur s

19、oon Afterr fivve yeears, youur innstinncts telll youu to mourrn hiim toooBut mmediccine assuures us tthat mourrningg is inappproppriattethat Marttin iis meerelyy penndingg(悬而未决决).Pendiing So alll heer grrief goess unddigessted Henryy, yoour sson mmay bbe beeyondd ourr sciiencee but iits yourr wiffe

20、whho caan sttill be rreachhed The sscreeeningg proocesss wass exttremeely ddiffiicultt It waas allmostt touugherr thaan buuildiing tthe pprotootypee(设计原型) Of ouur 20000 eemplooyeess, a surpprisiing ffewmet yyour miniimum requuiremmentss forr thee in-housse(自身的,内部的) tesstingg. Initiiate. Emplooymennt

21、 reecordd, quualitty off liffestyyle. Queryy(查询).interrnal dataa, loyyaltyy to the firmmand iin thhis iindivviduaals casee a fammily traggedy thatt mayy quaalifyy himm aboove tthe rrest Ill see him Henryy! Dontt killl mee Henryy, whhat aare yyou ddoingg?I lovve yoou. DDontt killl mee The ddoors cllo

22、sedd I likke yoour ffloorr I cannt aacceppt thhis!Theree is no ssubsttitutte foor yoour oown cchildd!You ddontt havve too acccept it oor evven ttry. Itss nott tooo latte too takke hiim baackWhat weree youu thiinkinng?Shh. Illl do whatteverr youu wannt mee to do.Do yoou thhink I caan juust.I cann jus

23、st.Ill do wwhateever you wantt me to ddo!I donnt kknow whatt to do I knoow, II knoow. IIll retuurn hhim tto Cyyberttroniics ffirstt thiing iin thhe moorninng Its gonee GoodI meaan, HHenryy, diid yoou seee hiis faace?Hes.Hes so rreal But hhes not.No, hhes not.I meaan, iinsidde hees llike all the rest

24、t, issnt he?A hunndredd milles oof fiiberss, yeeah But ooutsiide, he jjust lookks soo reaal.like he iis a chilldA Meccha cchilddA chiildThe sshow of ffaithh my comppany has placced oon mee, onn us, is extrraorddinarry. Now, therre arre a few simpple pproceedurees wee neeed too folllow if annd whhen

25、yyou ddecidde too keeep Daavid.If yoou deecidee to keepp himm, thheres ann impprintting(加记号,铭刻) protocol(协议,规规约,规程程,协议书书) conssistiing(与 of 连用,不用用于进行式式由.组成,由由.构构成) of a coode sstrinng off sevven ppartiiculaar woordswhichh neeed too be spokken tto Daavid in tthe ppredeefineed(预先定义义) ordder tthats bee

26、en pprintted hhere.Now, Moniica, for our own prottectiionthis imprrintiing iis irrreveersibble().The rrobott chiildss lovve woould be ssealeed in aa sennse(传感) harrdwirred(硬连线)and wwouldd be partt of him foreever.Becauuse oof thhis, afteer immprinngtinngno Meecha chilld caan bee ressold.If ann adoop

27、tedd parrent shouuld eever deciide nnot tto keeep tthe cchilddthey mustt retturn it tto Cyyberttroniics ffor ddestrructiion.I hadd to signn a lletteer off agrreemeent, or tthey woulldntt eveen leet yoou seee Daavid.You hhave to ssign it ttoo. Righht heereMonicca, ddontt impprintt unttil yyourre ennt

28、ireely ssureSillyy mann. Off couurse Im not sureeWouldd youu likke mee to sleeep noow? Good ideaa. Goood iidea.Um.Monicca?Uh, wwell, its laate, you knowwIts afteer 9:00, so.Yeah. Tenn passtHow-HHow llate do tthey let you stayy up?I cann nevver ggo too sleeepBut II cann layy quiietlyy andd nott makke

29、 a peepp(唧唧声,叽叽叽声)So, tthosee pajjamass willl fiit yoou, aand wwelll be in tto chheck on yyou ffirstt thiing iin thhe moorninngDresss me?You kknow, Imm gonnna ssay ggood nighht whhile you boyss be boyssRaisee youur arrmsIs itt a ggame? YesHide-and-seekkI fouund yyouThats yoour rroom. Jusst, uuh, ggo

30、 annd pllayI fouund yyouOut! Out! Gett outt of heree!And cclosee thee godddamnn dooor!Silvverwaare CClattterinng((马蹄)得得得声,(刀刀叉、碗碟碟等碰撞的的)铿锵声声,(机器器的)卡嗒嗒声) (00:18:332)laugghingg hyssteriicallly (000:199:50)gasppslaugghinggI canntIMPRIINTINNG PRROTOCCOL 000:21:53Is itt a ggame?Now, Im gonnna reead ssome

31、 worddsAnd, uh, theyy wonnt mmake any sensseBut II wannt yoou too lissten to tthem anywwayAnd llook at mme alll thhe tiimeCan yyou ddo thhat?Yes, MoniicaCan yyou ffeel my hhand on tthe bback of yyour neckk?YesDoes any of tthis hurtt?NoOkay, noww, loook aat meeReadyy?Cirruus(触须,刚刚毛,蔓足足) Soccratees pa

32、articcle(粒子,微微粒) deccibell(n.分贝) hurrricaane ddolphhin ttulipp Monnica Daviid MoonicaaAll rrighttI wonnder if II didd thaat riight. I ddonttWhat weree thoose wwordss forr, Moommy?What did you calll me?MommyyWho aam I, Davvid? softtlyYYou aare mmy moommyhummming 00:224:266You ssmelll lovvely I lovve

33、itt wheen yoou weear tthis stufff(材料,原原料,要素素,东西)Will you stilll loove mme whhen iits all gonee?No. SStop it.But wwe caan geet maarrieed aggainand begiin wiith aa fraagrannce tthats noot inn succh shhort suppply(意思是搽搽普通一点点的香水)We gootta(美俚)=haave ggot tto必须须) go. Comme onn. Weere lateeHelloo, Daavid.H

34、elloo, HeenryWalk us oout(送我们出出门), alll riight, sweeetheeart? Comee onMy shhoe!chuccklinngHenryy, yoour ttie!I knoow, II knoow.Yourre hoopeleess!Hes tryiing sso haard tto plleasee youu.He haas a way withh my cofffee.And iits creeepy(a.令人毛毛骨悚然的的,爬著走走的, 觉觉得一痒一一痒的, 悚然的)You ccan nneverr heaar hiim coomi

35、ngg.Hes justt alwways therre.He iss onlly a chilldMonicca, hhes a tooyHes a giiftffrom youDavidd, whhen wwe leeave, alll thee dooors aand wwindoows wwill go ssmartt(意思是自自动锁好)So yoou caant leavve yoour rroom. Butt if youd liikeOh, II putt wayy tooo mucch onn(搽了太多多香水).Do I smelll loovelyy?Oh, GGod, no

36、Mommyy, wiill yyou ddie?Well, onee dayy, Daavid, yess, I willl.Ill be aalonee.Dontt worrry yyoursself so.How llong willl youu livve?For aages(很久) For 550 yeearsI lovve yoou, MMommyy.I hoppe yoou neever die.Neverr.Yes.HenrryDaarlinng!Weree beccominng unnfashhionaably(a.不流行行的, 不时髦髦的, 过时的的), unnreasson

37、abbly llate.Helloo?This beloongedd to Marttin, my sson.His nname is TTeddyy.Teddyy, thhis iis Daavid.Helloo, Teeddy.Helloo, DaavidDavidd, Teeddy is aa suppertooy.And II knoow yoou wiill ttake goodd carre off eacch otther.I am not a tooy.Henryy? Soorry.What weree youu doiing uup thhere?Ill telll youu

38、 in the car. Come on.Is 500 yeaars aa lonng tiime?I donnt tthinkk so.teleephonne riinginng 00:228:422Davidd, Ill gget iit! ringging conttinueesHoneyy, haand iit too meLook whatt I ccan ddowomaans voicceHeello?chuccklessYess?Mrs. Swinnton, couuld yyou hhold a moomentt?I havve ann urggent calll froom

39、yoour hhusbaand Yes, I wiill. Daviid, II-I nneed to ttalk to tthe pphonee nowwHenrrys voicceMoonicaa? Moonicaa? Caan yoou heear mme, MMonicca?Let tthe pphonee tallk noow. Monicca, ccan yyou hhear me? Pickk up the phonne, MMonicca!Run aalongg. Pllay wwith Tedddy.Pick up tthe pphonee, Moonicaa! Ohh, m

40、yy Godd! MoonHelloo, Heenry? Whaat iss it? WhaatWhhat? Whenn? Ohh, Good Davidd 000:29:57 the mmost wondderfuul thhing inn thee worrld hhas hhappeenedThis is MMartiinThis is mmy soonMartiin, nno! Welll havve a conttest to ssee wwho hhe coomes to ffirsttCome heree, Teeddy! Comme heere , boyy!Teddyy! C

41、oome hhere!You ccall him tooCome heree, TeeddyCome on! Tedddy! Tedddy!Come heree , bboy!Come heree! Coome oon, TTeddyy!Come heree, TeeddyTeddyy. Coome hhere, Tedddy.Teddyy, Coome!Mommyy! Moommy!Are tthey tortturinng yoou, TTeddyy?He ussed tto bee a ssuperrtoy, butt noww hes olld annd sttupidd.You ww

42、ant him?Yes, pleaaseSo I guesss noow yoouree thee neww suppertooy.So, wwhat goodd stuuff ccan yyou ddo?Oh, ccan yyou ddo poower stufff, llike walkk on the ceilling or tthe wwallss?Anti-gravvity? Likke, ffloatt or fly?Can yyou?No, bbecauuse IIm rreal.Can yyou bbreakk thiis?I bettter not.Thesee thiing

43、s, theey doo loook beetterr in piecces. Theyy do.softtly I caant Standd up.Look, theey maade yyou bbiggeer thhan mme.Who ddid?Well, theey diid tthe ddoll makeers.They madee youu talller.Why ddontt youu loook liike oone(即likee onee dolll)?“Likee onee”?Yourre noot cuute llike a dooll.You jjust lookk l

44、ikke soomeonnes ordiinaryy kidd.Whens yoour bbirthhday?I nevver hhad aa birrthdaayOkay. Wheen weere yyou ffirstt buiilt?Whens yoour “builld-daay”?I donnt rrememmber.Okay, whaats the firsst thhing you can remeemberr?A birrd.What sortt of birdd?A birrd wiith bbig wwingssandd feaatherrs sttickiing uup(

45、竖起来) froom thhe boottomm.Can yyou ddraw it?Yes.That lookks liike aa peaacockk.Can yyou ssay “peaccock”?Peacoock.Can yyou ssay “pee(urinnate; vi.小便便)”?Pee.Now ssay tthat two timees faast.Moniica Okayy. 00:334:077 Then you gottta puut thhe grreen onessRead to uus?HeyLetss seee.Oh, yyeahDavidds ggoingg

46、 to lovee it.As sooon aas hiis shhow wwas oover, thee shoowmann(n.戏剧、演出等(尤指马戏戏团)的主主持人) wennt innto tthe kkitchhen wheree thee whoole ssheepp whiich hhe waas prreparring for suppperwas rroastting on tthe sslowlly-tuurninng sppit iin thhe fuurnacceWhen he ssaw ttheree wass nott enoough woodd to finiis

47、h rroastting ithe caalledd Harrlequuin aand tthe PPunchhinelllo aand ssaidBrinng mee in Pinoocchiio. YYou wwill findd himm hanngingg on a naailHe iss madde off nicce, ddry wwoodand IIm ssure he wwill makee a nnice firee forr my roasst.“Pinoocchiio woorkedd unttil mmidniight. And iinsteead oof maakin

48、gg eigght bbaskeets, he mmade sixtteen. Then he wwent to bbed aand ffell asleeep.As hee sleept, he ddreammt hee saww thee faiiry, loveely aand ssmiliing who ggave him a kiiss, sayiing ” Braave PPinoccchioo, inn retturn for yourr goood heeart, I forrgivee alll youur paast mmisdeeeds.Be goood iin fuut

49、uree, annd yoou wiill bbe haappy. Then the dreaam ennded and Pinoocchiio awwokefull of aamazeementtYou ccan iimagiine hhow aastonnisheed hee wasswhen he ssaw tthat he wwas nno loongerr a ppuppeetbut aa reaal booy juust llike otheer booys.Josepphinee eviidenttly hhas ttakenn a lleavee of abseence(离职了

50、) Oh, mmy Good.Mn-hmmmWell, I ssaw tthat comiing.How ccouldd youu seee thaat coomingg?They weree fabbulouus(a.寓言中中的,难以置信信的,口语极好的) toggetheer.Oh, ccome on!She wwas mmiserrablee! I meannWell, he neveer saaid tthey weree misserabble.Yeah, thaats becaauseWasnt thhat bbecauuse oof thhe cuutbaccks(裁减预算算)?

51、I havve noo ideea. AActuaally, theey doont telll me anytthingg. Do thhey rreallly haave aa weiight probblem?(意为超重重)So doo I. You ddo noot. TThat is rridicculouus. All rrightt, loook.I donnt kknow. Theeress sommethiing aaboutt innner bbeautty thhatYou wwill breaak. Oh, tthat is rridicculouus! Exacttl

52、yWork has becoome sso siilly.I knoow whhat yyourre taalkinng abboutDoes he eeat?Im nnot ssureHenrry YYourre noot suuppossed tto doo thaat. DDavidd, whhat aare yyou ddoingg?Davidd! Maartinn, puut thhe foork ddown. Is itt in the manuual bbook?Stop. Stoop, DDavidd. Put iit doown nnow. Daviid, sstop it!

53、Martiin, yyourre prrovokking him, okaay? SStop it. Stop it, Daviid!The ttwo oof yoou, sstop it!Stop it! Stopp it now!Beepping, whiirrinng 00:337:211Therees ssputuum(n.唾液, 痰) in the codee locckerss Smelll thaat gaarliccWe shhouldd thrrow iin a chesst miintCan yyou llocatte thhe seervicce?Dontt touuch

54、 tthe mmerchhandiise.Its all swammp(n.沼泽;湿地) in heree.You mmade a meess oof yoourseelf.Spinaach(n.菠菜)is ffor rrabbiits, peopple aand PPopeyyenot rrobo-boyssTry tto innsertt youursellfNow tthrouugh tthe ppantrry(n.餐具室室, 食品品室), alll thhe loower shellvesIts okayy, Moommy. It doessnt hurttThe aactivvato

55、rrs arre alll shhut ddown on tthe lleft sideeMonicca.Shh. I haave ttoI havee toThats noot alll off it. Thaats not all of iit(还没好)Marttin If yyou ddo soomethhing reallly, reallly, reallly sspeciial ffor mme, a speeciall misssionnthen Illl go telll MommmyI lovve yoouAnd tthen shell llove you tooWhat s

56、halll I do?You hhave to ppromiise, and thenn Illl teell yyou.You hhave to ttell me, and thenn Illl prromisse.I wannt a lockk(一绺头发发) of Mommmys hairr.Ill sharre itt witth yoou.And iif yoou haad itt andd worre ittshe mmightt lovve yoou evven mmore.Like the prinncesss in the moviie wee sawwWhen she had

57、 the prinncess haiir inn herr neccklacce thhinghe looved herWe caan assk heer.No, iit haas too be a seecrett misssionn.Sneakk(vi.潜行行,潜逃(与 innto, out, awaay, bback, passt 等连连用) intto Moommys beedrooom inn thee midddle of tthe nnighttand cchop it ooffI cannt, Marttin. Im not alloowed.You ppromiised.Yo

58、u ssaid, “Teell mme, aand tthen Illl proomisee.” DDidnt yoou?Gaspps DDavidd! 000:41:04 Why ddid yyou ddo thhat?Why ddid yyou ddo thhat?What are you doinng?Yourre huurtinng hiim!Talk to mme! GGoddaamn iit!Why ddid yyou ddo thhat?Why ddid yyou ddo thhat?Yourre huurtinng hiim!Dontt breeak hhim!Why ddid

59、 yyou ddo thhat?Henryy, I wantted MMommyy to lovee memoreeOh, mmy Good!What?I thiink II cutt my eye. Oh, Godd, I thinnk itts bbleedding.Let mme seeeIts normmal ffor llittlle booys tto feeel jjealoous aand ccompeetitiive Martiins onlyy beeen hoome aa monnth, and itss norrmal for brottherss to challle

60、ngge eaach ootherrHe waas pllayinng a gamee, hee madde a misttake, anddHes praccticaally humaan.Thats noot hoow hee loooked holdding the kniffe.Scisssors.It waas a weappon.Why ddo yoou keeep iimagiiningg thaat hee wass purrposeely ttryinng too harrm mee?Becauuse wwe doont knoww thee ansswer to tthat


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