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1、2021届高考英语二轮复习备考专项冲刺专题13名词性从句含解析2021届高考英语二轮复习备考专项冲刺专题13名词性从句含解析2021届高考英语二轮复习备考专项冲刺专题13名词性从句含解析专题13 【名词性从句】解题指导触类旁通寻方法,求策略,掌握“套路”1.两步突破名词性从句第一步:识别名词性从句的种类1首先确定主句的谓语动词,确定主句的主谓结构;2分析从句在主句中所充当的成分,确定从句所属类型:主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句。第二步:分析从句结构,确定从句引导词确定从句的结构和意义是否完整,结合句意填写适当的连接词。1若从句结构完整,用从属连词:陈述事实用that;表示疑问“是否”

2、用if或whether;2若从句缺少主语、宾语、表语或定语,则考虑用连接代词;3若从句缺少状语,则用连接副词。另外,还需注意一些特殊的引导词(if, whether, because, as if等)的用法及that引导同位语从句与定语从句的区别.1.利用2个技巧破解名词性从句技巧1 分析句子成分缺少主语、宾语、表语:用连接代词what、 who、 whom、 which、 whatever等。缺少状语(结合句意判断):用连接副词where(表地点)、 when(表时间)、 how(表方式)、 why(表原因)等.不缺成分,句意不完整,缺少“是否:用if/whether.不缺成分且句子意义完整

3、:用that。技巧2结合句意和引导词的本义解题有些引导词在句中有很鲜明的意义,如if“是否”; whoever “无论谁; whatever “无论什么”; whichever “无论哪一个(在范围中选择)”; because“因为”; why “为什么”等。结合句意和语境,不难解决这类试题。2。牢记what和that的区别that没有词义,也不作任何成分,当从句意义完整,不缺任何成分时用that.what在从句中表示“的(东西),在从句中充当主语、宾语、表语、定语等成分。考点突破针对提能明考点,攻重难,有效提升 考点一、主语从句1主语从句的引导词引导词作用that, whether, if只

4、起连接作用,不在从句中作成分,但一般不可省略。当主语从句位于句首时,常用whether引导,不用ifwhat, who, whose, which, whatever, whichever, whoever等在从句中作主语、宾语、表语或定语how, when, where, why等在从句中作状语(安徽卷)The limits of a persons intelligence, generally speaking, are fixed at birth, but whether he reaches these limits will depend on his environment.通

5、常来说,一个人智力上的极限从一出生就确定了,但他是否能够达到极限取决于他所处的环境。(北京卷)Your support is important to our work。Whatever you can do helps.你的支持对我们的工作很重要。你能做的任何事情都会有所帮助。(北京卷)What Barbara Jones offers to her fans is honesty and happiness。芭芭拉琼斯展现给她的粉丝们的是诚实和快乐.(北京卷)How we understand things has a lot to do with what we feel。我们如何理解事

6、情与我们所感受到的有很大关系。(江苏卷)Where Li Bai, a great Chinese poet, was born is known to the public, but some wont accept it。中国伟大的诗人李白出生的地方人人皆知,但是有些人对此并不接受。2用it作形式主语的主语从句Itbe形容词(necessary/likely/important/certain等)that从句Itbe名词(短语)(a pity/a shame/no wonder等)that从句Itbe过去分词(said/told/reported等)that从句It不及物动词(seem,

7、occur, appear, happen, matter等)that从句(湖北卷)It occurred to him that he had an important conference to attend the next morning.他突然想到,第二天上午他有重要的会议要参加。(天津卷)It is obvious to the students that they should get well prepared for their future。应该为未来做好充分准备这一点对于学生们来说很清楚。【名师点津】在“Itbesuggested/advised/ordered/requ

8、ested/insisted/required。.that从句”结构中,从句谓语应用“(should)动词原形”。It is suggested that you(should) spend more time in studying English.建议你花更多的时间学习英语。考点二、宾语从句宾语从句位于及物动词、动词短语或介词之后。1宾语从句的引导词引导词有三类:从属连词只起连接作用,不作句子成分,that无词义,whether/if意为“是否”;连接代词在从句中作主语、宾语、表语或定语;连接副词在从句中只作状语。从属连词that, whether, if连接代词what, who, wh

9、ose, which, whatever, whichever, whoever等连接副词how, when, where, why, wherever, whenever等(2018天津卷)The gold medal will be awarded to whoever wins the first place in the bicycle race。金牌将会颁发给在自行车比赛中获得第一的任何人。(2017天津卷)She asked me whether I had returned the books to the library, and I admitted that I hadnt

10、.她问我是否把书还给图书馆了,我承认我还没有还。(四川卷)Our teachers always tell us to believe in what we do and who we are if we want to succeed.我们的老师总是告诉我们,如果我们想成功的话,就要相信我们所做的事情以及我们自己。(山东卷)Weve offered her the job, but I dont know whether shell accept it.我们已经给她提供了工作,但我不知道她是否会接受。【名师点津】(1)that引导宾语从句时,常被省去,但下列情况下不能省略:that从句作介词

11、的宾语时;动词后跟有多个that引导的宾语从句时,只有第一个that可以省略,从第二个从句开始that不可省略;主句谓语动词(包括非谓语动词)与宾语从句之间有插入语时;that引导的从句位于句首时。(2)在介词后的宾语从句中,连接词表示“是否时,只用whether,不用if。2it作形式宾语的宾语从句动词find/feel/think/consider/makeit宾补(形容词或名词)不定式/that从句动词hate/like/dislike/appreciate/enjoyitthat从句短语动词see to/depend on/rely onitthat从句固定搭配take it for

12、granted/owe it to sb.that从句I shall see to it that he is taken good care of when you are absent.你不在的时候,我负责把他照顾好。I think it necessary that we take plenty of boiled water every day。我认为我们每天多喝白开水是有必要的.【名师点津】宾语从句的时态:一般情况下,宾语从句需与主句的时态保持一致,即当主句是一般现在时时,从句可根据具体情况选用合适的时态;当主句为过去的某种时态时,从句需用相应的过去的某种时态;当从句的内容为真理或客

13、观事实时,从句需用一般现在时.考点三、表语从句在句中作表语的从句称为表语从句。表语从句位于系动词之后。1表语从句的引导词引导词有三类:从属连词只起连接作用,不作句子成分;连接代词在从句中作主语、宾语、表语或定语;连接副词在从句中只作状语。从属连词that, whether, if连接代词what, who, whose, which, whatever, whichever, whoever等连接副词how, when, where, why, wherever, whenever等(2018北京卷)This is what my father has taught meto always f

14、ace difficulties and hope for the best.这是我父亲教我的总是要面对困难,并抱最大的希望.(北京卷)The best moment for the football star was when he scored the winning goal。这个足球明星最美好的时刻是他射进制胜球的时候.(上海卷)The most important result for the user is that the product does what is intended。对用户来说最重要的是产品达到了预期的效果。2其他连接词引导的表语从句(1)as if/as tho

15、ugh引导表语从句as if/as though意为“好像,仿佛,其引导的表语从句常跟在系动词(be动词, seem, appear, look, taste, sound, feel, smell等)之后。若表语从句所述的是非真实的情况,从句用虚拟语气;若所述的是事实或是极可能发生的情况,从句用陈述语气。The thick smog covered the whole city。It was as if a great black blanket had been thrown over it。厚重的烟雾覆盖着整个城市,好像把一张厚厚的黑色毯子扔到它的上面。(2)because,why引导的

16、表语从句This/That/It is why表语从句(表结果),意为“这/那就是的原因”This/That/It is because表语从句(表原因),意为“这/那是因为”The reason why。is that表语从句,意为“的原因是”(安徽卷)From space, the earth looks blue。This is because about seventyone percent of its surface is covered by water。从太空中看,地球是蓝色的.这是因为地球表面约百分之七十一都被水覆盖着。He didnt work hard。Thats why

17、 he was fired。他没有努力工作。那就是他被解雇的原因。考点四、同位语从句1同位语从句的引导词同位语从句在句中作某一名词的同位语,一般位于该名词之后,说明该名词的具体内容。其引导词主要有that, whether, why, who, where, how, when等。在同位语从句中,that和whether不作句子成分,that无词义,whether表示“是否”;if不能引导同位语从句.引导同位语从句的连接词一般都不能省略.(天津卷)The manager put forward a suggestion that we should have an assistant。Ther

18、e is too much work to do.经理提出一个建议,我们应该有个助手。有太多的工作要做.He asked her the question whether they can be friends.他问了一个问题:他们能否成为朋友.You have no idea how worried I was!你不知道我有多着急!2常跟同位语从句的名词后常跟同位语从句的名词有advice, fact, doubt, suggestion, hope, demand, conclusion, idea, news, order, request, thought, word, wish, p

19、romise, truth, information, message, belief, report, desire, problem, possibility等。(辽宁卷)When the news came that the war broke out, he decided to serve in the army.当战争爆发的消息传来时,他决定去参军。(浙江卷)I made a promise to myself that this year, my first year in high school, would be different.我对自己承诺:今年,也就是我高中的第一年,

20、会有所不同。跟踪检测迁移应用练模拟,练规范,夯基提能 I。高考真题诊断单句语法填空1。(2019全国卷)While they are rare north of 88,there is evidence _ they range all the way across the Arctic, and as far south as James Bay in Canada。2。(2018全国卷)Im not sure _ is more frightened, me or the female gorilla(大猩猩) that suddenly appears out of nowhere.3。

21、(2020全国新高考I)Write a poem about _how courage, determination, and strength have helped you face challenges in your life.4。(2018全国卷I)Ten years after my chess class with Ashley, Im still putting to use _he taught me.5.(2018全国卷I)Adults understand _ what it feels like to be flooded with objects。【答案详解】1.答案

22、:that 解析:that引导同位语从句,解释evidence的具体内容。句意:虽然它们在88度以北很罕见,但有证据表明,它们的活动范围遍及整个北极,甚至南至加拿大的詹姆斯湾。2。答案:who 解析:从句中缺少主语且设空处表示“人”, 故用who引导。句意:我不确定谁更害怕,是我或者是突然凭空出现的雌性大猩猩。3。答案:how 解析:分析句子结构可知,这是一个宾语从句。how表示方式,意为“如何/怎样。.。.。”句意:写一首关于勇气、决心和力量如何/怎样帮助你面对生活中的挑战的诗.4.what 分析句子结构可知,动词use之后为宾语从句,从句的谓语动词为及物动词 taught,根据 teach

23、 sb sth可知,应用what引导此宾语从句,并在从句中作宾语。句意:在上了阿什利的象棋课10年之后,我仍然在使用他教我的知识.5.what 分析句子结构可知,动词understand之后为宾语从句。从句的谓语动词为 feels,it为形式主语,真正的主语为不定式短语 to be flooded with objects,从句缺少宾语,所以用what引导宾语从句。句意:成年人理解被物品淹没的感觉。II。精选典题名词性从句专题对点训练单句语法填空6。(2020浏阳六校联考)A typical Chinese wedding nowadays goes like this: when a new

24、 couple is engaged, _follows is a choice of the date of their marriage.7.(2020北京朝阳期中)So the next time I see that person I also see the name on his or her face, and that is _I never forget a name.8.(2020河北衡水中学一调)There is no doubt _the event will attract more visitors to enjoy visiting this wonderful

25、city.9。(2020洛阳期中)After being designated as the first special economic zone in China, _was once a fishing village has rapidly become an emerging modern city.10。(2020北京顺义二模)I lost my wallet after going shopping last Friday evening.But I couldnt remember _I lost it.11.(2020湖北重点高中联合协作体期中)Experts hold th

26、e opinion _a small amount of stress can be good in exams。12。(2020哈尔滨三中二调)The impact and ultimate result depend on _you do with the difficulties that you have。13.(2020哈尔滨六中二模)In Martins world, we are not sure _the good will win in the end or not.14。(2020吉林普通高中调研)It is possible _caffeine may cause bir

27、th defects(缺陷) in humans, too.15.(2020济宁二模)Young women seem to perform worse than men on high.level math tests.That is _has confused the educators for ages。【答案详解】6.答案:what 解析:分析句子结构可知what引导主语从句, 从句中缺少主语且表示事物, 故用what引导.句意:现在典型的中国婚礼是这样的:当一对新人订婚了,接下来就是选择结婚的日子。7.答案:why/how 解析:此句用到that is why/how 引导的表语从句

28、.意思是“那就是的原因/方式”。句意:所以下次我再见到那个人的时候,我也会看到他或她脸上的名字,这就是为什么我从来不会忘记一个人的名字.8.答案:that 解析:doubt用在否定句中时后面的宾语从句用that引导。句意:毫无疑问,这一活动将吸引更多的游客来参观这座美妙的城市。9。答案:what 解析:分析句子结构可知what引导主语从句, 从句中缺少主语且表示事物, 故用what引导。句意:在被指定为中国第一个经济特区后,这个曾经的渔村迅速成为了一个新兴的现代化城市。10。答案:where 解析:设空处引导宾语从句,作remember的宾语,且在从句中作地点状语。句意:上周五晚上购物后我把钱

29、包丢了。但我记不起我把它丢在哪儿了.11。答案:that 解析:设空处引导同位语从句,对opinion进行解释说明,且从句中不缺成分,意义完整,故填that。句意:专家们认为少量的压力在考试中是有好处的。12.答案:what 解析:分析句子结构可知,介词on后面的宾语从句中do with 缺少直接宾语,故填what。句意:影响和最终的结果取决于你如何处理你所面临的困难。13。答案:whether 解析:分析句子结构可知,the good will win in the end or not是Im not sure的宾语从句,根据句意可知,设空处表示“是否”,故用whether连接。句意:在马丁

30、的世界里,我们不能确定善行最终是否会取胜。14。答案:that 解析:“It十be十形容词十that.。”为固定句式, 其中It为形式主语, that从句是真正的主语.句意:咖啡因可能会在人类中导致出生缺陷。15。答案:what 解析:what引导表语从句, 在从句中作主语。句意:在高水平数学考试中,年轻女性的表现似乎比男性差。这就是多年来困扰教育家们的问题.III.精选典题名词性从句专题对点训练单句改错16。Everyone in the village is very friendly; it doesnt matter that you have lived there for a sh

31、ort or a long time。17.Which impresses me most is Miss Zhangs way of teaching。 18。 The first reason why I consider him as my best friend is because he has a very warm personality.19。 Today,English is which my strength lies. And Im grateful to my English teacher.20.Its not easy for us to accept the fa

32、ct which we are going to leave our beloved school。 【答案详解】16。答案:thatwhether 解析:分析句子结构可知,it为形式主语,it doesnt matter之后为主语从句,而且从句中有or,构成“whether。.。.or。.无论.。.。.还是。”句式。句意:村里的每个人都很友好;你在那里住的时间短还是长都没有关系。17.答案:WhichWhat 解析:连接代词之间的误用what引导的主语从句, 从句中缺少主语且表示事物, 故用what引导。句意:给我印象最深的是张老师的教学方法.18。答案:becausethat 解析:考查名

33、词性从句.主语为名词reason,表语从句中的连接词要用that.19。答案:whichwhere 解析:分析句子结构可知,句中is后接表语从句, 引导词在从句中作地点状语, 故用where, 表示“英语就是我的强项所在(之处)”。20.答案:whichthat 解析:fact之后为同位语从句对fact进行解释说明,且从句中不缺成分,意义完整,故将which改为that。IV.精选典题名词性从句专题对点训练短文语法填空 It was reported_21_there was an accident at the corner of Roman Street this morning. No

34、one saw_22_on earth happened then。 A car ran into a truck but fortunately, nobody got injured。_23_is responsible for the accident is still under investigation。 The police are uncertain about_24_the driver is guilty. _25_the police should do now is _26_they must find out what led to the accident. They said it was


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