1、中国商业计划书案例网崇尚科学,反对邪教这是老师从小教我们的,大家学的怎么样给大家带来的是崇尚科学反对邪教征文范文singing songs progress, and breaks down barriers to air, widely welcomed by the Japanese youth. Soon, the political team was held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, attended by KMT County Government, county offices, Yan Tomb District Govern
2、ment and representatives from all walks of the local youth. The meeting, the objections raised by the representatives of the County Committee, the two sides hotly debated. The local gentry and County Committee of the Kuomintang have attacked political team for unusual activity, Zhuang Shaozhen becam
3、e a major goal. Renewed from the flag publications, organized anti-Japanese campaign, then to convene 25 rent Forum, sparking a burst of publicity heat to promote youth war played a role. But the second wave of anti-communist, Kuomintang is mulling, wujiangludong, Lu XI two local forces took the opp
4、ortunity to launch the Shen (the KMT County Chief Shen Liqun) activity, they shouted County Government with the Communist party activities, created unprecedented tensions. Shen Liqun feel nervous, he was accused of accommodate the alien parties and deal with danger, prophesy and found no Communist P
5、arty in his County, and caused the storm to Zhuang Shaozhen to open the new identity. Between October, rumors in southwest area of Wujiang in tianmu mountain, Black said. South Bureau and ordered the withdrawal of Sunan County owned lands, to youth task崇尚科学,反对邪教这是老师从小教我们的,大家学的怎么样给大家带来的是崇尚科学反对邪教征文范文s
6、inging songs progress, and breaks down barriers to air, widely welcomed by the Japanese youth. Soon, the political team was held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, attended by KMT County Government, county offices, Yan Tomb District Government and representatives from all walks of the local yout
7、h. The meeting, the objections raised by the representatives of the County Committee, the two sides hotly debated. The local gentry and County Committee of the Kuomintang have attacked political team for unusual activity, Zhuang Shaozhen became a major goal. Renewed from the flag publications, organ
8、ized anti-Japanese campaign, then to convene 25 rent Forum, sparking a burst of publicity heat to promote youth war played a role. But the second wave of anti-communist, Kuomintang is mulling, wujiangludong, Lu XI two local forces took the opportunity to launch the Shen (the KMT County Chief Shen Li
9、qun) activity, they shouted County Government with the Communist party activities, created unprecedented tensions. Shen Liqun feel nervous, he was accused of accommodate the alien parties and deal with danger, prophesy and found no Communist Party in his County, and caused the storm to Zhuang Shaozh
10、en to open the new identity. Between October, rumors in southwest area of Wujiang in tianmu mountain, Black said. South Bureau and ordered the withdrawal of Sunan County owned lands, to youth task中国商业计划书案例网崇尚科学,反对邪教这是老师从小教我们的,大家学的怎么样给大家带来的是崇尚科学反对邪教征文范文singing songs progress, and breaks down barriers
11、 to air, widely welcomed by the Japanese youth. Soon, the political team was held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, attended by KMT County Government, county offices, Yan Tomb District Government and representatives from all walks of the local youth. The meeting, the objections raised by the re
12、presentatives of the County Committee, the two sides hotly debated. The local gentry and County Committee of the Kuomintang have attacked political team for unusual activity, Zhuang Shaozhen became a major goal. Renewed from the flag publications, organized anti-Japanese campaign, then to convene 25
13、 rent Forum, sparking a burst of publicity heat to promote youth war played a role. But the second wave of anti-communist, Kuomintang is mulling, wujiangludong, Lu XI two local forces took the opportunity to launch the Shen (the KMT County Chief Shen Liqun) activity, they shouted County Government w
14、ith the Communist party activities, created unprecedented tensions. Shen Liqun feel nervous, he was accused of accommodate the alien parties and deal with danger, prophesy and found no Communist Party in his County, and caused the storm to Zhuang Shaozhen to open the new identity. Between October, r
15、umors in southwest area of Wujiang in tianmu mountain, Black said. South Bureau and ordered the withdrawal of Sunan County owned lands, to youth task第二章 市场分析2.1 市场需求由于生鲜蔬菜水果、海鲜肉类等产品要求仓储物流过程中低温冷冻冷藏保存,且损耗率大,这些因素推高了成本。近年来,国内食品安全事件频发,消费者对高品质、高安全性生鲜食品的需求快速增长,中粮我买网、多利农庄、沱沱工社等生鲜电商接连涌现。凭借优质的产品,便捷的服务,良好的购物体验
16、,生鲜商品成为网购领域的新兴市场。 从一线电商天猫、京东、苏宁易购、1号店等全面进军生鲜市场,后有垂直电商本来生活网、顺丰优选、沱沱工社等也发展地如火如荼。有资料统计,2012年2025年,中国冷链食品需求将从2亿吨增长到4.5亿吨,年复合增速18.8%。业内人士表示,生鲜食品平均毛利在40%,且用户重复购买率高,未来三到五年极可能是下一个热门的电商品类。2.2 产品市场分析2.2.1 目标市场定位1)定位公司主要的目标市场是成都地区的市各阶层消费者,后期会扩展到全国市场。2.2.2 市场容量分析1)成都市场2014年末成都市常住人口为1442.8万。市区人口约有1000万左右,城镇居民人均可
17、支配收入32665元。根据成都市统计调查结果,成都市民主流消费额每月约1567.9元。(如下图)图2-4 成都市不同消费支出区间所包含的人数比例资料来源:成都市统计局根据商品性和服务性消费比例数据显示,除去居民用于储蓄及家庭理财投资等方面的支出,成都市居民消费支出中有46%用于商品性消费,54%用于服务性消费。其中,平均消费最大的支出项目是食品消费,占总消费支出比重为16.6%。2-5 成都市居民消费比例那么成都市民用于食品的月总支出为260.27元,年花费为3123.2元,则成都市生鲜及日用品的市场总规模大约为312.3亿元。2)全国市场 数据显示,2012年我国进入流通领域的农副产品价值总
18、额为2.45万亿元,但通过电子商务流通的农产品仅占1%左右。国内的生鲜电商正在快速发展,正在走向品牌化,启动的越晚失去市场的机会就越大。预计2015年及2016年生鲜电商增速将分别为100%及75%,对应的年销售额为521亿元和911亿元。2014年全国生鲜电商交易规模达260亿元,较2013年增长100%。数据显示,目前中国生鲜市场规模接近1万亿元,而电商的渗透率不到3%,生鲜电商市场容量以每年50%的增速增长,预计2018年将破千亿元。图2-5 国内未来生鲜市场规模2.2.3 市场竞争分析1.竞争格局1)国内竞争格局目前国内的竞争格局是生鲜电子商务的市场集中度、市场占有率较低,行业竞争力不
20、会员和800多个企业会员,会员数量仍在以每年2000户的速度增加。据了解,尚作的“有机蔬菜”会员制一年能卖8000万。未来将成为公司成长的有力竞争对手。 2.2.4 市场竞争对手分析名称运营时间运营模式物流体系区域范围京东生鲜2012年7月主要采取了商家入驻的模式,进驻京东生鲜频道的合作商家也已超过300家。京东凭借强大的资本力量和已有物流经验建立起了全国物流网络。目前大多数生鲜食品,覆盖范围大部分在京津、江浙沪、广州等一线大城市。一号店2008年1号店是自营体系,1号商城则是商家进驻的开放平台。1号店采取的解决方法是,外包第三方冷链物流公司以及冷藏库房。在2013年年底前,将会开通“北京、广州”两座一线城市。未来将视情况,决定是否再向其他城市扩张顺丰优选2012年5月31顺丰优选以B2C为切入,依托顺丰快速的物流通路,打造中国生鲜电商独特的供应链。在24小时内通过顺丰航空极快物流直达
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