1、2021届高考英语二轮复习强化练十四完形填空_夹叙夹议文专练二课时优化作业含解析2021届高考英语二轮复习强化练十四完形填空_夹叙夹议文专练二课时优化作业含解析PAGE 2021届高考英语二轮复习强化练十四完形填空_夹叙夹议文专练二课时优化作业含解析强化练(十四)完形填空-夹叙夹议文专练(二)AMy husband was killed on September 11,2001.He _1_ in the WTC (世贸大厦), well above the crashed floors.On his birthday in March, 2002, I went to the site th
2、at used to be the WTC.It hadnt been cleared _2_。In fact, it looked and smelled as _3_ as hell (地狱), and the access was still in _4_.I walked across the street and stood against the wall.I _5_.A man working at the site which was still a _6_ area saw me and came across。“Who did you _7_?” he asked。“My
3、husband,” I said, through my tears,and I told the man what firm my husband had worked for and that it was his _8_.The man was a firefighter.He reached into his front pocket and _9_ a piece of glass into my hand.“This is really _10_。A lot of glass melted in the accident;it just _11_, he said。I first
4、_12_ what the glass could be used for。He sensed my _13_ and said, “Maybe it is for nothing。But _14_ all day could be for something?Today I still have it.Its not that the man was _15_ a valuable souvenir.Its just that he was acknowledging my _16_ to that little piece of glass and putting it where he
5、thought it _17_.At that time, he needed to give me something that I could hold onto and focus on, instead of the _18_。I was _19_ so much on that little piece of glass that I never even asked his name then.I want to tell him that it made me start to think that not everything is _20_ and that maybe th
6、ere are little things, short moments, or small pieces that can last.I want to say thank you to him。语篇解读 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者的丈夫在2001年美国的“911”事件中遇难.第二年,作者在丈夫生日那天重新回到事发地。面对依旧凌乱不堪的现场,想到逝去的丈夫,作者悲痛欲绝,是一位在现场工作的消防员帮助作者从悲伤中走了出来。1A.wandered Bcompeted Cworked Dsettled解析:下文第8空前的“I told the man what firm my husband ha
7、d worked for”有提示:作者的丈夫在世贸中心工作。答案:C2A.even Byet Ceither Dever解析:作者在2002年3月丈夫生日那天去了事发地,那里还没有被清理干净.答案:B3A。ugly Bunique Cfamiliar Dstrange解析:事实上,那里看起来、闻起来都如同地狱一般令人厌恶,通往那里的道路也一片混乱.答案:A4A.sight Bplace Ccharge Dchaos解析:参见上题解析。答案:D5A。broke up Bbroke down Cbroke away Dbroke off解析:下文第7空后的through my tears有提示:作
8、者去了马路对面,靠墙站着,痛哭起来。答案:B6A。disaster Brest Cservice Dconservation解析:第一段第四、五句有提示:事发场地依旧是一个灾难现场,那里的一个工作人员看到了作者并走向她。答案:A7A。find Btrust Cabandon Dlose解析:看到痛哭的作者,那名男子问道:“你失去了谁呢?”答案:D8A.funeral Baccident Cbirthday Dceremony解析:作者告诉那位工作人员她失去了丈夫,她的丈夫原先是在哪家公司工作以及当天是丈夫的生日。答案:C9A.stuck Bpressed Chit Ddivided解析:原来那
9、位工作人员是一位消防员,他把手伸进前口袋,将一块玻璃放到了作者手里。答案:B10A。evident Btypical Crare Dextra解析:他对作者说:“这块玻璃是真的很少见。很多玻璃都在事故中熔掉了,它却存留下来了。”答案:C11A.escaped Bdisappeared Cchanged Dsurvived解析:参见上题解析。答案:D12A。wondered Banalyzed Cassumed Dignored解析:起先作者很想知道那块玻璃有什么用处。答案:A13A.sorrow Banger Cdoubt Dhesitation解析:消防员看出了作者的疑惑,说道:“也许它没什
10、么用处。可是,整日以泪洗面又有什么用呢?”答案:C14A.crying Bworrying Ccomplaining Ddreaming解析:参见上题解析。另:上文第7空后的through my tears也有提示。答案:A15A。picking up Bgiving up Ctaking away Dthrowing away解析:作者至今仍然留着那块玻璃,并不是因为那位消防员放弃了一个有价值的纪念物,而是因为他承认了作者跟那一小块玻璃之间的联系并且将这块玻璃放在了他认为它所属于的地方。答案:B16A.adjustment Bsensitivity Cdevotion Dconnection
11、解析:参见上题解析。答案:D17A.pointed Bbelonged Creferred Dturned解析:参见第15题解析。答案:B18A。hurt Bfuture Ctrouble Dthreat解析:在那个时候,他需要给作者某样东西,让她能够握住并且将注意力转移到上面,而不是一味地伤心。 答案:A19A.relying Binsisting Cblaming Dconcentrating解析:作者当时的心思都放在那一小块玻璃上,甚至都没有问那个人的名字。答案:D20A。impressive Breasonable Ctemporary Dcomplex解析:作者想要告诉他是那一小块玻
12、璃让她开始思考:不是所有东西都是短暂的,也许有一些小的事情、短的瞬间或是小的碎片会成为永恒。答案:CBFive years ago, I took a career risk by leaving my job to work on a ship.My medical friends did their best to persuade me, saying that running away to sea would _1_ my career。But after these years working as a junior doctor, I was willing to take th
13、e risk。_2_ for adventure, I boarded a ship in Singapore with 2,000 passengers and crew.To my _3_, the hospital was well equipped, with an Xray machine and a blood analyser.That first voyage was a learning experience, a _4_ schedule full of safety drills。There was so much new information to _5_.Even
14、remembering which uniform to wear each day was a _6_。Most confused, I often forgot to _7_ my clock when the ship crossed time zones.As a doctor, I was _8_ for the 600 crew, and I was on call for the entire ship。Far from _9_ seasickness and sunburn, I had to deal with other diseases, for I had differ
15、ent kinds of patients。The ships medical center was _10_ a floating emergency room, and we didnt have a team of specialists on hand for a second _11_.With long and unpredictable hours, it required mental _12_。As you can guess, many of the passengers were elderly.Heart attacks dont _13_ geography and
16、emergency evacuations (疏散) were difficult to arrange.I could remember one such patient, who was taken off the ship halfway through the Panama Canal.After a _14_ ride in an old ambulance, I was relieved that the patient _15_ long enough to arrive at the hospital in Panama City。_16_, there were severa
17、l unexpected benefits of the job。I regularly _17_ the passenger facilities (设施)On rare days off, I _18_ as a tour guide on trips ashore.I got to fly over Alaska in a seaplane and watched a ballet in St Petersburg.Now, I understand being a ship doctor is not a job-its a way of _19_.One year at sea be
18、came two.I lost my career ambitions, _20_I redefined happiness in my life。语篇解读五年前,作者辞去了原有的工作去船上当医生.在此过程中,作者遭遇了很多挑战,但这份工作也有一些出乎意料的好处;作者失去了职业目标,但重新定义了自己生活中的幸福。1A。block Bbuild Cruin Dimprove解析:根据语境和前一句中的took a career risk可推知,作者在医学界的朋友尽力劝作者不要辞职去船上当医生,他们说这会毁了作者的职业生涯。答案:C2A.Hungry BSkilful CSuitable DConc
19、erned解析:根据第一段表述的作者的朋友劝作者不要辞职而作者却坚持这样做并结合语境可知,作者渴求冒险。答案:A3A。shock Bdisappointment Cexcitement Drelief解析:根据该句中的“the hospital was well equipped”与上文中的“risk”形成对比可推知,作者上船后发现医院设备精良,并不像自己之前所设想的那么糟糕,因此感到庆幸.to ones relief表示“令某人庆幸的是”。答案:D4A.daily Btight Cstrict Dflexible解析:根据该句中的full of safety drills可推知,第一次海上航
20、行日程安排得满,有很多安全演练。tight“(时间)紧的”.答案:B5A。take in Bfigure out Csearch for Dpick over解析:根据上文中的“That first voyage was a learning experience”可推知,第一次海上航行是一次学习的经历,作者有许多新的信息需要吸收。take in “理解,记住,领会;pick over “筛选。答案:A6A.living Brisk Cchallenge Dchoice解析:根据前一句可知,作者有很多新的信息需要吸收,并结合语境可推知,记得每天穿哪套制服对作者来讲也是一个挑战。答案:C7A.w
21、atch Brepair Ccheck Dset解析:根据空后的my clock和crossed time zones并结合常识可推知,作者在船跨过时区时经常忘记调整好时钟。set“调整好”.答案:D8A.powerful Bresponsible Chopeful Dhelpful解析:根据该句中的“I was on call for the entire ship”可推知,作为一名医生,作者要对船上的600名工作人员负责,对整个船上的人来说,作者要随叫随到。be responsible for“对负责”。答案:B9A.treating Bsuffering Cescaping Dstopp
22、ing解析:根据该句中的“I had to deal with other diseases”可知,作者不仅仅要治疗晕船和晒伤,还要应对其他疾病。far from doing sth.“远非”。答案:A10A。exactly Bparticularly Ccertainly Dactually解析:根据语境可知,作者觉得这个医疗中心实际上(actually)就是一个漂浮的急诊室,他们并没有一个专家团队可随时用来征询其他医生的意见。exactly“精确地,确切地”。答案:D11A。examination BconsiderationCopinion Ddiscussion解析:参见上题解析。答案
23、:C12A。comfort Bcommunication Ctoughness Dpressure解析:根据该句中的with long and unpredictable hours可推知,因为是在漫长的不可预测的时间里,所以需要坚毅的精神(toughness)。故选C项。答案:C13A。care about Brefer to Cbother with Drely on解析:根据语境并结合常识可知,心脏病发作不分地点,在船上安排紧急疏散很困难。care about“关注,在意”符合语境。bother with sth。“花费时间精力做某事”。答案:A14A.relaxing Bboring
24、Cpromising Dterrifying解析:根据该句中的in an old ambulance和I was relieved可推知,当时在陈旧的救护车上经历了一段可怕的行程。terrifying“极其可怕的”符合语境。promising“有希望的,有前途的。答案:D15A.survived Bstruggled Cawoke Dstuck解析:根据该句中的“I was relieved可推知,那位病人最终活着到了医院,作者也松了一口气。答案:A16A.Steadily BThankfully CImportantly DGenerally解析:根据该句中的“there were seve
25、ral unexpected benefits of the job”并结合上文所讲的作者在从事这项工作的过程中遇到的一些挑战可推知,此处表示“幸亏,这项工作有一些意想不到的好处”。答案:B17。A.cleaned Bfixed Cenjoyed Dprotected解析:结合上文中的unexpected benefits可推知,此处表示作者经常享受乘客设施.答案:C18.A.returned BtravelledCperformed Dvolunteered解析:根据该句中的on rare days off和as a tour guide以及作者的医生身份可推知,作者在休息日自愿当导游。答案
26、:D19A.confidence Blife Cexperience Dsuccess解析:根据下文中的“I redefined happiness in my life”并结合作者在船上的工作经历和休息日的活动可推知,在船上当医生不仅仅是一个职业,而且也是一种生活方式。答案:B20。A.though Bunless Cbut Dor解析:该句中的“I lost my career ambitions”和“I redefined happiness in my life”构成逻辑上的转折关系,故选C.答案:CCLast year, we moved home and I began my ju
27、nior year of high school in New Orleans。My birthday was just a few days after my _1_。While I had a physical home, I felt _2_,and my thoughts went to children _3_ for shelter whose birthdays fell by the wayside。In an effort to find my place in my _4_ town, I set out to _5_ an organization of teenager
28、s to hold _6_ birthday parties for children living in shelters.The _7_ began and there would be a party each month。Getting the work off the ground _8_ our team effort。Every party was _9_ as there were many _10_ that had to be managed。Rolling up our sleeves, focusing on _11_, and connecting with each
29、 other, we made the business a great _12_。Offering services to those in need teaches _13_ lessons often not taught in school.At one party, a little boy and his father came up to me and thanked me for _14_ what was the boys first organized birthday party。I then thanked them for teaching me something
30、too.The father, who lived in a shelter with his son, looked at me _15_ as if he was not worthy of teaching me anything.I _16_ that he taught me to have the _17_ to ask for help when needed.I will never _18_ the hug and the lesson he gave me。Experiencing the smile of _19_on the faces of homeless chil
31、dren who have never had a birthday party before is a(n) _20_ that will never fade。语篇解读“我”在搬到新奥尔良后,成立了一个青少年组织,每月为收容所里的孩子组织一次生日派对;一个小男孩和他的父亲为此感谢了“我”,“我”也感谢他们让“我”学到了人生重要的一课。1A。survival Barrival Cgraduation Doperation解析:根据上文中的“we moved home”并结合该句可推知,“我”的生日是在到达新地方的几天后。B项意为“到达”,故B项正确.答案:B2A。happy Blonely
32、Cupset Dlucky解析:根据上文叙述的“我”搬了家并结合该句中的while以及下文中的in an effort to find my place,并结合常识可推知,尽管“我”有家,但是“我”感到沮丧(要去适应新地方)。答案:C3A.preparing Bpaying Csearching Dstruggling解析:根据该句中的for shelter whose birthdays fell by the wayside可知,这些孩子们艰难寻找住所,而不再庆祝生日。struggle for为固定搭配,意为“为而努力”,故D项正确。答案:D4A。new Bbusy Csmall Dqui
33、et解析:根据上文叙述的“我”搬了家可知,此处表示在“我的新城镇。答案:A5A.create Bvisit Cremind Dconsult解析:根据空前的in an effort to find my place以及空后的“to hold _6_ birthday parties for children living in shelters”可知,该处表示“我”开始创立一个青少年组织来为住在收容所里的孩子们举行生日派对. 答案:A6.A。daily Bweekly Cmonthly Dyearly解析:根据第二段第一句中的a party each month可知,此处表示每个月举行一次生日
34、派对。C项意为“每月一次的”,故C项正确。答案:C7。A.career BcontributionCproject Dprocedure解析:根据上文叙述的“我”创立了一个青少年组织,每个月为收容所里的孩子们举办一次生日派对,并结合该句可知,此处表示这一项目开始了。答案:C 8.A。directed Bdoubled Crewarded Drequired解析:根据本段最后一句叙述的我们为生日派对所作的努力并结合常识可知,此处表示让工作顺利开始需要我们团队的共同努力.答案:D9.A.complex Bcomplete Ctypical Dtroublesome解析:根据该句中的“there were many _10_ that had to be managed并结合常识可知,举行每场派对都有许多方面需要处理,所以每场派对都很复杂.A项意
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