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1、2021届高考英语二轮复习书面表达百万作文批改结果告诉你_作文和词汇怎么提高学案2021届高考英语二轮复习书面表达百万作文批改结果告诉你_作文和词汇怎么提高学案PAGE PAGE 172021届高考英语二轮复习书面表达百万作文批改结果告诉你_作文和词汇怎么提高学案百万作文批改结果告诉你作文和词汇怎么提高?具体说明错误1.搭配错误英语中有很多使用上的固定搭配用法,正确使用词汇搭配成为学习的难点,对于英语写作尤其重要.搭配错误率存在高,多是由于学生逐字翻译而导致的。当学生需要用某个单词来表达,但一时想不到该词,于是就错误地用一个近义词,甚至自己造一个词来代替。这样就会出现中式英语、用法不地道的问题

2、。比如,当学习者想要说 set off fireworks 而又没想到 set off 时,他们就会用 play fireworks。语言实例:By reading books, people can learn knowledge that the people in the past create.搭配 learn knowledge 在语料库中无此用法,疑似中式英语.来源:王同学 广东Reading on a people growth and the study has an important impact。请检查 a people growth,本族语中很少使用.来源:施同学 广东

3、As James Cameron put it, imagination feeds exploration.搭配 feed exploration 在语料库中无此用法,疑似中式英语.来源:郑同学 福建We are able to better grasp the theoretical knowledge through practice。搭配 grasp knowledge 在语料库中无此用法,疑似中式英语.来源:褚同学 湖南Read more books, can let you feel that there are a lot of writing inspiration.搭配 wr

4、ite inspiration 在语料库中无此用法,疑似中式英语。来源:卞同学 山东Roaming in the ocean of the book is also a happy thing。请检查 the ocean of the book,本族语中很少使用。来源:丁同学 陕西Reading can not only increase knowledge but also can purify the humans mind.表达不规范,increase knowledge 在本族语中很少使用,建议修改。来源:罗同学 四川However, unless it is applied to r

5、eal experiences, book knowledge remains theoretical。搭配不当, book knowledge 本族语语料库中无此用法。来源:李同学 山东Secondly, as for a student we can rich in knowledge from reading a large number of books.搭配不当,can rich in 不规范,建议修改.来源:曹同学 吉林We can growth much knowledge which we do not achieve in classes.请检查 growth much kn

6、owledge,本族语中很少使用.来源:李同学 贵州So, I used to soak the library.搭配 soak library 在语料库中无此用法,疑似中式英语。来源:王同学 湖北With time comes a broad noble mind, a shining pearl among the mass.请检查 a broad noble mind,本族语中很少使用。来源:英同学 江西Book is a source of human wisdom, the ladder of human progress and the spirit food of human。请

7、检查 the spirit food,本族语中很少使用。来源:谷同学 河北However, unless it is applied to real experiences, book knowledge remains theoretical and, in the end, is useless.搭配不当,book knowledge 本族语语料库中无此用法。来源:姚同学 江苏There is old saying read is a critical part of learning and growth.请检查 old saying read,本族语中很少使用。来源:金同学 河北Lif

8、e in the future I will be careful to read books to increase my knowledge and ready to help people in life I think reading is important in the whole life for people。表达不规范,increase knowledge 在本族语中很少使用,建议修改.来源:缪同学 江苏It is can become some possible development.确认 become development 搭配正确。来源:边同学 北京As we al

9、l know, read millions of books, travel millions miles。请检查 travel millions miles,本族语中很少使用。来源:黄同学 四川It will take them to the right life way in the beginning.请检查 the right life way,本族语中很少使用。来源:汪同学 江苏I began to contact book, because I have a precocious sister.搭配 contact book 在语料库中无此用法,疑似中式英语.来源:王同学 北京2。

10、 词性误用说明:所谓词性误用情况,就是学生在使用单词的过程中,没有考虑单词的词性和词法功能,单纯从词义对照的角度出发来运用单词,从而出现的错误现象。从学生的作文情况来看,词性误用现象非常之普遍,误用的形式也多种多样。语言实例:But meanwhile, doing is also the basic of things, as the old saying goes practicemakes perfect。请检查 basic,形容词误用。来源:赵同学 广东I think this is the charming of reading.请检查 charming,形容词误用。来源:王同学 山

11、东The effects that reading makes would benefit to our life and we cant learn these in practical.in practical 疑似词性误用。来源:张同学 陕西We need both of this two。请检查 this two 名词词组。来源:蒲同学 陕西We all know that reading can broad our horizons.broad 疑似词性误用.来源:莫同学 四川However, in recently years, we have been taught the im

12、portance of practice.recently 疑似词性误用。来源:娜同学 湖北Nutrient from books is a kind of nourishment for the mind which make him break away from the dirty in the real life。请检查 dirty,形容词误用.来源:梁同学 广东I believe the knowledge books have more powerful than I imagine。powerful 疑似词性误用来源:铁同学 广东Reading makes us rich in

13、spiritual.spiritual 疑似词性误用。来源:文同学 湖北Besides, we will find more joyful from books.joyful 疑似词性误用。来源:党同学 广西You will never know the beautiful of the world just from book, you should watch it with you own eyes.请检查 beautiful,形容词误用.来源:杨同学 江苏So I believe that reading is a critical of learning and growth。请检查

14、 critical,形容词误用。来源:周同学 四川The more books you read, the more advantages you have when you live in modernsocial。请检查 modern social 名词词组来源:杨同学 江苏Reading will take us to the successful of the life, and it was pretty cool becauseyou can get a nice life choise so, reading is important to us。请检查 successful,形

15、容词误用。来源:陈同学 江苏Nowadays, with the development of educational。educational 疑似词性误用。来源:周同学 四川On example, if you want to engage in financial work, you must read many booksabout economic。economic 疑似词性误用。来源:冯同学 四川Reading takes a great influential for peoples growing。influential 疑似词性误用。来源:兰同学 天津You will find

16、 the beneficial of reading。请检查 beneficial,形容词误用。来源:祝同学 广东The higher level is those who can enjoy the classic literary and understand what the writer wants to express。literary 疑似词性误用。来源:沈同学 江苏Reading can give me a great willing。willing 疑似词性误用.来源:耿同学 江苏到底该如何学单词?一个常见的误区是学生对照词汇表一个个记忆.但实际上这样记住的单词效率不仅低,而且

17、很难用上。比较靠谱的记忆就是记住词的搭配。单纯这样记忆肯定不妥,必须讲清核心词的搭配方可:话说able有两大构词:enable使人有能力, unable不能的, disable(使人不能), ability能力注意:enable sb to do有时等于makepossible/impossible说到able就要注意它的名词形式,例如:She hadthe ability toexplain things clearly and concisely.她有能力简单扼要地把事情解释清楚。Hes a writerof remarkable ability。他是个才华横溢的作家。enable的举例:

18、a number of courses are available toenable an understanding ofa broad range of issues。有许多课程可供学习,有助于弄懂方方面面的问题。a new rule for training toenable young people tomake the most of their potential。能够使年轻人充分发挥潜能的新培训规章有enable必然有disable,它的搭配和prevent相似:Shewas disabled from walkingby a fall.她跌倒以后连路也不能走了。able的用法:

19、be able to do, 你有三种说法可以替换它:manage to do,be capable of doing,succeed in doing有能力的,一般都可以说是:talent天赋, gift天赋, capacity能力,genius天才, capability能力(以上都是名词)talent搭配要留心:Her talent formusic showed at an early age.她小时候就表现出了音乐天赋。an effort todevelop his creative talents to the full为充分发挥他的创造才能而作的努力The theatre vis

20、its schools totap young talent。剧院人员造访学校物色年轻人才.gift其实和talent 天赋相似搭配:have a gift forsomething/doing something有某种/做某事的天赋He has a gift for languages.他有语言天赋。根据我观察,有ability的人,通常都具备以下特征:第一类:effective有效率的;proficient熟练的(四级词汇);brilliant才华横溢的;efficient高效率的;capable有能力的;handy灵巧的;accomplished有成就的说到effective,其实我们很

21、多人并非了解其搭配,来看看:effective measuresto reduce unemployment减少失业人数的有效措施You needeffective communicationwithin the organization. 你们需要在组织内部开展有效的交流。This isa very effective way ofcontrolling pests and weeds。 这是一个控制害虫与野草的有效办法.而proficient实际上是合并了professor和efficient而来的:Shesproficient intwo languages。她精通两种语言.It tak

22、es a couple of years of regular driving before youbecome proficient atit.你得开上几年车才能熟练自如。过去我们总是说wonderful,该换换brilliant啦:a brilliant idea 。我觉得那是个绝妙的主意。a brilliant performance 精湛的演出a brilliant young musician一位才华横溢的年轻音乐家知道effective,也不能忘记了efficient的搭配:be efficient atdoing something做某事效率高make efficient use

23、 ofenergy有效利用能源而handy被忽略的一个搭配:Dont throw those bottles away theyllcome in handy(= be useful) for the picnic next Sunday。别把那些瓶子扔掉下周日出去野餐会派上用场.再看看accomplished:a most accomplished dress designer技艺纯熟的服装设计师be accomplished atsomething/doing something在某事/做某事方面技艺高超第二类:competent有能力的;eligible合格的(四级词汇);experie

24、nced有经验的;skilled有技能的;talented有才干的;professional专业的;adept擅长的(四级词汇);trained受过训练的competent可谓高中高大上的词汇了:I wouldnt say he was brilliant but he is competent at his job.我虽然不会说他是才华横溢,可他还是能胜任工作的。make sb competent也是很常见的:A year of college had made her more socially competent.一年的大学生活使她的社交能力增强了。Make sure the firmis competent tocarry out the work。要确保这家公司有能力完成这项工作。但adept是四级词汇里亮点:be adept at something/doing something擅长某事/做某


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