



1、2021届高考英语二轮复习书面表达在写作中尝试审判性思维的训练四步法学案2021届高考英语二轮复习书面表达在写作中尝试审判性思维的训练四步法学案PAGE PAGE 52021届高考英语二轮复习书面表达在写作中尝试审判性思维的训练四步法学案在作中尝试审判性思维的训练四步法初衷出发点:培养逻辑思维(具体:因果、举例、定义、比较)步骤:1。列词:列举可能涉及到的词块2。设空:将文章提示性设空3。填词:学生把空填好,必须用列举的词块4。联想:再用其它的同类话题强化。这个操作的特色在于:学生必须根据提示,来构建一个逻辑框架。示范01话题:亲情-陪伴第一步:核心表达1.共享活动:share activit

2、ies2.提升家庭成员和朋友之间的关系:enhance the relationship between family members and friends3.独生子女的推行:the introduction of the onechild policy4.孩子变得自私和娇惯:children become selfish and spoiled5。沉浸在自己的事情上:indulge in their personal things6。提供一次很好的机会去做某事:provide a great chance for sb to do7。分享每一时刻:share every moment8.有

3、更多的共同的话题:have more topics to talk about9.亲情和友情会提升:their family bond and friendship will be promoted greatly第二步:陪伴家人短文(提纲)To begin with, sharing activities will enhance the relationship between family members and friends.(解释一下) _(那又怎样?)_(举个正方的例子) _(为什么呢?)_(那又怎样?)_(主题)To begin with, sharing activities

4、 will enhance the relationship between family members and friends。(解释一下)Since the introduction of the one-child policy, children have become selfish and spoiled,(那又怎样?)making them less likely to spend much time with their parents and friends but only immersed in their personal things.(举个例子)Sharing a

5、ctivities however, will provide a great chance for family members and friends to join together,(为什么呢?)since during this process, they will share every moment,(给个细节)like chatting about celebrities or pop singers private life。(那又怎样?)Ultimately, their family bond and friendship will be improved greatly

6、.联想:(1) Which do you prefer with the same rate of pay, an interesting and challenging job with less vacation or a job with more vacation time but less fun?(2) People will spend less time cooking and preparing food in twenty years than they do today.示范02再譬如最近通州的高三模拟题:(1)简述青少年吸毒的严重后果(不少于两点);(2)结合实际,谈谈

7、怎样远离毒品。列词:do harm to healthlose controlunaware of what they are doingcontribute to the happening of crimessocial security and stabilitybe cautious to make friendsstay away fromlead a healthy lifestylehold positive attitudes设空:(主题句,说明有害):(具体说明第一条有害):(那又如何?)(具体说明第二条有害):(那又如何?)(所以呢?)(第一条措施)(第二条措施)答案:Yo

8、ung drug abuse brings about severe consequences to the abusers as well as society。 To begin with, drugs do great harm to teenagers health. After taking drugs, abusers may lose control and hurt themselves without realizing what they are doing。 On top of that, young drug abuse contributes to the happening of crimes, thus posing a great threat to social security and stability。 Putting an end to this vice is a must。In a bid to protect us students from drugs, we cant be too cautious to make friends and stay away from thos


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