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1、2020_2021学年高中英语WelcomeUnitPeriod2ReadingandThinkinng作业新人教版必修12020_2021学年高中英语WelcomeUnitPeriod2ReadingandThinkinng作业新人教版必修12020_2021学年高中英语WelcomeUnitPeriod2ReadingandThinkinng作业新人教版必修1Welcome Unit 第二课时 Reading and Thinkinng 作业。七选五People often say you never get a second chance to make a first impressi

2、on,and thats actually quite true。 _1_After all,making a good first impression is all about making others feel good when spending time with them.The following tips will help you make a positive impression every time.Dress appropriately_2_That means dressing up or putting on nice,clean,situation。appro

3、priate clothes for social situations.It isnt difficult and it doesnt have to cost you much,either。 Be aware of your body languageWords express very little of what you say.Body language can tell someone a lot about your mood and confidence level。 _3_Eye contact is an easy way to make others feel comf

4、ortable,important and special。Nervous body language can make others uncomfortable and anxious。Try to be aware of your body language when communicating with others。Respect the opinions of othersNot everyone will have the same opinion with you,and friendly disagreements can be a gateway to a great con

5、versation。Respect other peoples right to have their own opinion。Respect the opinions of others even if you disagree with them。_4_5_People love talking about themselves,but generally,you want to be careful of taking over the conversation.By listening carefully to what others are saying,you are not on

6、ly making them feel important,but you can gather clues(线索)you need to keep the conversation going and present new topics。ABe a careful listener。BShow an interest in every person you meet.CSmile especially when first meeting someone.DMake sure you look nice whenever you meet someone new。EMeeting new

7、people and starting conversations is often challenging。FOthers will want to be with you and help you make a good impression.GDont force others to believe what you believe or to see things only as you see them。完形填空When Miss Hughes entered the classroom, the children stopped playing and talking。 In a

8、body, they stood up and _1_ the teacher in a loud voice, “Good morning! Miss Hughes smiled and told the class to sit down。She _2_ at a glance that there seemed to be thirty.five pupils in the class,_3_. They were all watching her with fixed eyes, _4_ no doubt to find what sort of person she was.“I _

9、5_ you want to know my name,” she said. But before she could tell, a student _6_ out,“Its Miss Hughes,” Miss Hughes laughed。“_7_ travels fast,” she said。“Im _8_ it will take me longer to learn all your names.”Miss Hughes _9_ a list and began to call the pupils names in _10_。 When she came to the las

10、t one, John, she _11_ that he had been absent for over a month。 “Whats the matter with John?” she asked, _12_ puzzled。“Hes in hospital. He had his leg broken,”said a girl in the front _13_.“He slipped while skating,” _14_ a boy.“Has anyone _15_ to see him? Miss Hughes asked. No one _16_。It was _17_

11、to start the lesson。The pupils _18_ Miss Hughes to tell them a story.“Very well,” she said.“But first of all Id like you to write a letter to John.Well _19_ the best ones to him and cheer him up in hospital.Now Ill tell you a story,_20_ you are good。”1A。greetedBfongratulated Csigned Dcalled2A.said B

12、found Creported Dthought3A。more or less Bat all Cmost of all Dabove all4A.thinking Bgetting Cseeing Dwaiting5A。expect Bdecide Cask Dwish6A.called Blaughed Cthought Dlet7A。It BThat CSurprise DNews8A。glad Bafraid Csurprised Dsorry9A.showed up Btook out Cpicked up Dsearched for10A。turn Bfact Cease Dsur

13、prise11A。watched Bheard Cnoticed Dknew12A.getting Bstaying Csmelling Dlooking13A。class Brow Croom Ddesk14A.added Badvised Ccried Dcorrected15A.started Bbeen Cgone Dwanted16A。did Bhoped Cknew Danswered17A。duty Bunnecessary Cimportant Dtime18A.advised Bpersuaded Cbegged Dordered19A.choose Bsend Chand

14、Dleave20A.but Bwhether Cif Dand.语法填空While driving, I saw a cyclist fall off his bike on the side of the road up ahead of me. I immediately 1。_ (pull) over and got out of my car。 He said he was okay 2。_ I could see his face was bleeding, so I opened my trunk and got out several cold packs and a bunch

15、 of first aid 3。_ ( supply ) like antiseptic (抗菌的) wash and bandages. Cars were going by but we were safe on the side of the road and I managed 4。_ (tend) to the worst abrasions(擦伤) and injuries。 5._ (thank) he had not hurt his head。After he was sort of patched up I offered him a ride to the 6。_ (ne

16、ar) clinic, but he said that he would be okay。 I told him 7。_ might need stitches(缝针) and to go to the doctor.I was glad that I had all 8。_ (that) supplies in my car-I had never needed to use them before and will now put new supplies into my car 9._ case of something like this 10。_ (happen) again。 W

17、elcome Unit 第二课时 Reading and Thinkinng 作业答案七选五语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。第一次与他人相遇并开始对话总是有挑战的.作者介绍了几个如何给第一次见面的人留下好印象的方法。1E由空格后的内容“After all,making a good first impression is all about making others feel good when spending time with them.”可知,当和他人在一起的时候,要给他人留下一个好的印象也就是要让他人感觉良好.由此可以推断,遇到新人并与之开始对话总是有挑战性的。2D由本段小标题可知,我们

18、要穿着适当得体。又根据空格后面的句子“That means dressing up or putting on nice,clean,situation。appropriate clothes for social situations。”是对空格处内容的解释说明,故选D,也就是说第一次和人见面时要确保你看起来很好。3C由空格前句子“Body language can tell someone a lot about your mood and confidence level”可知,空格处和肢体语言有关,选项中C项与此内容相符。尤其是首次和他人见面的时候要微笑.4G空格前的句子“Respec

19、t the opinions of others even if you disagree with them.”告诉我们要尊重他人的观点,即使你不同意。不要强迫别人相信你的所观所感。5A根据文章结构可知,空格处是下一段的小标题。下一段主要讲述了倾听的重要性。选项A(做一个细心的倾听者)与此内容相符。二、完型语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。作者描述了Hughes老师给学生们上第一节课时所发生的故事.1A。greetedBcongratulatedCsigned DcalledA老师进来,学生们齐声喊“Good morning!”,应是“问候”老师,而不是“祝贺“示意”或“叫”.2A.said Bfo

20、undCreported DthoughtB她看了一眼,“发现班里似乎有三十五个学生.3A.more or less Bat allCmost of all Dabove allA由语境可知,老师只扫了一眼,并未一个一个地数,因此,学生的数目应该是概数。more or less意为“大约”,符合语境。4A。thinking BgettingCseeing DwaitingDMiss Hughes是新老师,学生们注视着她,毫无疑问是等着看她是什么样的人。wait to do sht.意为“等待做某事”。5A.expect BdecideCask DwishAMiss Hughes料想孩子们对她很

21、好奇,想知道她的名字.expect意为“料想”,符合语境.6A。called BlaughedCthought DletAcall out意为“大声说出”。7A.It BThatCSurprise DNewsD依据上下文可知,Miss Hughes是想说“消息传得快”.8A。glad BafraidCsurprised DsorryB“我”恐怕要花更长的时间记住你们所有人的名字。be afraid表示“恐怕”。9A.showed up Btook outCpicked up Dsearched forBMiss Hughes点名之前应是取出名单,take out意为“取出”,符合语境.10A.

22、turn BfactCease DsurpriseAMiss Hughes取出名单后,自然应逐个点名。in turn意为“依次,逐个”。11A。watched BheardCnoticed DknewC老师点到最后一个学生John时,她应是注意到他已缺席一个多月。notice“注意到”。12A.getting BstayingCsmelling DlookingDMiss Hughes开始不知道John长时间缺席的原因,故“看上去”困惑不解。13A。class BrowCroom DdeskB坐在前排的一个女生答道,故B项正确。14A.added BadvisedCcried DcorrectedA男孩补充女孩的话,add在此意为“补充说”。15A.started BbeenCgone DwantedBhave been to see。.意为“曾去看过”。16A。did BhopedCknew DansweredDanswered和上句中的asked相呼应.17A。duty BunnecessaryCimportant DtimeDIt is/was time to do sth。“该做了,为固定句型.18A.advised BpersuadedCbegged DorderedC学生请求老师给他们讲个故事。


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