1、2010年年高考题情情态动词和和虚拟语气气清华大学学英语系系测试:为为中小学生生英语量身身定做.官方网站: HYPERLINK / httpp:/m/ 清华大学英英语教授研研究组提供供(20100全国卷一一) Juust bbe paatiennt. YYou _ exppect the worlld too chaange so ssoon.A cant B needdnt C may not DD wiill nnot2. (22010北北京卷) -GGood mornning. Ive ggot aan apppoinntmennt wiith MMiss Smitth inn thee
2、 Perrsonnnel DDeparrtmennt. - Ah, goodd morrningg. Yoou _ be MMrs. Peteers.A miight BB mmust CC wwouldd D cann 3. (22010北北京卷) -TThe wweathher hhas bbeen veryy hott andd dryy. - Yess. Iff it had rainned eeven a drrop, thinngs wwouldd be muchh bettter now! Andd my vegeetablles _.A woouldnnt diie B did
3、nnt diie C haddnt diied D wouuldnt haave ddied4. (22010 重庆卷) Youu _ paark hhere! Its ann emeergenncy eexit.A woulldnt BB neeednt C coulldnt D musttnt 5. (22010 湖南卷) Youu _ buuy a giftt, buut yoou caan iff youu wannt too .A mmust BB muustnt C havee to D ddont haave tto 6. (22010 天津卷) -Johnn wennt too
4、 thee hosspitaal allone. - If he _ me abouut itt, I wouuld hhave gonee witth hiim.A shouuld ttell B tellls C toldd D had toldd 7. (22010 天津卷) Marrk _ hhave hurrried. Aftter ddriviing aat toop sppeed, he arriived halff an hourr earrly.A nneednnt B woulldnt C musttnt D coulldnt 8. (22010 四川卷) - _ I ta
5、kke thhe boook oout?- IIm afrraid not.A WWill B May CC MMust D NNeed 9. (22010 山东卷) I _ hhave watcched thatt movvie . Itll ggive me hhorriible dreaams.A sshoulldnt B needdnt C coouldnnt D muustnt 10. (20100 江苏卷卷) -I hhavennt goot thhe reefereence bookk yett, buut Ill hhave a teest oon thhe suubjecct
6、 neext mmonthh.- DDont woorry. Youu _ haave iit byy Friiday.A coulld B shalll C muust DD maay 11. (20100安徽卷)-JJack desccribeed hiis faatherr, whho _a brrave boy manyy yeaars aago, as aa strrong-willled mman.A wouldd BB woould havee beeen C mmust be D musst haave bbeen 12. (20100辽宁卷) Docttors say tha
7、tt exeercisse iss impportaant ffor hhealtth, bbut iit _ bbe reegulaar exxerciise.A can BB wiill CC mustt D mayy13. (20100江西卷) I havve toold yyou tthe ttruthh. _ I keeep reepeatting it?A Muust B Caan C Maay D Willl 14. (20100浙江卷) “You _ havve a wronng nuumberr,” shee saiid. “Therres noo onee of thatt
8、 namme heere.”A nneed B ccan C muust D woould 15. (20100浙江卷) Hadd I knoown aaboutt thiis coomputter pprogrram, a huuge aamounnt off timme annd ennergyy _.A wwouldd havve beeen ssavedd B had beenn savved C wiill bbe saaved DD waas saaved 16. (20100陕西卷)May I takke thhis bbook out of tthe rreadiing rro
9、om? -No, you _. You rread it hhere. A mmighttnt B wont C needdnt D musttnt 17. (20100 全国卷卷二) IIm affraidd Mr. Hardding _ seee yoou noow. HHes buusy.A ccant B musstnt C shoouldnnt D neeednt 18. (20100 上海卷卷) -Sorrry, Proffessoor Smmith. I diddnt fiinishh thee asssignmment yestterdaay.- OOh, yyou _ hav
10、ve doone iit ass yessterdday wwas tthe ddeadlline.A 全国通用22010届届高考全国国各地月考考阅读理解解汇编之广广告类Passaage 11(河北省正正定中学22010届届高三上学学期第一次次月考)Beloww aree somme cllassiifiedd adss froom ann Engglishh newwspapper.Classsifieed addsFor ddirecct cllassiifiedd serrvicee calll 8000-05557 110 A.M - 44 P.MM Monnday-Friiday F
11、or ssaleCome to oour mmovinng saale -Pllantss, pootterry, bbookss, cllothees, etc. Satt, Deec. 114th-9 a. mm.-5 p. m. 16122 Ferrndalle, Aptt. 1,800-46966.USED FUR COATTS annd JAACKETT. Goood ccondiitionn. 330-50. Calll 8000-04336 affter 12 nnoon.MOVINNG: MMust selll. TVV 21, 500;AM/FM rradioo A/CC o
12、r batttery, 155; caassettte ttape recoorderr, 110. CCall Jon or PPat,8800-00739 afteer 5 p.m. or weekkendss.SHEEPPSKINN COAAT: mmanss sizze 422, 1 yearr oldd. 885. AAfterr 6 pp.m., 8000-52224.LOST AND FOUNNDFOUNDD: Caat, 66 monnths old, blacck annd whhite markkingss. Foound nearr Linnden and Soutth
13、U. Steeve, 800-46611LOST: Golld wiire rrim gglassses iin brrown cae. Cammpus areaa. Reewardd. Caall GGreggg 8000-28996.FOUNDD: seet off keyys onn Tapppan nearr Hilll innterssectiion. Idenntifyy keyy chaain. Calll 8000-96662.FOUNDD: Noov.8tth -A bblackk andd whiite ppuppyy in Packkard-Jeweett aarea.
14、8000-57770 PERSOONALOVERSSEAS JOBSS- Austtraliia, EEuroppe, SS. Ammericcan, Afriica. Studdentss alll proffessiions and occuupatiions, 7000 too30000 monthhly. Expeensess paiid, ooverttime. Sigghtseeeingg. Freee Inforrmatiion aat STTUDENNTUNNION THE IINTERRNATIIONALL CENTTER pplanss to publlish a booo
15、kleet off stuudentt traavel adveenturres, if yyoudd likke too wriite aaboutt youur fooreiggn exxperiiencees, uunusuual oor juust pplainn intteresstingg, caall 8800-99310 and ask for Mikee or Janeet.UNSURRE WHHAT TTO DOO?LifePlannningg Worrkshoop, DDec, 13thh15thh . BBob aand MMargaatet Atwoood, 800-
16、00466RoommmatessFEMALLE ROOOMMAATE WANTEED: OOwn rroom nearr cammpus. Avaailabble DDecemmber 1st. RRent 3000 perr monnth untiil Maarch 1st. 450 therreaftter. Calll Jilll foor deetaills,8000-78839.NEED PERSSON tto asssumee leaase ffor oown bbedrooom iin PTT. Neear ccampuus, 380/mo. Starrtingg Jann. 1
17、sst. ccall 800-61577 aftter 55 p.mm.DOMESSTIC SERVVICEEARLYY HOUUR WAAKE-UUPSERVIICE: For prommpt, courrteouus waake-uup seervicce, ccall 800-07600HELP WANTTEDBABYSSITTEERMYY HOMMEIf yoou arre avvailaable a feew hoours duriing tthe dday, and somee eveeninggs too caare ffor 22 schhool age chilldrenn
18、, ppleasse caall GGaylee Morrre, dayss 8000-11111, eeveniings and weekkendss 800049664PERSOONS WWANTEED foor deeliveer woork . Ownn traanspoortattion. Goood paay. AApplyy 23111 E. Staadiumm. Offficee 1011, affter 9, aa.m.TELEPPHONEE RECCEPTIIONISST WAANTEDD.No exxperiiencee neccessaary. Goodd payy.
19、Appply 23111 E. Staddium. Offfice 101, aftter 99 a.mm.WAITRRESS WANTTED10a.mm.-2p.mm. orr 10:30a.mm.5pp.m. Applly inn perrson, 2077 S. Mainn. Cuurtiss Resttauraant.HELP WANTTED ffor hhousee cleeaninng 1/2 daay onn weeekendd. Whhen to bbe diiscusssed for mutuual cconveeniennce. Goodd wagges. Sylvvan
20、SStreeet, ccall 800-28177.41Whhere willl youu posst a notiice iif yoou neeed ssomeoone tto loook aafterr youur chhildrren?A. PEERSONNAL B. HHELP WANTTEDC. DOOMESTTICSSERVIICE D. RROOMMMATESS42A secoond-hhand jackket wwill probbablyy cosst yoou _.A.600 B.400 C.220 D.11043Too havve yoour ttraveel noot
21、es publlisheed , you may conttact _.A. Sttudennts Unioon B. GGaylee MoooreC. Thhe Innternnatioonal Centter D. LLife-Plannningg Worrkshoop44Iff youu wannt too havve soomeonne waake yyou uup inn thee morrningg, yoour mmay ccall _.A. 8000-52224 B. 8800-55770 C. 8800-77839 D. 8800-00760答案 BBBCDPassaage
22、22(湖南省长长沙市一中中20100届高三上上学期第二二次月考)The bbookiing nnotess of the playy “thhe Agge off Innnocennce”:Pricee: 110BOOKIINGTheree aree fouur eaasy wways to bbook seatts foor peerforrmancce:- inn perrsonThe BBox OOfficce iss opeen Moondayy to Satuurdayy, 100 a. m. -8 p. m. - byy tellephooneRing 0132249766 to
23、reseerve yourr ticcketss or to ppay bby crreditt carrd(Viisa, MastterCaard aand AAmex acceeptedd)- byy posstSimplly coompleete tthe bbookiing fform and retuurn iit too Gloobal Theaatre Box Offiice. - onn linneCompllete the on-lline bookking formm at www. Sattanfiiedthheatrre. ccomDICOUUNTS:Saverr: 2
24、2 offf anyy seaat boookedd anyy timme inn advvancee forr perrformmancees frrom MMondaay too Thuursdaay. SSaverrs arre avvailaable for chilldrenn up to 116 yeears old, oveer 600s annd fuull-ttime studdentss. Superrsaveer: hhalf-pricce seeats are avaiilablle foor peeoplee witth diisabiilitiies aand oo
25、ne ccompaanionn. Itt is adviisablle too boook inn advvancee. Thhere is aa maxximumm of eighht whheelcchairr spaaces avaiilablle annd onne whheelcchairr spaace wwill be hheld untiil ann houur beeforee thee shoow. Standdby: bestt avaailabble sseatss aree on salee forr 6 fromm onee houur beeforee thee
26、perrformmancee forr peoople eliggiblee(suiitablle)foor Saaver and Supeersavver ddiscoountss andd thiirty minuutes befoore ffor aall ootherr cusstomeers. Groupp Boookinggs: ttheree is a teen peer ceent ddiscoount for partties of ttwelvve orr morre. Schoool: sschoool paartiees off tenn or moree cann b
27、oook 66 staandbyy ticcketss in advaance and willl gett eveery ttenthh ticcket freee. Pleasse noote: we aare uunablle too excchangge tiicketts orr reffund moneey unnlesss a pperfoormannce iis caancellled due to uunforreseeen ciircummstannces. 61. IIf yoou waant tto boook aa ticcket, youu CANNNOT _A.
28、goo to the Box Offiice oon Suundayys. B. riing tthe bbookiing nnumbeer annd paay foor thhe tiicketts byy creedit cardd. C. usse thhe Innternnet. D. coompleete aa boookingg forrm annd poost iit too thee Boxx Offfice. 62. AAccorrdingg to the notees, wwho ccan gget 2 offf?A. Thhe peeoplee whoo boook th
29、he tiicketts onn Friidayss. B. Ann 18-yearr-oldd teeenageer. C. A 55-yyear-old womaan. D. A 20-yyear-old fulll-timme coollegge sttudennt. 63. IIf yoou maake aa grooup bbookiing ffor aa grooup oof 144 aduults, howw mucch shhouldd youu payy?A. 1120B. 126C. 140D. 15064. WWhichh of the folllowinng iss N
30、OTT truue acccordding to tthe ppassaage?A. Thhere are onlyy 8 wwheellchaiir sppacess in the theaatre. B. A schoool ppartyy of 15 sstudeents shouuld ppay 990 foor thhe sttandbby tiicketts. C. A grouup off 12 perssons can get 10 pper ccent disccountt. D. Thhe auudiennce ccantt reffund moneey iff thee
31、perrformmancee is on sshow. 65. WWhat kindd of tickkets are the cheaapestt?A. Thhe sttandbby tiicketts foor scchooll parrtiess of ten or mmore. B. Thhe sttandbby tiicketts. C. Thhe tiicketts foor Saaver disccountt. D. Thhe tiicketts foor grroup bookking. 答案 AADBBAAPassaage 33(山西省金金谷中学22010届届高三第一一次练兵
32、考考试)Whats onn staageAn accrobaatic(杂技)sshow: To celeebratte itts 500th aannivversaary, the Chinna Accrobaatic Trouupe(剧剧团)wiill ppreseent “ Thee Souul off Chiina”, wheere tthe sseemiinglyy imppossiible is mmade reall. Chhillss(寒意)willl runn dowwn yoour sspinee(脊柱) as you watcch brreathhlesssly aas p
33、eerforrmerss takke thheir art and theiir boodiess to the edgee. Time: 7:330 p. m. , Seeptemmber 13-119Placee: Caapitaal Thheatrre, 222 Waangfuujingg Dajjie, Donggchenng DiistriictExhibbitioonsJointt shoow: AA grooup iink ppaintting exhiibitiion iis ruunninng att thee Huaangshhicheeng Art Galllery in
34、 BBeijiing. Abouut 500 worrks bby 255 youung aartissts iincluudingg Ge Yun and Yu YYang are on ddispllay. Time: 9:000 a. m. 5:000 p. m. untiil Seeptemmber110Placee: Huuangsshichheng Art Galllery, 1366 Nannchizzi Daajie, Donngcheeng DDistrrictOil ppainttingss: Thhe Waangfuung AArt GGalleery wwill hos
35、tt a jjointt shoow off oill paiintinng byy 10 younng annd miiddlee-ageed arrtistts. OOn diisplaay arre moore tthan 30 oof thheir lateest wworkss, whhich captture the wonddrouss varrietyy of lifee in uniqque sstylees. Time: 9:000 a. m. 4:000 p. m. untiil Seeptemmber115Placee: 1336 Naanchiizi SStreeet
36、, DDongcchengg DisstricctLiterraturre muuseumm: Thhe Naationnal MMuseuum off Moddern Chinnese Liteeratuure oofferrs ann in-deptth sttudy of tthe eevoluutionn of Chinnese liteeratuure ffrom 19199 to 19499. Time: 9:000 a. m. 4:000 p. m. , daailyPlacee: 455 Anyyuan Dongglu, Chaooyangg Disstricct (sshao
37、yyaojuu areea)ConceertsBeijiing rrockss: “TThe FFashiion NNightt of Chinnese Rockk” iss sett to brinng roock ffans out by tthe tthoussandss nexxt moonth. Ninne Chhinesse roock bbandss willl peerforrm att thee conncertt, inncludding oldeer geeneraationn bannds, midddle ggenerratioon annd soome rrecen
38、nt arrrivaals. The audiiencee willl bee givven aa chaance to ddecidde whhat ssongss theey waant tto heear, whicch iss surre too briing aa stoorm. Time: Sepptembber 116Placee: Thhe Ollympiic CeenterrBelgiium OOrcheestraa(管弦乐乐队): La PPetitte Baande, thee Barroquee Orcchesttra oof Beelgiuum, wwill perf
39、form in BBeijiing aat thhe Grrand Theaatre of tthe CCultuural Palaace oof Naationnalitties as ppart of aactivvitiees accrosss thee worrld tto coommemmoratte(纪念念) thhe 2550th anniiverssary of BBachs deeath. Time: 7:330 p. m. Septtembeer 111-14Placee: Grrand Theaatre of tthe CCultuural Palaace oof Naa
40、tionnalitties40. WWhat do yyou tthinkk of the acroobatiic shhow mmentiionedd herre?A. Whhen yyou wwatchh it, youu willl ceertaiinly feell colld. B. Soomethhing straange willl puzzzle everryonee, inncludding scieentissts. C. Unnexpeectedd thiings willl makke yoou exxciteed annd suurpriised. D. Evven
41、tthe bbraveest oones willl be too frigghtenned tto goo on watcchingg. 41. TThe mmost charracteeristtic tthingg aboout tthe FFashiion NNightt of Chinnese Rockk is thatt_. A. itt willl leet thhe auudiennce cchoosse thhe muusicB. itt is to bbringg thoousannds oof roock ffans out of ttheirr hommesC. itt
42、 willl ceertaiinly causse a rockk stoorm tthrouughouut ChhinaD. itt is to bbe heeld iin meemoryy of one of tthe ggreattest musiicianns42. SSuppoose iit iss Sepptembber 114th todaay, hhow mmany actiivitiies ccan ppeoplle chhoosee to atteend?A. 2. B. 33. C. 44. D. 55. 43. OOn thhe whhole, we can concc
43、ludee_. A. peeoplee in Beijjing preffer mmoderrn cuulturre too sommethiing ttradiitionnalB. thhere are usuaally moree cullturee acttivess in Septtembeer thhan iin anny otther montthC. moost oof thhe cuulturral aactivvitiees inn Beiijingg aree forr forreignn vissitorrs onnlyD. wee cann enjjoy aa larr
45、ONE ORDEER WEELCOMMEASK AABOUTT OURR CHHEFSS SPEECIALLITYDAY LUNCCHTIMME EVVENINNGSUNDAAY CLOSSED 5- 111:00ppmMONDAAY 12-2:000pm 5-11:330pmTUESDDAY 12-2:000pm 5-ll:330pmWEDNEESDAYY12-2:000pm 55-111:300pmTHURSSDAY 12-2:000pm 5-111:30ppmFRIDAAY 122-22:00ppm 5-MiddnighhtSATURRDAY CLLOSEDD 5-MidnnighttY
46、ORK (019904) 6837755556 CHHURCHH STRREET, YORRK66. LLunchh is avaiilablle inn Pekking Housse _.A. evvery day B. eeveryy othher ddayC. alll weeekennds D. aall wweekddays67. WWhat is eencouurageed inn Pekking Housse?A. Wiine. B. HHome deliiveryy. C. Drivve-inn. D. Cheffs sspeciialitty.68. AAll ffood i
47、s _.A. deeliveered to PPekinng Hoouse fromm a mmoderrn ceentraal kiitcheenB. coookedd by expeeriennced cookks frrom CChinaaC. prreparred iin Peekingg Houusess welll-eqquippped kkitchhenD. seervedd in Pekiing HHousees uuniquue annd moodernn kittchenn答案 DDDCPassaage 224(浙江省杭杭州高中22010届届高三上学学期第一次次月考)New
48、 AAnnottatedd Sheerlocck Hoolmess by Arthhur CConann DoyylePricee: 228. 000Publiicatiion DDate: 30/11/22006Publiisherrs ddescrriptiionColleects Doylles fiftty-siix cllassiic shhort storries, arrrangeed inn thee ordder iin whhich theyy apppeareed inn latte niineteeenthh andd earrly ttwenttiethh-cennt
49、uryy boook edditioons, in aa sett commplemmenteed byy fouur noovelss, edditorr bioograpphiess(传记)oof Dooyle, Hollmes, andd Wattson as wwell as lliterrary and cultturall dettailss aboout VVictooriann soccietyy.Breakking Grouund bby Daaniell LibbeskiindPricee: 116.000Publiicatiion DDate: 11/10/22006Br
50、ieff inttroduuctioonThis is aa boook abbout the adveenturre liife tthat can offeer eaach oof uss if we sseizee it, andd aboout tthe ppowerrful forcces oof trrageddy, mmemorry annd hoope. For Daniiel LLibesskindd, liifess advventuure hhas bbeen throough archhiteccturee, whhich he hhas ffoundd hass th
51、ee powwer tto reeshappe huuman expeeriennce. Althhoughh oftten rrelatting to tthe ppast, hiss buiildinngs aare aaboutt thee futture. Thiis meemoirr(自传)oof onne maans jourrney brinngs ttogetther histtory, perrsonaal exxperiiencee, ouur phhysiccal eenvirronmeent aand aa freesh iinterrnatiionall vissio
52、n.In thhe Shhadoww of No TTowerrs byy Artt SpiiegellmanPricee:166.00Publiicatiion DDate: 02/09/22006Brieff inttroduuctioonOn 111th SSepteemberr 20001, AArt SSpieggelmaan raaced to tthe WWorldd Traade CCenteer, nnot kknowiing iif hiis daaughtter NNadjaa wass aliive oor deead. Oncee shee wass fouund s
53、safe - iin heer scchooll at the foott of the burnning toweers - hee retturneed hoome, to mmedittate(反反省)onn thee traauma(创创伤), and to wwork on aa commic sstripp(连环漫漫画). In tthe SShadoow off No Toweers iis Neew Yoorkerr Artt Spiiegellmans exxtraoordinnary accoount of “the hijaackinng onn 9.111 annd t
54、hhe foollowwing hijaackinng off thoose eeventts” bby Ammericca.Lightt on Snoww by Anitta ShhreveePricee: 114.000Publiicatiion DDate: 07/10/22006Publiisherrs ddescrriptiionThis is tthe 111th noveel byy Aniita SShrevve, tthe ccritiicallly accceptted bbestsselleer. AA movving storry off lovve annd coou
55、ragge annd trrageddy annd off thee wayys inn whiich tthe hhumann heaart aalwayys seeeks to hheal itseelf.54. WWho iis thhe wrriterr of the bookk lattest publlisheed ammong the fourr boooks?A. Arrthurr Connan DDoylee. B. DDanieel Liibeskkind.C. Arrt Sppiegeelmann. D. AAnitaa Shrreve.55. IIf onne woou
56、ld likee to knoww sommethiing aaboutt cullturaal deetaills abbout Victtoriaan soocietty, hheor shhe maay reead _.A. Liight on SSnow B. IIn thhe Shhadoww of No TTowerrsC. Brreakiing GGrounnd D. NNew AAnnottatedd Sheerlocck Hoolmess56. OOf thhe foour bbookss lissted abovve, ttheree aree twoo refferrii
57、ng tto trrageddies. Theey arre _.A. Liight on SSnow & Brreakiing GGrounndB. Inn thee Shaadow of NNo Toowerss & BBreakking GrouundC. Liight on SSnow & Inn thee Shaadow of NNo ToowerssD. Neew Annnotaated Sherrlockk Hollmes & Inn thee Shaadow of NNo Toowerss答案 AADAPassaage 44(甘肃省酒酒泉市肃州州中学20010届高高三入学考考试
58、)CAREEER OPPPORTTUNITTESFull Timee Seccretaary PPosittion Avaiilablle: AAppliicantts shhouldd havve att leaast 22 yeaars expeeriennce aand bbe abble tto tyype 660 woords a miinutee. Noo commputeer skkillss reqquireed. AApplyy in persson aat Unnitedd Bussinesss Lttd, 117 Brrowniing SStreeet, LLeedss.
59、Part-timee Jobb: Wee reqquiree thrree ppart-timee shoop asssisttantss to workk durring the evenning. No expeeriennce rrequiired, appplicaants shouuld bbe beetweeen 188 andd 26 yearrs olld. CCall 01155-7655643 for moree infformaationn.Compuuter Traiined Secrretarries: Do you havee expperieence workki
60、ng withh commputeers ? If you wantt to knoww morre abbout us, calll 04557-89967544.Teachhing Assiistannts NNeedeed: HHaniaas PPlaysshooll neeeds 22 youung tteachhing assiistannts tto heelp wwith classses fromm 9 tto 3 pm. Appllicannts sshoulld haave rreferrencees. FFor mmore infoormattion pleaase vv
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