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1、 PAGE 页码 17 / NUMPAGES 总页数 17沪教版六年级下学期英语期末综合复习积累练习班级:_ 姓名:_ 拼写单词1. 写出单词的相应形式。1.climb(现在分词)_2.sleep(现在分词)_3.letter(复数形式)_4.love(形容词)_5.quiet(副词)_6.read(现在分词)_7.eating(动词原形)_8.leaf(复数形式)_9.three(序数词)_10.we(名词性物主代词)_2. 单词变换。例:shopshipa big ship1take_ 2very_3call_ 4lake_5pear_3. 根据汉字提示,把下列字母重新排列。1b y o

2、d_(身体)2e h a d_(头)3h a r i_(头发)4a n d h_(手)5a f c e_(脸)6f t o o_(脚)4. 根据句意和已给出的首字母,补全单词。1、He wto a park yesterday?2、I cmy room last weekend.3、Did you rthe magazine?4、Did Lucy ca mountain5、Last Saturday ,Candy vher uncle.5. 写出下列单词的复数形式。(1)he_ (2)foot_(3)mouse_ (4)sheep_(5)candy_ (6)wolf_(7)fox_ (8)ch

3、ild_(9)peach_ (10)am/ is_6. 根据英文解释及所给的首字母写出单词。1. a smallbag with money in it w_2. a room for cooking k_3. the firstday of the working weekM_4. your uncles son or daughterc_7. 写出下列动词的过去式。do_ can_fly_ get_see_8. 看图写单词。 by_ by_by_ by_ by_填空题9. 写出动词的过去式。1go 2buy3eat 4take5ride10. 填空题。1I_(fly) kites tomo

4、rrow.2What_you_(do) tomorrow, Lily?Ill_(see) a film in the morning. Then Ill_(play) football in the afternoon.3Ill go_(shop) this afternoon. Will you go?4Will you play ping-pong with_(I) after school?5Simon is going to_(meet) me at the station.11. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1What do you want_(be) in the future?I w

5、ant to be a teacher.2That boy is a football_(play).3Everyone_(have) a dream.4My aunt is a_. She likes_(write) stories for children.5My sister likes_(play) the piano. She wants to be a_(piano) in the future.6He wants to take care of_(children) teeth.7Music_(make) me happy.8Dancing makes people_(healt

6、h) and beautiful.12. 看图,写单词。1This is a f_.2B_is my favourite sport.3My brother is a p_.4Look! Those children are playing a g_.5Its e_for my brother to play basketball. He is good at it.13. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1They want_(watch) a movie this evening.2My father_(take) a train to Beijing yesterday.3Your idea_(

7、sound) great.4He_(visit) his grandparents this week.14. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Im good at PE. I can run_(fast).2In public, you_(must) smoke. You can smoke in the smoke room.3Follow the rules and stay_(safe) on the road.4The yellow light_(mean) we must wait.5Look, the dogs_(run) on the road.6This question is v

8、ery_(easy). I can finish it_(easy).15. 选用适当的单词填空。loudly snowy quietly quick windy carefully dirty happily1Be_, or youll be late for school.2In the library, you should speak_.3Dont shout_, The boy is sleeping.4The girl is doing her homework_.5The children are singing_at the party.6It is warm and_toda

9、y. Lets fly kites in the park.7In winter, it is cold and_here.8Black smoke from factories makes the air_here.16. 根据动词过去式,编写句子。Came spent 连词成句17. king, and, shouted, at, they, looked, the, (.)18. is There book a picture photo in this (.)19. Sarah, angry, with, the, cat, is (.)20. is, shop, the, museu

10、m, where (?)21. hobby, is, taking, Sams, pictures, (.)22. in, my, hospital, a, works, mother (.)23. you, how, come, do, to, school (?)24. west, China, the, of, in, is, it, (.)句型转换25. 句型转换。1. Dont ride a bicycle here .(同义句转换)_a bicycle here.2.Its time for supper .(同义句转换)Its time_supper.3. Min gets up

11、 at seven oclock .(改成一般疑问句)_Min_up at seven oclock.4. These areTomstoys.(对句子主题意思提问)_toys_these?5. My birthday ison September 8th.(主题意思提问)26. 按要求改写句子。1. He plays basketball well. (改为同义句)He_playing basketball.2. Id like some bread.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_some bread? Yes,_3. The film is going to beginat 7:00.(

12、对句子主题意思提问)_the film_?4. Mike has some bread and milk for breakfast.(改为否定句)Mike_bread_milk for breakfast.5.Vegetables and fruitare good for our health.(对句子主题意思提问)_ good for your health?6. The children are planning for their summer holiday.(改为同义句)The children are making_their summer holiday.27. 按要求写句子

13、。1Therewerenocomputersinmytime. (改为一般疑问句)2Atthattime,peoplewentbybus.(改为否定句)3Idontlikewinter. (用before改写)4Didcavemencooktheirmeat? (作否定回答)5itIup looked Internet on the(.)(连词成句)6What is your grandpa doing?(根据实际情况回答)28. 按要求改写句子。1I met my cousin in the park.(改为否定句)I_my cousin in the park.2Mike goes to

14、schoolon footevery day.(主题意思提问)_does Mike_to school every day?3It wasfoggy(有雾的)yesterday.(主题意思提问)What_the_like yesterday?4There were some beautiful birds in the tree.(改为一般疑问句)_there_beautiful birds in the tree?5Its time to have a rest.(改同义句)Its time_.29. 根据要求完成句子。1. the / Wall / the / is / longest /

15、 Great / wall / the / world / in (.) (连词成句)2. I am going to visitBeijingin summer. (对句子主题意思提问)3. I know the Great Wall is in Beijing. (改为否定句)4. Harbin isin the north of China. (对句子主题意思提问)5. Beijing is the capital of China. (改为一般疑问句)30. 按要求完成句子。The mouse made a big hole in the net with his teeth.(1)写

16、出同义句_(2)对a划线提问_(3)对The mouse划线提问_(4)对The划线提问_(5)对with his teeth划线提问_(6)对his teeth划线提问_31. 句型转换。1I read English in the park yesterday morning.(改为一般疑问句)2I have learnedmany sentences.(对句子主题意思提问)3Did you learn to play football?(作肯定回答)32. 句型转化。1My favorite toy isa doll.(就划线部分题问)2Linda likes oranges.(一般疑问

17、句和否定回答)3This is my friend.(复数)4brother, his, my, homework,does,school,at(连词成句)5Amys schoolbag isunder the bed.(就划线部分题问)阅读理解33. 阅读理解。American schools begin in September after a long summer holiday. There are two terms in a school year; the first term is from September to January, and the second is fr

18、om February to June. Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. Most children are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school.High school students take only five or six subjects each term. They usually go to the same class every day, and they have hom

19、ework for every class. After class, they do a lot of interesting things.After high school, many students go to colleges. They usually have to pay a lot of money. So many college students work after class to get money for their studies.1In America, summer holidays begin in_ .( )A.September B.July C.M

20、ay D.February2When a boy is six years old, he _.( )A.has to stay at home B.can go to high schoolC.is old enough to go to school D.always plays at home3In American high school students after class_.( )A.do the homework B.go to workC.play basketball D.do many interesting things4In order to(为了) , many

21、American college students work after class_.( )A.help their parents B.get money for their studiesC.help others D.learn some useful things5Which is right?( )A.American students usually have a two - month holiday.B.American students have three terms in a year.C.A ten -year -old child usually has six s

22、ubjects at school.D.American students dont like to go to school.34. 读短文,选择正确的答案,将其序号填入题前括号里。I have a friend. He is Jack. He is eleven years old. He is in primary school. He likes eating hamburgers, hot dogs and ice cream. He eats them every day. He doesnt like vegetables or fruit. He eats tomatoes o

23、nce a week. He goes to school from Monday to Friday. He likes English and maths. He doesnt like PE. He never plays sports. On weekends, he often stays at home. He does his homework and watches TV. He likes watching cartoons on TV. He also often plays on a mobilephone(手机). I dont think he is healthy

24、or strong.( )(1)Jack is a _.A. teacher B. student C. policeman( )(2)Jack eats hamburgers, hot clogs and ice creamA. three times a week B. once a week C. seven times a week( )(3)Jack doesnt like _.A. PE B. English C. maths( )(4)What kind of programmes(节日) does jack like watching on TV?A. Music progra

25、mmes. B. Ball games. C. Cartoons.( )(5)Who will be Jack?A. B. C.35. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Hello, Im John. Its Monday today. I was busy last weekend. I didnt go to school on the weekend. And my parents didnt go to work. We all stayed at home. I cleaned the rooms and watered the plants. I did my homework and p

26、layed basketball. My mother cooked the meals, washed the clothes and went to the shop. My father washed his car and saw his friends. We watched an interesting TV show last night.(1)It was_ yesterday.A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Monday(2)John had a _weekend.A. free B. sad C. busy(3)John_ last weekend.A.

27、went shopping B. saw his friends C. cleaned the rooms(4)_went to the shop last weekend.A. Johns mother B. Johns father C. John(5) What did they do last night? They _.A. watered the plants B. watched a TV show C. played basketball36. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。ATripIwenttoJinanwithmyparentstwoyearsago.Itsthecap

28、italoftheShandong. ItsintheeastofChina.Therearelotsofsprings(泉)inJinan.SoitsalsocalledtheSpringCity.WevisitedDamingLake, BaotuSpringParkandSpringCitySquare.WealsoclimbedtheQianfoMountain.Wetooklotsofphotos.Wehadagoodtime.( )1.WewenttoJinanfiveyearsago.( )2.JinanisintheeastofChina.( )3.Jinanisalsocal

29、ledtheSpringCity.( )4.Wehadagoodtime( )5. Mysisterwantstobeadoctor37. 阅读理解。Mrs Hunt comes back from work. She tells Mr Hunt about a nice dress. “I see it in the shop every day”, she says .“And you want to buy it ?” says Mr hunt .”How much is it ?” “Two hundred and sixty yuan .” two hundred and sixty

30、 yuan for a dress ?Thats too much !” But every evening when she comes back , Mrs Hunt speaks only about the dress, so at last he says , “Oh ,buy the dress ! heres the money !” She is every happy . But the next evening, when Mr Hunt wants to have a look at the nice dress, Mr Hunt says ,”I dont want t

31、o buy it .”Why not ?” he asks.“Well, it is still in the window of the shop after a week. So I think no one wants this dress . And I dont want it ,either.”1Mr Hunt sees a nice dress _.( )A.at a bus stop B.in her factoryC.in a shop window D.at her friends home2Mrs Hunt tells Mr Hunt about the dress an

32、d she wants him to _.( )A.have a look B.buy it for herC.make one like that D.borrow it from the shop3Mr Hunt thinks the dress in the shop is _.( )A.very small B.too long C.very cheap D.too dear4Which of the following is right ?( )A.Many other people see the dress in the shop.B.Mr hunt doesnt let his

33、 wife buy the dress.C.Mrs hunt doesnt see one dress in the shop, but two .D.Mr and Mrs hunt come back work together(一起) every day5Mr hunt doesnt want to buy the dress at last because _.( )A.it is much too dear B.it is not very newC.it is not very new D.She doesnt think it is good38. 根据表格内容完成短文。I hav

34、e three good friends. Here are their changes:Mike liked summer best before. because he could 1._. But now he doesnt like it. He likes 2._very much.Jack liked winter very much before, because he could 3._. But now he doesnt like it. He loves to 4._.Allen couldnt 5._before, but now he can play it well

35、. He often plays it with his friends.39. 阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。Last weekend, my parents and I went to the countryside. There were many vegetables on the farm of the little village. I watered them. We picked some vegetables. We made lunch with them. They were fresh. The food was very delicious. In the af

36、ternoon, we planted some trees near the village. I felt very hot and tired, but I was very happy. I drank some fresh juice. We went home by bike in the evening. I had a great day in the countryside.1I went to the countryside with my parents last Monday.(_)2I watered flowers in the countryside.(_)3The vegetables were fresh and delicious in the countryside.(_)4I drank some fresh juice after planting some trees.(_)5I felt very happy in the countryside last weekend.(_)40. 根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。Uncle Le


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