外研版2019选择性必修第一册Unit 1 Laugh Out Loud!Section A(学案)_第1页
外研版2019选择性必修第一册Unit 1 Laugh Out Loud!Section A(学案)_第2页
外研版2019选择性必修第一册Unit 1 Laugh Out Loud!Section A(学案)_第3页
外研版2019选择性必修第一册Unit 1 Laugh Out Loud!Section A(学案)_第4页




1、 Section A Starting out & Understanding ideas学习目标1、学会本节单词、短语。2、掌握本节句型表达与运用。知识运用1. mood 词性:_ 意思:_be in a good/bad mood心情好/不好be/feel in the mood for sth. /to do sth. 有意做某事,有做某事的心情be in no mood for sth. /to do sth. 没心情做某事,无意做某事put sb.in amood使某人处于情绪中练习:The customer was _ a happy mood when he got a pres

2、ent free of charge from the supermarket.2. amusement词性:_ 意思:_with/in amusement 开心地to ones amusement令某人感到好笑的是单词积累:(1)amuse v.使开心,逗笑;给提供娱乐/消遣amuse oneself (by doing sth. ) (通过做某事)自娱自乐(2)amused adj.被逗乐的,感到有趣的 amusing adj.有趣的,好笑的be amused at/by 被逗乐keep sb. amused使某人玩得开心练习:The children had a good time in

3、 the _ (amuse) park.3. look through 意思:_单词积累:look after 照料,照顾 look around/round 环顾;参观 look down on/upon 轻视,瞧不起 look into 调查 look out (=watch out)小心,当心 look up查阅;抬头向上看look up to 钦佩;尊敬 look forward to 期待,盼望(to是介词)look onas把看作look ahead向前看,计划未来 look back on 回忆,回顾 look for 寻找 练习:We shouldnt look down _

4、the people who are in rags.4. in pain意思:_have a pain in 部位感到疼痛suffer (from)pain忍受疼痛take (great) pains to do sth. 煞费苦心做某事;十分努力地做某事No pain, no gain. 不劳无获练习:She shouldnt walk straight down the road, obviously _ pain.5. be designed for意思:_design sth.for sb. /sth. 为设计.be designed to do sth. 为做某事而设计;目的是做某

5、事be designed as 被设计成in design在设计上练习:The program _ (design) for entertainment turned out to be much too serious.6. do the trickplay tricks/a trick on 捉弄trick sb.out of sth. 从某人处骗取某物trick o doing sth. 哄骗某人做某事练习:She has a headache. I think having a good rest should do _ trick. 句型梳理Although its th

6、e doctors and nurses who will treat her injury, its my job to make her feel better.尽管为她治疗伤痛的是医生和护士,但让她的心情变好则是我的工作。【句式分析】although引导的让步状语从句中,its the doctors and nurses who will treat her injury是强调句型,强调的是主语the doctors and nurses.强调句型强调句型的结构:It is/was+被强调部分that/who+其他部分。该句型可强调主语、宾语、状语等,但不能强调谓语。The clown

7、 doctor entertains the little crying patients in the childrens hospital. 小丑医生逗乐儿童医院里哭闹的小病人。It is the clown doctor that/who entertains the little crying patients in the childrens hospital. (强调主语)It is the little crying patients that/who the clown doctor entertains in the childrens hospital.(强调宾语)It i

8、s in the childrens hospital that the clown doctor entertains the little crying patients.(强调地点状语)【误区警示】(1)构成强调句型的it不能用其他词代替。(2)用is还是was要根据原句的时态而定:属于现在或将来时间范畴的所有时态用is;属于过去时间范畴的所有时态用was。(3)被强调部分指人时,可以用who代替that,其他情况一律用that.【学法点拨】强调句型的判断方法:去掉it is/was与that/who,剩余部分若结构完整、句意明确,则为强调句型,否则就不是。2. And my magic medicine does indeed seem to do the trick. 而我的灵药似乎确实取得了成效。【句式分析】本句中 does seem属于“do/does/did+动词原形”结构。该结构用来强调谓语动词,多用于表肯定的陈述句中。do/does/did+动词原形结构I do hope you can have a chance to visit our school. 我真希望你能有机会参观我们学校。The clown does work in this circus.这个小丑的确在这个马戏团工作。Her fath


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