1、U4 Amazing ArtUnderstanding ideasAmazing ArtA-R-T E-X-H-I-B-I-T-I-O-NA-R-T E-X-H-I-B-I-T-I-O-NA-R-T E-X-H-I-B-I-T-I-O-NA-R-T E-X-H-I-B-I-T-I-O-NMona Lisa byLeonardodaVinci列奥纳多达芬奇Winged Victory of Samothrace or Nike of SamothraceDo you know the names of these artworks?Which museum are they collected
2、in?Lead-inWatch the video and then make a quiz on page 38 A from the LouvreA-R-T E-X-H-I-B-I-T-I-O-NA-R-T E-X-H-I-B-I-T-I-O-NDoes Live mean the life of Zack in the Louvre or a real-time broadcast / live streaming?First reading: reding for main idea and structure(2 mins) “”What is Zack doing in the L
3、ouvre? Zack is doing a live broadcast in the Louvre. He is introducing three art treasures in the museum and inviting the viewers to subscribe his live broadcast.make a reservation; book his video.A current/ real-time broadcastfantasticexhibitionlive broadcast LouvreartMona Lisamuseumtour guideselfi
4、e Introduction:Main body Conclusion:Divide the passage into three parts and tell me the reasons.Reading for structurePara.24Winged Victory of SamothraceMona LisaRembrandts self-portraitPara.1 Greeting and introduction Para.5 Making a conclusion and saying goodbyeDetailed reading: read para 2-4 to co
5、mplete the route on page 40. (2 mins)huge sculptureher head and arms are missingskill of the sculptorComplete the blankyou would expecta mind of herDetail readingtaking a 17th-century selfiecheaper to paint himself than to pay a model A detailed descriptionNow, at the top of these stone stairs. get
6、a load of that! That huge sculpture you can see is the Winged Victory of Samothrace, or Nike of Samothrace! I cant even begin to tell you how amazing this is! It looks like she has just flown down out of the sky and is standing on a ship. Her head and arms are missing, but you can imagine her holdin
7、g her arms up high, celebrating the result of an ancient battle. And just look at how her dress is being folded by the wind! I really cant believe shes made of stone. The skill of the sculptor is just incredible.Analyzing Para. 2 and take some notes. take a close look at thatIt seems thatunbelievabl
8、e/ skillfulArt workComment or responsebe made of Analyzing para.34, take some notes about wonderful expressions. (1 min)Okay, Id better move on.You can see there are so many people here.Im being pushed around quite a bit, in fact.And youre really going to love whats coming up next.Its the one and on
9、ly Mona Lisa!The painting is a lot smaller than you would expect, and is protected by glass.But from here I can get a good view to show you.When I look into her eyes it seems she has a mind of her own!One moment she seems to be laughing at me, but then again I catch a sense of sadness in her smile.I
10、 guess thats why she attracts so many visitors every day.mysterious fascinatingAnalyzingAnd now, its time to get up close and personal with one of historys greatest artists Rembrandt! He painted this self-portrait about 400 years ago. Throughout his life, he made over 90 self-portraits! No one reall
11、y knows why. Perhaps it was his way of taking a 17th-century selfie? Or was it simply cheaper to paint himself than to pay for a model?humorousThink & Share Which of the three artworks makes the greatest impression on you? Write your feelings down. Making a live broadcast Youre going to attend an on
12、line exhibition of artworks. It contains various works from the world. Please make a live broadcast on BiliBili to share with your fans.Work in a group of 4. Introduce 23 artworks.Use your imagination to comment artworks.Example (4 mins)Name: Along the river during the Qingming Festival.Painter: Zhang Zeduan(张择端).Collected in the Palace Museum.Age: Song Dynasty.Useful expressions:be going to do sthget a load of thatbe made of It seems thatDescriptive words:skillful amazing incredible unbelievableattractiveinteresting Suggested structure:Greeting: Welcome to my
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