1、British Family LifeContentsWarm-Up 1Language Study2Detailed Study 3Extension4Warm-Up Discuss the Following QuestionsWhat is a permissive society? What is the ploughmans lunch? familial: a. 家庭的,家族的Language Study terrace: n.(通常外表结构一样并由公共墙分隔的)排屋 semi-detached: a. (住宅)半独立式的 bungalow: n. 平房 hedge: n. 树篱
2、porridge: n. 麦片粥 continental breakfast: n. 欧式早餐, 欧洲大陆式早餐 mortgage: n. 抵押,抵押借款 cereal: n. 谷类食物,麦片粥Language Study rustic: a. 有农村特色的 sherry: n. 雪利酒 gin: n. 杜松子酒 vermouth: n. 味美斯酒,苦艾酒 pickle: n. 腌菜,泡菜Detailed StudyHousingMarriageMeals And Drinks A. Housing system1. “Owner-occupation”: most home, around
3、65% of them, are owned by the people to buy their own home, and there is a sophisticated and accessible system of finance from banks to allow them to do so-usually through a loan, or “mortgage” paid back over a period of 25 years. Often the loan is made for 95% of the value of the property to be pur
4、chased leaving the buyer to provide 5% as a deposit. 1 2. Public housing: owned either by the local (city) government, or by independent non-profit organizations called housing associations. Detailed StudyHousingB. Four main types of homeDetailed Study1. “Flats” (or apartments): a. of varying size,
5、often in modern multi-storey purpose-built buildings, though sometimes made by sub-dividing big old houses. b. often publicly owned c. vary a lot in size d. large flats in fashionable areas such as central London may be very high status and very expensiveDetailed Study2. “Terraced” houses: a. indivi
6、dual two-storey houses built joining on to each other at each side in a terrace or row (known as “row” houses in the US), often of the “two-up, two-down” variety, meaning they have two rooms downstairs and two bedrooms upstairs, plus a small kitchen and bathroom in a projection at the back (neverthe
7、less, much larger terraced houses do exist: three-storey variants are not unusual). b. only have a small enclosed concrete “yard” at the back, rather then a garden. c. many of this kind of home are 19th century in origin, though modernized, built originally to house factory workers. d. such houses a
8、re most common in inner-city areas. Detailed StudyDetailed Study“Terraced” housesDetailed Study3. The “semi”: a. a house which is “semi-detached”, meaning that it is joined to another house only on ONE side, so that semis stand together in pairs. b. usually a two storey house with kitchen, living-ro
9、om and dining room on the ground floor,2 and three bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs, though larger and smaller versions are not unusual. c. would have a small garden at the front dividing it from the road, and a larger one at the back (twenty meters by 10 meters might be an average size, though they
10、 vary quite a lot), as well as a garage for a car at the side. d. first became popular in the 1920s and 30s, but has continued to be built in much the same layout, though in different styles, ever since.Detailed StudyThe “semi”Detailed Study 4. Detached house: a. stands alone with garden on all side
11、s separating it a little from its neighbour. b. might be a one-storey house (for which British people use the Indian word “bungalow”) or two. Three-storey houses are less usual. c. would tend to be found in suburban areas.Detailed StudyC. GardensGardens are important to many British people. Gardenin
12、g is one of the most popular pastimes, and many unremarkable, even dull-looking, houses from the front might conceal a well-tended, flower-filled back-garden. Often this is not visible form the road, and unlike American homes the garden is often fenced, or marked off with high hedges, making it quit
13、e private. This may reflect a greater desire for privacy on the part of the British-or it may be simply that because Britain is a more densely populated land than America, house are usually closer together in Britain, making privacy more important. Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3Age for Marriage Engagement We
14、dding Detailed StudyLead A Happy LifeMarriageAccording to the English law: Below the age of 16-no child can get married. Between 16 and 18-the parents consent to the marriage is necessaryOver the age of 18-the parents consent is unnecessaryActually, most girls and nearly all men in Britain are well
15、over 18 when they get married. Marriage marks the beginning of a new and independent family, which means leaving ones parents and starting ones own life for both the man and the woman.Detailed StudyAge for marriageYoung people of both sexes associate freely. In terms of marriage the young people do
16、not like to have control placed on them by other family members. It is quite normal for a girl of 16 to go out with a boyfriend. Kisses and embraces between them are considered quite natural behavior. If they are together for a long time and know each other well, the girl would invite her boyfriend
17、to her house to meet her parents. And the boy would do the same. If they had made private promise to marry, the boy will buy an engagement ring for the girl. The engagement ring is placed on the third finger of the girls left hand, which is simply a public declaration of engagement and a means of di
18、scouraging the attentions of other young men. If the girl changes her mind, she usually returns the ring. If they continue getting along well, the engagement ring will be replaced by the wedding ring of plain gold. Detailed StudyEngagement 1. Places to have the ceremony: a. Church: for most British
19、couples, whether religious or not b. registry office: some couples, the ceremony is usually less formal and more purely legal2. The church ceremony: a. the bride dressed in a long white dress and attended by her close relatives and friends. b. The churchman will ask whether the couples are willing t
20、o marry each. If the answer is affirmative, they have also to make promises of loyalty to each other until they die. (Ironically, Britain is actually one of the countries with highest divorce rate in the developed countries. One out of three new marriages is now expected to end in divorce.)Detailed
21、StudyWedding Breakfast: Traditional British breakfast: A hearty meal eaten in many homes throughout the country, particularly at weekend and other nonworking days.Usually a fried or grilled dish consisting of bacon, eggs, and such additional items as sausage, mushrooms, tomatoes, black pudding3, and
22、 fried bread or potatoes; in some households a less substantial dish, such as kippers or boiled eggs, is preferred. It is usually preceded by porridge, fruit juice, or some variety of commercially produced breakfast cereal, and early 20th century innovation of US origin.Breakfast in recent years: A
23、light breakfast, usually called continental breakfast.Has no cooked dish and consists of fruit juice or cereal, rolls or toast and marmalade and office. Detailed StudyMeals and Drinks Lunch:Lunch is a midday meal, usually eaten between 12:00 to 2:00 pm. For those who have supper in the evening, lunc
24、h will usually be the main meal of the day.For those who have dinner in the evening as their main meal, lunch will usually be a light meal.Lunch generally consists of meat, potatoes, and other vegetables. The formal mane for lunch is luncheon which is used as printed on an invitation card, a menu, e
25、tc. since the early 1970s, the ploughmans lunch has become very popular in Britain. It is a snack lunch of cheese, bread, and butter, usually accompanied by tomatoes, lettuce, celary, or other salad and pickles. Such a meal is served in pubs throughout the country. Based on the medieval farm laborer
26、s traditional midday snack of bread and hard cheese, the modern ploughmans lunch may be prepared with any of variety cheeses and sometimes ham, beef, or other cold meats. It appears to satisfy the rustic aspirations of many white-collar workers. Detailed StudyThe Evening MealThe evening meal varies
27、from family to family. If the dinner is taken in the evening, it is usually sumptuous. Three courses at least are prepared for the evening dinner.Supper means a light meal taken in the evening. It is less grand and usually cold. Between lunch and evening dinner, there is usually a light meal of afte
28、rnoon tea in Britain, which is traditionally taken between four or five oclock in the afternoon. The light meal of afternoon tea is known as high tea, which is actually a mixture of tea and supper. High tea is usually prepared with a cooked dish or sandwiches, and accompanied by a pot of tea. It is
29、particularly popular in the north of England and in Scotland. Now tea is also a working class name given to the evening meal. Detailed StudyDrinks:Drinks are various and may be taken at different times. If you are invited to a drinks party, the party will probably be before dinner, 6:00-8:00 pm. If
30、you are invited to someones house for a drink, it will probably be after dinner, about 8:30 pm.On a Sunday, you would be invited for about 12:00 midday, and you might be the only guest, or there might be a small party in progress. You would probably be offered with wine, sherry, gin and/or vermouth, or whisky on all these occasions. If you are invited to have a pint of beer you will almost certainly arrange to meet in a particular pub. Detailed StudyTea:Britons are also known as tea drinke
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