1、技术引进合合同(1)适用让与与人前言Forewwordss本合同于年月日在在签订订。No.:_,Datte: _,Plaace: _一方为,以下简简称甲方。Partyy A:_一方为,以下简简称乙方。Partyy B:_鉴于乙方拥拥有合同产产品生产的的专有技术术,并有权权和愿意向向公司转让让该项技术术。This conttractt is signned oon thhis ddate of iin byy andd bettweenn (heereinnafteer reeferrred tto ass Parrty AA) annd (hhereiinaftter rreferrred t
2、o aas Paarty B).鉴于公公司希望利利用乙方所所拥有的专专有技术,以以生产销售售和出口合合同产品。Whereeas PPartyy B iis inn posssesssion of tthe kknow - hoow too mannufaccturee thee conntracct prroduccts aand hhas tthe rrightt andd is willling to ttranssfer suchh knoow - how to NNanfaang TTechnnologgy Coo., LLtd;甲方受公司委托托,由甲方方同乙方经经过友好协协商,同意意
3、按下列条条件及条款款签订本专专有技术合合同。本合合同由公司与乙乙方执行。And wwhereeas NNanfaang TTechnnologgy Coo., LLtd. wishhes tto uttilizze thhe knnow - howw posssesssed bby Paarty B too mannufaccturee, seell aand eexporrtthee conntracct prroduccts; Partty A, authhorizzed bby Naanfanng Teechnoologyy Co., Lttd., heldd friiendlly di
4、iscusssionns wiith PPartyy B aand hhave conccludeed unnder the folllowinng teerms and condditioons tthie conttractt.第一条定义义1.Deefiniitionns11专有有技术,原原指生产合合同产品,甲甲方所需要要的乙方所所拥有和提提供的全部部生产技术术及加工工工艺。该生生产技术和和加工工艺艺包括全部部设计、制制造、操作作图纸及技技术资料、制造工艺艺、生产程程序和生产产技术细节节。1.1Knoww- hoow sshalll meaan alll thhe maanufaactur
5、ring techhnoloogy aand pproceess eenginneeriing tto maanufaacturre thhe coontraact pproduucts whicch arre reequirred bby Paarty A annd whhich Partty B posssessees. SSuch techhnoloogy eenginneeriing sshalll inccludee tecchniccal ddetaiils oof alll deesignns, ooperaationn draawinggs, ttechnnicall docc
6、umenntatiions, manuufactturinng enngineeerinng, pproceeduree andd tecchniqques.12合同同产品,指指和产品品,该产品品符合本合合同附件一一所规定的的技术条件件和技术标标准。也即即甲方按照照乙方提供供的专有技技术及设备备进行制造造和生产的的产品。1.2Conttractt prooductts sshalll reffer tto thhe SIIO2 aand IITO cconduuctivve cooatinng gllass prodductss whiich aare iin coonforrmityy wi
7、tth thhe teechniical speccificcatioons aand sstanddardss as speccifieed inn Apppendiix 1 of tthis conttractt, e. g. the prodductss mannufacctureed byy Parrty AA witth thhe knnow - howw andd equuipmeent ssuppllied by PPartyy B.13技术术资料,指指制造合同同产品所需需要的全部部“专有技技术”,以以及乙方在在生产合同同产品的过过程中,所所使用的全全部有关设设计和制造造图纸,加
8、加工技术和和工艺文件件等资料。具体内容容及要求详详见本合同同附件二。1.3Techhnicaal Doocumeentattionss shhall meann alll thee knoow - how neceessarry too mannufaccturee thee conntracct prroduccts aand aall tthe ddesiggns, drawwingss, prrocesssingg tecchniqques, and engiineerring docuumentts, eetc. thatt Parrty BB usees inn mannufacct
9、uriing tthe ccontrract prodductss. Thhe coontennts aand rrequiiremeents of ssuch techhnicaal doocumeentattionss aree sett forrth iin Apppenddix 22 of thiss conntracct.14考核核产品,指指甲方用乙乙方提供的的专有技术术和专用设设备所生产产和制造的的合同产品品。该产品品经过验证证符合并且且达到本合合同附件一一所规定的的技术条件件和技术标标准。1.4Testt Prooductts sshalll meaan thhe coontra
10、act pproduucts manuufactturedd by Partty A withh thee knoowhoww andd speeciall equuipmeent ssuppllied by PPartyy B wwhichh, whhen ttesteed, sshalll meeet thhe teechniical speccificcatioons aand sstanddardss as speccifieed inn Apppendiix 1 of tthis conttractt.15工艺艺文件,指指生产合同同产品所需需要的全部部加工方法法、加工手手段、工艺艺过
11、程卡片片、工艺图图纸、工序序卡片等全全套资料。具体内容容详见本合合同附件二二。1.5Engiineerring Docuumentts sshalll meaan thhe coompleete sset oof prrocesssingg metthodss, meeans of pproceessinng, eenginneeriing ccardss, drrawinngs, workk prooceduures, etc. whiich aare nnecesssaryy to manuufactture the conttractt prooductts. DDetaiils aar
12、e sset fforthh in Appeendixx 2 oof thhe coontraact.16工艺艺守则,指指生产合同同产品的全全部生产和和加工过程程所必须遵遵循的原则则。1.6Engiineerring Reguulatiions shaall mmean thosse reegulaationns whhich shouuld bbe foollowwed wwhen manuufactturinng annd prrocesssingg thee conntracct prroduccts.第二条合同同内容和范范围2.Coontennts & Scoopes of CCont
13、rract21乙方方同意向甲甲方转让,甲甲方同意从从乙方取得得合同产品品的专有技技术。甲方方采用乙方方的专有技技术和主要要设备,能能够在甲方方工厂生产产出合格的的合同产品品。其产品品规格、型型号、产量量及技术条条件和技术术标准详见见本合同附附件一。2.1PPartyy B aagreees too traansfeer too Parrty AA andd Parrty AA agrrees to pprocuure ffrom Partty B the knowwhow to mmanuffactuure tthe ccontrract prodductss. Paarty A shhall
14、, in iits oown ffactoory, use the knoww - hhow aand eequippmentt suppplieed byy Parrty BB to manuufactture quallilieed coontraact pproduucts of wwhichh thee speecifiicatiions, typees, qquanttity, techhnicaal sppecifficattion and stanndardds arre sppeciffied in AAppenndix 1 off thee conntracct.22乙方方向
15、甲方提提供在甲方方工厂生产产合同产品品的全部完完整工艺文文件和资料料,能正确确指导合同同产品的生生产。详见见本合同附附件二。2.2PPartyy B sshalll proovidee to Partty A the comppletee sett of engiineerring docuumentts annd teechniical docuumenttatioons tto bee useed foor thhe maanufaacturre off conntracct prroduccts iin Paarty As facttory. Succh enngineeerinng d
16、oocumeents and techhnicaal doocumeentattionss shaall ccorreectlyy dirrect the manuufactture. Dettailss aree sett forrth iin Apppenddix 22 of the conttractt.23乙方方在提供技技术资料的的同时,还还要提供全全部技术标标准。2.3TThe rrelatted ttechnnicall staandarrds sshalll be submmitteed byy Parrty BB at the samee timme thhe teechnii
17、cal docuumenttatioon iss proovideed.24乙方方向甲方提提供用于在在甲方工厂厂生产合同同产品的全全部专有技技术资料必必须是完整整的技术资资料。2.4TThe ttechnnicall doccumenntatiion ccoverring the knoww - hhow tto meeanuffactuure tthe ccontrract prodductss shaall bbe coompleete.25乙方方在向甲方方提供技术术的同时,并并为甲方提提供和选择择生产合同同产品所必必须的关键键设备。这这些设备的的具体要求求和规格详详见“设备备引进合同同”
18、。设备备合同的交交付规定和和交付办法法,按设备备合同的规规定执行。详见“生生产设备引引进合同”。2.5IIn addditiion tto prrovidding the knoww - hhow, Partty B shalll allso sselecct annd prrovidde too Parrty AA thee keyy equuipmeent nnecesssaryy forr thee mannufaccturee of conttractt prooductts. TThe rrequiiremeents and speccificca-tiions are specci
19、fieed inn thee Eqquipmment Purcchasee Conntracct(EEPC)oof whhich the deliiveryy andd payymentt aree subbjectt to the provvisioons ttheree - oof.26为了了保证合同同产品的生生产,乙方方同意甲方方采用部分分中国国产产设备,和和乙方选择择提供的设设备配套共共同生产合合同产品。详见本合合同附件三三。2.6TTo ennsuree thee mannufaccturee of conttractt prooductts, PPartyy B aagreees
20、too thee inttroduuctioon off somme doomesttic eequippmentt by Partty A bo bbe ussed wwith the equiipmennt prrovidded bby Paarty B inn thee mannufaccturee. Deetaills off succh doomesttic eequippmentt aree sett forrth iin Apppenddix 44 of the conttractt.27乙方方按照本合合同附件四四所规定的的条件和要要求,在乙乙方工厂为为甲方培训训技术人员员,以保
21、证证所培训的的人员能够够掌握这些些专有技术术,生产合合同产品。2.7PPartyy B sshalll, acccordding to tthe ccondiitionns annd reequirremennts aas sppeciffied in AAppenndix 4, rrendeer teechniical traiiningg to Partty A s ppersoonnell in the facttory of PPartyy B sso ass to ensuure tthat the perssonneel caan maasterr thee knoow - how
22、 and be aable to mmanuffactuure tthe ccontrract prodductss.28乙方方按合同附附件五所规规定的条件件,派遣称称职的专家家到甲方工工厂进行技技术指导、技术服务务。2.8PPartyy B sshalll, acccordding to tthe ccondiitionns ass speecifiied iin Apppenddix 55, asssignn commpeteent eex. ppertss to Partty As faactorry too rennder techhnicaal suupervvisioon annd
23、 teechniical servvice.第三条价格格3.Coontraact PPricee31按第第二条所规规定的合同同内容和范范围,乙方方所提供的的合同产品品的专有技技术包括工工厂设计图图纸,全部部制造图纸纸,工艺文文件,技术术服务和技技术培训等等的全部资资料总价格格为美美元。其中中技术转让让费为美元,考考察培训费费为美美元。3.1AAccorrdingg to the conttractt conntentts annd sccopess as speccifieed inn Chaapterr 2, the totaal prrice of tthe kknow - hoow to
24、o mannufaccturee conntracct prroduccts pproviided by PPartyy B iincluudingg thee dessignss, drrawinngs, engiineerring docuumentts, ttechnnicall serrvicee andd traaininng shhall amouunt tto_off whiich_sshalll be trannsferr feee andd_shaall bbe trrainiing ffee.32上述述合同的价价格为固定定价格,包包括本合同同第二条所所规定的全全部技术资资料
25、运抵费用。该价格包包括乙方在在本合同中中所承担的的其他义务务的全部费费用在内。3.2TThe aabovee conntracct prrice is ffixedd andd shaall iincluude tthe eexpennses to sship all the techhnicaal doocumeentattion to SShenzzhen as sspeciifiedd in Chappter 2 off thee conntracct. SSuch conttractt priice sshalll alsso inncludde thhe exxpensses ffo
26、r PPartyy B tto caarry out the otheer coontraact oobliggatioons oof thhis ccontrract.33本合合同内的一一切费用均均以美元计计算和结算算。3.3AAll tthe ccalcuulatiions and paymment of eexpennses of tthis conttractt shaall bbe inn U/SS/Dolllarss.34设备备引进合同同的总价格格为万万美元。其其具体执行行办法按设设备合同的的规定执行行。3.4TThe ttotall priice oof thhe eqquipm
27、ment shalll bee_. TThe eexecuutionn shaall bbe suubjecct too thee proovisiions of tthe EEPC.第四条支付付与支付条条件4.Paaymennt & Paymment Condditioons41本合合同项下的的一切费用用,用M/T信汇方方式支付。甲方通过过银行行,乙方通通过指定的的外国银行行进行支付付。凡发生生在中国境境内的银行行费用,由由甲方负担担,凡发生生在中国境境外的一切切银行费用用,由乙方方负担。4.1TThe ppaymeent oof alll thhe exxpensses uunderr t
28、hiis coontraact sshalll be madee by M/T throough Bankk of Chinna, SShenzzhen Brannch aand tthe bbank desiignatted bby Paarty B. AAll tthe bbank expeensess occcurinng innsidee Chiina sshalll be bornne byy Parrty AA andd thoose ooutsiide CChinaa shaall bbe boorne by PPartyy B.42本合合同第三条条31款款所规定的的总价格美元,
29、由由甲方按照照下列比例例,方式支支付给乙方方:4.2PPaymeent:4211付款(1)按本本合同附件件二的规定定,乙方应应于合同生生效后两个个月内交付付所有技术术文件。技技术文件交交付的清单单和技术文文件的交付付空运提单单各一式四四份。(1)Thhe teechniical docuumenttatioons aas sppeciffied in AAppenndix 2 off thee conntracct too be deliivereed wiithinn 2 mmonthhs affter the conttractt takkes eeffecct; tthe ddetaii
30、led listt of suchh tecchniccal ddocummentaationns annd thhe aiirmilll off ladding in ffour copiies rrespeectivvely.(2)乙方方说明按本本合同附件件二规定,应应于合同生生效后两个个月内交完完所有技术术文件的确确认函正本本一份。(2)Onne orriginnal ccopy of tthe lletteer off connfirmmatioon off Parrty BB to comppletee thee tecchniccal ddocummentaationns ass
31、speecifiied iin Apppenddix 22 of the conttractt witthin 2 moonthss aftter tthe ccontrract takees efffectt.(3)即期期汇票正、副本各一一份。(3)Siight drafft onne orriginnal aand oone ccopy.(4)金额额美元元的商业发发票四份。(4)Coommerrciall invvoicee of _in fourr coppies.4222合同总值值美元元的计美美元,甲方方在收到全全部技术文文件及技术术培训开始始前15天天内用M/T信汇方方式支付给给乙方
32、。4.2.22_off thee_conntracct prrice amouuntinng too_shaall bbe paaid bby Paarty A too Parrty BB by M/T afteer Paarty A haas reeceivved aall tthe ttechnnicall doccumenntatiions and 15 ddays prioor too thee tecchniccal ttrainning.4233合同总值值美元元的计美元,甲甲方在完成成设备安装装、调试合合格、正式式投入生产产、生产出出合格产品品,双方签签署了合格格证书、并并在收到乙
33、乙方的下列列单据后,经经审查无误误,30天天内以M/T信汇方方式支付给给乙方:4.2.33_off thee_conntracct prrice amouuntinng too_shaall bbe paaid bby Paarty A too Parrty BB by M/T afteer inn insstalllatioon annd teestinng off thee equuipmeent aare ccomplletedd, thhe eqquipmment is pput iinto operratioon annd prroducces qqualiifiedd proodu
34、ctts annd booth ppartiies hhave signned ccertiificaate oof acccepttancee, annd wiithinn 30 dayss aftter PPartyy A hhas rreceiived the folllowinng doocumeents and provved tthat theyy aree in confformiity wwith the conttractt:(1)金额额为美美元的商业业发票一式式四份。(1)Coommerrciall invvoicee of_in ffour copiies.(2)由双双方
35、签署的的合同产品品考核验收收合格证书书一式两份份。(2)Ceertifficatte off accceptaance of ccontrract prodduct quallity signned bby booth ppartiies iin twwo coopiess.(3)即期期汇票正、副本各一一份。(3)Orriginnal aand ccopy of ssightt draaft oone ccopy resppectiivelyy.43设备备合同总值值万美美元(大写写),其支支付和支付付办法,按按设备合同同的规定执执行。4.3PPaymeent aand ttermss of p
36、aymment of tthe EEPC aamounntingg to_shalll bee subbjectt to the provvisioons tthereeof.第五条技术术文件及设设备的交付付5.Deeliveery oof Teechniical Docuumenttatioons & Equuipmeent51乙方方应按本合合同附件二二规定的内内容和交付付日期,将将技术文件件交付甲方方。5.1PPartyy B sshalll delliverr thee tecchniccal ddocummentaationns too Parrty AA in accoordannc
37、e wwith the conttentss andd schhedulle ass speecifiied iin Apppenddix 22 of the conttractt.52设备备和设备技技术文件的的交付,要要严格按照照设备合同同的交付规规定执行。5.2TThe ddelivvery of tthe eequippmentt andd equuipmeent ttechnnicall doccumennts sshalll be subjject to tthe ttermss of deliiveryy of the EPC.53每批批技术资料料发运后的的两个工作作日内,乙乙方应
38、用电电话将发运运日期,发发运数量,包包装件数和和重量,空空运提单号号,合同号号,班机号号和预计抵抵达时间,通通知甲方,并并同时用航航空挂号信信将下列单单据寄交甲甲方:5.3WWithiin 2 workking dayss aftter eeach lot of ttechnnicall doccumenntatiions is sshippped, Partty B shalll nootifyy Parrty AA by teleephonne thhe daate oof shhipmeent, quanntityy, nuumberr of casees, wweighht, nnum
39、beer off airrbilll of ladiing, conttractt nummber, fligght nnumbeer annd exxpectted ddate of aarrivval aand ssend by aair - maiil - regiisterr to Partty A the folllowinng doocumeents:(1)空运运提单正本本一份,副副本四份。(1)Aiir biill oof laadingg onee oriiginaal annd foour ccopiees.(2)技术术文件详细细清单一式式三份。(2)Deetailled l
40、list of ttechnnicall doccumenntatiions in tthreee coppies.54全部部技术文件件派专人送送到北京甲甲方,以甲甲方签收日日视为实际际交付日。5.4IIf thhe teechniical docuumenttatioons aare hhand carrried to SShenzzhen, the datee wheen Paarty A siigns the receeipt shalll bee takken aas thhe daate oof deeliveery oof thhe teechniical docuumenttat
41、ioons.55如乙乙方交付的的技术文件件在途中丢丢失,短缺缺或损坏,则则乙方应在在最短期间间内,最迟迟不得超过过在甲方通通知后200天,免费费补给甲方方。5.5IIn caase oof anny looss, shorrtagee of damaage oof thhe teechniical docuumenttatioons ddurinng shhipmeent, Partty B shalll, wwithiin thhe poossibble sshorttest timee whiich, howeever, doessnt exceeed 220 daays ffrom no
42、tiificaationn by Partty A, makee repplaceementt to Partty A freee of charrge.56乙方方发运和寄寄送的技术术文件及资资料,包装装要牢固,适适合于长途途运输,多多次装卸,防防雨和防潮潮。在发运运的每一个个包装箱上上面,均要要用英文标标志下列内内容:5.6TThe ppackiing oof thhe teechniical docuumenttatioons sshoulld bee strrong, suittablee forr lonng diistannce ttranssporttatioon annd ree
43、peatted lloadiing aand uunloaadingg. Prrecauutionns aggainsst raain aand mmoistture shalll allso bbe taaken. Eacch caase sshalll be markked iin Ennglissh inndicaatingg thee folllowiing cconteents:(1)合同同号:(1)Coontraact nnumbeer:_(2)收货货人:(2)Coonsiggnee:_(3)唛头头:(3)Shhippiing MMark:_(4)目的的地:(4)Deestinna
44、tioon:_(5)发货货人:(5)Coonsiggnor:_(6)重量量:(6)Weeightt:_(7)包装装箱号/件件号:(7)Caase nnumbeer:_57每一一个包装箱箱内,均附附有详细的的装箱单一一式两份。5.7IIn eaach ccase, a deetailled ppackiing llist in ttwo ccopiees shhall be iinserrted.第六条技术术的修改和和改进6.Moodifiicatiions & Immprovvemennt off Tecchnollogy61乙方方提供的技技术资料如如有不适合合于甲方生生产条件的的,如设计计标
45、准、材材料标准及及要求、工工艺装备及及其他生产产条件等不不适合于甲甲方生产实实际,乙方方有责任协协助甲方进进行修改,并并由双方确确认其修改改的部分。6.1IIn thhe evvent therre iss anyy parrt inn thee tecchniccal ddocummentaationns noot suuitabble ffor PPartyy Ass praacticcal pproduuctioon coondittionss, suuch aas sttandaards of ddesiggn, sstanddardss andd reqquireementts on
46、n matteriaals, engiineerring and faciilitiies, Partty B shalll bee ressponssiblee to assiist PPartyy A tto maake mmodifficattionss whiich sshalll theen bee connfirmmed bby booth ppartiies.62在本本合同有效效期内,双双方对合同同规定的技技术内容和和范围,如如有任何改改进和发展展,双方都都应互相将将改进和发发展的技术术免费提供供给对方。6.2DDurinng thhe teerm oof coontraact,
47、 if eeitheer paarty makees anny immprovvemennt annd deeveloopmennt wiith rregarrd too thee tecchnollogy conttentss andd scoopes of tthe ccontrract, suchh parrty sshalll proovidee thee infformaationn of the imprrovemment and deveelopmment to tthe ootherr parrty ffree of cchargge.63改进进和发展的的技术,所所有权属于于改
48、进和发发展技术的的一方,对对方不得去去申请专利利,也不得得将发展和和改进的技技术转让第第三方。6.3TThe oownerrshipp of the abovve immprovvemennt annd deeveloopmennt shhall be rretaiined to tthe pproviidingg parrty. The otheer paarty shalll noot bee enttitleed too anyy appplicaationn forr pattent, neitther shalll thhe otther partty trransffer ssuc
49、h imprrovedd andd devvelopped ttechnnologgy too anyy thiird ppartyy.第七条产品品的考核和和验收7.Asssesssmentt & AAccepptancce off Prooductts71为了了保证乙方方提供合同同产品的制制造专有技技术的正确确性、可靠靠性和先进进性,由甲甲方和乙方方技术人员员一起,在在工厂按本本合同附件件六“考核核和验收”的规定,共共同对合同同产品进行行考核和验验收。7.1TTo ennsuree thaat thhe knnow- how supppliedd by Partty B is ccorree
50、ct, reliiablee andd advvanceed, bboth partties shalll joointlly peerforrm inn Parrty AAs ffactoory tthe aassesssmennt annd acccepttancee of the conttractt prooductts inn acccordaance withh thee proovisiions of AAppenndix 6 off thee conntracct.72按本本合同第二二条的规定定,产品的的技术条件件、技术标标准,生产产图纸,均均作为考核核验收合同同产品的依依据。
51、产品品的技术文文件及资料料详见本合合同附件一一。7.2AAccorrdingg to Chappter 2, tthe ttechnnicall reqquireementts, sstanddardss andd draawinggs shhall be ttakenn as eviddencee of the asseessmeent aand aaccepptancce off conntracct prroduccts. The detaails are set - foorth in AAppenndix 1 off thee conntracct.73产品品考核验收收合格后,双双方
52、代表要要签署验收收合格证书书一式四份份,双方各各执二份为为凭。7.3IIf thhe coontraact pproduucts are quallifieed, bboth partties shalll joointlly siign aa cerrtifiicatee of acceeptannce iin foour ccopiees, ttwo ffor eeach partty.74如果果考核验收收达不到本本合同的规规定要求,则则双方要友友好协商,共共同研究分分析原因,采采取措施,消消除缺陷,进进行第二次次考核和验验收。7.4IIf thhe prroduccts ccannoot
53、 meeet tthe rrequiiremeents of tthe ccontrract, bothh parrtiess shaall hhold frieendlyy disscusssionss to anallyse the reassons and takee meaasurees too corrrectt anyy deffect and preppare for the secoond aassesssmennt annd acccepttancee of the conttractt prooductts.75如果果第一次考考核不合格格属于乙方方的责任,乙乙方须派遣遣专家
54、参加加第二或第第三次考核核和验收。其一切费费用由乙方方负担。如如果属于甲甲方责任,其其一切费用用应由甲方方负担。7.5IIf thhe faailurre off thee firrst aassesssmennt annd acccepttancee is due to PPartyy Bss ressponssibillity, Partty B shalll seend eexperrts tto paarticcipatte inn thee seccond or tthe tthirdd asssessmment and acceeptannce, and expeensess th
55、uus occcur shalll bee borrne bby Paarty B; iif thhe faailurre iss duee to Partty As reesponnsibiilityy, thhe exxpensses sshalll be bornne byy Parrty AA.76如经经过第二次次考核仍达达不到合格格要求时,如如系乙方责责任,乙方方必须赔偿偿甲方因此此而遭受的的直接损失失。并要求求采取措施施消除缺陷陷,参加第第三次考核核,如系甲甲方责任,则则其一切损损失由甲方方自负。7.6IIf affter the secoond aassesssmennt ann
56、d acccepttancee thee prooductts sttill cannnot mmeet the requuiremmentss, iff thee ressponssibillity liess in Partty B, Partty B shalll coompennsatee Parrty AA forr thee dirrect econnomicc lossses thuss occcur, takee meaasurees too corrrectt thee deffectss andd parrticiipatee in the thirrd asssesssm
57、entt andd accceptaance; if the respponsiibiliity llies in PPartyy A, all the lossses sshalll be bornne byy Parrty AA itsself.77若经经过第三次次考核仍不不合格,如如属乙方责责任,则乙乙方应承担担由此而造造成一切损损失。甲方方有权终止止合同并按按第八条的的规定由甲甲方向乙方方索赔。如如属甲方责责任,则双双方应共同同协商本合合同的进一一步执行问问题。7.7IIf thhe prroduccts aare sstilll nott quaalifiied aafterr th
58、ee thiird aassesssmennt annd acccepttancee andd thee ressponssibillity liess in Partty B, Partty B shalll bee ressponssiblee forr alll thee lossses thuss cauused and Partty A shalll haave tthe rrightt to termminatte thhe coontraact aand rraisee a cclaimm agaainstt Parrty BB acccordiing tto Chhapteer
59、 8; if the respponsiibiliity hhas iin Paarty A, bboth partties shalll muutuallly ddiscuuss tthe ffurthher iimpleementtatioons oof thhe coontraact.第八条保证证和索赔8.Guuaranntee & Cllaim81乙方方保证向甲甲方提供的的技术文件件是乙方实实际使用的的、成熟的的、可靠的的和最新的的技术资料料和文件,并并保证在合合同的有效效期间内及及时向甲方方提供任何何新的发展展的改进的的技术资料料。8.1PPartyy B gguaraanteees
60、 thhat ttechnnicall doccumenntatiions are thosse ussed bby Paarty B annd suuch ddocummentaationns arre prrovedd relliablle annd off lattest techhnoloogy. Partty B alsoo guaaranttees thatt durring the termm of conttractt, Paarty B shhall notiify PPartyy A oon tiime oof anny deeveloopmennt annd immpro
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