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1、精品文档 精心整理精品文档 可编辑的精品文档Module 4Life in the futureUnit 2 Every family will have a small plane.知识目标单词air, land, rain, robot, sea, space, into, wind, hour, rise, short, long, light, heavy, cheap, easytraffic jam, come true, not only .but also., as well句型(1)What will life be like.?(2)Here are some ideas.

2、(3)Which ones will come true?技能目标通过熟读能用will表达自己对未来的预测和想象,能用so表达较为复杂的概念。情感目标通过对未来美好的憧憬,培养积极乐观的精神。一般将来时will结构的运用。一般将来时will结构的运用。教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 1Warmup1.Have students watch a video about technology life the future.2.Listen to music and enjoy some pictures to feel the changing world . Think about

3、what it will be like in the future.1.Watch the video2.Look at some pictures and think about what it will be like in the future.1.课前观看关于未来科技的视频,让学生想象未来的生活情景,为课文内容做铺垫。2.通过图片来感知过去到现在的变化,想象未来,思考未来会是什么样的,给学生充分的思考空间。Step 2Pre-readingUse pictures to practice “will” and show some new words and scenes about

4、the future.Practice using will do/be and there will be.使用图片展示课文中将会出现的词汇和情景,使学生学会使用will +do及句式变化,为阅读做铺垫。Step 3Reading 1.Fast readingAsk students to read the passage fast and name headings for each paragraph.2.Careful readingRead Para A clothes and answer the questions.Read Para B weather and fill in

5、the blanks.Read Para C travel and fill in the blanks.Read Para D jobs and fill in the blanks.1.Fast read the passage and name headings for each paragraph.2.Finish the questions of each paragraph. Learn to use “so” to express results. Watch videos and pictures to learn about the expansion and extensi

6、on.1.通过让学生快速浏览全文,对文章进行整体感知,掌握相关阅读策略并总结段落主题。2.分段落让学生对全文进行精读,锻炼学生获取信息的能力,学会使用“so”来表达结果。通过未来知识拓展和延伸的视频图片,使学生更多地了解科技发展的知识和对未来的渴望,激发他们的学习热情。Step 4Post-reading1.Read the whole passage again , retell the ideas of future and try to retell the ideas together.2.Retell the ideas of Tony.1.Read and try to retel

7、l the ideas together.2.Retell the ideas.1.朗读复述课文,思考并说出关于未来的想法,加深学生对课文的理解,提高学生的表达能力。2.复述Tony关于未来的想法,更好地理解课文。教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 5Discussand writeAsk students to work in groups of four to discuss the ideas about the future. Then write a short passage , choose some students to show them in class.Discu

8、ss in groups of four and write a short passage.通过小组间的合作学习,让学生充分地实践运用语言,激发学生创造性思维的发展。学生通过小组讨论循序渐进地进入写作,巩固本课的语言点并增强写作能力。Step 6Summary andpromotionLife will be better in the future. Future will belong to people who creates it.1.Watch a video and think about who will own the future.2.Every group hands i

9、n their score.通过观看视频提高学生对未来的兴趣和向往,鼓励学生为将来更加努力地学习, 创造更美好的未来。小组合作竞争,通过课堂活动选出优胜小组。Step 7Consolidation教师设置巩固检测练习。1.Li Ming will go to Shanghai tomorrow. (改为否定句)Li Ming _ _ to Shanghai tomorrow.2.There will be some water in the bottle. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_ there be _water in the bottle?_, _.3.I will visit th

10、e Great Wall next Tuesday.(改为一般疑问句)_ _visit the Great Wall next Tuesday?4. There is a sports meeting in our school everyday. (用next week改写句子)There _ _ a sports meeting in our school next week.5. Linda is going to walk up the Great Wall.(同义句)Linda _ _ up the Great Wall.Keys: 1. wont go2.Will;anyNo, there wont3. Will yo


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