1、The Principle and Application of微型计算机原理及应用puter B这门课比较抽象,主要讲了计算机的工作原理,以 8086 为例。比如,当输入一个十进制的数,在键盘上,电脑是如何辨别输入的数呢?电脑里面用的是二进制,当输入十进制数时,电脑会自动把它转化为二进制,转化过程是(举例子)。8086 是 16 位处理器的典型代表,也是er 80X86 系列的第一个产品。主要由总线接口单元和执行单元。总线接口单元里面主要有四个段地址寄存器(CS16 位代码段寄存器;DS数据段寄存器; ES附加段;SS堆栈段)。执行单元里面有 4 个通用寄存器(累加器(AX),基址寄存器(B
2、X),计数寄存器(CX),数据寄存器(DX)和 4 个C 语言:#include main()i,sum;i=1;sum=0; while(i=100)i+=1;寄存器(BP,SP,SI,DI)。sum=sum+i;prf(sum is %d,sum);return 0;This course involves 包含 the parallel port 并行端口, the serial port串行端口, D/A (Digital toog) Converter 转换, A/D Converter, thedigital code displayer 数字代码显示器, and the keyb
3、oard, espe programming and the method of researching 研究 a application system.lly I/O puterputrinciple and Applicationsroduction: The students are requested to master the basic architectureof computer and its running principle. They will learn assembly languageprogramming, in order to get the foundat
4、ionhe compute control. Thiscourse will involve the architecture and principle of Mcs-51 serialprosor, theerruption techniques, the extenof the prosor, andassembly language programming.一、Fundamentals:a.ThecharacteristicsofMono-chip:highlyegrated,simplestructure, high reliability, strongfunctionsto co
5、ntrol, cheap,flexible usage.b.Storage capacity=2(*n)*mOperation运算 1) add 2)subtraction 3) multiply 0*0=00*1=1*0=01*1=1c.Logical operation 1) And00=001=10=011=1 2)Or00=001=10=111=1二、Structure and working principles:a. Makeup: CPU, timer circuit, Read Only Memory, Random AcsMemory, Timer and Counter,
6、St connect Input/output 串行口,errupt control system.1. A central prosing unit (CPU): is an electronic circuitt canexecute computrograms.2. A Random-acs memory (RAM): is a form of computer data storage.A random-acs device allows stored dao be acsed in very nearlythe same amount of time for any storage
7、location, so dan be acsedquickly in any random order. Its usually used to store data. It can bothread and write. But when the machine iser off, data in a RAM willdisappear.3. A Read-only memory (ROM): is a class of storage medium used incomputers and other electronic devi. Data stored in ROM cannot
8、bemodified, or can be modified only slowly or with difficulty, so it ismainly used to distribute firmware (softwaret is very closely tied tospecific hardware, and unlikely to need frequent updates).4. Input/Outputerface: is anegrated circuit by which thecomputer can exchange information with the ext
9、ernal devi.P0, P1, P2 and P3 are input and outputerface. They all have thefunction of transmitting input data and output data of a prosor.RESET pin: can initialize the se of the prosor. And 8051(eight zerofive one) has two form of reset:er-on reset and manual reset.5Timer or counter: is a spelized t
10、ype of clock. It can be used tocontrol the sequence of an event or pros.6.errupt system: Anerrupt refers tot the prosor stopsexecution of the original program and begins execution of anerrupthandler after which the prosor will return to execute the originalprogram.In systems programming, anerrupt is
11、 a signal to the prosor or aninstruction in software usually indicating an eventt needs immediateattention. Anerrupt signals the prosor of a high-priority conditionrequiring theerruption of the current code the prosor is executing,the current thread. The prosor responds by suspending its currentacti
12、vities,savingits se,andexecutingasmallprogramcalledanerrupndler (errupt service routine, ISR) to deal with the event.Thiserruption is temporary, and after theerrupndler finishes, theprosor resumes execution of the previous thread.b.ernal structure and functions: operator 运算器 (arithmeticlogic unit 算术
13、逻辑单元, accumulator 累加器, register 寄存器, Program Sus Word), controller 控制器(Program Counter,DPTR), assemble language 汇编语言The prosor of a MCS-51 single-chip computer usually has forty pins.For exle(引脚图):8051 is a type of CPU of MSC-51. This figureshows its pins. And this form is called a dual in-line pack
14、age (DIP). (标出两根电源线 20 21)Theory and application ofputer 微机原理及实验ernal structure of a2.This course is mainly about theputer and some important concepts aboutputers.There are many kinds ofputers, and we mainly learnedMCS-51 single-chip computer.Fundamental characteristic: highlyegrated, simple structu
15、re, highreliability, strong function to control,cheap flexible usage.3. Structure and working principlesa. Makeup: CPU, timer circuit, Read Only Memory, Random AcsMemory, Timer and Counter, St connect Input/output, 串行口,errupt control system.b.ernal structure and functions: operator 运算器 (Arithmeticlo
16、gic unit 算术逻辑单元, Accumulator 累加器, register 寄存器,Program Sus Word), controller 控制器(Program Counter, DPTR)assemble langusge (汇编语言)4.ernal structure and functions: operator 运算器 (Arithmeticlogic unit 算术逻辑单元, Accumulator 累加器, register 寄存器,Program Sus Word), controller 控制器(Program Counter, DPTR)实验:the name of my design is “Furnace Temperature control systemb
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