1、 互联网金融外文文献翻译互联网金融外文文献翻译(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)译文:互联网金融对传统金融业的影响摘要网络的发展,深刻地改变甚至颠覆了许多传统行业,金融业也不例外。近年来,金融业成为继商业分销、传媒之后受互联网影响最为深远的领域,许多基于互联网的金融服务模式应运而生,并对传统金融业产生了深刻的影响和巨大的冲击。“互联网金融”成为社会各界关注的焦点。互联网金融低成本、高效率、关注用户体验,这些特点使其能够充分满足传统金融“长尾市场”的特殊需求,灵活提供更为便捷、高 互联网金融外文文献翻译效的金融服务和多样化的金融产品,大大拓展了金融服务的广度和深度,缩短了人们在时空上的距离
3、;监管1 引言互联网技术的不断发展,云计算、大数据、社交网络等越来越多的互联网应用为传统行业的业务发展提供了有力支持,互联网对传统行业的渗透程度不断加深。20 世纪末,微软总裁比尔盖茨就曾断言,“传统商业银行会成为新世纪的恐龙”。如今,随着互联网电子信息技术的发展,我们真切地感受到了这种趋势,移动支付、电子银行早已在我们的日常生活中占据了重要地位。由于互联网金融的概念几乎完全来自于商业实践,因此目前的研究多集中在探讨互联网金融的具体模式上,而对传统金融行业的影响力分析和应对措施则缺乏系统性研究。互联网与金融行业一向是风险 互联网金融外文文献翻译投资的主战场,是思维模式的创新实验田,因此各种商业
5、具有较强的现实意义。2 互联网金融的产生背景互联网金融是以互联网为资源平台,以大数据和云计算为基础的新金融模式。互联网金融借助于互联网技术、移动通信技术来实现资金融通、支付和信息中介等业务,是传统金融业与以互联网为代表的现代信息科技(移动支付、云计算、数据挖掘、搜索引擎和社交网络等)相结合产生的新兴领域。不管是互联网金融还是金融互联网,只是战略上的区别,并没有严格定义区分。随着金融与互联网的相互渗透与相互融合,互联网金融可以泛指一切通过互联网技术来实现资金融通的行为。互联网金融是互联网与传统金融相互渗透和融合的产物,这种崭新的金融模式有着深刻的产生背景。互联网金融的出现既 互联网金融外文文献翻
6、译源于金融主体对于降低成本的强烈渴求,也离不开现代信息技术迅猛发展提供的技术支撑。2.1 需求型拉动因素传统金融市场存在严重的信息不对称,极大的提高了交易风险;移动互联网的发展逐步改变了人们的金融消费习惯,对服务效率和体验的要求越来越高;此外,运营成本的不断上升,都刺激着金融主体对于金融创新与改革的渴求;这种由需求拉动的 因素,成为互联网金融产生的强大内在推动力。2.2 供给型推动因素数据挖掘、云计算以及搜索引擎等技术的发展、金融与互联网机构的技术平台的革新、企业逐利性的混业经营等,为传统金融业的转型和互联网企业向金融领域渗透提供了可能,为互联网金融的产生和发展提供了外在的技术支撑,成为一种外
7、化的拉动力。在互联网“开放、平等、协作、分享”的平台上,第三方融资与支付、在线投资理财、信用评审等模式的不断涌现,不仅使得传统的金融市场格局发生了巨大的变化,也使现代信息科技更加便捷地服务于各金融主体。对于传统金融机构,特别是银行、证券和保险机构而言,机遇大于危机,发展胜过挑战。3 互联网金融的构成主体3.1 资金供给者介于互联网金融的综合性,其资金供给者不仅包括传统的金融机构,也包括渗透进入的互联网企业。就目前的市场结构而言,传统金 互联网金融外文文献翻译融机构主要有商业银行、证券、保险、基金和小额贷款公司,而新兴主体主要包括部分互联网企业,如亚马逊,还有一些以互联网为渠道的综合型公司。这些
8、企业不仅是市场资金的供给者,更是将许多传统所谓的“低净值客户”纳入市场资金的供给方。在操作形式上,前者主要借助互联网将传统业务进行外化,后者主要通过互联网渠道将业务进行渗透,无论是外化还是渗透,二者都通过互联网渠道实现了金融业务的创新与改革。3.2 资金需求者互联网金融模式下的资金需求者虽然没有突破传统的政府、企业和个体的范畴,但在惠及范围上却有着很大程度的改变。互联网金融的兴起和发展,特别是互联网企业的进入使得被排挤在传统金融机构门槛之外的、相对弱势的组织和个体需求者,有了一个更加便捷和高效的资金获取渠道。因此,互联网金融所带来的普惠性和包容性更胜以往的传统金融模式。3.3 中介机构互联网金
9、融依靠高效、便捷的信息技术,极大降低了金融市场上存在的信息不对称,交易双方通过互联网直接对接,交易成本也大大降低,因此互联网金融主体对于中介机构的依赖性明显减弱,但并非意味着互联网金融市场就没有中介机构。就现阶段互联网金融的发展状况而言,第三方支付平台扮演了该领域中介机构的角色,不仅充当资金结算的平台,更是对资金供需的上下游环节进行多方位的整合,在满足资金支付的同时,起到资金配置的作用。尤其是在电子商务领 互联网金融外文文献翻译域,这一功能更加明显。3.4 大数据金融大数据金融是指集合海量非结构化数据,通过对其进行深度挖掘与实时分析,掌握客户的交易信息、消费信息和消费习惯等,进而准确预测客户行
10、为,使相关金融机构在产品设计、精准营销和风险管理等方面的效率得到极大提高。基于大数据的金融服务平台主要指拥有海量交易数据的电子商务企业所开展的金融服务。大数据的关键是从大量无序的数据中快速攫取有价值信息的能力,或者是从大数据资产中快速变现的能力。因此,大数据的信息处理往往与云计算结合在一起。4 结论互联网金融模式不仅能够产生巨大的社会效益,降低交易成本,提供比现有直接和间接融资更高的资源配置效率,为经济发展提供动力,还能够借助互联网及其相关软件技术淡化传统金融业的专业分工,使得金融参与者更加大众普通化,风险定价期限匹配等复杂交易也趋于简单化。由于互联网金融所涉足的领域主要集中在传统金融机构当前
11、开发并不深入的领域,即传统金融的“长尾市场”,能够与原有的传统金融业务形成补充态势,所以短期内互联网金融从市场规模角度并不会对传统金融机构带来很大冲击,但是互联网金融的业务模式、创新思路以及其显现出来的高效率对于传统金融机构在理念上带来了较大的冲击,也带动了传统金融机构进一步加速与互联网的互相渗透与融合。 互联网金融外文文献翻译原文:Internet Finances Impact on Traditional FinanceRamsey; Labored.AbstractAs the advances in modern information and Internet technology
12、,especially the develop of cloud computing, big data, mobile Internet,search engines and social networks, profoundly change, even subvert manytraditional industries, and the financial industry is no exception. Inrecent years, financial industry has become the most far-reaching areainfluenced by Inte
13、rnet, after commercial distribution and the media. ManyInternet-based financial service models have emerged, and have had aprofound and huge impact on traditional financial industries.Internet-Finance has win the focus of public attention.Internet-Finance is low cost, high efficiency, and pays morea
14、ttention to the user experience, and these features enable it to fullymeet the special needs of traditional long tail financial market, toflexibly provide more convenient and efficient financial services anddiversified financial products, to greatly expand the scope and depth offinancial services, t
15、o shorten the distance between people space and time,and to establish a new financial environment, which effectively integrateand take use of fragmented time, information, capital and other scatteredresources, then add up to form a scale, and grow a new profit point forvarious financial institutions
16、. Moreover, with the continuouspenetration and integration in traditional financial field,Internet-Finance will bring new challenges, but also opportunities to thetraditional. It contribute to the transformation of the traditional 互联网金融外文文献翻译commercial banks, compensate for the lack of efficiency in
17、 funding processand information integration, and provide new distribution channels forsecurities, insurance, funds and other financial products. For many SMEs,Internet-Finance extend their financing channels, reduce their financingthreshold, and improve their efficiency in using funds. However, thec
18、ross-industry nature of the Internet Finance determines its risk factorsare more complex, sensitive and varied, and therefore we must properlyhandle the relationship between innovative development and marketregulation, industry self-regulation.Key Words:Internet Finance; Commercial Banks; Effects; R
19、egulatory1 IntroductionThe continuous development of Internet technology, cloud computing,big data, a growing number of Internet applications such as socialnetworks for the business development of traditional industry providesa strong support, the level of penetration of the Internet on thetradition
20、al industry. The end of the 20th century, Microsoft chairman BillGates, who declared, the traditional commercial bank will become the newcentury dinosaur. Nowadays, with the development of the Internetelectronic information technology, we really felt this trend, mobilepayment, electronic bank alread
21、y occupies the important position in ourdaily life.Due to the concept of the Internet financial almost entirely from thebusiness practices, therefore the present study focused on the discussion.Internet financial specific mode, and the influence of traditionalfinancial industry analysis and counter
22、measures are lack of systemicresearch. Internet has always been a key battleground in risk investment,and financial industry is the thinking mode of innovative experimentalvarious business models emerge in endlessly, so it is difficult to usea fixed set of thinking to classification and definition.
23、The mutual 互联网金融外文文献翻译penetration and integration of Internet and financial, is a reflectionof technical development and market rules requirements, is anirreversible trend. The Internet bring traditional financial is not onlya low cost and high efficiency, more is a kind of innovative thinking modea
24、nd unremitting pursuit of the user experience. The traditional financialindustry to actively respond to. Internet financial, for such a vast blueocean enough to change the world, it is very worthy of attention tostraighten out its development, from the existing business model to itsdevelopment prosp
25、ects.Internet financial belongs to the latest formats form, discussesthe Internet financial research of literature, but the lack of systemicand more practical. So this article according to the characteristics ofthe Internet industry practical stronger, the several business models onthe market for su
26、mmary analysis, and the traditionalfinancial industry how to actively respond to the Internet wave offinancial analysis and Suggestions are given, with strong practicalsignificance.2 Internet financial backgroundInternet financial platform based on Internet resources, on the basisof the big data and
27、 cloud computing new financial model. Internet financewith the help of the Internet technology, mobile communication technologyto realize financing, payment and information intermediary business, isa traditional industry and modern information technology represented bythe Internet, mobile payment, c
28、loud computing, data mining, searchengines and social networks, etc.) Produced by the combination of emergingfield. Whether financial or the Internet, the Internet is just thedifference on the strategic, there is no strict definition of distinction.As the financial and the mutual penetration and int
29、egration of theInternet, the Internet financial can refer all through the Internet 互联网金融外文文献翻译technology to realize the financing behavior. Internet financial is theInternet and the traditional financial product of mutual infiltration andfusion, the new financial model has a profound background. The
30、 emergenceof the Internet financial is a craving for cost reduction is the resultof the financial subject, is also inseparable from the rapid developmentof modern information technology to provide technical support.2.1 Demands factorsTraditional financial markets there are serious informationasymmet
31、ry, greatly improve the transaction risk. Exhibition graduallychanged peoples spending habits, more and more high to the requirementof service efficiency and experience; In addition, rising operating costs,to stimulate the financial main bodys thirst for financial innovationand reform; This pulled b
32、y demand factors, become the Internet financialproduce powerful inner driving force.2.2 Supply driving factorData mining, cloud computing and Internet search engines, such as thedevelopment of technology, financial and institutional technologyplatform. Innovation, enterprise profit-driven mixed mana
33、gement, etc.,for the transformation of traditional industry and Internet companiesoffered financial sector penetration may,for the birth and developmentof the Internet financial external technical support, become a kind ofexternalization of constitution. In the Internet openness, equality,cooperatio
34、n, share platform, third-party financing and payment, onlineinvestment finance, credit evaluation model, not only makes thetraditional pattern of financial markets will be great changes have takenplace, and modern information technology is more easily to serve variousfinancial entities. For the trad
35、itional financial institutions,especially in the banking, securities and insurance institutions, moreopportunities than the crisis, development is better than a challenge. 互联网金融外文文献翻译3 Internet financial constitute the main body3.1 Capital providersBetween Internet financial comprehensive, its capit
36、al providersinclude not only the traditional financial institutions, includingpenetrating into the Internet. In terms of the current market structure,the traditional financial sector mainly include commercial Banks,securities, insurance, fund and small loan companies, mainly includes thepart of the
37、Internet companies and emerging subject, such as the amazon,and some channels on Internet for the company. These companies is not onlythe providers of capital market, but also too many traditional so-calledlow net worth clients suppliers of funds into the market. In operationform, the former mainly
38、through the Internet, to the traditional businessexternalization, the latter mainly through Internet channels to penetratebusiness, both externalization and penetration, both through the Internetchannel to achieve the financial business innovation and reform.3.2 Capital demandersInternet financial m
39、ode of capital demanders although there is nobreakthrough in the traditional government, enterprise and individual,but on the benefit has greatly changed. In the rise and development ofthe Internet financial, especially Internet companies to enter thethreshold of made in the traditional financial in
40、stitutions, relativelyweak groups and individual demanders, have a more convenient and efficientaccess to capital. As a result, the Internet brought about by theuniversality and inclusive financial better than the previous traditionalfinancial pattern.3.3 IntermediariesInternet financial rely on eff
41、icient and convenient informationtechnology, greatly reduces the financial markets is the wronginformation. Docking directly through Internet, according to both parties, 互联网金融外文文献翻译transaction cost is greatly reduced, so the Internet finance main bodyfor the dependence of the intermediary institutio
42、ns decreasedsignificantly, but does not mean that the Internet financial markets,there is no intermediary institutions. In terms of the development of theInternet financial situation at present stage, the third-party paymentplatform plays an intermediary role in this field, not only ACTS as afinanci
43、al settlement platform, but also to the capital supply and demandof the integration of upstream and downstream link multi-faceted, in meetthe funds to pay at the same time, have the effect of capital allocation.Especially in the field of electronic commerce, this function is moreobvious.3.4 Large fi
44、nancial dataBig financial data collection refers to the vast amounts ofunstructured data, through the study of the depth of its mining andreal-time analysis, grasp the customers trading information,consumption habits and consumption information, and predict customerbehavior and make the relevant financial institutions in the productdesign, precise marketing and greatly improve the efficiency of riskmanagement, etc. Financial services platform based on the large datamainly refers to with vast trading data of the electronic commerceenterprises financial services. The key to the big da
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