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1、-.-股东合作协议书Shareholders Cooperation Agreement甲方名称: *有限责任公司地址: *电话: *传真: *法定代表人: *Party A: * Co., ltd.Address: No. *, * Road, * City, * ProvinceTel:*Fax:*legal representative: *乙方名称: *有限公司地址: *座机: *移动固话: *传真: *法定代表人: *word 可编辑 .-.-Party B: * Co., LtdAddress: Room*, * Road,* District,Beijing, ChinaTel:

2、*Mobile:*Fax:*legal representative: *丙方名称: *地址: *Phone:*Fax:*法定代表人: *Party C: *Address: *Tel:*Fax:*Legal representative: *甲、乙、丙三方经友好协商,本着平等互利、优势互补、合作共赢的原则,就三方共同发起、共同出资、成立合资公司,达成如下合作协议:word 可编辑 .-.-According to principles of equality and mutual benefit , complementary advantages , and win - win coope

3、ration, Three parties have reached a cooperation agreement on the establishment and capital contributions of the joint venture company as follows:第一条合资公司名称、经营范围、注册地址及公司形式:合资公司名称: * 有限责任公司。经营范围:主营钻探设备的销售、维修及售后服务;钻探设备租赁;相关工程施工。(以工商局核准范围为准)注册地址:北京市公司性质:有限责任公司经营期限: 50 年,经营到期前 6 个月由三方再协商续期事宜,并向工商局提出延期申请。

4、Article 1: Name, business scope, registered address, and corporate form of the joint venture company:Name: * Co., LtdBusiness scope:sale, leasehold, maintenance and after-sales service of drilling equipment; construction of related project. (authorized scope of the Administration for industry and co

5、mmerce is as the criterion)Registered address: BeijingCorporate form: limited liability companyOperating period: 50 years, three parties negotiate the renewal 6 months before the expiration of the operating period, and apply to the Administration for industry and commerce for extension.word 可编辑 .-.-

6、第二条合资公司注册资本及各方出资比例、出资形式合资公司注册资本为 200 万元人民币(大写:贰百万元整) 。各方出资比例及出资形式:甲、乙、丙三方均以货币形式出资, 其中甲方以人民币出资, 出资金额 100 万元,持有合资公司股权 50%;乙方以人民币出资,出资金额: 80 万元,持有合资公司股权 40%;丙方以瑞典克朗出资, 出资金额按缴款当日中国人民银行基准汇率核算,相当于人民币 10 万元,持有合资公司股权 10% 。出资期限:各方出资必须在临时账户开设后七个工作日内一次性足额缴纳,存入公司在银行开设的验资账户,并聘请法定验资机构验资,出具验资报告。Article 2: Register

7、ed capital, proportion and form of capital contribution.Registered capital is 2 million RMB.proportion and form of capital contribution: All three parties contribute in monetary form,Among which party A contributes in RMB amounting to 1000 000 RMB, andholds 50% of the shares; party B contributes in

8、RMB amounting to 800 000 RMB, and holds 40% of the shares; party C contributes in SDK, amounting to 100 000 RMB, and holds 10% of the shares.Time limit of capital contribution: Each party shall pay in full amount at one time within 7 days after the provisional account is opened. The capital will be

9、deposited in the bank verification account, and then we employ statutory capital verification agency to assess capital and provide capital verification report.第三条、拟设立公司组织结构1. 公司成立后,设董事会,董事会成员共5 名,甲方委派两人出任董事;乙方word 可编辑 .-.-委派两人出任董事;丙方委派一人出任董事。公司成立后,董事长由甲方委派代表担任。公司总经理由乙方委派代表担任。财务经理一名,由甲乙双方共同选任;监事一名,由甲

10、方委派人员担任。合资公司董事长:刘勤学 (甲方);合资公司法定代表人:郭军(乙方) 。公司实行董事会领导下的总经理负责制。总经理是公司经营管理和行政工作的组织者和领导者, 拥有公司经营自主权, 业务工作的指挥权, 公司内部人事任免权和对员工的奖惩权。Article 3 Organization structure of the joint venture company to be established:Board of directors will be set up after the company is established, including 5 directors, of w

11、hich 2 are appointed by Party A, 2 by party B, and 1 by party c.Chairman will be appointed by party A, general manager by party B. A financialmanager and a supervisor are needed, both appointed by party A. Chairman of the joint venture company: Liu Qinxue (party A); legal representative: Guo Jun(par

12、ty B).The company to be established practicesgeneral managers responsibility system under the leadership of the board of directors. The General Manager is responsible for the administration of the company. And he owns company operating autonomy, command of bussiness, and personnel management.第四条、其他约

13、定1. 新设立公司独占设备在亚洲地区的经营权,协议各方和任何他方均不得单方销售和租赁该设备。2. 由甲、乙、丙各方单独出资购买的设备,均交由新设立公司进行管理运营, 新设立公司有义务本着尽职尽责妥善经营的原则, 维护该设备的运营, 并实现其商业价值最大化。 各方和任何他方不得单方 (包括授权他方)使用和经营该设备。word 可编辑 .-.-Article 4: Other provisionsThe joint venture company newly established monopolizes managerial authority of the * equipment in Asi

14、a. Each party and any other party are not allowed to sell and lease the equipment.The facilities each party has bought, will be under the mangement and operation of the newly established joint venture company, the new company shall operate the facilities faithfully and dutifully, and maximize their

15、commercial value. No party andno any other parties are allowed to use and operate the facilities, including authorizing other parties use and operate it.第五条本协议一式4份,各方股东各执一份,交工商行政管理部门一份,自股东各方签字盖章之日起生效。Article 5 This agreement has 4 copies of the same legal effect, each party holds one copy, and one will be handed to the administrative department for industry and commerce. This agreement comes into force at the moment that all parties sign it.第六条本协议于年月日在签订。以下无正文。Article 6This agreement is signed onNo text below.word 可编辑 .-.-甲方代表人(签字):年月日乙方代表人(签字)


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