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1、 1377国开电大本科理工英语3历年期末考试试题及答案汇编2021年7月试题及答案 一、交际用语(每小题2分,共10分)1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下面对话,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。1. Hello, may Is peak to Henry? My name is Henry.This is Henry speaking.It is Henry.答案BWhat do you think of the song? It sounds sweet.I like music very much.I dont know the title.潜案AHave you ever shopped onli

2、ne? Quite often. It is very convenient, saving me a lot of time.Yes, I do.Certainly.答案AWould you like to go to attend the conference on global warming with me? , but I should finish my homework first.r d love toIts hard to sayYou re welcome答案AWhat do you think of your new computer? I think so.It is

3、really fantastic.How about you?答案B二、词汇与结构(每小题2分,共30分)=rr6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,井将答案序号写在答】 纸上。as that one.6.This garden is three times as bigbiggerbiggest答案Athan Harry Potter.7.I have never read a book that is interestingmore interestingmost interesting答案Badapt trying to beat back the ri

4、sing flood, innovative amphibious buildings can to the rising flood.BesidesForInstead of答案c11 never forget the days I worked together with you.thatwhenwhich答案BIf I had time, see that new movie at the University Theater. a. r iiI mayf d答案cTom told a lie to avoid .punishingbeing punishedpunished答案BWha

5、t I should do is the task soon.to finishfinishedbe finished答案A13.I am not feeling very well. I to see the doctor.shouldneedwould答案B1 prefer to to drive.be drivento drive. . . rather than being drivendriving. being driven答案cThe store will 5% for cash payment.discoursediscouragediscount答案cAll the mobi

6、le phones must before the meeting begins.turnoffbe turned offbe turning off答案B17.It will cost time to paint the old furniture.considerateconsiderablyconsiderable答案cKatie admits she sometimes uses TV as a pacifier when her children are overly excited and it usually .playsworksaffects答案BEach CPU consi

7、dered more than 6 billion hands of poker. That more poker than has been played by the entire human race.adapts tois used toamounts to答案cThe organization will a survey about the career choices of the college graduates.conductleadmanage 答案A 三、阅读理解(每小题4分,共40分) 21-25题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并将答案序号写在

8、答题纸上。In capsule hotels, each guest stays in a small sleeping space called capsule. It measures about 2 meters in length and 1 meter in both width and height.It is a type of hotel first developed in Japan intended to provide cheap, basic overnight accommodation for guests who do not require the servi

9、ces offered by traditional hotels. Facilities differ, but most include a television and wireless internet connection. There are many buttons in the capsule. One turns on the light, one turns on the TV, one controls the channels. There is a radio and an alarm clock builtin. The open end of the capsul

10、e can be closed, for privacy, with a curtain or a fibreglass door. Luggage is stored in a locker. Clothes and shoes are sometimes exchanged for a yukata and slippers on entry. Washrooms are communal. Guests are asked not to smoke or eat in the capsules. Some hotels also provide restaurants (or at le

11、ast vending machines) , pools, and other entertainment facilities. Capsules are used primarily by men. Some capsule hotels offer separate sections for male and female guests.The benefits of these hotels are convenience and price, usually around 2000-4000 (USD 25-50) a night. They provide a place for

12、 those who maybe too drunk to return home safely. About 30%at the Capsule Hotel were unemployed or underemployed and were renting capsules by the month.It was first offered to salary men who had missed the last train home, but now it is also popular with travelers from all over the world. Therefore,

13、 its going to gain more popularity.The space of each capsule is quite .limitedlargecapacious答案AMost capsules are not equipped with in the small sleeping space.a TVwireless internet connectionwashrooms答案cCapsule hotels were first developed in .JapanChinaUK答案AThe benefits of these hotels do not includ

14、e conveniencecomfortprice答案BThe writer has a attitude towards capsule hotels.positivenegativeneutral答案c26-30题:根据短文内容判断给出的语句是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”,并将答案写在答题 纸上。There are plenty of ways to make your house look greener. It doesn,t matter how many people reside in your home. It doesnt even matter what is t

15、he size of your home. What matters is how your house looks and how it affects you and others residing in it.It is very necessary to make your house look greener because it has a direct impact on your health. If you keep your house greener, you will get rid of many dangerous diseases. Here are some w

16、ays to keep it greener.Good and reliable InteriorIndoor material , like windows , doors , cupboards, etc. must be of good quality. These things play an important role to clean the house. Doors and cupboards must be of high quality wood. Aluminium windows must be used. You must use high-quality paint

17、s for walls , doors , windows and cupboards.Using wider windows and doors for ventilation.Oxygen is a necessary element to enable you to live alive. For healthy life , windows and doors must be wide and usually be kept open at least for 15 hours a day , as ventilation of air makes you fresh and heal

18、thy.Placing plants especially flowers at various placesNo one wants an empty house , and plants definitely play a refreshing role. First , the plants provide you with oxygen necessary for survival.Second , plants and especially flowers spread heart-attracting fragrance. All unhealthy odors are eradi

19、cated from your home and you feel fresh whenever you are inside it. Flowers also make your home interior look more appealing.Disposing off wastes away from home regularlyIt s very important to throw away household wastes far from your house every day. When wastes are kept untouched for many days , t

20、hey attract bacteria and viruses. Flies and mosquitoes also start gathering and increasing at such places. As a result , diseases are caused.Using anti-bacterial materials for washing floors and contentsUsually unclean fans , floors and walls breed bacteria and viruses, which are then carriedby flie

21、s and mosquitoes. These carriers then infect the humans by contact through contaminated food or direct attacks on human body. Its always recommended to use antibacterial or anti-viral cleaners for fans, floors, walls, laptops, and TVs.A green home is closely related with the size of your home.答案FA g

22、reen home does good to your health.答案TThe quality of indoor materials is of great importance to keep the house clean.答案THousehold wastes should be thrown away daily.答案TFlies and mosquitoes breed bacteria and viruses. 答案F四、写作(共20分)假设你是Mark,请你根据所给内容写一份求职信。(1)从报纸获悉招聘信息,想要在暑假应聘到国际酒店做服务员。(2)今年17岁,是一名在读酒店

23、管理(hotel management)的大学在校生。(3)去E1年暑假在紫云大酒店工作。擅长英语表达,有很好的与人相处沟通的能力。(4)可以从7月第四个星期 开始工作。(5)希望获得面试机会。(6)联系方式:。参考答案:Dear Sir,I learned the recruitment information from the newspaper. I wanted to apply for a job as a waiter in an international hotel during the summer vacation. I would like you to consider

24、 me for the position.My name is Mark. I am 17 years old and I studying hotel Management in university. I worked in Ziyun Hotel last summer vacation. Im good at English expression. I have good communication skills. I can start work from the fourth week of July. I hope to have an interview. If I could

25、 have the opportunity to get the job.I will do my best.Thank you for your consideration.I look forward to hearing from you. My contact is 13800000000163. com.YoursMark2021年1月试题及答案一、交际用语(每小题2分,共10分)1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下面对话,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。1. Well, may I know how long the training will be?It willIt willIt will

26、 答案A2. -Sir,last six months, be 5 meters.be fine.could you please put out your cigarette? This is a smoke-free school.r m sorry about this.No problem.Sure, r d love to.答案ASorry. I have taken your car key by mistake. That s right.You re welcome.It doesnt matter.答案cHow are you feeling?Much better. Tha

27、nks for coming to see me.You look great.C Dont mention it.答案A I saw a car crash into the tree just now. You should drive safely.A car? Not a man?Wow, that s scaring.答案C二、词汇与结构(每小题2分,共30分)6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,井将答案序号写在答题 纸上。Do you want to wait? Five days too long for me to wait.areiswe

28、re答案BWhat I should do is the task soon.to finishfinishedbe finished答案A Mr Zhang said is quite right.ThatWhenWhat答案cTom told a lie to avoid for his fault.punishingbeing punishedpunished答案Br 11 never forget the days I worked together with.thatwhenwhich答案BA designer is needed.full-timefull timefull tim

29、ing答案AIt was the Louvre Pyramid brought him worldwide fame.whatthatas答案B I enjoy most is I can have a holiday from workWhat. thatThat. . . thatWhat. what答案Ar m tired. I working very hard.havehave beenhad答案Bcollege graduates.overly excited andThe organization will a survey about the career choices of

30、 theleadconductmanage答案BKatie admits she sometimes uses TV as a pacifier when her children are it usually .playsworksaffects答案BYou dont have to start over from .scratchheadagain答案AThe more knowledge we have, the better we can our choices.removerecordrefine答案cWhat qualifications should I have to this

31、 major?apply forask forlook for答案AHe with his wife on household expenses.arguedappealedanalyzed答案A三、阅读理解(每小题4分,共40分)21-25题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。Green interior design is sometimes called sustainable design. It is about what is good and what is bad for peoples health, for the enviro

32、nment and for saving energy. Of course, fashion is a big part of green interior design. But it is not the only thing being focused on. The keywords of green interior design are not cool, “modern”, “stylish” and now; but instead sustainable, “recycled, non-toxic,locally sourced”, “renewable” and “org

33、anic” .For example, Italian leather couches might be the hot word in style. But a green interior designer cares more about whether the leather is from an organic source, whether the wood is from a sustainably managed forest, whether there was any toxic glues used in making the furniture and what was

34、 the carbon output in shipping Italian sofa from Europe to other areas.Green design is about analyzing all aspects of a building to find ways to save energy and water, to find ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to make the interior free of toxic chemicals and to use materials that are the most

35、 environmentally friendly.Reducing energy bills is a primary aim of green interior design. Saving water is the second aim of green interior design. Low VOC, “zero VOC” and “VOC free are new buzz phrases in the green design. From a green design point of view, the main concern is to choose indoor floo

36、ring, furniture, paint that are free of chemicals that pollute and make people sick.Green interior design pays great attention to peoples health, saving energy and .environmental protectioncool designunsustainable resources答案AA green interior designer may not choose certain material if it is sustain

37、ablerenewabletoxic答案cThe word cool in Line 4 means chillystylishcold答案BThe primary aim of green interior design is .saving waterreducing energy billslow VOC答案BThe topic of this passage is about .how to decorate homesreducing energy consumptiongreen interior design答案C2丄30题:根据短文内容判断给出的语句是否正确,正确的写“T”,错

38、误的写“F”,并将答案写在答题 纸上。Henry and his landlady are talking about how to dispose of garbage.8 ioHenry: Mary, can you tell me about the trash collection? When do I takeout the trash? Mary: OK, lets see.On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, you can leave your burnable trash outside.Henry: What is burnable trash?

39、Mary: Burnable trash is, for example, milk cartons, other paper things, and food as well.You can put all the remains of your food in the burnable bin.Wednesday, and Friday.Henry: OK, so burnable trash is Monday, Mary: Thats right.Henry: OK, what about other trash?you can leave you run burnable trash

40、Mary: On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, outside your door.Henry: OK, what i sunburn able trash?plastic. You can t burn plastic as it wouldMary: Un burnable trash is, for example,harm the environment.Henry: OK, what about plastic bottles?Mary: That collection is on Saturday. You can leave plastic PE

41、T bottles and also glass bottles, but in a separate bin.Henry: OK, anything else, like batteries, or clothing?Mary: Yes, for batteries and clothing there are special days every month, so you havetokeep them till that day.Henry: OK, and where do I put the trash?Mary: You have to put all the trash in

42、clear plastic bags and leave them just outside your apartment. Just over there, on the left.Henry: OK. Thanks, Mary.Mary: You re welcome.Henry: I might have to ask you again, but thanks.Mary: Don,t worry. That,s fine.Milk cartons are unburnable trash.答案FEveryday Henry can leave his rubbish outside a

43、 she wishes. 潜案FPlastics would harm the environment if you were to burn them.答案TYou can leave batteries and clothes once every week.答案FHenry can just leave all his rubbish outside his apartment without putting them into a bag. 答案F四、写作(共20分)根据所给信息完成求职信。假设你是王芳,主修行政管理专业,将于2015年7月从白云职业技术学院毕业。2015年6月14 日

44、,你看到某公司正在其网站上招聘一名秘书。Dear Sir or Madam,I write this letter to apply for the position of (1)(秘J) that you advertised on (2)(信 息来源)of (3)(信息发布日期).I will be graduating from(4), majoring in(5)Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality for a(6)(职位名称).(7)(原因之一

45、). On the other hand, (8)(原因之二).I would be very grateful if you grant me a personal interview. If you need to know more about me, please feel free to contact meat anytime at 647253X X.Thank you for(9)I am(10)meeting you.Yours sincerely,Wang Fang参考答案:secretary;the website;、June 14, 2015;Baiyun Vocati

46、onal College;administration ;secretary;I am careful enough to deal with all of the work.(仅供参考);I am patient and willing to work hard.(仅供参考);your time and consideration.(仅供参考);looking forward to.(仅供参考)2020年7月试题及答案一、交际用语(每小题2分,共10分)1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下面对话,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。asses.Im sorry for breaking your glYou

47、 are terrible.Thats all right.You are wrong.答案BIf youre short-listed for the interview, well ring you by Friday.I dont care.It doesn,t matter.OK, Madam. T m looking forward to hearing from you.答案c I am worried about this out-dated equipment.You re so lucky.It won t be too old.Yeah, it may bring a he

48、alth hazard.答案cIt is a little expensive. Can I have a discount?No, you cant.Sorry. You see, we area franchised store.It is not expensive at all.答案BCould you please tell me when will the promotion be?Maybe next month.Yes, I can.Yes, its my duty.答案A二、词汇与结构(每小题2分,共30分)6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确

49、选项,井将答案序号写在答题 纸上。when she saw her parents.Mary cant help cryingto crycry答案Aworking very hard.I m tired. I havehave beenhad答案BAre you still here? You were here half an hour ago. Who for?were you waitingare you waitingdo you wait答案BThere are many ways the problem.solvingto solvesolve答案BIf I had time,

50、see that new movie at the University Theater.a. r iiI mayId答案CThe law requires that everyone his car checked at least once a year.hashadhave答案cThe work by the time you get here.will have been doneis donehad been done答案AMary has her hands With three children to take care of,freefullbusy答案BYou dont ha

51、ve to start over from againheadscratch 答案cKatie admits she sometimes uses TV as a pacifier when her children are overly excited and it usually .playsworksaffects答案BPlacing a job advertisement on an online job board is .expensivelycostcostly答案cEach CPU considered more than 6 billion hands of poker. T

52、hat more poker than has been played by the entire human race.adapts tois used toamounts to答案cWe will you later.contactcontractconstruct答案AHe is the right person to such a large wine company.settlestrengthensupervise答案cIts best to a reasonable amount of money in your Ali pay account so that you can p

53、ay without going through any lengthy verification.withdrawdeposittake答案B三、阅读理解(每小题4分,共40分)21-25题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。More than 134 countries across the world, including the UK, turned off their lights for an hour on Sunday. The event is in hopes of creating a sustainable future f

54、or the planet. Environmental charity World Wildlife Fund(WWF) has organized the Earth Hour event.The event saw iconic buildings such as Big Ben, the BT Tower, Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle and Edinburgh Castle blacking out for an hour. The event took place at 8: 30p. m. Sunday around the world a

55、nd it started in Fiji, New Zealand and Australia. The aim is to call on governments, organizations and individuals to take actions to tackle climate change.At the Royal Albert Hall in London, television presenter Kirsty Gallacher led a team of 60 cyclists from the UK-World Wildlife Fund. They aimed

56、to appeal for the public to pay attention to endangered species including dolphins and tigers. Colin But field, head of campaigns, W W F-UK, said: Our event at the Royal Albert Hall, alongside the hundreds of thousands of events across the world, shows global support for the need to tackle climate c

57、hange and protectthe natural world. The challenge for our future wellbeing could not be greater. W WFs Earth Hour is about to create a message so powerful that governments and individuals can not fail to take notice. ”Earth Hour started in2007in Sydney, Australia, when 2. 2 million individuals and m

58、ore than 2, 000 businesses turned their lights off for one hour to take a stand against climate change. The following year, Earth Hour had become a global sustainability movement with more than 50 million people across 35 countries participating. Four of the worlds five tallest buildings turned off

59、their lights with the tallest, the 828metre Burg Khalifa in Dubai, switching off about half a million lights.Also darkening for the occasion were floodlights at natural wonders such as Niagara and Victoria Falls.21.In Paragraph 2, the underlined words could be replaced by giant towersfamous landmark

60、sconventional architecture答案BWhich of the following could be the title of the passage?The Story of Earth Hour.The Origin of Earth Hour.The Famous People of Earth Hour.答案AWhich of the following statements is TRUE?The goal of Earth Hour is to arouse the attention of the government in the worldto deal


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