桥梁工程:第14讲 简支梁桥桥面板计算_第1页
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桥梁工程:第14讲 简支梁桥桥面板计算_第3页
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桥梁工程:第14讲 简支梁桥桥面板计算_第5页
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1、第14讲 简支梁桥桥面板计算 lecture 14 Calculation of deck for simple bridge 1、桥面板的作用 function of bridge deck2、桥面板的分类classifications of bridge deck3、车轮荷载在板上的分布 distribution of wheel load on bridge deck 4、板的有效工作宽度 effective distribution width of bridge beck5、桥面板内力计算 calculation of internal forcefor bridge deck 1、

2、桥面板的作用 function of bridge deck 直接承受车轮荷载,把荷载传递给主梁,同时,它又能构成主梁截面的组成部分,并保证了主梁的整体作用。Bridge deck can Bear wheel load directly and transfer wheel load to main beam. Meanwhile, it is one part of of cross section of main beam and ensures the whole function of main beam.、桥面板计算 彭霞 山东交通学院 2009-4-27 2、桥面板的分类clas

3、sifications of bridge deck单向板one-way slab双向板double-way slab悬臂板cantilever slab铰接悬臂板 hinged cantilever slab 3、车轮荷载在板上的分布 distribution of wheel load on bridge deck 、桥面板计算 彭霞 山东交通学院 2009-4-27 4、板的有效工作宽度 effective distribution width of bridge beck板的有效工作宽度effective distribution width of bridge beck式中where

4、:M车轮荷载产生的跨中总弯矩total bending moment inthe center of slab due to wheel load mxmax荷载中心处的最大单宽弯矩值 the maximum unit bending moment in the center of wheel load、桥面板计算 彭霞 山东交通学院 2009-4-27 (1)、单向板one-way slab:荷载在跨径中间wheel load is in the center of span1) 对于单独一个荷载 For single wheel load但不小于But not less than 2) 对

5、于几个靠近的相同荷载 for several adjoining same wheel loads、(2)、悬臂板cantilever slab桥面板计算 彭霞 山东交通学院 2009-4-27 、桥面板计算 彭霞 山东交通学院 2009-4-27 5、 行车板的内力计算calculation of internal forcefor bridge deck (1)铰接悬臂板hinged cantilever slab每米宽悬臂板在根部的活载弯矩为 bending moment of live load per meter in the root of slab每米板宽的恒载弯矩为bendin

6、g moment of dead load per meter in the root of slab: Compute graph of cantilever slab、桥面板计算 彭霞 山东交通学院 2009-4-27 Calculation Example of bridge deckCalculate the internal forces of dead and live load for hinged cantilever slab composed of wing plate of T beam shown in Fig. Asphalt concrete pavement of

7、 bridge deck is 2cm (weight density is 23kN/m3) and concrete bedding is average 9cm (weight density is 24kN/m3) . Weight density of T beam is 24kN/m3.、桥面板计算 彭霞 山东交通学院 2009-4-27 解solution 恒载及其内力(以纵向一米宽的板条进行计算)Dead load and internal force ( per meter slab along longitudinal direct ) 每延米板上的恒载g: dead lo

8、ad per meter沥青混凝土面层g1 asphalt concrete pavement g1C25混凝土垫层g2 C25 concrete bedding g2T梁翼板自重g3Self Weight of T beam g3Total 每米宽板条的恒载内力 internal force of dead load per meter弯矩Bending moment 剪力Shear force 、桥面板计算 彭霞 山东交通学院 2009-4-27 车辆荷载产生的内力 internal force of wheel load 将车辆荷载的后轮作用于铰缝轴线上(参见图 4.42a),后轴作用力

9、为P140KN,轮压分 布宽度如图 所示。a1=0.20m,b1=0.6m Put the back wheel on the hinged joint between T slab (shown in Fig. 4.42a). Back axial force P =140KN, the wheel load distribution with is shown in Fig. a2=0.20m,b2=0.6m =0.2+2x0.11=0.42mEffective distribution width in the root of cantilever slab is 冲击系数 impacted factor 、桥面板计算 彭霞 山东交通学院 2009-4-27 作用于每米宽板条上的弯矩为 bending moment of per meter slab作用于每米宽板条上的剪力为shear force of per meter slab3.荷载组合 load composition 、桥面板计算 彭霞 山东交通学院 2009-4-27 3.荷载组合当桥


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