



1、I,单句语法填空It is(nature) that young people are often(comfort) when they are with their parents.Todays experience taught me some(value) lessons in my life.(obvious), the story is not true, but the festival is interesting.was supposed to arrive at the airport on time.(fortunate), I was held up by the hea

2、vy traffic jam.Therefore, when they become older they are(able) to do any other kind of work.The(mystery) letter sent from Taiwan made the professor lost in thought.To make myself, I would do some exercise after work, (relax)Fresh fruits and vegetables can provide much of our daily(require).It is yo

3、ur(free) to do what you want after class.However, most(science) agree that EQ has a lot to do with(educate).单句改错1. In spite of repeated wrongs done to him, he looks friend to people greeting him.2.1 must be getting fat - I can hard do my trousers up.They dived deep into the forest and felt deep frig

4、htened.Personal, I dont like him at all, but its strange that he should be so popular among the kids.wasnt blaming anyone; I mere said errors like this could be avoided.We apologized for any convenience caused by the delay.People with disabilities are now doing many things to rich their lives.The fi

5、ve-years-old boy can sing the song very well.Australia is an English -spoken country.She looked anxious. It seems that she has been involved in proper business deals, m .语法填空A group of robbers dug their way into the basement of a bank in Paris and emptied almost 200 private 1.(safety). They entered

6、the Credit Lyonnais branch using building 2.(equip) to dig holes and destroy walls on Saturday night. They tied up a 3.(secure)guard and spent the next nine hours robbing the bank. One 4.(investigate)described the 5.(rob) as a 6.(profession)job, The robbers came in at about 22: 00 on Saturday and le

7、ft at 7: 00 on Sunday. They entered through the basements of the 7.(neighbour) building, digging through a series of tunnels and making a hole into a wall of 80 cm thick to get into the bank, which was having building works at the time. When they left, the robbers set the place on fire to 8. (move)

8、any trace of evidence, switching on the anti -fire system and flooding the building.9.(fortune), the guard escaped 10.(harm). It is difficult to estimate the total value of what was stolen as only the banks clients(储户)know the content of their private safes.构词法派生词 由词根(Base)加后缀(Suffixes)构成。构成名词的后缀常用的

9、有下面这些:后缀 例词-erthinkerharvesterpain-killereye-opener-oractorsailortransistorscmi-conductor-istMarxistscientistdentistBuddhist-eeemployeetraineerefereetrustee-esshostessactresswaitresslioness-ianmagicianmusiciantechnicianphysician-eseChineseJapanesePortuguesePekinese-eerengineermountaineerauctioneerpr






15、efiles) 一般不造成词类的转变,而只是引起意思上的变化。前缀中有相当一局部可构成反义词:前缀例词un-不unhappyuntrueuncomfortable做相反动作undressundounpackdis-不dislikedishonestdisagree做相反动作disowndisinfectdisconnectin- 不informalinaccurateinconvenientim-不immoralimpoliteimpossibleir- 不irregularirresistibleirresponsibleil-不illegalillogicalillegitimatenon

16、-不,非non-existentnon-conductornon-interferencede-向相反方向开展defrostdecentralizedemobilize另外还有一些表示其他意思的前缀:前缀例词re-重新retellredesignrewritemis-错误地misspellmisinformmisunderstandco- 共同co-existco-operateco-editoranti-反(对),防anti-tankanti-fascistanti-clockwiseover- 过于overdoover-esitimateoversimplifypre-预先,之前的J pr

17、efabricatepre-liberat ionpre-schoolpost- 在之后的 post-warpost-electionpost-graduatefore-预先,前foretellforelegforefrontself-自动,自我self-starterself-serviceself-correctingsuper- 超级,上层 supermansupermarketsuperstructuresub-下面的subwaysubdividesubconsciousinter- 之间的,互相 international interactinter-continentaltele-

18、远距离的telescopetelephonetelevisiontrans- 跨越,移 transatlantictransplanttransSiberianmicro-微型,缩微 microfilmmicrobiologymicrocomputermini- 特小的minibusminiskirtminicabmulti-多multi-racialmulti-nationalmultilateral有个别前缀可引起词类的变化。en-可以和名词或形容词构成动词:enslave endanger enlarge此外,前缀a-可以:1)和名词构成形容词或副词: asleep aboard asi

19、de ashore abase2)和一动词构成另一动词,意思有少许变化:arise awake arouse abide转化词 由一个词类转换为另一词类或几种词类,产生新的词义。(一)、转换为名词1、动词转换为名词Let me have a try. We stopped there for a swim. This is for winter wear. Don*t make it too tight.这类名词常可和一动词构成短语,表示一个动作,如:have a look (chat, talk, wash, swim, rest, try, quarrel, smoke, lie, rea

20、d, dream, run, fight, walk, ride, drink, laugh, dance, bathe, wish, win, fear, love, shave, debate, interview, taste, etc.)make a study (guess, visit, call, survey, jump, slip, change, search, stay, start, answer, reply, remark, fight, arrest, appeal, purchase, sacrifice, demand, show, deal, an atte

21、mpt, an attack, an advance, etc.)2、形容词转换为名词局部形容词特别是表示颜色的形容词常可转换为名词;某些形容词如old, young, poor, rich, wounded, injured等与the连用,表示一类人,作主语时,谓语用复数。You should be dressed in black at the funeral.It is necessary to make a distinction between right and wrong.(二)、转换为动词1、名词转换为动词。也有相当多名词可以用作动词。 许多表示物件的名词可以用作动词来表示动作

22、:Have you booked your ticket? Who chaired the meeting?It pictures the life of overseas Chinese students.He is a natural for the job.Theyre running in the final.It can seat a thousand people.He hammered a nail into the wall.Hand in your exercise-books, please.Who headed the delegation?一些表示某类人的名词也可用作动

23、词:If so, we shall be badly fooled.He insisted on staying up to nurse the child.一些表示其他实物的名词也可用作动词:Well back you up.We should shoulder these responsibilities.Our aim is to save the patient and not to doctor him to death.The equipment was manned by three workers per shift.一些表示身体某局部的名词也可用来作动词:Each apartment can house a family of six. This helped to bridge over our difficulties.2.形容词转换为动词有少局部形容词也可用作动词:The train slowed down to half its speed.Pl


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