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1、 路德维希凡贝多芬 Ludwig van Beethoven (17701827) Ludwig von Beethoven, he is German composer, musician, representative of Vienna classical music school(维也纳古典乐派)。 Beethoven was born in Bonn, the ancestral home Folandemei heron. He studied music, in his fathers strict training,and showed an early music talen

2、t.At eight year old he began to appear on the stage. At the age of seventeen, he attended the University of Bonn court philosophy, thats when he had brief contact with Mozart . In 1792, he settled in Vienna, after Haydns guidance, he made progress in art, three years after the publication of the fir

3、st book贝多芬出生在德国波恩,祖籍佛兰德梅赫伦。自幼学习音乐,在其父的严格训练下,很早就显露出了音乐上的才华,八岁便开始登台演出。十七岁那年,他在波恩宫廷大学旁听哲学,也就是在这时与莫扎特有了短暂接触。1792年,定居维也纳,经过海顿的指引,他在艺术上进步飞快,三年后出版第一部作品。简介 He believed in the Republic, the heroic,and created a large number of outstanding works full of the spirit of the times.他信仰共和,崇尚英雄,创作了大量充满时代气息的优秀作品。such

4、 as symphony nine(交响曲九部), the opera Faye de Leo(歌剧费黛里奥), the drama Egmont(戏剧哀格蒙特)、the ruins of Athens(雅典的废墟); Piano Sonata Pathetique, Moonlight Sonata etc(钢琴奏鸣曲悲怆、月光鸣奏曲). His great collection of classical music, while opened up a romantic period music road(他集古典音乐的大成,同时开辟了浪漫时期音乐的道路), play a decisive

5、 role on the development of world music. He and Haydn海顿, Mozart has been called the Vienna sanjie. He and Michelangelo, Lev Tolstoys life has experienced all kinds of hardships of ups and downs, the French writer Roman Roland according to their life in the celebrity biography(名人传) 简介中期(18011814)From

6、 17 to eighteenth Century, the European Enlightenment advocated freedom of thought, personality development and against the feudal tradition, religion fetter of thought, influence character by environment infiltration into Beethovens consciousness. True, goodness, beauty and praise to call, false, e

7、vil, ugly whips and struggle, and the worlds peace and happiness of human beings, almost became the theme of Beethovensmusic in this period.17到18世纪欧洲启蒙运动所倡导的思想自由、个性发展思想和反对封建传统、宗教束缚的思想,潜移默化的浸润到贝多芬的意识中。对真、善、美的呼唤和歌颂,对假、恶、丑的鞭挞和抗争,以及世界的和平和人类的幸福,几乎成为这一时期的贝多芬音乐作品主题。1.创作背景贝多芬开始构思并动笔写c小调第五交响曲是在1804年,那时,他已写过“

8、海利根遗书”,他的耳聋已完全失去治愈的希望。他热恋的情人朱丽叶塔齐亚蒂伯爵小姐也因为门第原因离他而去,成了加伦堡伯爵夫人。一连串的精神打击使贝多芬处于死亡的边缘。但是,贝多芬与命运展开了顽强的抗争。他在一封信里写道:“假使我什么都没有创作就离开这世界,这是不可想象的。”贝多芬在一生中最痛苦的时期,展开了一次旺盛的创作高潮:降E大调第三交响曲(英雄)尚未写完,c小调第五交响曲(命运)已开始动笔。并于1807年完成 。2.乐曲赏析 第一乐章乐曲一开始就出现了命运敲门式的动机。展示了一幅斗争的场面,音乐象征着人民的力量如洪流般以排山倒海之势,向黑暗势力发起猛烈的冲击。第二乐章,是一首优美的抒情诗,宏

9、伟而又辉煌,同第一乐章形成了对比。它体现了人们的感情世界,战斗后的静思同对美好理想的憧憬互相交错,最后转化为坚定的决心。 第三乐章用复三部曲式写成,在调性上,回到了动荡不安的情绪,像是艰苦的斗争还在继续,它是通向第四乐章的过渡和转换。 规模宏大的第四乐章充满光明和无比欢乐的情绪,是欢呼胜利的热烈场面。这个新主题,像一股巨浪从英雄心底流出,自信、豪迈而勇往直前。庞大的尾声,响起了C大调光辉灿烂的凯旋进行曲,它具有排山倒海的气势,表现出人民经过斗争终于获得胜利的无比欢乐。 fate symphony我要扼住命运的咽喉,绝不让命运所压倒I will take fate by the throat a

10、nd never let fate overwhelmed 贝多芬晚期(18161822)In this period, Beethoven replaced the heroic past to lyrical intrapersonal , his sonata form has been completely free, free of all tradition rules. Improvisation, psychological exploration, profound philosophy and romanticism of artistic thinking of this

11、 period is the works of prominent characteristics. So this period piano music no longer like the early and mid-term works as emotionally intense, full of contradictions, and to give people peace and spiritual sublimation.这个时期,贝多芬以抒情内省取代了以往的英雄性,他的鸣奏曲曲式已经完全自由化,摆脱了一切传统规则。即兴性、心理的探索、深刻的哲理性以及浪漫主义的艺术思维等是这一

12、时期作品的突出的特点。所以这一时期的钢琴曲不再像早期和中期的作品那样感情激烈、充满矛盾,而给人宁静与精神的升华。欣然忘食的夜餐 一天,贝多芬来到一家饭馆用餐。点过菜后,他的脑中突然闪过音乐的火花,他便顺手抄起餐桌上的菜谱,在菜谱的背面一笔一划地作起曲来。不一会儿,他就完全沉浸在美妙的旋律之中了。服务员看到贝多芬那十分投入的样子,便不敢去打扰他,而打算等一会儿再给他上菜。大约一个小时之后,服务员终于来到贝多芬身边:“先生,上菜吗?”贝多芬如同刚从梦中惊醒一般,立刻掏钱结账。侍者如丈二的和尚摸不着头脑:“先生,您还没吃饭呢!”“不!我确信我已经吃过了。”贝多芬根本听不进侍者的一再解释,他照菜单上的

13、定价付款之后,抓起写满音符的菜谱,冲出了饭馆。The song expressed the Beethoven of joy and happiness. He hopes to bring joy to all mankind, and let the happy stay forever in the human. Although Beethoven lived through all kinds of setbacks(挫折), but he still not be the fate of down, and he is brave and optimistic towards the end of life. If the works of Beethovens middle period is the best explanation of “man can conquer nature”(人定胜天) of the word, the late Beethoven has been gradually moving toward a “harmony” realm(天人合一), but it doesnt mean he has to surrender(屈服) to fate, he is to want


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