1、2022外贸英语函电Module 1Establishing Business RelationsModule 1 Establishing Business Relations项目一 建立业务关系【目标要求】知识目标:掌握新客户开发和建交函的格式和写作特点以及核心词汇和常用句型。能力目标:能运用所学词汇和句型撰写符合要求的新客户开发和建交函。【工作情境】 2014年春季广交会上,广州SHUTER公司外贸业务员Yvonne在与加拿大STAPLES公司采购部经理Mark的交谈中得知他对展会上的新产品感兴趣,并且注重生产商的实力以及产品的设计、质量和品牌。展会后,Yvonne写信给Mark,推荐新
2、品、洽谈价格,希望促成交易。【任务导入】根据上述工作情境,以Yvonne的名义给展会客户Mark写一封建交函,要求:1. 介绍自己公司,体现品牌和实力;2. 介绍新产品,突出对方感兴趣的产品,并附上最新产品价格目录。3. 希望对方把握展会优惠,立即下订单。Part One【 案例分析】Case studySubject: New Products and Big promotion of Spring, 2014.April 17th, 2014Attachment: A) quotation sheet of new items; B) 13 items in special offer M
3、ay 2013 Dear Mark,Its very nice to meet you in Canton Fair! Hope you still remember me, Yvonne Xian from ST Stationery. We are one of the largest manufacturers of PP stationery in China. Our products include all kinds of files, display books, expanding files, brief cases, magazine racks, CD/photo al
4、bum, etc. With outstanding design ability and good quality, SHUTER has been a famous brand in stationery field. After three years research and development, our new project Woke pens launched in market at Spring Guangzhou Fair 2008 and have received many positive responses and orders. Case studyYour
5、profession of stationery impressed me a lot during our meeting in the fair. As we discussed, here I attached the quotation sheet with photos for those products you are interested in. The prices of the pens RP2350, CH2590 in which you are interested, are attached in the quotation sheet already.We wou
6、ld like to offer discount if you confirm the order in May. Please consider and take this advantage of good promotion. Kindly let us know your comment by return mail. Best regards,YvonnePart Two【知识拓展】拓展点 广交会客户跟进资信调查 1. 广交会 广交会(广州交易会),英文名Guangzhou Fair,2007年正式更名为中国进出口商品交易会(China Import and Export Comm
7、odities Fair)。 创办于1957年春季,每年春Spring Guangzhou Fair(每年4月15 - 5月5日)秋Autumn Guangzhou Fair(每年10月15 - 11月4日)两季在广州举办,是中国目前历史最长、层次最高、规模最大、商品种类最全、到会客商最多、成交效果最好的综合性国际贸易盛会。 广交会官方网站:/cn2.客户跟进 展会客户的跟进邮件比较有讲究 ,从标题到内容甚至落款或附件都要跟其他开发信不同。信函标题(subject)会注明展会名称、时间等,如:Met at the 114th Guangzhou Fair;We visit your booth
8、 at Shanghai Furniture Exhibition。信函内容提及展会时间、地点、洽谈内容,解答展会上没有及时解答的问题,发送客户需要的产品资料。 客户资信调查(credit enquiry):为了防范外贸信用风险,外贸业务员必须通过有效途径对新建交的客户进行资质、财务、信用等状况(financial and credit standing)的调查。3.资信调查 思考 外贸业务员可以通过哪些有效途径获取新客户联系资料及对其进行资信调查?Useful expressions and sentences1. 从某途径得知某公司名称和地址obtain / learn / know /
9、get ones name and address frombe introduced / recommended bybe informed of ones name and address by2. 与某公司建立业务关系 establish (enter into, build up) business relations with3. 私人企业 private company国有企业state-owned enterprise国营企业 state-operated enterprise中外合资企业 Sino-joint venture Useful expressions and sen
10、tences4. to handle (deal in, trade in) 经营某商品 5. Your firm has been recommended to us by the Chamber Commerce in Tokyo, Japan. 日本东京商会已向我们推荐贵公司。6. We are dealing in the export of Chinese Arts and Crafts and expressing our desire to trade with you in this line. 我们专门出口中国工艺品,愿与贵方开展这方面的业务。We are one of th
11、e leading importers/exporters in Shenzhen. 我们是深圳地区主要的进口商/出口商之一。 8. We enjoy an excellent reputation in this field and we supply best quality products. 在这个领域里我们享有极好的声誉,可以提供优质的产品。Useful expressions and sentences9. In order to give you some idea of various qualities of handicrafts we carry, we have ple
12、asure in forwarding you by airmail a catalogue and a few sample books for your perusal. 为使你方对我方各款手工艺品有一个初步了解,现航邮目录册和一些样品供你方参考。 10. To acquaint you with the leather products we handle, we are sending you, by separate airmail, a commodity list and several sample books for your reference. 为使你方熟悉我方经营的皮革
13、制品,另封航邮寄上商品目录和一些样本书,供你参考。Part Three【案例参考】案例参考出口商进口商 侧重介绍公司Sample Letter 1“出口商进口商 侧重介绍产品Sample Letter 2“进口商出口商 展会客户Sample Letter 3“Sample Letter 1 出口商进口商 侧重介绍公司Subject: From SUNWAY INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD.Dear Tom,We got your information from . I am Frank, from SUNWAY INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD., and writ
14、ing to you for the establishment of business relations.Our company specializes in manufacturing Tablet PC /GPS/E-BOOK with developing engineers over 60 and skilled workers more than 580 .We have 16 SMT machines, 4 SMT lines and 16 assembly lines.The workshop occupies 4000 square meters and the outpu
15、t is above 300,000 PCS/M. Whats more, our goods enjoy fast sales in various places at home and abroad. For example, Europe , South America, North America, Russia and Mid-east and so on.Please feel free to contact me for any question.Yours faithfullyFrank TangSample Letter 2 出口商进口商 侧重介绍产品Subject: 7”
16、Dual core Tablet/Super slim (7.9mm) IPS Screen/65USDDear Sir or Madam,Have a nice day!Glad to recommend our 7 Android 4.2 /Dual core tablet PC for you, please note as bellow,OS: Android 4.2CPU: Rockchips 3066(Dual Core Cortex A91.6GHz)Screen: 7 IPS Screen, 1280*800RAM: 1GB DDRIII, 8GB Flash Bluetoot
17、h, Wi-Fi, HDMIDual Camera: 0.3MP Front/2.0MP FF Back(主要的规格参数)Metal housingSuper slim: 7.9mm(产品的材质跟突出特征)Unit price: USD 65 FOB(HK)(针对不同客户,考虑是否应该报价)If you have any further questions, please let us knowBest regards,Frank TangSample Letter 3 进口商出口商 展会客户Subject: Customer from Shanghai Furniture Exhibitio
18、nDear Sirs, We are a Spanish buying company. We visit your booth during the last edition of the Shanghai Furniture Exhibition and we like your products. We are looking for furniture and decorative products for one of our clients, according with our notes similar to yours. We would like to receive ca
19、talogues and price-lists of your products if possible. Yours Sincerely, Alberto UruburuManager of HANINI HANINI Import & ExportPart Four【实训练习】I.英译汉1. Commercial counselors Office 2. International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)3. The East China Fair 4. China Textile and Apparel Trade Fair(Pairs)5. Cereals
20、, Oil and Foodstuffs Import and Export Corporation1.商务参赞处2.国际商会3.中国华东进出口商品交易会4.中国纺织品服装贸易展览会(巴黎)5.粮油食品进出口公司KEYSI.汉译英6. 中国进出口商品交易会7. 经营范围8. 插图目录册9. 最新价目单10.特别折扣6.China Import and Export Commodities Fair / Guangzhou Fair7.business scope8.illustrated catalogue9.the latest price-list10.special discountKE
21、YSII.单项选择1. We are desirous _business relations with you.A. to establishing B. for establishing C. to enter to D. of entering into2. We are a corporation, _ both the import and export of textiles.A. handling in B. trading C. specializing in D. dealing 3. We have been importers _ food stuffs for many
22、 years.A. to B. for C. of D. onII.单项选择4. The commodities are _line with the business scope of our customers. A. out B. without C. in D. outside 5. In terms of quality, our silk piece goods are superior_ other brands.A. to B. better C. for D. above6. One of our clients is _ the market for Chinese bla
23、ck tea.A. in B. with C. at D. byII.单项选择7. Please refer _ the price list enclosed.A. to B. with C. for D. on8. Enclosed please find the catalogues _ your reference.A. to B. with C. for D. in9. Should any of the items _ of interest to you, please let us know.A. is B. are C. were D. be10. Please let us
24、 have a copy of your brochure so that we may acquaint ourselves _your products. A. to B. with C. for D. inIII.英汉句型互译1. Through the courtesy of the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, we have learned that you have been supplying the best quality foods all over the world.KEY: 承蒙东京商会介绍,我们了解贵公司在世界各地供应高品质的食品。2
25、. As our goods are both excellent in quality and very reasonable in price, they meet a warm reception in the world market.KEY: 我们的产品质优价廉,在世界市场上很受欢迎。3. There is a steady demand in Europe for leather gloves of high quality.KEY: 我方市场对高质量的皮手套有大量且稳定的需求。III.英汉句型互译4. It will be appreciated if you will send
26、 us samples by airmail.KEY: 如果您能航邮一些样品给我们,我们将不胜感激。5. Please send us full details of your goods and give your earliest delivery date.KEY: 请惠寄贵公司产品的完整目录,并告知最早的交货期。6.相信您已经在这次展会上看到了我们的展品,请告知你们目前对哪些商品感兴趣。KEY: We believe you have seen our products at the Fair, please let us know what kind of products you
27、are interested in at present.7.您感兴趣的商品正好属于我们的经营范围。KEY: The item you are interested in falls within the scope of our business activities.8.我们在此行业有极好的贸易关系,对这种产品的出口业务有丰富的经验。KEY: We have excellent connections in the trade and are fully experienced in the export business for this type of product.III.英汉句型
28、互译9.为了使贵方对我方经营的纺织品有所了解,特航寄我方最新目录供参阅。KEY: In order to acquaint you with the textiles we handle, we take pleasure in sending you by air our latest catalogue for your perusal.10.一旦收到你方详细要求,我方将很乐意发送我们的最低报价。KEY: We shall be glad to send you our lowest quotation on receipt of your detailed requirements.II
29、I.英汉句型互译Part Five【技能训练】1、案例信函翻译:给下面信函写一个英文标题(subject),然后将信函翻译成中文。Subject: _ Dear Sirs,We learn from the Commercial Counselors Office of our embassy in your country that you are leading importers of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods. We are glad to introduce ourselves as a state-operated corporation, specia
30、lizing in the export of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods. We express our desire to establish business relations with you.To give you a general idea of our products, we enclose a copy of our catalogue for your reference.We await your early reply.Yours faithfully,参考答案:Subject: The Export of Chinese Cotton P
31、iece Goods敬启者: 我们从中国驻贵国大使馆商务参赞处获悉,你们是中国棉制品的主要进口商。 我们很高兴向你们介绍,我们是国营公司,专营中国棉制品的出口,很想同你们建立业务关系。 为了使你们对我方产品有个全面的了解,现随函附上目录一份,请参考。 盼早复。 谨上2、情境信函写作 Eric 是赞比亚BI 公司的采购部经理,主要负责中国区项目采购。Vivian 是中国深圳HQ公司外贸业务员,公司主营的建材机械设备主要出口至非洲、东南亚、中亚以及大洋洲等国家和地区。Eric 在中国制造网上发了一封邮件咨询HQ公司的自保温砌块设备,其中要求设备产能是200-300立方米日产,全自动化生产。(1)工
32、作情境:2、情境信函写作 根据上述工作情境,针对新客户Eric的咨询,写一封回复函并建立业务关系。 (2)工作任务:2、情境信函写作a. 简单介绍自己、公司经营情况及实力;b. 针对Eric的要求,重点介绍其感兴趣的产品。包括产品型号、规格、性能及特点等相关必要信息,突出产品的竞争优势;c. 表达希望建交的意愿。 (3)任务要求:2022THANK YOU2022外贸英语函电Module 2EnquiryModule 2 Enquiry项目二 询盘【目标要求】知识目标: 掌握询盘函的结构和写作特点以及核心词汇和常用句型。能力目标: 能运用所学词汇和句型撰写符合要求的询盘函。【工作情境】 展会后
33、,加拿大STAPLES公司采购部经理Mark回到公司打开E-mail,看到了广州SHUTER公司外贸业务员Yvonne发来的建交函和附件中新产品的报价单以及优惠,回想起了在展会上看到的那些使自己感兴趣的产品。但遗憾的是忘了带些样品回来供公司参考。因此,他决定回信索要样品并进行具体询盘。【任务导入】 根据上述工作情境,以Mark的名义给Yvonne写一封询盘函,要求:1. 感谢Yvonne的来信,表示乐意建交;2. 想要购买型号为RP2350, CH2590, BP3120的产品,要求寄样品和进行报盘;3. 如果产品令人满意,报盘合理且具有竞争力,将向Yvonne公司大量订购。Part One【
34、 案例分析】Case studySubject: Enquiry for RP2350, CH2590, BP3120 April 21st, 2014Dear Yvonne,Thanks for your mail of April 17th, and sorry for the delay. I was very busy. We were happy to meet you at the Guangzhou Fair and your company impressed us. We like the design and quality of your products. We als
35、o hope to establish a long term and friendly business relation with you.At present, we are interested in RP2350, CH2590 and BP3120. Will you please send us some samples for testing and quote best prices for our reference. If your samples reach our quality level with reasonable price, we would like t
36、o place a large order with you. We are looking forward to your early reply. Best wishes,MarkPart Two【知识拓展】拓展点 产品目录样品 样品种类询 盘 报价单1. 询盘 询盘(Enquiry):又叫询价,是指买方按需要向卖方进行的意向性订购询问活动,可分为口头、书面、电子邮件并附带相关资料等几种询问方式。(有点拗口,改了下)根据询盘涉及的内容可将其分为一般询盘(General Enquiry)和具体询盘(Specific Enquiry)两类:一般询盘:只是简单的阐述购买的信息,没有具体的产品信息
37、(具体的和详都是一个意 思,重复了),按供应商自己的最低起订来报。具体询盘:往往都会列出产品的相关资料,如尺寸、型号、功能、相关的参数、颜色、起订量、单价等明细,同时可能会附上图片或图纸。 2. 样品 样品(sample):在外贸业务过程中,样品能让买方更直观的了解产品的外观、质量和性能等,在促成外贸业务中发挥了很重要的作用。卖方业务员在寄样品时应考虑本公司的定位和拓展策略,对潜在客户进行深入的分析判断、了解客户索样的用途,来判断是不计成本寄送样品,还是量入为出与客户沟通共同承担寄样品费用(如让对方承担运费),或者是拒绝寄样品。在寄样品时,卖方业务员应与客户仔细确认样品型号规格等,选取的样品要
38、有代表性并保证严格符合客户要求,样品寄出后应及时确认客户是否收到并跟踪样品情况建立稳定联系。3. 样品种类 样品种类:样品的种类很多,一般常用的有:宣传推广样、参考样、测试样、修改样、确认样、成交样、产前样、生产样、出货样等。此外,在不同的行业中,还有与该行业对应的其他样品种类。例如,纺织服装中的款式样(Pattern Sample)、广告样(Salesman Sample)、齐色齐码样(Size/color Set Sample)、水洗样(Washed Sample)、船样(Production Sample/Shipping Sample)、色样(Lap Dip)、绣(印)花样(Embro
39、idery/Printed Sample)、辅料样(Accessory Material Sample)等。 产品目录(catalogue):产品目录是用来介绍公司产品的小册子,在现代外贸交易中也可以使用e-catalogue (电子产品手册) 来介绍公司产品。不管是传统的纸质手册还是电子手册,catalogue一般应包含这样一些内容:公司简介、产品名称、产品图片、产品描述(规格、型号、材质等)、联系方式等;如果客户有要求或自己认为有必要,还应在catalogue中加入产品单价或价格范围。产品目录可以使卖方非常全面快速准确地了解买方产品,并按照自身需求对产品进行比对选择。4. 产品目录 报价单
40、(quotation):报价单的主要作用是买方给卖方的报价,类似价格清单。完整的报价单包含单头(卖方基本信息和报价有效期)、产品基本资料、产品技术参数和价格条款。5. 报价单 思考 当收到新客户要求寄样的询盘时,外贸业务员是否可以直接按照客户要求寄送样品?应该如何区分客户的类型以及处理不同类型客户的询盘函?Useful expressions and sentences1. We are in the region a major distributor of toys. 我们在本地区是一家大的玩具经销商。2. We are now looking for a source suppliers
41、 as our long-term partner.我们正在寻找一个货源供应商作为我们的长期合作伙伴。3. We are considering the purchase of snooker tables but we need to have further details of the costs before making a final decision. 我们有意购买斯诺克台球桌,但在最后决定之前需要进一步了解成本状况。Useful expressions and sentencesWe have studied your catalogue and are interested
42、in your C340 personal computer. 我们已研究过你方的产品目录,对你们的C340电脑非常感兴趣。If your price is in line, we will send you an order for 5,000 sets. 如果你方价格与市价相符,我们将订购5000台。Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable, we intend to place a large order with you. 如果你方价格具有竞争力且交货日期可以接受的话,我方将向你方大量订货。U
43、seful expressions and sentencesWe should like to know if you allow discount. 我方想知道你方是否有折扣。We will appreciate your sending us a copy of your illustrated catalogue, with details of your prices and terms of payment. 请您寄给我们带插图的产品目录及详细价格和付款方式,不胜感谢。Will you please let us know by 10th October so that we ca
44、n place our order promptly? 请在10月10日前告知我们,以便我方及时下单订货。Please would you reply to me. 请回信。Part Three【案例参考】案例参考一般询盘 介绍公司业务,索要产品目录和报价单Sample Letter 1“具体询盘 侧重对产品包装的要求Sample Letter 2“具体询盘 询问产品认证情况、索要样品Sample Letter 3“Sample Letter 1 一般询盘 介绍公司业务,索要产品目录和报价单Subject: Fruit & Flower Tea Guangyue Trading Ltd. Co
45、.Dear Sirs,Food Mart is one of the largest retailers in the US, and we are interested in adding some fruit and flower tea to our product range. We have learnt from that your company mainly specializes in tea processing and selling. I found some tea products such as the dried rose tea and the lily fl
46、owering tea are exactly what we are looking for. We would like to know the quotation of similar products. Would you please send a catalog with pricesto Susanpatel.us?Hope to hear your reply soon.Yours faithfully, Susan PatelPurchasing managerFood Mart Sample Letter 2 具体询盘 侧重对产品包装的要求Subject: SWEEPING
47、 ROBOT ZEBOTDear Sirs, My name is Joanna Leggat, and I am a Buyer at Designer Habitat, a mail order company based in the UK. I have been asked by my boss to make a new cleaning range, and we have found some items on sale in the UK which we are interested in buying for our own companys range. We are
48、very interested in your home use sweeping robot items, and I am happy to receive quotes for anything similar which you have - feel free to make the quote in your own format but please make the features clear and pay careful attention to our packaging requirements. We are a mail order company and we
49、ship 1 piece to the customer, not the whole master carton. Therefore, the packaging of the 1pc is very important. We ask you to quote including the packaging as follows and to note the drop test requirements:-1pc/ pack inside a 3ply color gift box with moulded polyfoam-Then pack the color box into a
50、 5ply brown mail order box (inner carton)-Then bulk pack inside 5-7ply master shipping carton.If you have any questions, please ask - if not then I look forward to your quote. Many thanks and best regards, Joanna Leggat Buyer Designer Habitat Ltd.Sample Letter 3 具体询盘 询问产品认证情况、索要样品Subject: IPL hair r
51、emovalGSD Dear Shirley,I have read the specification sheet and catalog you sent, and we are interested in your home use IPL hair removal items. What is your price for GP580? As an initial order, we are thinking of 500 units. Can you please quote your most competitive price for review? Are you the ma
52、nufacturer for this product? Do you have any certification for this product? For Australian requirements, we will need TGA for the unit. We also want a sample of your product for quality review. Please send through a sample of GP580 for us to test, and make sure the plug is suitable for Australia St
53、andards.Please send sample with your business card to the following address:Kogan AustraliaGround Floor78 Buckhurst StreetSouth Melbourne VIC 3205c/o Aaron ChongMobile: 0488563008Using our DHL account: 964864351Thanks Aaron ChongImport ExecutiveKogan SourcingPart Four【实训练习】I.英译汉1.Come up to sample2.
54、General enquiry3.Long-term partner4.Quotation sheet5.For your reference1.与样货相符2.一般询盘3.长期合作伙伴4.报价单5.供你方参考KEYSI.汉译英6.具体询盘7.邮购公司8.带插图的产品目录9.首次下单10.大量订货6.Specific enquiry7.Mail order company8.Illustrated catalogue9.Initial order10.Place a large orderKEYSII.单项选择1.We would like to establish a long term bu
55、siness _ with you.A. scope B. relations C. card D. school2.We are Australias largest online tech-retailer, and we are interested in adding your auto rice cooker to our product _.A. range B. extent C. area D. purview3.We have noticed your advertisement in and note with pleasure the _ of your company
56、are exactly what we are looking for.A. units B. pieces C. items D. columnsII.单项选择4.We shall be glad if you will send us a copy of your illustrated _ and current price list.A. procedure B. content C. description D. catalogue5.I am happy to receive quotes for these items and please pay careful attenti
57、on to our packaging _.A. applications B. requirements C. rules D. programmes6.Would you please send a _ of your product for us for quality test?A. sample B. photo C. model D. duplicate II.单项选择7.Can you please _ your best price for your home use LaserJet M1136?A. report B. declare C. quote D. announc
58、e8.Will you please give us detailed information of CIF prices, discounts and _ of payment?A. articles B. conditions C. terms D. advices9.If your price is competitive, we will send you an _ for 5,000 sets.A. enquiry B. offer C. acceptance D. order10.We look forward to your prompt _.A. reply B. replyi
59、ng C. replied D. repliesIII.英汉句型互译1. Will you please send us some samples for testing and quote best prices for our reference.KEY: 请给我们寄一些样品做检测并给出最优报价供我们参考。2. Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable, we intend to place a large order with you.KEY: 如果你方价格具有竞争力且交货日期可以接受的话,我方
60、将向你方大量订货。3. We have learnt from that your company mainly specializes in tea processing and selling.KEY: 我们从阿里巴巴网得知贵公司主要从事茶叶加工和销售。III.英汉句型互译4. Please quote including the packaging as follows and to note the drop test requirements.KEY: 报价时请包含按如下包装的费用,并注意跌落测试的要求。5. Please send through a sample of hair
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