1、 PAGE 页码 10 / NUMPAGES 总页数 102023父亲节演讲稿英文事实上,父亲f qn对家庭的奉献fng_ in不亚于母亲m qn.多么du me可敬伟大的父亲啊!世上没有比父爱更无私的爱了.今天是父亲节,向父亲表达我诚挚的爱!为大家收集整理了父亲节演讲稿英文,希望可以帮助您!#父亲节演讲稿英文1#Today day is a memorable day, are the annual Fathers Day!Deep sea motherly love, fatherly love heavy as a mountain. People at the same time to
2、 celebrate Mothers Day and did not forget his fathers achievements. Someone start the year on the recommendation of Fathers Day. Years, it is to celebrate the first Fathers Day. At that time, the late father of all people have to wear a white rose, the father of the people alive while wearing red ro
3、ses. This custom has been passed so far.It is said that the selection of Fathers Day is a month over month because of the sun are the most heated one, a symbol of the father to give their children the love that hot. Paternal such as mountains, tall and lofty, let me look timid and afraid to climb He
4、alth; father such as days,and far-reaching, so that Yang and my heart did not dare pity; paternal great deep are pure and not return , but love is a bitter, difficult to understand depression and the unattainable.Father, like a tree, always, let him lush foliage of a solid arm for the tree to create
5、 shadeus. Years such as the fingers over the water, like, before I knew it, we have grown up, while the tree is gradually aging, and even the new leaves are no longer the hair full of vitality. Annually on the third Sunday is fathers holiday, let us sincerely say: Father, I love you! Happy Fathers D
6、ay!Now, the Certificate of Education E_ amination and the final e_ ams approaching, I suggest that we should seize the time, study hard, with e_ cellent results as to the fathers gift, great father to return, I believe his father at that time are the most beautiful smile! Students, come on now! ! !今
8、月如指间的流水一样滑过,不觉间我们已长大,而树却渐渐老去,甚至新发的树叶都不再充满生机.每年月的第三个星期日是父亲的节日,让我们由衷的说一声:爸爸,我爱你!父亲节快乐!现在,会考和期末考试将至,我建议我们要抓紧时间,努力学习,用优异的成绩作为送给父亲的礼物,去回报伟大的父爱,我相信那时父亲的笑容是最美的!同学们,加油吧!#父亲节演讲稿英文2#Many years ago, a baby boy came into this world. But unfortunately, he didnt come with a cry, which was a big problem from the m
9、edical point of view. The doctor, tough and quick, turned the baby upside down and slapped his bottom sharply. The baby cried, and he survived. At that moment, the father yelled at the doctor, Why did you hit my baby? He did not realize that the doctor had saved the babys life. The baby cried and cr
10、ied, and the father smiled and silently cried as wel He held the baby in his arms and did not allow the doctor to touch the baby anymore.很多年前,一个男婴来到了这个世界.但遗憾的是他没有“呱呱落地,从医学角度来说,这是一个很大的问题!好在医生现场反响很快,也很强悍,一下子把男婴倒提起来,对着屁股一阵狂打.男婴终于哭了,脱离了生命危险.当时在场的孩子父亲不干了,对着医生吼道,“你为什么打我的孩子啊?他并没有意识到医生救了这孩子的命.男婴不停地哭,这位父亲面带微
11、笑,快乐地默默流泪.他紧紧地把婴儿抱在怀里,再也没有让医生碰一下这个孩子Contest chair, ladies and gentlemen, that baby was me, and that man was my dad. Whenever my mom told people this story, I would always laugh aloud, and my dad would just shake his head and smile quietly.大会主持人,女士们先生们,那个婴儿就是我,那个男的就是我老爸.每当妈告诉别人这个故事时,我总会放声大笑,而老爸则会一边摇头
12、一边默默地微笑.Dad never tried to hug or kiss me when I was a child. And of course, he never said I love you to me, either. Maybe its a Chinese cultural thing, or maybe thats the way my dad was. But whenever I felt defeated, sad or lonely, dad was always there. Dad was a man of few words, but I always like
13、d to talk to him, and I could always feel a very special connection to him.我小的时候爸从来不抱我,从来不亲我,当然他也从来不说“我爱你这三个字.也许这是中国文化的问题,也许爸就是这种人.但每当我受挫.伤心或孤独无助时,爸总会在默默地关心我.老爸话不多,但我总喜欢有什么话都给他说,同是我也总是能感到和老爸之间那种无法言喻的特殊关系.As I got older, I had a huge crush on a gir She was tall and beautiful, with long hair. One day,
14、 I walked up to her and blurted out, you are so beautiful baby. I love you so much. Please be my wife! She was afraid and ran away with tears in her eyes. She told my teacher, and my teacher was so angry that she made me stay after school, and called my dad to take me home. My first love was over, a
15、nd that year I was 7 years old.等我大一些的时候我疯狂爱上了一个女孩子.她又高又漂亮,还有一头长发.终于有一天,我忍不住了,走到她面前,很快地说道,“亲爱的,你太漂亮了!我太爱你了!做我老婆吧!没想到她吓坏了,抹着眼泪跑掉了,然后就告诉了老师.老师当时非常生气,放学后没让我回家,并给老爸打 ,让他过来领人.我的初恋就这样夭折了,那年我七岁On the way home, dad was very quiet. It seemed that nothing had happened. Finally I broke the silence and asked him
16、, Daddy, did I do something wrong? Dad paused for a while as he always did and said quietly, Son, you did nothing wrong, e_ cept that its too early for you to pursue girls. Daddy, do you think I could marry a tall and beautiful girl with long hair when I grow up? I asked. Dad gave me one of his rare
17、 laughs and said, Of course you could. You are so handsome! Just like your handsome father. For the first time, I realized that dad had a sense of humor, although he was always quiet.回家路上老爸非常沉默,好似什么事都没发生.最后我打破了沉默,问道,“爸爸,我做错什么了吗?#父亲节演讲稿英文3#Who is using the arm of Qiu Jin, for us to put up a brilliant
18、 sky?Who is using the hard-working hands, happy for us to build a home?Are you, father, a great name but Ordinary!Father of a mountain, broad-minded, the father of rivers to accommodate an umbrella for us so that we stay away from disasterFather of a vessel, carrying us, brave the wind and waves, lo
19、ve towards the Harbor!In the eyes of his daughter, the father is more like you are leaning against a tree in spring can love you like fantasy Ganlu drop, moisten with my heart;Through the summer to enjoy your love, like bursts of breeze, the wind blowing softly beside him;Taught me to become ripe au
20、tumn, your love is to me is that the rich fruits of successTaught me to become a strong winter, you love the sun are continuously given me confidence and strength!Spring, summer, autumn and winter, the sun traces of rotation time, quietly climbed up the wind and rain on your face honed, so that you
21、vicissitudesNot forget, you earnestly to teach the sceneNot forget, you sent her daughter to ride back to school is not to be forgotten, when the daughter of Late in your sad eyesIs not to be forgotten, when the sick daughter on your face can not forget the scenes of fear, the father and daughter is
22、 not to be forgotten . . If the situation can be life-cycle the ne_ t life, I also make your daughter!是谁,用虬劲的臂膀,为我们撑起一片灿烂的天空?是谁,用勤劳的双手,为我们构建一个幸福的家园?是您,父亲,一个平凡而又伟大的名字!父亲一座山,胸怀宽广,容纳百川父亲一把伞,为我们遮风挡雨,使我们远离灾难父亲一艘船,载着我们,乘风破浪,驶向爱的港湾!在女儿的眼里,父亲您更像是一棵树春天能倚着梦想您的爱像滴滴甘露,滋润着我的心房;夏天能靠着乘凉您的爱像阵阵凉风,轻轻地拂过身旁;秋天教我变得成熟,您的
23、爱是累累硕果让我看到成功的希望冬天教我变得坚强,您的爱是缕缕阳光赋予我自信和力量!春夏秋冬,日月轮转时光的痕迹,悄悄爬上您的脸庞风雨的磨砺,使您饱经沧桑忘不了,您谆谆教导的情景忘不了,您骑车载送女儿上学的背影忘不了,女儿迟归时您目光中的忧愁忘不了,女儿生病时您脸庞上的担忧忘不了的一幕幕,忘不了的父女情如果生命可以轮回,来生我还做您的女儿!#父亲节演讲稿英文4#hi, everybody. this fathers day weekend, id like to spend a couple minutes talking about whats sometimes my hardest, bu
24、t always my most rewarding job ?C being a dad.大家好!这个周末是父亲节,我想花点时间与大家交流下做父亲的感想.我觉得做好一个父亲的角色有时候最困难,但也最有意义.i grew up without my father around. he left when i was two years old, and even though my sister and i were luckyenough to have a wonderful mom and caring grandparents to raise us, i felt his absen
25、ce. and i wonder what my life would have been like had he been a greater presence.从小父亲就不在我的身边.两岁时父亲离开了我们.但是我和妹妹很幸运,母亲和祖父母对我们关心备至,将我们抚养成人.尽管如此,我仍然觉得父爱缺失.我时常想,如果父亲一直在我们的身边,我的人生可能就会不一样了.thats why ive tried pretty hard to be a good dad for myown kids. i havent always succeeded, of course ?C in the past,
26、 my job has kept me away from home more than often i would like to, and the burden of raising two younggirls sometimes would fall too heavily on michelle.因此,当有了自己的孩子后,我便加倍努力,让自己成为一个好爸爸.当然,并非事事顺利.过去,因为工作的关系,我不得不经常出差,这实在是情非得已.所以,抚育两个女儿的重担有时就落到了米歇尔的肩上.but between my own e_ periences growing up, and myo
27、ngoing efforts to be the best father i can be, ive learned a couple of things about what our children need most from their parents.自身成长的经历以及身为人父的经历,让我懂得了很多东西.我一直竭尽全力做到最好,我也懂得孩子们最想从父母那里得到什么.first and foremost, they need our time. and more important than the quantity of hours we spend with them is the
28、 quality of those hours. maybe its just asking about their day, or taking a walk together, but the smallest moments can have the biggest impact.首先,孩子们需要我们花时间陪伴.但陪伴他们的时间质量比时间数量更重要.也许只是日常生活中的简短问候,或是一起散步聊天,但这些最短暂的时光却可以对他们产生最大的影响.they also need structure, including learning the values ofself-discipline
29、and responsibility. malia and sasha may live in the white house these days, but michelle and i still make sure they finish their schoolwork, do their chores, and walk the dog.同时,他们也需要一种结构,包括需要了解自律和责任的价值.尽管玛莉亚和萨莎现在生活在白宫,但我和米歇尔还是要确保他们完成家庭作业,做好日常杂务,按时遛狗. and above all, children need our unconditional l
30、ove ?Cwhether they succeed or make mistakes; when life is easy and when life is tough.最为重要的是,孩子们需要我们付出无条件的爱.无论他们是取得了成功,或是犯了错误,无论生活是舒适还是艰难.and life is tough for a lot of americans today.more and more kids grow up without a father figure. others mia father whos away serving his country in uniform. and
31、 even for those dads who are present in their childrens lives, the recession has taken a harsh tol if youre out of a job or struggling to pay the bills, doing whatever it takes to keepthe kids healthy, happy and safe can understandably take precedence over everything else.现在,很多美国人的生活非常艰难.越来越多的孩子在成长过
32、程中缺乏父亲的陪伴.有些父亲身穿军装,为国效力,孩子们便不得不在家苦苦等候.即便是那些可以陪伴孩子们的父亲,也因为经济衰退受到了严重的创伤.如果你失业了,或是入不敷出,也要尽全力让孩子们过上健康.快乐,平安的生活,这显然是最重要的事情.thats why my administration has offered men who want to be good fathers a little e_ tra support. weve boosted因此,对于那些希望尽职做个好父亲的男人,政府正在为他们提供一些额外的支持.我们鼓励社会和宗教团体关注父亲的角色,并与企业合作为父亲们提供一些时机,
33、让他们与孩子们一起度过在保龄球馆或棒球场的时光,或与随军神父一起帮助父亲们建立与孩子们的联系.were doing this because we all have a stake in forgingstronger bonds between fathers and their children. and youcan find out more about some of what were doing at我们这么做,是因为为父亲和孩子建立更为紧密的联系,对所有人都大有裨益.如果您想了解更多我们正在参与的工作,but we also know that every father has
34、 a personalresponsibility to do right by our kids as wel all of us can encourage our children to turn off the video games and pick up a book. all of us can pack a healthy lunch for our son, or go outside and play ball with our daughter. and all of us can teach our children the difference between rig
35、ht and wrong, and show them through our own e_ ample the value in treating one another as we wish to be treated.但我们也知道,每个父亲都有责任为孩子们树立典范,教育他们做正确的事情.我们都能够鼓励孩子们关掉游戏.捡起书本.我们都能为儿子准备健康的午餐,或与女儿一起外出打球.我们都能教育孩子们区分对错,并且以自己为典范,让他们看到,我们希望别人怎样对待自己,就应该怎样对待别人,这非常重要.our kids are pretty smart. they understand that l
36、ife wont always be perfect, that sometimes, the road gets rough, that even great parents dont get everything right.我们的孩子都很聪明.他们知道生活并不总是那么完美,他们懂得有时候道路会比拟坎坷,即便是伟大的父母也不一定每件事都做的对.#父亲节演讲稿英文5#Hi, everybody. Sunday is Fathers Day. If you havent got Dad a gift yet, theres still time. Just barely. But the tr
37、uth is, what we give our fathers can never match what our fathers give us.大家好.周日是父亲节.如果你还没有给爸爸准备礼物,现在还来得及.大大方方地.但是事实上,我们给父亲们的永远比不上父亲们给我们的.I know how important it is to have a dad in your life, because I grew up without my father around. I felt the weight of his absence. So for Michelle and our girls
38、, I try every day to be the husband and father my family didnt have when I was young. And every chance I get, I encourage fathers to get more involved in their childrens lives, because what makes you a man isnt the ability to have a child its the courage to raise one.我深知你们一生中有个父亲是何等重要,因为我从小到大没有父亲.我深
39、知没有他我们的艰难.所以对米切尔和我们的两个女儿,我每天都努力做一个好丈夫和好爸爸,这是我这时候家里没有的.我总是利用一切时机鼓励父亲们更多地融入孩子们的生活,因为这使你成为一个不止是有能力生孩子的男人,而是有抚养孩子的勇气的男人.Still, over the past couple years, Ive met with a lot of young people who dont have a father figure around. And while theres nothing that can replace a parent, any of us can do our par
40、t to be a mentor, a sounding board, a role model for a kid who needs one. Earlier this year, I launched an initiative还有,在过去的几年里,我遇到很多没有父亲的年轻人.尽管没有什么可以取代一个家长,我们中的任何人都可以尽自己的努力成为导师,一个倾听者和孩子需要的任何角色.今年早些时候,我推出了一个叫做“弟弟的监护人的动议-一个人人尽责的努力旨在帮助我们的年轻人发挥他们的潜能.如果你想成为你们社区的任何一个年轻人的导师,你可以在WhiteH/MyBrothersKe
41、eper网站得知如何做.Now, when I launched this initiative, I said that government cant play the primary role in a young persons life. Taking responsibility for being a great parent or mentor is a choice that we, as individuals, have to make. No government program can ever take the place of a parents love. St
42、ill, as a country, there are ways we can help support dads and moms who make that choice.当我推出这个动议的时候,我说政府不能在任何年轻人的生活中起主导作用.担起作为伟大的父母或导师的责任是我们作为个人必须做出的选择.没有一个政府工程可以取代父母的爱.还有,作为一个国家,我们有很多方式帮助父亲们和母亲们做出这个选择.Thats why, earlier this week, we brought working dads from across America to the White House to t
43、alk about the challenges they face. And in a few weeks, Ill hold the first-ever White House Working Families Summit. Weve still got too many workplace policies that belong in the 1950s, and its time to bring them up to date for todays families, where oftentimes, both parents are working. Moms and dads deserve affordable child care, and time off to care for a sick parent or child without running into hardship. Women
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