四年级下册英语教案-Review 1 辽师大版(三起)_第1页
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1、辽师大版快乐英语四年级下Review 1教学设计Review 1Where Is Mom?教学内容:辽师大版小学英语教材(三年级起点)四年级下册复习一第二课时的内容。学情分析:小学四年级的学生有较强的自行探究的能力,学生在观察能力、思维能力、语言表达能力方面都有了较好的提高。他们喜欢在自己的探索中获取知识,对周边的事物产生着浓厚的兴趣,有着强烈的学习愿望。在本节课教学中我采用整体教学与个别辅导相结合的方法,利用先进的教育技术和丰富的课件资源来调动学生的积极性,开拓学生的视野,丰富我的英语课堂。教学目标:通过阅读小故事,帮助学生初步掌握阅读的方法,使学生在理解、 思考的过程中培养学生的阅读能力和

2、语言的输出技能。2.能读懂小故事,并能和同学根据故事进行课本剧表演。3.能积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流,主动复习与整理所学知识。教学重点、难点:重点:理解故事含义,帮助学生掌握阅读的方法。难点:课本剧的创编和表演。教学过程:Step 1: Pre-reading1.(师生问好)2.Sing a song:T:Today is sunny .Are you happy?Lets sing a song. (设计意图:通过演唱歌曲,为学生营造轻松的学习氛围,调动学生的学习热情。同时引出“动物”这个话题)3.Free talkT: Do you like animals?Ss: Yes. T:Wh

3、ats your favorite animals? Ss:I like lions.I like cats,I like rabbits . I like tigers. T:Animals are our friends. I like animals, too.Today, were going to tell a story about animals.I have a riddle for you ,who can read it for us?Its black.Its small. It has a big head and a long tail.T:Guess,what is

4、 it?Ss:.T:Look,its a tadpole.教师讲解tadpole的读音。(在黑板上贴图,贴图时讲tadpole的复数形式)this tadpole is group 1,2,3.Lets see Who can find mother first?Come on !children.(设计意图:自由回话益于集中学生的注意力,充分激发学生学习英语的兴趣。通过猜谜游戏,培养学生的朗读和阅读理解能力。)Step 2 While-readingT:Ill tell a story for you.Its about tadpoles.Look at this picture.This

5、is a big and nice pond.The water is clean and the lotuses are beautiful,spring is coming.Look!Who are they?S:They are .T:The tadpoles are so cute!What color are they?S:They are black.T:What do they have?S:They have.T:Youre right.Now,Im one of the tadpoles.(教师范读第一张图片的内容)T:Now,who wants to be the tadp

6、ole?(学生带头饰模仿朗读)(设计意图:结合图片,通过师生对话引出故事的主要人物。学生通过模仿朗读,培养他们的语言表达能力。)T: Good job!Are you a happy tadpole? S:Yes,of course.T:Look at these tadpoles ,Are they happy? S:No,they arent.T:We can see the tadpoles are crying.They never see their mom.So they are going to find her.Today we are going to learn the f

7、un story (引出主题,板书课题)Lets listen and follow the tape.(出示第二张图片)3.T:Now,the three tadpoles set off.lets listen,Who is coming? S:The duck is coming. T:What color is it? S:. T:Listen!Is the duck tadpoles mom?(播放录音)S:No.T:But why the duck isnt tadpoles mom?Lets listen again.What does the duck say?Ss:Im ta

8、ll and your mother is short.T:The duck is tall.So the tadpoles mom is short. 板书 tall short.OK.This time Im the tadpoles,you are the duck.Ready?Go!So the duck isnt tadpoles mom.They say Goodbye to the duck.And the tadpoles set off again.(设计意图:通过图片呈现真实的语言环境,便于教师将故事的内容自然地渗透给学生。再通过听音和填空,培养学生捕捉关键信息的能力。)4

9、.T:They swim and swim.They meet a big fish is swimming in the water.Boys and girls,if you are the tadpoles.What do you want to say?S:.T:OK.You are a clever tadpole,Lets listen ,What does the fish say?OK?(播放录音)S:Im big and your mother is small.T:The fish is big, the tadpoles mom is small.(板书)So the f

10、ish isnt tadpoles mom.This time,Please work in pairs and then act it.Ss:Act it in pairs.(学生表演对话的内容)5.T: The tadpoles fail again,the fish isnt their mom.But they never give up,they continue looking for their mom.The tadpoles swim and swim.This time,Who is coming?Lets listen and guess!出示谜语:Im old.I ha

11、ve four legs.I walk and swim very slowly.I have hard shell.Who am I?Who knows the answer?T:You are so clever.Is the turtle tadpoles mom?Lets ask her together.S:Hello!Are you our mom?T:(播放课件,点击乌龟回答)T:Boys and girls,what color is the turtle? And what color is the tadpoles mom?(教师板书)Ss:.T:This time,one

12、 is turtle,the other is tadpole.Now,practice with your partners.S:.(同桌之间练习)T:Who wants to try?Start!(设计意图:通过对课文的听读和表演,加强学生对课文内容的巩固,同时进一步培养学生听、说、读和理解的能力。)T:So the turtle is not tadpoles mother.Lets see.(看黑板上的板书)What does the tadpoles mother look like?Tadpoles mom is short,small and green.Guess!Who is

13、 tadpoles mom?S:The frog is tadpoles mom.T:Guess.Are they happy now?T:Now ,youre the happy tadpoles,Im the frog.Im short,small and green.(师生对话)Come here,my dear babies.The tadpoles find and meet their mother in the end of the story.Guess,what do the tadpoles want to say to their mom? Ss:Mom,I miss y

14、ou!(I think she miss you ,too)Ss:Mom,I love you!We dont look the same,why?(You can check the reason from the Internet)(设计意图:通过大胆猜测,充分发挥学生的想象力和思维能力。通过师生间的对话表演,拉近师生之间的距离。)Step 3:Post-reading. 1.T:Dear students.Lets listen and read the story.(跟录音机读) 2.T:Please open your books and read it by yourself.(自

15、读) 3.Lets retell the story together.(复述故事内容) 4.Act the story.(先小组进行,然后全班一起表演)(设计意图:小学生活泼好动并且喜欢表演。教师利用这一特点带领学生在故事的基础上进行创编并表演出来,从而激发学生学习英语的兴趣,并能在课本剧的表演中体会成功的喜悦。) T:Wow,you are so great!In our life,we should learn from the tadpoles.Never give up in any difficulty.Nothing is impossible to a willing hear

16、t.Step 4巩固拓展T:My dear babies.Do you remember what does the tadpoles mom look like?shes small,short and green.What about your mothers?What does she look like?(拓展训练.课件中提供主要句型和核心词汇) S:She is tall,short,beautiful. She is a .She has. T:You can share it.(通过白板展示学生书写的短文)(情感教育)T:My dear children,do you love

17、your mothers? S:Yes,of course.T:Mother is the most beautiful person in the world, love her and take care of her ,OK?I have a video.Its about you and your mothers.Do you want to watch it?(视频中播放同学们和妈妈的照片和一首有关妈妈的诗歌) T: We should listen to mothers words, love her and take care of her ,OK?We had a wonderful time this morning. Everyone is grea


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