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1、Unit 1 What is MIS Why Is Information Technology Important? What do Managers do?Outline Text New Words Phrases Abbreviations Questions for Discussion Translation for ReferenceIntroduction to Management Information Systems1参考译文 What is MIS? The first step in learning how to apply information technolo

2、gy to solve problems is to get a broader picture of what is meant by the term management information system. You probably have some experience with using computers and various software packages. Yet, computers are only one component of a management information system. 2 A management information syst

3、em (MIS), or computer information system (CIS), consists of five related components: hardware, software, people, procedures, and collections of data. The term information technology (IT) represents the various types of hardware and software used in an information system, including computers and netw

4、orking equipment. The goal of MIS is to enable managers to make heifer decisions by providing quality information.参考译文3参考译文 The physical equipment used in computing is called hardware. The set of instructions that controls the hardware is known as software. In the early days of computers, the people

5、 directly involved in MIS tended to be programmers, design analysts, and a few external users. Today, almost everyone in the firm is involved with the information system. Procedures are instructions that help people use the systems. 4 They include items such as user manuals, documentation, and proce

6、dures to ensure that backups are made regularly. Data-bases are collections of related data that can be retrieved easily and processed by the computers. As you will see in the cases throughout the book, all of these components are vital to creating an effective information system.参考译文5参考译文 So what i

7、s information? One way to answer that question is to examine the use of in formation technology on three levels: (1) data management, (2) information systems, and (3) knowledge bases. Data consists of factual elements (or opinions or comments) that describe some object or event. Data can be thought

8、of as raw numbers or text. 6 Data management systems focus on data collection and providing basic reports. Information represents data that has been processed, organized, and integrated to provide more insight. Information systems are designed to help managers analyze data and make decisions. 参考译文7

9、From a decision makers standpoint, the challenge is that you might not know ahead of time which information you need, so it is hard to determine what data you need to collect. Knowledge represents a higher level of understanding, including rules, patterns, and decisions. 参考译文8 Knowledge-based system

10、s are built to automatically analyze data, identify patterns, and recommend decisions. Humans are also capable of wisdom, where they put knowledge, experience, and analytical skills to work to create new knowledge and adapt to changing situations. To date no computer system has attained the properti

11、es of wisdom.参考译文9参考译文 To create an effective information system, you need to do more than simply purchase the various components. Quality is an important issue in business today, particularly as it relates to information systems. The quality of an information system is measured by its ability to pr

12、ovide exactly the information needed by managers in a timely manner. 10参考译文 The information must be accurate and up-to-date. Users should be able to receive the information in a variety of formats: tables of data, graphs, summary statistics, or even pictures or sound. Users have different perspectiv

13、es and different requirements, and a good information system must have the flexibility to present information in diverse forms for each user.11参考译文 Why Is Information Technology Important? Personal Productivity An enormous amount of data is available to managersgenerated internally and externally. I

14、t is impossible to deal with this volume of data without information technology. The era of “pure” managers who simply direct other people is gone. Managers today must be capable of performing the tasks within their area of expertise. 12 For example, accounting managers still practice accounting, la

15、wyers handle cases, and financial managers still track investments. In other words, managers do two jobs: perform basic day-to-day functions, as well as plan, organize, and communicate.参考译文13 Firms are increasingly required to improve productivity, which means that each year managers must increase p

16、roduction without increasing the number of workers. Information technology is critical to this improvement process, enabling employees to perform more tasks, getting work done faster at lower cost.参考译文14参考译文 Teamwork and Communication It is tempting to believe that once you learn how to use a word p

17、rocessor, a spreadsheet program, and a Web browser, you have all the computer knowledge needed to solve business problems. 本句中第一个句子that引导的believe宾语从句。这里It is tempting to believe可以理解成有些事情会使你相信.15 In fact, these are powerful tools that will help you solve business problems that arise at a personal lev

18、el. But businesses have many more levels of problems, such as data collection, departmental teamwork, information shared throughout the corporation, and uses of if that help the business gain a competitive advantage.参考译文16参考译文 You also need to understand database, groupware, and enterprise tools tha

19、t give you access to data across the company and help you share it with team members around the world. Most companies are in a continual race to get products and services to customers faster than the competition. 17 Moving communication away from paper to electronic messages and online meetings can

20、significantly reduce the time required to coordinate a group and make decisionsspeeding up the overall process.参考译文18参考译文 Business Operations and Strategy Information technology is increasingly critical to the daily operations of a business. Obviously, online businesses cannot live without technolog

21、y, but neither can the local grocery stores, bank, or many other businesses. Computers process sales, handle payments, and place new orders. 19 They also analyze the sales data and help set prices and predict trends. Information technology is also used to create new products and services or to provi

22、de unique features to existing products. These new features can give your company. a strategic advantage and help the company grow.参考译文20 What do managers do?. Traditional Management and Observations To create useful information systems, it is helpful to examine the various roles of management. Trad

23、itional concepts of management focus on organizing, planning, and control. 参考译文21 However, when observed at their jobs, managers appear to spend most of their time in meetings, talking on the phone, reading or preparing reports, discussing projects with their colleagues, explaining procedures, and p

24、articipating in other activities that are difficult to fit into the traditional framework.参考译文这句话中的when observed 相当于由when引导的状语从句:when they are observed, 其中they指代managers, 因为主从句的主语是同一主语,所以从句中可省略主语并用分词形式表达状语从句。 22参考译文 Henry Mintzberg, a psychologist who studies management, classifies managerial tasks

25、into three categories: (1) interpersonal, (2) informational, and (3) decisional. Interpersonal roles refer to teaching and leading employees. 23 Informational tasks are based on the transfer of information throughout the organization, such as relaying information to subordinates or summarizing infor

26、mation for executives. Decisions involve evaluating alternatives and choosing directions that benefit the firm.参考译文24 Other researchers have studied managers and developed alternative classifications. Fred Luthans uses three classifications of management activities. He indicates that approximately 5

27、0 percent of a managers time is spent on traditional management activities (planning, organizing, etc.), 30 percent in formal communications, and 20 percent in informal networking. 参考译文25 Formal communications include attending meetings and creating reports and memos. Informal networking consists of

28、 contacts with colleagues and workers that tend to be social in nature but often involve discussions regarding business and jobs.参考译文26参考译文 Making Decisions In many ways managers expend a lot of their effort in making decisions or contributing in- formation so others can make decisions. When you loo

29、k at courses offered for future man agers you will find a focus on administration, human behavior, quantitative modeling and problem solving, decision theory, and elements of business ethics and globalization.27参考译文 Typically, these courses are designed to help managers solve problems and make decis

30、ions. However, if you ask managers how much time they spend making decisions, they are likely to say that they seldom make decisions. That seems like a contradiction. If managers and executives do not make decisions, who does?28参考译文 In many organizations, day-to-day decisions are embodied in the met

31、hodology, rules, or philosophy of the company. Managers are encouraged to collect data and follow the decisions that have resulted from experience. In this situation and in many others, the managers are directly involved in the decision process, even though they may not think they are making the fin

32、al choice.29 The broader decision process involves collecting data, identifying problems, and making choices. One more step is often involved:persuading others to accept a decision and implement a solution. With this broader definition, many of the tasks performed by managers are actually steps in t

33、he decision process. 参考译文30 Meetings, phone calls, and discussions with colleagues are used to collect data, identify problems, and persuade others to choose a course of action. Each of these steps may be so gradual that the participants do not think they are actually making decisions.参考译文31 参考译文 Be

34、cause of the subtlety of the process and the complexity of the decisions, it is often difficult to determine what information will be needed. Decisions often require creativity. Because data generally need to be collected before problems arise, it is challenging to design information systems to supp

35、ort managers and benefit the organization. One important job of management is to examine the need for information and how it can be used to solve future problemsNew Words(1)involveinvlvvt. 包含;牵涉;使陷于;潜心于manualmnjuln. 手册,指南;说明书documentation,dkjumentteinn. 文件材料integrateintireit vt. 使完整;使成整体identifyaide

36、ntifaivt. 识别;确定;使参与;把看成一样propertyprptin. 性能;道具,内容formatf:mtn. 版式;开本;格式perspectivepspektivn. 透视图;远景;观点New Words(2)graphr:f, rfn. 数图表;曲线图day-to-daydeitdeiadj. 逐日的;日常的criticalkritikladj. 批评的,爱挑剔的;决定性的;危险的;spreadsheetspredi:tn. 电子数据表;电子制表软件databasedeitbeisn. 数据库,资料库groupwareru:pwn. 组合件;计群组软体accesskses v

37、t. 存取;接近;使用n. 通路;进入;使用权featurefi:tn. 容貌;特色,特征;特写或专题节目New Words(3)participatep:tisipeitvi. 参与,参加;分享vt. 分享;分担interpersonal,intp:snladj. 人际的;人与人之间的subordinatesb:dint n. 下属,下级;部属,属下alternative:lt:ntivadj. 供选择的;交替的n. 二中择一;供替代的选择ethicseiksn. 伦理学;伦理观;道德标准methodology,medldin. 方法学,方法论contradiction,kntrdiknn.

38、 矛盾;反驳;否认Phrasesword processor文字处理软件;文字处理机Web browser浏览器spreadsheet program电子制表程序in nature本质上,事实上be designed to目的是;被设计用于做software packages软件包formal communication正式沟通informal network非正式的沟通AbbreviationsMIS Management Information System 管理信息系统CIS Computer Information System 信息系统IT Information Technolog

39、y 信息技术Questions for Discussion1. What is MIS?2. What is information?3. Why is information technology important? 4. How to speed up the overall management process? Give an answer briefly5. Why does it seem contradiction that when managers are asked how much time they spend making decisions, they are

40、likely to say that they seldom make decisions?什么是管理信息系统Translation for Reference1返回原文 什么是管理信息系统? 学会如何应用信息技术解决问题的第一步是给管理信息系统这个术语进行广泛地描述。也许,你在使用计算机和各种软件上有一些经验,然而计算机仅仅是管理信息系统的一部分。2 管理信息系统(MIS)或计算机信息系统(CIS)包含了与计算机有关的五个方面:硬件、软件、人、程序和数据群。信息技术(IT)这一概念代表是不同种类的硬件和在信息系统里所使用的软件,包括计算机和网络设备。MIS的目标就是通过提供有质量的信息使管理

41、者做出更好的决定。返回原文3返回原文 用于计算机信息处理的有形设备称为硬件。控制硬件的一套指令就是我们所说的软件。在计算机发展的初期,与MIS直接有关的人通常是指程序员,设计分析员和几个外部使用者。今天,几乎公司中的每一个人都被卷入计算机系统。程序就是帮助人们使用的指令。4 它们包括不同的东西如: 使用手册,文件以及确保定期备份的程序。数据库是指能够容易收回和被计算机加工处理的相关的数据集合。正如你在这本书中所有的例子中所看到的那样,所有这些组成部分对于创造有效的管理信息系统都是重要的。返回原文5返回原文 什么是信息呢?回答这个问题的一个方法是检查一下信息技术在三个部同层次上的使用:(1)数据

42、管理,(2)信息管理,(3)知识管理。数据包括描述某些目标和事件的事实因素(观点或评价)。数据可以被看未被加工的数字或文字。6 数据管理集中在数据集合和提供基本报告上。信息代表了被加工、组织和整合并提供更深洞察的数据。信息系统设计用于管理者分析数据和做出决定。返回原文7 从一个决策者的角度看,其面临的挑战是在预先可能不知什么你所需要信息,所以去决定你需要搜集什么样的信息是难的。知识代表一种更高层次的理解,包括了规则、模式和决定。返回原文8 以知识为基础的系统的建立是自动进行数据分析,确定模式和提供相关建议。人类也具有一定的智慧,他们将知识、经验和分析技巧加以应用以创造出新的知识和适应改变的形势

43、。在没有计算机的日子里人们已经获得了智慧的本质。返回原文9返回原文 为了创造一个有效的信息系统,你需要做比仅仅购买不同的组成部分更多的事情。在当今的企业中质量是一个重要的议题,尤其是涉及到信息管理系统。管理信息系统的质量是以时间和向所需信息的管理者准确提供信息进行衡量的。10 这种信息必须是准确的而且是不断更新的。使用者应该能以不同的形式收到这些信息:数据的表格、图形、总结性的统计或图片和声音。使用者有不同的看法和要求,一个好的管理信息系统必须有对以不同的形式提供给每一位使用者信息的灵活性。 返回原文11返回原文 为什么信息技术是重要的? 个人的生产能力 管理者能够得到大量的数据内部的和外部的

44、。没有信息技术处理这些信息时不可能的。简单的、直接面向他人的“纯”管理时代已经过去。今天的管理者必须有能力在他们专业技术领域中执行这些任务。12 比如,一位会计的管理者要执行会计以及和律师打交道的事情,一位财务管理人员还要追踪投资的财产。或句话说,管理者要执行两项工作:日常的基本职能和诸如计划、组织和沟通等的职能。返回原文13返回原文 公司被要求不断提高生产能力,这意味着管理者每天必须在不增加工人数量的情况下不断增加生产力。信息技术是改善这个过程的关键,它能使职员以低成本执行更多的任务,干更多的工作。14返回原文 团队工作和沟通一旦你学习如何使用文字处理软件,电子数据表和网页浏览器,你会认为自

45、己已经掌握了所有解决业务问题所需的计算机知识。 15 事实上有很多强大的能够帮助你解决业务问题的超出你个人水平的工具。但是业务上有更多不同层次的问题,诸如:数据搜集,部门间的团队工作,通过合作的分享信息以及使用能够获得行业的竞争优势。 返回原文16返回原文 你也需要理解数据库、群组软件以及能够给你跨公司的数据并能和团队成员分享它的公司工具。大多数的公司处在一个比其竞争者更快地获得供给顾客的产品和服务的连续不断的竞赛中。17 从纸制到电子的沟通形式的转变以及在线的会议极大减少了团队合作和做出决定所要的时间加快了整个(管理)进程。 返回原文18返回原文 业务的执行和战略决策 信息技术对于日常的业务

46、的操作越来越关键。 很显然,如果没有技术,在线的业务是不可能存在的,当地的日杂店,银行和很多生意也不会存在。计算机运行着销售,处理付款和订货等业务。19 他们也分析销售数据帮助制定价格和预测未来。信息技术也用来创造新产品和服务或对现存产品提供独一无二的特性。 这种新的特性给予公司战略优势并帮助公司壮大。返回原文20 管理者做什么? 传统的管理及观察 为了创造有用的信息系统,检查管理的不同角色是有用的。传统上管理的概念集中于管理、计划和控制。返回原文21 然而,如果观察一下管理者的工作,他们花费了大部分时间在这些事情上:开会、打电话、阅读准备报告、和同事们讨论项目、解释流程、和参与其他很难符合传

47、统框架的活动。返回原文22 Henry Mintzberg, 一个研究管理的心理学家,将管理的任务分为三类: (1) 人际交往型,(2) 信息型,(3) 决定型。人际交往的角色是指教育和领导员工。返回原文23 信息型是基于组织内部信息的转换,比如向下属转播信息或者向经理汇报信息。决定型包括评估被选方案和选择对公司有利的方向。返回原文24返回原文 另外一些研究者研究管理者并形成可供选择的分类。 Fred Luthans 将管理活动分了三类。他指出一个管理者50%的时间花在传统的管理活动上(计划,组织等),30%在正式交流上,而20%在非正式的联络工作。25 正式沟通包括参加会议,写报告和备忘录。

48、非正式的联络工作包括和同事和想要社交的工人进行交往,而(这种交往)通常包含讨论与生意或工作有关的讨论。返回原文26返回原文做决策 在很多方面,管理者花费他们大量的精力做或者致力于信息工作以使他人能够决策。如果你看一下为未来管理者提供的课程,你会发现他们集中于行政管理,人们的行为,数量模型和问题解决,决策理论以及商业道德的因素和全球化。27 典型性地讲,这些课程的设计是帮助管理者解决问题和做决策的。然而,如果你问管理者有多少时间是用来做决策, 他们有可能说他们很少做决定。这可能是矛盾的。如果管理者们不做决策, 谁做?返回原文28 在很多的组织里,日常的决策体现在方法论,规则或者公司的理念上。管理

49、者被鼓励搜集数据并从经验中得出决策。在这样或那样的情况下,管理者直接进入了决策的过程,即使他们不认为他们做了最后的决定。返回原文29返回原文 广义的决策过程包括数据搜集,识别问题,并做决策。进一步讲,通常包括劝说他人接受一个决定并且完成一个解决方案。就这个广义的定义来讲,许多由管理者完成的任务确实都包括在决策的过程中。30 开会,打电话、和同事讨论常用来搜集数据、识别问题以及劝说他人选择一定的行动方案。这些步骤中的每一步都是逐步积累演化的,从而使参与者不认为他们在做决策。返回原文31返回原文 因为这个过程的微妙性和决策的复杂性,决定需要什么样的信息通常是困难的。决策需要创造性。而数据通常在问题

50、出现前搜集得,因此设计信息系统以支持管理者并使组织获益是有挑战性的。管理中一项重要的工作是检查信息的需要和如何被应用它以解决未来的问题。 Unit 2The internet and technology convergence Transformation of the business enterpriseGlobalizationRise of the information economyEmergence of the digital firmOutlineInformation Systems and Organizations Text New Words Phrases Abb

51、reviations Questions for Discussion Translation for ReferenceInformation Systems , Organizations, and Strategy1参考译文 A combination of information technology innovations and a changing domestic and global business environment makes the role of IT in business even more important for managers than just

52、a few years ago. 本句话中名词词组做主语A combination of environment, 谓语动词为makes,是个相对长主语的简单句。 2 The Internet revolution is not something that happened and then burst, but instead has turned out to be an ongoing, powerful source of new technologies with significant business implications for much of this century.

53、参考译文3 There are five factors to consider when assessing the growing impact of IT in business firms both today and over the next ten years. Internet growth and technology convergence Transformation of the business enterprise Growth of a globally connected economy Growth of knowledge and information-

54、based economies Emergence of the digital firm 参考译文4 These changes in the business environment, summarized in Table 2.1, pose a number of new challenges and opportunities for business firms and their managements.参考译文5Table 2.1 The Changing Contemporary Business EnvironmentInternet growth and technolo

55、gy convergenceNew business technologies with favorable costsE-business, e-commerce, and E-governmentRapid changes in markets and market structureIncreased obsolescence of traditional business models参考译文6Transformation of the business enterpriseFlatteningDecentralizationFlexibilityLocation independen

56、ceLow transaction and coordination costsEmpowermentCollaborative work and teamworkTable 2.1 (续)参考译文7GlobalizationManagement and control in a global marketplaceCompetition in world marketsGlobal workgroupsGlobal delivery systemsTable 2.1 (续)参考译文8Rise of the information economyKnowledge- and informati

57、on-based economiesNew products and servicesKnowledge as a central productive and strategic assetTime-based competitionShorter product lifeTurbulent environmentLimited employee knowledge baseTable 2.1 (续)参考译文9Emergence of the digital firmDigitally enabled relationships with customers, suppliers, and

58、employeesCore business processes accomplished using digital networksDigital management of key corporate assetsAgile sensing and responding to environmental changesTable 2.1 (续)参考译文10参考译文 The internet and technology convergence One of the most frequently asked questions by Wall Street investors, jour

59、nalists, and business entrepreneurs is, “Whats the next big thing?” As it turns out, the next big thing is in front of us:11 We are in the midst of a networking and communications revolution driven by the growth of the Internet, Internet-based technologies, and new business models and processes that

60、 leverage the new technologies.参考译文12参考译文 Although “digital convergence” was predicted a decade ago, it is now an undeniable reality. Four massive industries are moving toward a common platform:13 the $1 trillion computer hardware and software industry in the United States, the $250 billion consumer


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