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1、 毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系 部:专 业:姓 名:学 号:外文出处: The Pofessional English of DesignManufacture for Dies & Moulds附 件: 1。外文资料翻译译文;2。外文原文。签名:年月日 附件 1:外文资料翻译译文图 1 板料成形一个简单的水杯 图3 典型的单工序冲孔模具凹模(母模)部分,即凹模,通常是由插入模具体内的两个模具导套组成的。因为冲头的直径是被冲孔的直径所要求的,所以有一定间隙的凹模直径是大于冲头直径的. 图 5 泊松效应 2T,3T,4T 等。表 1 在室温状态下各种材料的最小弯曲半径材料状态04T02T5T1

2、3T钢奥氏体不锈钢0.5T0。5T0。7T2。6T6T4T3T4T低碳钢,低合金钢,高强度铅合金钛钛合金注:T材料厚度。弯曲容许范围,是指弯曲中的中性线(层)的长度,用来确定弯曲零件的坯料长度。然而,中性线(层)的位置是哟弯曲角度(正如在材料力学课本中所描述)来决定的。弯曲容许范围(L )的近似的公式为:bL =(R+kT)b式中:Lb-弯曲容许范围,毫米;弯曲角度(弧度),度;T-金属板厚,毫米;R弯曲内层半径,毫米;k当半径 R2T 时为 0.33,当半径 R2T 时为 0.50.弯曲方式通常用于冲压模具。金属钢板或带料,由 V 形支撑,参见图 6(a)在楔形冲头的冲压力作用下进入 V 形

3、模具内弹簧加载压花销和零件之间的摩擦将会防止或减少零件在弯曲期间的边缘滑移。棱边弯曲,参见图 6(b)是悬臂横梁式加载方式,弯曲冲头对相对支撑的凹模上的金属施加弯曲力。弯曲轴线是与弯曲模具的棱边相平行的。在冲头接触工件之前,为了防止冲头向下行程的位移,工件则被一个弹性加载垫片加紧模具体上。 图6 弯曲方式S 极限张力强度,吨/平方英寸;W-V 或 U 形模具的宽度,英寸;对于 U 形弯曲(槽形弯曲),弯曲力大约是 V 形弯曲所需要的弯曲压力的两倍,棱边弯曲则大约是 V 形弯曲所需要的弯曲压力的 1/2.回弹.所有金属材料均有一个固定的弹性模量,随之而来的是塑性变形,当施加在材料上的弯曲力消除时

4、就会有一些弹性恢复(见图 7)。在弯曲过程中这种恢复称为回弹.一般而言,这样的回弹在 0。55之间变化,取决于固定的弹性模量、弯曲方式、模具间隙等。磷青铜的回弹则在 1015之间。 图 7 弯曲中的回弹 Figure 1 Sheet forming a simple cup piercing die is shown in Figure3。Figure3 Typical single-station die for piercing hole1Lower shoe 2,5Guide bushings 3Cavity plate 4Guid pin 6Spring-loadedstripper

5、7Punch 8Support plate 9Punch bushing 10-Fan-shaped block 11-Fixedplate 12-Punchholder plate 13Backing plate 14Spring 15Stepping bolts16Upper shoe 17-Shank encloses one punch to prevent its buckling under pressure from the ram of the press.After penetration of the work material, the two punches enter

6、 the die bushings for aslight distance.The female member, or die, consists of two die bushings inserted in the die block。Since this press tool punches holes to the diameters required , the diameters of the diebushings are larger than those of the punches by the amount of clearance。Since the work mat

7、erial stock or workpiece can cling to a punch on the upstroke, itmay be necessary to strip the material from the punch。 Spring-loaded strippers hold thework material against the die block until the punches are withdrawn from the punchedholes。 A workpiece to be pierced is commonly held and located in

8、 a nest (Figure 23)composed of flat plates shaped to encircle the outside part contours。 Stock is positionedin dies by pins, blocks, or other types of stops for locating before the downstroke of theram。Bending is one of the most common forming operations。We merely have to look atthe components in an

9、 automobile or an appliance or at a paper clip or a file cabinet-toappreciate how many parts are shaped by bending. Bending is used not only to formflanges, seams, and corrugations but also to impart stiffness to the part ( by increasingits moment of inertia ).The terminology used in bending is show

10、n in Figure 4. Note that, in bending, theouter fibers of the material are in tension, while the inner fibers are in compression.Because of the Poissons ratio, the width of the part (bend length, L) in the outerregion is smaller, and in the inner region is larger than the original width。 Thisphenomen

11、on may easily be observed by bending a rectangular rubber eraser。Minimum bend radii vary for different metals, generally, different annealedmetals can be bent to a radius equal to the thickness of the metal without cracking orweakening。 As R/T decreases (the ratio of the bend radius to the thickness

12、 becomessmaller), the tensile strain at the outer fiber increases, and the material eventually cracks(Figure 5)。 Figure 4 Bending terminologySoft0Hard6T04T02T 5T13T6T4T0.7T3T4TTitanium alloysNote :T-thickness of material2。6TBend allowance as shown in Figure 4 is the length of the neutral axis in the

13、 bendand is used to determine the blank length for a bent part 。 However, the position of theneutral axis depends on the radius and angle of bend (as described in texts on mechanicsof materials)。An approximate formula for the bend allowance, Lb is given byL = (R 十 kT)bWhere L bend allowance, in (mm)

14、。bbend angle, (radians) (deg).Tsheet thickness, in (mm)。R-inside radius of bend, in (mm)。k-0.33 when R is less than 2T and 0。50 when JR is more than 2T.Bend methods arc commonly used in press tool。Metal sheet or strip,supportedbyV bockFigure 6(a),is forced by a wedge shaped punch into the block 。 Th

15、ismethod, termed V bending, produces a bend having an included angle which may beacute, obtuse, or 90。Friction between a springloaded knurled pin in the vee die andthe part will prevent or reduce side creep of the part during its bending.Edge bending Figure 6(b) is cantilever loading of a beam。 The

16、bendingpunch forces the metal against the supporting die 。 The bend axis is parallel to the edgeof the die. The workpiece is clamped to the die block by a spring-loaded pad before thepunch contacts the workpiece to prevent its movement during downward travel of thepunch. Figure 6 Bending methodsBend

17、ing Force can be estimated by assuming the process of simple bending of arectangular beam。 The bending force in that case is a function of the strength of thematerial. The calculation of bending force is as follows:P=KLST2/WSultimate tensile strength, tons per square in。Tmetal thickness, in。 Figure 7 Springback during bending sheet-metal stamping automatic press and


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