1、 中英文资料翻译译文:中国企业跨国并购绩效的决定因素摘要:采用了独特的数据上设置的跨境合并和收购活动在中国的证券交易所上市的公众公司,我们收购前的性能和国有股比例对收购公司的表现产生积极的影响。关键词:跨国兼并和收购,中国企业,国际化1.介绍在过去的 30 年里,中国经历了快速的经济增长。在此期间,大量的中国企业已经成长起来和具备竞争力,有一些甚至已经涉足海外投资,以寻找新的增长来源。国际化扩张的方式之一就是收购现有企业,在国外,所谓的跨国兼并和收购(MA)。虽然这个数字是低,规模小的,但最近比过去的趋势明显加快。这种现象值得密切关注,以便更好地了解在这个问题上。跨国兼并和收购是指一个企业购买
3、合国贸易与发展会议,中国企业的跨国兼并和收购总额为 8.139 亿美元,这个时间是 1988 年至 2003 年,其中大部分是 1997 年后发生。虽然平均金额每年只有 2.16 亿美元,1988 年和 2003 年间,在 2003 年,就达到了 1.647 亿美元的水平。有一些广为人知的案例:上海电气集团在1 本科毕业论文外文翻译2002 年购买了日本印刷机制造商,TCL 收购德国施耐德在 2003 年和2004 年,联想收购 IBM PC 业务的。所有这些情况表明,中国企业的跨国兼并和收购已经进入了一个时代。收购公司的经济表现的不同结果这样的公司的行动。一些差异可能涉及到的国际化扩张的动机
5、童之友协会的决定因素。除了促进跨境并购的文献,我们也希望研究结果可以提供有益的指导对外直接投资的中国企业中所持的信念。跨国并购是不是新的。本文拟作出贡献是解释企业层面的海外并购,中国企业的因素和表现。由于跨国并购表现受多种因素影响,我们采用了多种理论观点,特别是组织学习的观点与代理理论。作为我们讨论的早期,我们还发现一个发达的数据库的跨境中号和一个,因此,我们开发我们自己的一个数据库覆盖 165 中号和一个情况下,通过搜索,通过各种数据源,包括公司网站,年度报告,报纸上,并在互联网。本文的组织如下。在第 2 条中的跨境并购活动的中国企业的特点进行了讨论。经过短暂的文献回顾,一些假设的基础上的理
6、论观点。第 4 节讨论的方法和结果报告的结论性意见之前在第 5。2.跨境并购中国公司的特点跨国并购的中国企业开始在 20 世纪 80 年代,位于美国,加拿大和香港的大部分目标公司。该公司涉及的基本上是大型国有企业,如中信,中化集团,首都钢铁,中国的资源。例如,北京首都钢铁集团购买的美国工程公司 MASTA 的 70的股份,于 1988 年 7 月为 US $3402 本科毕业论文外文翻译百万。在 20 世纪 90 年代,越来越多的中国公司开始从事海外并购。除了国有企业,私营和集体企业还联合游戏。进入21 世纪后,中国企业在跨国兼并和收购,几个大的情况下发生,如购买由上海汽车工业总公司和韩国双龙
7、汽车公司汽车公司收购 IBM 的 PC 业务变得更具侵略性联想。传闻观测结果显示几个趋势:1)量和交易金额的增加随着时间的推移。图 0.1 显示了中国企业的跨国兼并和收购所涉及的金额。多年来虽然涉及的金额有所不同,但趋势是往上走。2)现金收购要约的采购方法扩展到各类款项,如杠杆收购和交换的股票的。例如,TCL 法国的汤普森在其收购的资产注入股份交换的方法。3)虽然大跨境并购交易中占主导地位的国有企业,收集国有和民营企业也成为近年来活跃在。4)涉及的行业领域延伸至国内垄断行业,如能源,化学制品制造业普遍。3.学术评论有大量文献国内和跨国兼并和收购,主要是基于发达国家的经验。有一些中国学者研究了在
8、国内市场的兼并和收购的情况下。例如,冯武(2001),使用会计数据及因素分析,制定一个整体的企业绩效评价函数。他们没有找到的 MA 公司的业绩在今年显着的变化,但在一年3 本科毕业论文外文翻译后性能提高,在第三年下降。朱和王(2002)的股本回报率(ROE)和资产收益率(ROA)为收购方和目标公司于 1998 年 67 兼并和收购的情况下,分析改进。张(2003 年),采用事件研究法和会计分析方法,分析了中国上市公司的兼并,收购和重组。他发现,兼并,收购和重组,目标公司的价值,但对股东收购公司的收入及财务表现产生了负面的影响。佳(2003)报道,收购公司的表现,和他们以前的收购经验之间存在着倒
9、 U 形关系。我们没有发现,中国企业的跨国兼并和收购的实证研究。在下面的章节中,我们将开发一些假设的基础上的跨境并购案例表现的可能的影响因素,当时的理论。4.假设发展跨国并购的成果至少 2 大因素。首先,它依赖于外部环境,如在本国的经济增长和竞争程度,东道国的政治和文化环境的变化等。其次,取决于收购公司的资源和能力。这是,我们要着眼于后者。因此,几个假设,以反映的跨国并购公司的特点和性能之间的关系4.1 预收购公司的收购表现控制权的分配和可能的协同作用,经常被用来解释收购前的性能和收购行为。它们也可以用来解释收购与目标公司收购后的表现。韦斯顿等。(1990)提出,协同效应的主要来源,其中的收购
10、增加值,这意味着经济效率提高后,企业的兼并与不同的管理能力。一个比较有效的投标人购买效率较低的目标公司,并通过改善目标公司的效率,增加合并后的公司的价值。从目标公司的角度来看,市场对公司控制权理论认为,它是一个公司的市场价值之间的差异,其实际价值,决定公司是否将被收购。此外,收购公司和目标公司的管理效率之间的差异,确定目标公司的收购后的表现。从收购公司的观点,市场对公司控制权的理论预测,收购前表现的无罪坚定的正相关,其收购的性能。例如,郎咸平等。(1989)发现,在要约收购中,收购公司和股东的利益的托宾 Q 值呈正相关。Servaes(1991)发现,与托宾 Q 值的收购方,收购方和被收购公司
11、的股东收益是正相关。在这些研究中,托宾的 Q 定义为公司的市场价值除以它的重置成本,作为一个公司的收购前业绩和管理能力的一个指标。在此,我们制定以下假设:假设 1:收购前的中国公司(收购方)和跨国并购性能表现呈正相关。4 本科毕业论文外文翻译4.2 自由现金流代理理论描述了股东与经理人之间的关系为委托代理关系。委托人和代理人的不同,经常发生冲突的利益。一位经理认为自己的利益为先,在做决策时,可能无法在股东的最佳利益。詹森和麦克林(1983)定义了一个公司作为一个承上启下的合同,争夺代理成本是不可避免的公众公司。一类代理成本与自由现金流量是指后留在该公司的所有净现值为正的投资项目,涵盖了需要的现
13、行业的集中度的特点,表现出的自由现金流可以是一个严重的问题,公司大量的自由现金流和低增长的前景,特别是必不可少的公司注定要缩小。这些企业面临的最严重的情况,在不盈利的项目投资上的浪费现金。我们认为在中国的上市公司,自由的现金流可能会导致相同的代理成本。派息降低了资源管理器的控制下,因此,经理人更愿意使用免费的现金流投资,而不是派发股息,即使这种投资可能不会产生积极的股东回报。因此,我们假设有足够的现金流,收购公司在收购前收购后的表现不佳。假设 2:收购前的现金流中国公司(收购方)和其收购的性能是负相关的。5 本科毕业论文外文翻译原文:Determinants of Cross-Border M
14、erger &Acquisition Performance of Chinese EnterprisesAbstract:Using a unique data set on the cross-border merger and acquisition activities of thepublic companies listed at Chinas stock exchanges, we show that pre-acquisition performance andproportion of the state shares have a positive impact on pe
15、rformance of acquiring companiesKeywords: Cross-border mergers and acquisitions; Chinese enterprises; International-alization6 本科毕业论文外文翻译1. IntroductionIn the past thirty years China has experienced a rapid economic growth. In that period, a largenumber of Chinese enterprises have grown up and gaine
16、d compositeness, a few have even venturedabroad to search for new sources of growth. One way of international expansion is to acquireexisting businesses abroad, so called cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Although thenumber was low and the scales were small in the recent past, the trend i
17、s clearly picking up. Itwarrants a close look at this phenomenon to gain a better understanding on this matter.Cross-border M&A refers to a corporate action of purchasing the shares or assets of anothercompany in a foreign country. Obviously, cross border M&A is a transaction of control rightsbetwee
18、n companies in two or more countries. Although the goals of cross-border M&A are oftensaid to be creating value for the shareholders of acquiring companies, the results are far apart fromthe stated objective. Systematic studies show a considerable number of cross-border mergers andacquisitions end u
19、p in failure. In addition to differences in market environments between home andhost countries, the competitive and comparative advantages of the acquiring companies areconsidered more important. Those advantages include corporate governance, top management termcompetence, learning ability, among ot
20、hers. Therefore, it s necessary to take a look at the firmspecific factors that influence the performance of cross-boarder M&A. The main purpose of thisstudy is to identify the factors that influence the outcomes of cross-border M&A made by Chinesefirms in recent years, particularly, economic perfor
21、mance of the acquiring firms.The scale of cross-border mergers and acquisitions by Chinese firms has increased steadily inrecent years. According to the United Nation Conference on Trade and Development, cross-bordermergers and acquisitions by Chinese firms totaled US$ 8.139 billion in the period of
22、 1988 to 2003,most of which occurred after 1997. While the average amount each year was only $ 216 millionbetween 1988 and 2003, it reached the level of $ 1.647 billion in2003. There are a few wellpublicized cases: Shanghai Electric Group purchased a Japanese printing machine manufacturer in2002, TC
23、L acquired Schneider in Germany in 2003 and Lenovo purchased PC business of IBMin2004. All these cases show Chinese enterprises have entered an era of cross-border mergers andacquisitions.The economic performance of acquiring firms differs as a result of such corporate action. Someof the differences
24、 may relate to the motives of the international expansion. For example, somecompanies do it because of competitive pressure at home market, while others seek resources such asraw materials and technologies, and probably a few are even encouraged by government policymeasures. Despite the variety in t
25、heir motives, many companies underestimate difficulties andintegration risks in cross-border M&A and dont have a clear idea about success factors thatcontribute to the difference in performance. Therefore it is imperative to have a good understandingof the relationship between performance of Chinese
26、 overseas mergers and acquisitions anddeterminant factors.Although the issue is clearly important, many serious academic studies are hard to find. Asystematic search through the website of the China National Knowledge Infrastructure that lists allacademic journals published in China give us nearly o
27、ne thousand articles on cross-boarder M&A.Most are merely reviews of existing theories, descriptions of current situations or simple case7 本科毕业论文外文翻译studies.Our study attempts to analyze systematically economic performance and its determinants ofcross border M&A made by Chinese companies in recent y
28、ears. In addition to contribute tocross-border M&A literature, we also hope that the findings can provide useful guidance to outwardforeign direct investment by Chinese enterprises in the future.Cross-border M&A is not new. What this paper intends to contribute is to explain the firm levelfactors an
29、d performance of overseas M&A by Chinese enterprises. Because the M&A performanceare influenced by multiple factors, we adopt a multiple theoretical perspectives, specifically,organization learning perspective and agency theory.As we discussed early, we have not yet found a well developed database o
30、n the cross-borderM&A, therefore we develop on our own a database covering 165 M&A cases by searching throughvarious data sources including company websites, annual reports, newspapers, and the internet.The paper is organized as follows. The features of cross-border M&A activities of Chinesefirms ar
31、e discussed inspection 2. After a short literature review, a number of hypotheses aredeveloped based on a number of theoretical perspectives. Section 4 discusses the methodology andresults are reported in section 5 before the concluding remarks.2. Features of Cross-border M&A by Chinese CompaniesCro
32、ss-border M&A by Chinese companies began in the 1980s, with most of the targetcompanies located in the US, Canada and Hong Kong. The firms involved were basically largestate-owned enterprises, such as CITIC, SINOCHEM, Capital Steel and China Resources. Forexample, Beijing Capital Steel Group purchas
33、ed 70% shares of an American engineering companyMASTA for US $3.4 millions in July 1988. In the 1990s, more and more Chinese companies startengaging acquisitions overseas. In addition to the state-owned enterprises, privately and collectivelyowned enterprises also joint the game. After entering into
34、 the 21 century, Chinese firms becomemore aggressive in cross-border mergers and acquisitions, several large cases occurred, such as thepurchase of Korean company Sang Yong Motor Company by Shanghai Automotive IndustryCorporation and the purchase of PC business of IBM by Lenovo.Anecdotal observation
35、s show a few tendencies: 1) volume and sum of transactions increaseover time. Figure.1shows amounts of money involved in that cross-border mergers and acquisitionsof Chinese enterprises. Although the amounts of money involved vary over the years, but the trend isgoing up. 2) The purchasing method ex
36、tended from cash offer into various kinds of payments, suchas leveraged acquisitions and swap of equity shares. For example, TCL used the methods of assetinjection and shares swap in its acquisition of Thompson of France. 3) Although the state-ownedcorporations dominate in big cross-border M&A deals
37、, collectedly owned and private enterprisesalso become active in recent years. 4) The industries covered extended from domesticallymonopolized industries such as energy, chemicals to manufacturing industry in general.8 本科毕业论文外文翻译3. Literature ReviewThere is a vast literature on both domestic and cro
38、ss-border mergers and acquisitions, mostlybased on the experiences from developed countries. There are a few Chinese scholars have studiedmergers and acquisitions casein domestic markets. For example, Feng and Wu (2001), usingaccounting data and factor analysis, formulate an overall evaluation funct
39、ion of corporateperformance. They do not find significant change in firm performance in the year of M&A, but theperformance improves in the year after and falls back in the third year. Zhu and Wang (2002)analyze improvement of return on equity (ROE) and returns on assets (ROA) for both acquirer andt
40、arget companies in 67 mergers and acquisitions cases in 1998. Zhang (2003), using event studymethod and accounting an alytical method, analyzes the mergers, acquisitions and reorganizations ofChinese publicly listed companies. He found that mergers, acquisitions and reorganizations addvalue to the t
41、arget company, b ut had a negative influence upon shareholders income and financialperformance in the acquiring company. Jia (2003) reports a reverse U shape relationship existsbetween performance of acquiring companies and their previous acquisition experience. We do notfind empirical study on cros
42、s-border mergers and acquisitions of Chinese companies. In thefollowing section,we are going to develop a few hypotheses based on the prevailing theories onpossible factors that influence the performance of cross-border M&A cases.4.Hypotheses DevelopmentThe outcomes of cross-border M&A depends at le
43、ast on 2 broad factors. First of all, it dependson external environment, such as economic growth and degree of competition at home country,changes of political and cultural environment of host country and so on. Secondly, it depends onresources and capability of the acquiring company.It is the latte
44、r that we are going to focus on. A few9 本科毕业论文外文翻译hypotheses therefore are developed to reflect the relations between acquiring firm characteristics andperformance of cross-border M&A.4.1 Pre-Acquisitions Performance of Acquiring FirmsAllocation of control rights and possible synergy are often used
45、to explain pre-acquisitionperformance and acquisition behavior. They are also used to explain post-acquisition performancefor both acquiring and target firms.Weston et al. (1990) proposes that synergy effect is one of themain sources in which acquisition adds value, which means economic efficiency c
46、an improve aftermergers of firms with different management capabilities. A relatively efficient bidder purchases aless efficient target firm and increases the value of the merged firm through improving target firmseffectiveness.From target firm perspective, market for corporate control theory argues
47、 that it is the differencebetween a companys market value and its actual value that determines whether a firm will beacquired. Moreover, the difference of management efficiency between the acquiring firm and thetarget firm determines the target companys post-acquisition performance. From the acquiri
48、ng firm sviewpoint, market for corporate control theory predicts that pre-acquisition performance of theacquitting firm is positively related to its acquisition performance.For example, Lang et al. (1989)found that in tender offers, Tobin Q value of acquiring firms and shareholdersinterests areposit
49、ively related. Servaes (1991) found both acquirers and acquired companys shareholdersgainsare positively associated with the Tobin Q value of the acquirer. In these studies, Tobin s Q,defined as the market value of a company divided by its replacement cost, is used as an indicator of acompany s pre-
50、acquisition performance and management capacity. Hereby we develop the followinghypothesis:Hypothesis 1: Pre-acquisition performance of Chinese company (the acquirer) and itscross-border acquisition performance are positively related.4.2 Free Cash FlowAgency theory describes that the relationship be
51、tween shareholders and managers as aprincipal-agent relationship. The principal and agent have different and often conflict interests. Amanager considers his own interest first when making decisions that may not at the best of interest ofshareholders. Jensen & Meckling (1983)define a firm as a nexus
52、 of contracts, contending that agencycost is unavoidable in public companies.One kind of agency costs is associated with the magnitude of free cash flow that refers to theamount of cash leftin the company after covering the need of all investment projects with positivenet present value. Large amount
53、s of free cash flow can cause higher agency cost when corporategovernance of acquiring company is imperfect. When a company has a large free cash flow but no orjust a little debt, shareholders and managers may face a serious conflict in interests regardingdividend policy. In order to maximize their
54、interests, managers prefer not distributing the free cashas dividend payout and to keep free cash flow within the company. Therefore they can use that cashnot only for their personal private benefits or over-investment, but also for compensation of possiblelosses in the future(Jensen, 1986). If ther
55、e is no good control system in place to ensure efficiency inoperations, free cash flow may lead to high agency cost. Under that circumstance, acquisition cannotbe a sound decision. On the other hand, free cash flow is redistributable financial resource thus10 本科毕业论文外文翻译released in acquisitions, and
56、put it into more productive use.Jensen also predicts the characteristics of the free cash flow concentrated industries, showingthat the free cashflow can be a serious problem for companies with large amounts of free cash flowand low growth prospect, and especially essential for companies doomed to shrink. These companiesface the most serious situation for wasting cash on investments in non pr
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