1、Unit 3 Basic Writing SkillsPunctuation英语标点符号的使用NotesThe Power of PunctuationPunctuation has the power to transform the meaning of sentences or even paragraphs.For this reason, it is important we understand how to use punctuation properly. Dear John:I want a man who knows what love is all about. You
2、are generous, kind, thoughtful. People who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me for other men. I yearn for you. I have no feelings whatsoever when were apart. I can be forever happywill you let me be yours? GloriaDear John:I want a man who knows what love is. All
3、about you are generous, kind, thoughtful people, who are not like you. Admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me. For other men, I yearn. For you, I have no feelings whatsoever. When were apart, I can be forever happy. Will you let me be? Yours, GloriaWhats the difference?Contents: 句号(
4、Full Stop / Period) 问号(Question Mark) 感叹号(Exclamation Mark) 逗号(Comma) 冒号(Colon) 分号(Semicolon) 连字符(Hyphen) 破折号(Dash) 引号(Quotation Marks) 撇号(Apostrophe)省略号(Ellipsis)句号(Full Stop / Period用于陈述句、语气温和的祈使句或客气的问句后。用于间接引语之后。用于某些缩略语、小数点之后。表示序列的字母或数字之后。 Lets go to the movies. May we hear from you soon. Please
5、tell me what your father is. Prof. E. D. Johnson was granted Ph.D. in Dec. ,2009. 1.56%问号(Question Mark)用于疑问句或语气较委婉的祈使句之后。用来表示存疑或无把握。用于陈述句之后表示疑问。用于插入式问句表示强调。 What can I do for you? This vase dates back to 600 ? BC. Im the one to be blame for the mess? He was so tired is that true? that he wont come.
6、 感叹号(Exclamation Mark)表示感慨、惊讶、命令、哀怨、赞赏、决心等。用于感叹词之后。 How time flies! Be quiet! Oh! Fire! Please leave alone! God, youve finished your task!逗号(Comma)用于分割并列成分,相当于汉语中的顿号作用。用于分割并列句中的分句。用于分割对比或对照成分。用于分割非限定性定于从句、同位 语、或附加说明成分。用于分隔附加疑问句或选择疑问句。用于分割直接引语及导语。用于分割句首状语、插入语等。用于分割日期、数字、地点、人名 与职衔等、(信件)呼语等。例句例句:Were t
7、ired, thirsty and hungry.We must hurry up, otherwise, we will miss the bus.No pain, no gain.He wants us, you and me, to go to his place tomorrow. John didnt take it, did he?Mr. Green said, “Please call on us.”Frankly, thats all the money I have.He left on July 20, 2008, for a trip around the world.D
8、avid Smith, Ph.D.冒号(Colon)冒号用于对后面内容的介绍或解释 用于一个正式的引用之前。 也可用于商业或正式信函的称谓后面. 冒号用于数字时间的表示. 冒号用于主标题和副标题之间. This is her plan: go shopping. The professor said: “It was horrible.” 4:45 p.m Web Directory: World and Non-U.S. Economic Data 冒号(colon)“:”二、It is used to the direct quotation(直接引语) and long formal q
9、uotation. Examples:1. The premier Wen said: out of hardship grows success. (the direct quotation)2. In his famous speech he said: All men are created equal and must enjoy equally the rights that are inalienably theirs. (long quotation)分号(Semicolon)用于并列分句之间。分隔已经有逗号分割的成分,以免导致歧义。用于由for example, for ins
10、tance, namely, that is (to say), in fact, i.e.,等词语引导的句子之前。 Your bike is new; mine is old. Follow this procedure: first, get your application forms; next, fill them out; last, pay the charge. His sister is a busy girl; in fact, she works harder than he does.分号(semicolon)“;” The function of semicolon
11、is intermediate between full stop and comma.It is used between two independent clauses.Examples: For fifteen years the painting stood in the attic; even Mr. Kirk forgot it.It is used the compound sentence that has punctuation .Example: Before he came, we had expected him to help us; but when he was
12、with us, he didnt do much.分号(semicolon)“;”3. It is used before these words, how ever, then, for example, for instance, namely, that is to say, in fact, e. g.Example: The painting was valuable; in fact, the museum offered five thousand dollars for it. 4. It is used the compound sentence with omission
13、.Example: Five students from Class won prizes in the competition; two Class; none from Class.连字符(Hyphen)用于某些前缀后和构成复合词。Job-hunting构成某些复合数字(100以下的数字应用单词写出,不可用阿拉伯数字代替) twenty-one , during the years 1949-1999 用于移行, 一般按音节间断开单词加连字号(例如:ha-ppy,不可断为hap-py),或根据发音,不要把单个字母留在行尾或行首。注意一页中最后一个单词不能使用连字号将其置于两页。-连字号 H
14、yphen1 用于复合词。world- famous2于词缀(或组合语素)与词根(或词)之间。co-worker3 用以避免单词在语义或在语音上发生混淆或用于分离4 用于两地名、两数字或两个时间之间,意为“至”。 5)用于单词移行。a. 单音节词不移行。 b. 曲折变化后的词尾,如-er/-or/-ing等一般不移行。c. 数字、缩略词不宜移行。d. 易引起歧义的词不移行,如legend不宜移行为leg-end。e. 移行后行尾不宜只剩一个字母,如alone不宜移为a-lone。 f. 带词缀的词应在词缀和词根处移行,如disappear移为dis-appear。g. 复合词在复合成分之间移行
15、,如heartsick移为heart-sick。 破折号(Dash)用于话语突然中断、意思转折或犹豫不决。用作解释。用于被强调部分。引出概括性词语或表示引文出处。用于两地名或两时间之间,相当于连字号。 “Id like to,” he said, “but Im ” Money, fame, power these are his goals in life. What he needed most he never got love. London New York flightdash-1表示或突出同位语。例如: Only one thing is now wantinga refrige
16、rator2概括前面列举的若干东西。例如: New houses,larger schools,more sheep,more pigs and chickens,morehorse and donkeyseverywhere we saw signs of the communes prosperity3表示犹豫或迟疑。例如: III rather thinkmaybeAmy has taken it4表示意思的突然转折。例如: “And may I ask”said Xiao Wu;“but I guess its better for you to ask himabout it5表示反
17、问。例如: It is clearis it not?that we must practise strict economy6在说话时有意地中断了一下,以便强调或引起别人注意破折号后面要说的话。例如: In a word,the spirit of the whole country may be described asself-relianceand arduous struggle7一个引用的句子前面(代替一个冒号,或与分号一起连用)。例如: Uncle Wang laughingly answered“No,no;stay where you are8用在一个解释性的插入语前面和后面
18、,相当于一个括号。(这种用法在英国英语中尤为普遍)。例如: Then the proposalsboth Xiao Yangs and minewere adopted9用在一个解释性的分句或句子前面。例如: How lucky the girls nowadays are!they can go anywhere,say anything10用来表示“从到”的概念,尤指生卒年份。例如: William Shakespeare,15641616,is one of the greatest poets and dramatistsin the history of Bristish Liter
19、ature11来补充说明,特别是在非正式文字中。例如: Well be arriving on Monday morningat least,I think so引号(Quotation Marks)引用书面或口头的直接引语。引用事物的名称。引用俚语、反语、定义、词形等。引用对话。表示强调。 Bob said, “Lets meet at my house next time.” Have you read the novel “Flying”? How do you spell the word “souvenir”? “Did you have a great time last nigh
20、t?”双引号(double quotation marks) “ ”1.Expresent quotationExample:He said to me, “l am sure l will come to visit you.”2. Show special meaningsExample:The report contained the “facts” of the case.3.Show unfamiliar special words“SOS” is a message for help from a ship or aircraft when in danger.Single Quo
21、tes1 The quotation in the double quotese.g. The witness said,I distinctly heard him say,Dont be late.2 Replace double quotes (especially in BrE)e.g. The witness said,I distinctly heard him say,Dont be late, and then I heard the door close.3 The quotation in a quotations quotation.e.g. The witness sa
22、id, I distinctly heard him say, Dont you say Shut up to me. *这种情况比较罕见,标准的用法是最里面的引语使用双引号。撇号(Apostrophe)省字符。表示某些特殊结构的复数形式。表示名词的所有格。 youd better = you had better cause = because the class of 09 = the class of 2009 Do not always say sorrys please. todays news, a friend of my fathers 省略号(Ellipsis)表示词语或句子的有意省略。表示断断续续、停顿、犹豫不决。表示没有说完的话语。用以分割词组,加强语气。 “the book is lovely and well written.” “Tell mother I died for my country.” Do it soon Do it today Do i
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