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1、精品文档 精心整理精品文档 可编辑的精品文档编制教师总序号审核人学生姓名班级小组序号课题内容八年级上册Unit 1 Reading 学习目标认读和理解单词human, even, however, suddenly, nobody, die out等。 学会用someothers和asas描述动物的主要特征和习性。 3. 能根据上下文,猜测suddenly, fossil, die out等词语的意思。4. 能通过比较来描述动物的主要特征和习性。5. 培养爱护动物的意识。学习重点掌握文章的事实信息,学习核心单词和短语。运用someothers和asas描述动物的主要特征和习性。学习难点归纳描述

2、动物主要特征和习性的方法。学法指导通过听,看,找, 读等手段了解课文内容,掌握阅读技巧。一、预习案1. 看教材2页A部分内容,写出下列词语的意思并写出4至5小题的答案。 dinosaur _ everywhere _(同义词语)_ on earth _(同义词语)_ 4至5小题的答案: 4 _ 5_2. 阅读3页课文第二部分,了解文章大意,并写出下列短语的汉语意思。 more than _ 60 million years_ as small as _ as big as _ some. others._ die out _列出我的疑惑二、探究案1. 预习反馈:2. 出示学习目标:3.探究点一

3、:(1)看教材3页B图,回答下列问题:What are the animals in Picture b?What do you know about them? (2)阅读课文,根据你对文章的理解,完成下列句子。 What do you know about dinosaurs? Dinosaurs lived (1) _ on Earth over (2) _ years before human beings.Some were (3) _ and others were (4) _. Some could (5) _. Some ate (6) _ and others ate (7)

4、 _. Dinosaurs lived on Earth for more than (8) _ years.(3)完成4页C1中第5小题。根据上下文,选词填空。 Dinosaurs all _ (slowly/suddenly) died out. That means they disappeared very quickly._ (Nobody /Somebody) knows why. We know about them from their _ (fossils/photos).探究点二:(1)听录音,填写表格。然后,两人一组,做对话练习。 When did dinosaurs l

5、ive? Over _ years before human beings. Where did dinosaurs live? _ on Earth.How big were they? Some were _ chickens. Others were _ ten elephants. What did they eat? Many of them ate _. Some ate _ . How did they die out?They all _ died out. Why did they die out? _ why. How can people learn about dino

6、saurs? From their _.(2)再听录音,朗读课文。(3)完成D1练习题中第二部分。(4)完成D2练习题中的3至5小题。探究点三: (语言点讲解)Some Others 2. as as 我的知识网络图三、训练案 (一)完成教材4页C2练习。 (二)阅读短文,然后按要求完成第 1-5小题。 Dinosaurs lived on earth (A) more than sixty million years ago. This was a (B) _ time before people existed. There were millions of dinosaurs. They

7、 lived (C) here and there. Some were as small as chickens. Others were as big as ten elephants. Some dinosaurs had wings and could fly Many dinosaurs were harmless. (D) 他们和绵羊一样温顺 and ate plants. Others were harmful. They were fiercer than tigers and ate meat (E) unlike most other dinosaurs. (F) All

8、of the Dinosaurs were disappeared suddenly. Nobody knows (G) _.We know about the lives of dinosaurs from the skeletons, eggs and footprints they left behind.(See Earth History)1. 对文中(A)处划线部分提问:_ _ Dinosaurs live on earth?2. 在文中(B)处和(G)处填入恰当的单词:_ ; _3. 写出文中(C)处和(E)处的同义词和反义词:_ ; _4. 将文中(D)处汉语译成英语:_5.

9、将文中(F)处句子改写为同义句: Dinosaurs all_ _ suddenly.(三)阅读回答问题 阅读短文,然后根据短文内容,回答所提的问题。Dinosaurs lived on earth more than 60 million years before human beings. They lived everywhere on earth. Some dinosaurs were as small as chickens. Others were as big as ten elephants. Some could even fly.Many dinosaurs ate plants. However, some dinosaurs like to eat meat. Dinosaurs lived on earth for more than 150 million years. Then ,suddenly,they all died out . Nobody knows why. However, we can learn about them from their fossils.Which lived on earth earlier, dinosaurs or human beings?Can all of the din


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