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1、Unit 4 Save The Trees必会重点短语和词汇单词拯救松树讨论树枝根与作斗争反对例子有害的气体产生;生产氧气主要的方便的家具想象;设想疾病挖洞搬;扛;背容器短语吸收来自确切地说例如环顾四周由制成大量的;数以百万计的 对有好处,有用重点词汇及辨析discuss v. 讨论 discussing; discussed; discussed【必会考点】discuss v.讨论 后接名词、动名词或when, whether, what等引导的从句,但不可接that从句。 They are discussing what to do next. 他们正在讨论接下来要做的事情。【知识拓展】d

2、iscussion n.讨论2. a不定冠词,意为 匕(个、台一) 【必会考点】第一次提到某人或某物时,用不定冠词。There is a dog sitting on the ground. 刃叼 L 有只狗坐在地上。不定冠词和可数名词连用时,可泛指某一类中的任何一个。A horse runs fast.马跑得很快。不定冠词表示”的数量,但数的概念没有one强烈。The teacher entered the classroom with a book.老师带着本书走进了 教室【知识拓展】用在表示时间、重量、速度、价格等名词前,意为每一”He takes exercise a day. 他每天

3、做运动。fight v. 斗争, 打架 fighting; fought; fought【必会考点】fight with / against与作斗争;与打架Yesterday he fought bravely with the thief.昨天他勇敢地和小偷作斗争。【知识拓展】against为介词,还可意为远背,远抗;紧靠;防备 ”People hold umbrellas against rain. 人们撑着伞挡雨。take v.拿,拿着 taking; took; taken【必会考点】take in吸收The village is a good place for people to

4、take in fresh air.这个村庄是一个让人们呼吸新鲜空气的好地方。take back拿回;收回(错话或错误的想法)I forgot to take back the luggage I left here.我忘了 拿回留在这的行李了。take care (of) 照顾Take care of yourself when you are on vacation.度假时好好照顾你自己。take off脱下;起飞The plane is taking off.飞机马上就要起飞了。【知识拓展】take on呈现,具有The city takes on a new appearance in

5、 recent years.这个城市最近几年呈现出种新的面貌。take up占有,占据I am sorry for taking up too much of your time.很抱歉占用了你这么多时间。take over接管,接收I will take over the company one day.总有一天我会接管这家公司。take away 拿走Take away the glasses and the tray. 把这些玻璃杯和托盘拿走。 take out 拿出The robber made him take out money.那个强盗让他把钱拿出来。produce v. 生产,

6、产生 producing; produced; produced 【必会考点】produce v. 生产,产生The factory produces many kinds of toys.这个工厂生产彳艮多种类的玩具。【知识拓展】product n.产品Try to get the best product at the lowest price.尽力以最低的价格买到最好的产品。production n.生产;产品We needed to increase the volume of production.我们必须增力口产量。productive adj.生产的;多产的,富有成效的More

7、productive farmers have been able to provide cheaper food.生产力更高的农民们已能提供更便宜的食品。look v.看,看着 looking; looked; looked【必会考点】look for 寻找He is looking for his keys.他正在找他的钥匙。look after 照顾You should look after your sick mother instead of going out to play.你应该照顾你生病的妈妈,而不是出去玩。look around环顾四周He looked around to

8、 make sure he was safe. 他环顾四周,确保他是否安全。look at看着The children looked at their new teacher in curiosity.孩子们好奇地望着新老师。【知识拓展】look up抬头看,查阅You can look up the dictionary if you don t know the word.如果你不认识这个单词,你可以查下字典。look over仔细检查;翻阅Look over the paper again before you hand it in.在你交试卷前, 要仔细检查试卷。millions of

9、数以百万计的,大量的【必会考点】当表示一个笼统概念时,用 数词复数 + of +可数名词复数”:eg: hundreds of 几百 thousands of 几千 millions of 几百万 billions of 几亿 hundreds of thousands 成千上万的thousands of millions 许多的,大量的当以上数词前有具体基数词时,结构为:基数词+数词单数 + of +可数名词复数eg: two hundred of eggs 两百个鸡蛋8. however VS. but【必会考点】however adv.然而【知识拓展】however副词可位于句首、句中、

10、必须用逗号与句子句末分开but违词位于句首戒句中后面连授L个句子 时无需用逗号例:I want to study abroad; however, it is a difficult decision.I want to study abroad, but it is a difficult decision.我想出国留学,然而,这是一个困难的决定。on the phone 在打电话,在电话中【必会考点】on表示通过某种方式 “on the phone 在打电话,在电话中on the radio 通过广播on the internet 在网络上on TV在电视上v.讨厌,不喜欢【必会考点】ha

11、te为及物动词,后可跟名词、代词、不定式或动名词【知识拓展】 hate doing VS. hate to dohate doing表示习惯性的动作I hate running.我 讨厌跑 步。hate to do表示某一次具体的动作I hate to go out in such a rainy day.我讨厌在这样一 个雨天出门。11. practise v.练习 practising; practised; practised 【必会考点】v.训练,练习(后可跟名词、代词或代名词)He keeps practising playing the piano every day.他每天坚持练

12、习弹钢琴。practice n. U训I练,练习You need more practice to improve your skills.你需要更多的练习来提高你的技能。not until 直至1J 才【必会考点】 notuntil的结构中,主句的动词一般非延续性动词,它所表示的动作直到until所表示的时间才发生。He didnt come back until 10 o clock.直到十点钟,他才回家。【知识拓展】 until为连词,意为 直到时”,用于肯定句,主句的动词一般为延续性动词。The show will last until midnight.这个演出会一直持续到半夜。13

13、. another VS. other VS. the other VS. others VS. the others【知识拓展】another既可作形容词,也可作代词,表示另一个”other只作形容词,表示 其它的”,不指 剩下的,后跟名词复数the other后可跟名词单数或复数,表不剩下的,其余的(一个或一些)”others只作代词,代指可数名词复数,表示其他的”,不指剩下的”the others后不跟名词,代指可数名词复数,表不剩下的,其余的”eg : The cake is delicious. I want another. 这个蛋糕很好吃,我还想要一个。Some students

14、 are playing, and other students are studying.一些学生在玩,而另外一些在学习The twins are cute. One is Jack, the other is Tom.这对双胞胎很可爱。一个叫杰克,一个叫汤姆。Some people like outdoor activities, but others don有些人喜欢户夕施动,但有些人不喜欢。They will help the teacher to carry the books, and the others will stay in the classroom.他们会去帮老师搬书,

15、而其他人则留在教室里。14. carry VS. bring VS. take VS. fetch 【必会考点】carry搬,背强调搬或背的动作,而不强调 动作的方向性bring带来强调把某物从另一个地方带来 说话人所在的地方take拿走强调把某物从说话人所在的地 方带去另一个地方fetch去拿来强调从说话人所在的地方去另 一个地方取某物,并将此物带 回说话人所在地eg: Most of the middle school students carry heavy bags to go to school.大多数的中学生每天都背着很重的书包去上学。Please bring the book b

16、ack to me tomorrow.明天请把书带来给我。He has taken my money.他把我的钱拿走了。Go and fetch the chair. 去把那把椅子拿来。cover v. 覆盖 covering; covered; covered【必会考点】cover v.覆盖;遮盖The group of buildings covers more than ten thousand square metres.这片建筑群覆盖了超过一万平方米的土地。cover with 用把盖上He covers the box with a small square of fabric c

17、arefully. 他小心地用一块方形的布把那个盒子盖上了。be covered with 被覆盖着The whole road is covered with snow.整条路都被雪覆盖了【知识拓展】cover n. 需;子;覆盖物16. because of VS. because 【必会考点】because of介词短语其后可接名词、代词、动名词、what从句等because违词后跟句子eg: He failed in the exam because of his carelessness.他因为粗心,没有通过考试。I didn t go out because it rained h

18、ard then.我没有出去,因为当时雨下得很大。the number of VS. a number of【必会考点】the number of的数量后接可数名词复数,但谓语动词要用单数形式a number of大量;许多后接可数名词复数,但谓语动词要用复数形式eg : The number of the students in our class is 20.我们班学生的数量为20。A number of students are waiting outside. 许多学生在门口等着。besides VS. except VS. but【知识拓展】besides除之外”,在原有基础上附加新

19、的内容except除之外”,在原有基础上排除一个内容but除之外,常放在any, no以及含有这些词的复合 不定代词 anything, nothing 等和 no one, none, all 等词 之后eg : I think she has many good qualities besides being very beautiful.我觉得她除了非常漂亮之外,还有许多好的品质。I wouldnt have accepted anything except a job in New York.当时我不会接受一份除纽约以外任何其他地方的工作。He couldn t speak anyth

20、ing but Greek.除了希腊语之外,他不会说其它任何语言。discover v. 发现 discovering; discovered; discovered 【必会考点】discover v.发现He is the first European to discover America.他是第一个发现美洲的欧洲人。【知识拓展】discovery n. 发现I felt I had made an incredible discovery.我感到自己有了一个惊人的发现。重点语法现在进行时形式:be (am, is, are) + 现在分词现在分词的构成:直:直接加 ing,如:work-

21、working去:以不发音的 e结尾的词,去 e加ing,如:make-making双:以重读闭音节结尾的词,需双写末尾辅音字母加ingo如:sit-sitting改: 以 ie 结尾的词,改 ie 为 y,力口 ing。如:die-dying; tie-tying; lie-lying标志词:时间类: now; at present; these days; right now; at the moment; etc. 情景类:listen; look; where is ;etc.用法:表示现在正在逆行的动作He is doing his homework now. 他现在正在做作业。强调

22、这段时间一直在逆行的动作I am learning to swim these days. 这些天我一直在学游泳。易错考点:瞬间性动词如 go, come, arrive, die等瞬间性动词用现在进行时表将来The bus is leaving. 公交车快开了。而是表达说现在进行时与 always, forever, all the time 这种词连用时,动作不一定正在进行,话人强烈感情色彩,如批评,表扬,同情等。He is always helping others.他总是帮助别人。(带有表扬的感情色彩)五类不能用进行时态的词感官动词 The cake tastes delicious.

23、这个蛋糕很美味。误:The cake is tasting delicious.表示拥有或需要的动词I want to have a rest. 我想要休息一下。误:I am wanting to have a rest.表示喜好或厌恶的动词I like to go for a trip. 我想去旅游。误: I am liking to go for a trip.表示知道或了解的动词I know what he meant. 我知道他的意思。误: I am knowing what he meant.5. 表示存在状态的动词I exist by what I think. 我靠所思考的东西而

24、生存。误: I am existing by what I think.EXERCISE单项选择Mr. Smith short stories, but he a TV play these days.is writing; is writing B. is writing; writes C. writes; is writing D. writes; writesListen! The baby in the next room.crying B. cried C. is crying D. criesWhere s Tom His mother him now.is looking fo

25、r B. will look for C. has looked for D. looks forMary isn t here at the moment. She es B. came C. has come D. is comingHe always in the class, which makes the teacher angry./; talks B. has; talked C. is; talking D. /; talkedListen, the song beautiful.is sounding B. sounds C. sounded D. has soundedSe

26、lecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology so rapidly.is changing B. has changed C. will have changed D. will changeThe patient is seriously ill. It looks as if he .dies B. has died C. is dying D. was diedI used to playing the guitar, but now I to play the piano.like;

27、 prefer B. like; am preferring C. am liking; prefer D. am liking; am preferringToday Jim his white shirt and brown trousers.A. is putting on B. wear C. put on D. is wearingHurry up, Jack. We have to get to the station before 11: 45 we can catch the 12: 00 train.since B. after C. as soon as D. so tha

28、tYoull do much better youre more careful with your spelling.if B. before C. although D. unlessFei Junlong and Nie Haisheng said, we didnt see the Great Wall, we felt excited when wepassed over China. ”Because B. If C. Although D. As- Im going hiking tomorrow. - Im afraid not, it will be rainy.before

29、 B. because C. when D. thoughThe roof fell he had time to dash into the room to save his baby.after B. as C. before D. untilIt was not she took off her glasses I realized that she was a famous film star.when; that B. until; that C. until; when D. when; thenYou will be late you leave immediately.unle

30、ss B. until C. if D. orJohn plays football , if not better than, David.as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well asThey were surprised that a child should work out the problem they themselves couldn t.once B. then C. while D. if-A new film is on these days. Shall we go to the cinema together, Lucy and Lily - Lily I will go with you because one of us must be at home to help our father in the garden.Either; nor B. Either; or C. Neither; nor D. Both; and首字母填空I will dthe situation with colleagues tomo


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