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1、陕西省中小学教师校本研修30问 1 .校本研修是在什么样的背景下提生的?Under what background is school-based research proposed?主要目的是全面提升教师专业水平,落实教育部“中小学 教师每五年完成360学时的继续教育任务”,均衡基础教育 资源,促进中小学教育教学和课程改革的全面发展。The main purpose is to comprehensively improve the professional level of teachers, implement the Ministry of education primary and

2、secondary school teachers complete 360 class hours of continuing education every five years, balance basic education resources, and promote the overall development of primary and secondary education teaching and curriculum reform.2 .什么是“校本研修”?What is school based research?“校本”就是以校为本,“研修”则是研究、探索和反思,

3、以实现教师自身的提升。广义说“基于学校,在学校中,为了 学校”。School based is school-based, while research is research, exploration and reflection in order to achieve the improvement of teachers themselves. Broadly speaking, based on school, in school, for school.3.校本研修的基本原则是什么?What are the basic principles of school-based resea

4、rch?面向全员、整体推进;区域协作、资源共享;以校为本、突 由特色;聚焦课堂、注重实效。It is characterized by the following aspects: facing the whole staff and promoting as a whole; regional cooperation and resource sharing; school-based and highlighting characteristics; focusing on classroom and paying attention to actual results.如何理解校本研修的

5、主要方式?How to understand the main ways of school-based research and training?“教学反思” “同伴互助” “专业引领”从三个不同的方 面为校本研修提供了路径,也提示了促进教师专业成长的三方力量一一教师个人、教师群体、给予专业引领的专家。Teaching reflection, peer assistance and professional guidance provide a path for school-based research and training from three different aspects,

6、 and also prompt the three forces to promote teachers Professional Development: teachers themselves, teachers groups and experts who give professional guidance.5.校本研修有哪些特点?What are the characteristics of school-based research and training?全员性;实效性;针对性;自主性;灵活性。-all staff; effectiveness; pertinence; au

7、tonomy; flexibility.6.校本研修的基本内容是什么?What is the basic content of school-based research?学科知识与教学技能Subject knowledge and teaching skills教师成长与专业发展Teacher growth and professional development教学管理与学校发展- teaching management and school development班级管理与学生成长Class management and students growth7.校本研修的基本方式?7. The

8、 basic way of school-based research and training?校本研修要根据研修目标任务和具体内容,结合区域和学校实际情况,科学设计、灵活运用。基本类型和方式有:School based research should be scientifically designed and flexibly applied according to the research objectives, tasks and specific contents, combined with the actual situation of the region and the

9、school. The basic types and methods are as follows:基于课堂教学的研修方式;基于专家指导的研修方式基于同伴互助的研修方式;基于校际合作的研修方式;基于专业 发展的研修方式;基于网络平台的研修方式。- based on classroom teaching; based on expert guidance; based on peer cooperation; based on inter school cooperation; based on professional development; based on network platfo

10、rm.8.校本研修的基本过程有哪些?8. What are the basic processes of school-based research?问题提由 旧标设计;研修行动;及时总结。-question raising; goal design; research action; timely summary.9.教师校本研修初期容易生现的问题是什么?9. What are the common problems in the early stage of school-based research?患得患失,趋于功利;管理不力,缺乏引领;观念陈 旧,维稳维轻。- worry about

11、 gain and loss, and tend to be utilitarian; poor management, lack of guidance; outdated ideas, maintaining stability and light.10.教师在校本研修中容易生现的问题是什么?10. What are the common problems in school-based research and training?专家论:只有专家指导才是唯一; Expert Theory: only expert guidance is the only one;条件论:只有走由校园才能

12、学习;-conditionalism: only when we get out of the campuscan we learn;攀比论:只有专家才能提高自我;-comparison theory: only experts can improve themselves;升学论:只有升学率高才是水平;the theory of entering higher education: only a high rate of enrollment is the level;金钱论:只有投资才能占有资源;money theory: only investment can occupy resour

13、ces;推卸论:只有领导重视才能成长。Shirking Theory: only leaders attach importance to it can we grow up.开展校本研修应注意的几个问题?. What should be paid attention to in carrying out school-based research and training?且不可一刀切,全面开展,突由特色;-we should not adopt one size fits all approach, carry out comprehensive development and highl

14、ight characteristics;且不可集体活动代替个人反思,要发挥教师主观能动性;-we should not replace individual reflection with collective activities, but give full play to teachers subjective initiative;且不可以教研代替研修,寻找全面提高教师教育的新途径;We should not replace research and research with teaching and research to find a new way to improve te

15、acher education in an all-round way;且不可以追求升学率代替研修,要促进教师专业成长;and we cant pursue the rate of entering a higher school to replace the research and study. We should promote the professional development of teachers;且不可以课题研究代替研修,要整体推进;- and research should not be replaced by project research, but should b

16、e promoted as a whole;且不可急功近利,要持之以恒;-we should not rush for quick success and instant benefits, but persevere;且不可贪大求洋,要从实际由发;-we should not be greedy for foreign affairs, but proceed from reality;且不可一阵风,要形成一种习惯,一种生活方式。-and not a gust of wind, to form a habit, a way of life.什么是教师校本研修计划?. What is the

17、school-based training program for teachers?教师的年度校本研修计划包括目标、任务、措施和步骤。The teachers annual school-based research plan includes objectives, tasks, measures and steps.教师如何做个人年度总结?How do teachers make personal annual summary?依据年度计划和一年的实施情况从思想工作、教育教学、教研科研、资源开发与利用等方面进行全面总结,特别是在促要肯定成绩,我生不足,进自身专业成长方面要进行认真梳理 有

18、针对性地提出今后的改进意见。According to the annual plan and the implementation of the year, the paper comprehensively summarizes the ideological work, education and teaching, teaching research and research, resource development and utilization, etc., especially in promoting the professional growth. We should aff

19、irm the achievements, find out the deficiencies, and put forward suggestions for improvement in the future.14.什么是教师专业发展?What is teacher professional development?教师专业发展是指教师作为专业人员,在专业思想、专业知识、专业能力等方面不断发展和完善的过程,即是教师个体专业不断发展的历程.Teachers professional development refers to the process of teachers continuou

20、s development and improvement in terms of professional ideas, professional knowledge and professional ability as professionals, that is, the process of continuous development of teachers individual profession15.教师专业成长的四个阶段有哪些?What are the four stages of teachers professional development?适应磨合期(1-3年)的

21、教学新手;适应发展期(4-6 年)的经验型教师;成熟提高期(7-10年)的研究型教师;反思 创新期(10年以后)的专家型教师。- novice teachers who adapt to the running in period (1-3 years); experienced teachers who adapt to the development period (4-6 years); research teachers who mature and improve (7-10 years); and expert teachers who reflect on the innovat

22、ion period (after 10 years).16.教师专业发展包括哪些基本内容?16. What are the basic contents of teacher professional development?知识系统;教育实践能力和教育科研能力;积极情感和高尚人格Knowledge system; educational practice ability and educational scientific research ability; positive emotion and noble personality17.教师专业发展的基本途径有哪些?17. What a

23、re the basic approaches for teachers professional development?10终身学习一一教师专业发展的前提保证;-lifelong learning is the premise and guarantee of teachers professional development;行动研究一一教师专业发展的基本途径;Action research is the basic way of teachers professional development;教学反思一一教师专业成长的必经之路;Teaching reflection is the

24、only way for teachers professional development;同伴互助一一教师专业成长的有效方法;Peer assistance is an effective method for teachers professional development;专业引领一一教师专业成长的重要条件;Professional guidance is an important condition for teachers professional development;课题研究一一教师专业成长的有效载体。Subject research is an effective car

25、rier of teachers professional development.11什么是自我反思?What is self reflection?“教师即反思性实践者”的口号。“成长=实践+反思”。The slogan of teachers are reflective practitioners. Growth = practice + reflection.自我反思是指教师对教育教学实践的再认识、再思考,并以此来总结经验教训,进一步提高教育教学水平。自我反思被认为 是教师专业发展的核心因素。Self reflection refers to teachersre understan

26、ding and Rethinking of education and teaching practice, so as to sum up experience and lessons and further improve the level of education and teaching. Self reflection is regarded as the core factor of teachers professional development.自我反思的途径主要有哪些?What are the main ways of self reflection?教学反思;反思日记

27、;教育叙事;观摩体会。Teaching reflection; reflection diary; educational narrative; observation and experience.20.什么叫同伴互助?12What is peer support?同伴互助就是教师之间真诚的合作、交流和共享,实质是建 立教研伙伴(研共体)。Peer assistance is the sincere cooperation, exchange and sharing between teachers, and its essence is to establish teaching and

28、research partners (research community).21 .同伴互助在活动形式上有哪几种类型?What are the types of peer support in activity forms?对话:交换信息,共享经验,深度会谈,探讨和辩论Dialogue: exchange of information, sharing of experience, in-depth talks, discussions and debates协作:寻找伙伴,共同承担莫项实际问题研究。Cooperation: looking for partners to jointly u

29、ndertake research on a practical problem.帮助:指具有丰富的教学经验和教学成绩的骨干教师 指导新任教师或教学能力有待提升的教师。13-help: refers to the backbone teachers with rich teaching experience and teaching achievements to guide new teachers or teachers whose teaching ability needs to be improved.22.专业引领的实质及主要方式是什么?22. What is the essenc

30、e and main way of professional guidance?靠教师研修先进的教学理论,并运用于反思和互动的教学研究活动之中。- teachers should study advanced teaching theories and apply them to reflective and interactive teaching research activities.靠专家、学者的指导。-relying on the guidance of experts and scholars.教研员的上门指导,面对面地点评和引领,安排老师参加各类教研活动、培训。-on site

31、guidance of teaching and research staff, face-to-face comments and guidance, and arranging teachers to participate in various teaching and research activities and training.23 .专业引领的具体形式主要有哪些?1423. What are the main forms of professional guidance?辅导讲座;专题谈话;专题式研讨;教学现场指导。- tutoring lecture; special top

32、ic talk; special discussion; on-the-spot teaching guidance.24 .观课议课的基本要求有哪些?What are the basic requirements of observing and discussing lessons?以观察为基础;教师间进行合作性议课;关注学生的学 习结果,坚持以学论教;在同伴指导人员中明确一位大家都信 任的专业人员.- based on observation; cooperative class discussion among teachers; paying attention to student

33、s learning results and insisting on Teaching Based on learning; identifying a professional who is trusted by everyone among peer mentors25 .如何进行观课议课?How to observe and discuss lessons?15观课议课以课前说课议课为起点,以课堂观察为基础,以 课后议课以及反思改进为核心,三个环节构成了一个完整的观课议课循环。Class observation and lesson discussion starts from the

34、 discussion before class, based on classroom observation, and centered on after class discussion and reflection improvement. The three links constitute a complete cycle of observing and discussing lessons.观课前的说课议课。Talking and discussing before class.课堂观察。Classroom observation.课后反思与记录。Reflection and

35、record after class.什么是案例研修?What is case study?案例研修是以教学案例为载体,以参与者对案例的分析、 讨论这主要形式的研修方法。案例研修的目标是为了获得案例中的故事、蕴涵的困惑、解决的思路的理解,形成解决相应问题的专业能力。16Case study is a kind of research method which takes teaching cases as the carrier and analyzes and discusses the cases by participants. The goal of case study is to

36、obtain the understanding of the story, the confusion and the solution in the case, and form the professional ability to solve the corresponding problems.组织案例研修有哪些环节?What are the links of organizing case study?组织案例学习和讨论一般包括以下环节:一是案例准备 二是讨论准备;三是观察案例;四是讨论案例。五是回顾小结研 修活动.The organization of case study an

37、d discussion generally includes the following links: first, case preparation; second, discussion preparation; third, observation of cases; fourth, discussion of cases. The fifth is to review and summarize the research activities28 .案例研修有哪些方法?What are the methods of case study?看活动对象。执教老师的视角。Look at t

38、he object of the activity. The teachers perspective.17看表达对象。案例的编写者和提供者的视角。Look at the object of expression. The perspective of the author and provider of the case.从自身的角度看。我遇到过这样的问题吗?我是怎样处理的?等等。From their own point of view. Have I ever had such a problem? How do I deal with it? wait.29 .什么是集体备课?What

39、is collective lesson preparation?集体备课,以分享教学设计的方式解决教学设计问题,促 进教师专业发展。30 .集体备课的基本流程有哪些?Collective lesson preparation can solve teaching design problems by sharing teaching design, and promote teachers professional development. 30. What are the basic processes of collective lesson preparation?任务分工;个体创造;

40、集体研讨;个性化处理;教后修订 字差C J U i=r -task division; individual creation; collective discussion; individualized treatment; post teaching revision and improvement.18补充1:校本研修的指导思想是什么?Supplement 1: what is the guiding ideology of school-based research and training?以科学发展观为指导,以基础教育改革和教师专业发展的实 际需求为导向,以解决学校教育和教师教学实

41、践中存在的突生 问题为突破口,以提高教师综合素质为目标,统筹部署、全面推进,有计划、有步骤地全面促进中小学教师队伍专业成长, 为我省基础教育提供有质量、高水平的师资保障。Guided by the scientific outlook on development, guided by the actual needs of basic education reform and teachers professional development, the breakthrough is to solve the outstanding problems existing in school e

42、ducation and teaching practice, and to improve the comprehensive quality of teachers To promote the professional development of primary and secondary school teachers in a planned and step-by-step way, and to provide quality and high-level teachers guarantee for the basic education in our province.补充

43、2:校本研修的内涵是什么?Supplement 2: what is the connotation of school-based research?19包括了校本教研、校本培训、校本科研和校本资源的开发与 利用。It includes school-based teaching and research, school-based training, school-based scientific research and development and utilization of school-based resources.校本教研包括是为了改进学校的教育教学,提高学校 的教育教学质量,从学校的实际由发,依托学校自身的资源优 势和特色进行的教育教学研究。- school based teaching research includes education and teaching research carried out in order to improve the education and


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