1、牛津英语优秀英语教师说课稿9A Unit 3A Brief In struction to the topic of“ What should I do? ”Good after noon, ladies and gen tleme n. .Today I m going to talk about the topic ” What should I do? I will divide the in structio n in to seve n parts: they are Teach ing material An alysis, Teach ing aims, Teach ing em
2、phasis, Teaching difficulties, Teaching methods, Teaching aids and Teaching procedures. b5E2RGbCAPPart 1 Teach ing material an alysisThis period is from Un it 3 of 9A Oxford En glish. First of all,I d like to talk about my un dersta nding atless on.We have lear ned Star sings in Un it 1 and Colours
3、and moods in Unit 2.We have also lear ned how to write a formal recommendation letter and how to write a report on the moods of people in last two units.Today we are going to lear n two letters to a famous youth worker about Millie s and Sim on s problems.So this unitspecial meaning of Unit 1 and Un
4、 it 2.This period is the first less on of Readi ng.The main idea of the topic is how to express their problems and ask for advice.We are going to learn the ways to deal with problems and stress in follow ing less on s.So this period is very importa nt in this un it. piEanqFDPwPart 2 Teach ing aimsAi
5、ms of the knowledge:To know the spelling of some words and usage of some phrases. DXDiTa9E3dTo lear n someth ing about Millie s and Sim on s problems.RTCrpUDGiTTo grasp the main idea of Reading and use the information to talk to others about one s problems and howto deal with them. 5PCzVD7HxAAims of
6、 the ablilities:To improve the ability of getting information by reading. jLBHrnAiLgTo improve the ability of retelling the story.Aims of the emotion:To understand how to write about problems and to express feelings. xHAQX74J0XTo ask for advice to solve the problems.Part 3 Teach ing emphasisTo maste
7、r the to -infinitives and wh- words+ to -infinitives. LDAYtRyKfETo get the ability of general reading and getting information. Zzz6ZB2LtkPart 4 Teach ing difficultiesTo recognize and understand vocabulary about problems. dvzfvkwMI1To ask for advicePart 5 Teach ing methodsIn this topic,I will use fiv
8、e-step Teach ing Method and Task-based Ian guage Teach ing.l desig n some tasks to help the stude nts lear n.l thi nk if I want to improve the stude nts oral En glish,I should give them eno ugh cha nces to practice and I will use pair work,group work to let the stude nts take an active part in all k
9、inds of activities.That is“ Lear ning by doin g,lear ning by using” .Let the stude nts be the masters of the class teach in g,thueneeelntteachi ng method is well show n. rqyn14ZNXIPart 6 Teaching aidsProjector , slide show ,tape recorder and blackboardPart 7 Teaching procedureStep I. Lead-inThe purp
10、ose is to arouse the students intEemrexsvxtOotfOsctoudy.Let s have a free talk.T :Have you got problems?S:Yes.T:What is it?S: Eating too much makes me unhealthy.T : What about you?S:Step n. PresentationThe purpose is to develop the skills of skimming and how to gain the main idea of the articles. Si
11、xE2yXPq5Ask students to read two letters and answer the following questions: 6ewMyirQFLWhat is Millie s favourite hobby?(Painting)What is Millie s problem?(She does n t have eno ugh time for hobbies and home work.) kavU42VRUsWhen does Simon play football?(After school until late) y6v3ALoS89How do hi
12、s parents feel about it?(They don t like this and ask him to go home before 6 p . mM. 2) ub6vSTnPAsk students if there are words that they do not know. 0YujCfmUCw Explain some new words briefly. deal;choice;complete;refuse;accept;spare;doubt;whether;eUts8ZQVRd Step in. PracticeThe purpose is to deve
13、lop the skills of scanning and how to gain the details from the articles. sQsAEJkW5TListen to the tape and answer some question about “True” or“False” .GMsIasNXkAAsk students to read the articles again and explain some important phrases. TIrRGchYzg How to solve the problems ;hand in;on time;at the m
14、oment;7EqZcWLZNXcan t find any time for my hobbies ;feel bad;give u p ; lzq7IGf02E achieve a balance between the two;hear form ; make unhappyzvpgeqJ1hkStep IV. RetellingThe purpose is to develop the skills of retelling with the key words NrpoJac3v1Ask students to make sentences with phrases that we
15、have learned.1nowfTG4KITry to retell the outline of the articles.Encourage students to say something about themselves.fjnFLDa5ZoStep V. Summary and homeworkThe purpose is to give the students a clear idea of how to express their problems and revise the articles. tfnNhnE6e5Ask students to revise the words and phrasesAsk students to write a letter about himself after class. HbmVN777sLDuring my teaching , I ll t
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