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1、reting at a banquet在此举办晚宴,招待(entertain)各位今天朋友和敬业的专家,庆贺的会谈取得成功,我感到非常高兴。It gives mea great pleasure to host the banquet in honor of our dearfriends anddedicated/devoted experts, and cerated the sucsfulof our talks我特别感谢大驾光临。没有的最后努力,还不知道现在会怎样呢,恐怕还在谈判之中。In particular, Id like tonk Ms. Kelland for her com

2、ing. Without herlast-minute efforts, we would still not know the result/ behe middle ofnowhere, probablyhe middle of negotiations, Im afraid.Note:We cant imagine how it would be like/we can end up,get nowhere 一事无成, 毫无进展,没出息get somewhere 取得一些成就/进展口语: Imhe middle of 我正在忙I just contributed my share. We

3、 all maneuvered(实施调动,设法调整)sucsfully to get our job done, so to speak(可以说).尽了自己的责任,可以说,每个人都成功地使的使命得以完成。Well, ladies and gentlemen, are we carrying out another round of talkover the dinner?怎么样,们先生们,难道在晚宴上还要谈判吗?Well= come on 好啊,得了今天不谈生意,我建议今晚只叙友情,当然,要尽情享受大自然赐予的食物。No more business talks today. I proe we

4、 limit our talk to friendshiptonight. And of course, we will enjoy the foodst Mother Nature grantsus to our hearts content.What are expecting tonight?今晚好吃的?Eat in Shanghai as Shanghai people eat.在就应该吃人的菜;入乡随俗n Rome as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。四大菜系Four major Chicuisines: Shcuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Canton

5、cuisine andzhou cuisine四大菜系的口味和特点可以用八个字来概括,即“南淡北咸,东甜西辣”the flavor and characteristic of Chinas four major cuisines can besummed uphe following expres: “The light southern cuisine, andthe salty northern cuisine; the st eastern cuisine, and the spicy westerncuisine”菜最年轻的地方菜系,通常被称为“本帮菜”,有着 400多年的历史。Sha

6、nghai cuisine, usually called Benbang cuisine, is the youngest amongthe regional cuisines in China, wihistory of moren 400 years.同中国其他菜系一样,“本帮菜”具有“色香味”三大要素,特点是注重调料的使用、食物的质地和菜的原汁原味。Like all other Chiregional cuisines, Benbang cuisine has threeessential elements, namely “color, aroma and taste”. It fe

7、atures the expertuse of seasonings, the texture of ingredients/raw materials and originalflavors.It sounds very appetizing. 听来很能引起食欲。开胃菜 appetizerArouse/spoil ones appetite我一道特色点心“南翔小笼”和一道特色菜“松鼠鲑鱼”。Id like tomend a spel snack known as Nanxianged meatdumplings and a spel dish called “Squirrel-shd Man

8、darin Fish”.“南翔小笼”是馅,个,皮薄汁醇。Nanxiang Soup dumplings are stuffed with pork, with/featuring small size,thin skin, rich tasty soup.松鼠鲑鱼色泽,形如松鼠,外皮脆而内肉嫩,汤汁酸甜适口。The squirrel-shd Fish is yellow-colored and squirrel-shd with acrispy skin and tender meat, all covered wist and sour sauce.简单版本:Yellow in color

9、and looks like 绝对没错,你一定喜欢。They are absoluy gourmets choice. /it is absolute tasty. I bet you willlike them.菜上来了,别客气,请随意。Here we are. Please help yourself.Here comes the dish.I hope I havent missed anything我希望没有漏掉什么好吃的吧Did I miss sth.?刚才在说什么?很高兴你喜欢这里的菜。晚宴才开场,好戏还在后头呢。This is just the beginning of the dinner. We have more surprises to expect.There are more to come.We can expect more.各位能够赏光来此共度一年中的这个美好时光,我感到非常荣幸。I consider it a great honor to have you all here for this wonderful time ofthe year.让共同举杯,敬祝开兰健康。Let us drink to the health of Ms.


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