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1、WY五年级下册Module 10 Unit 1 Where are you going?课前导入Where, where, where, where are you going? What,what,what, what are you going to take? When,when,when, when are you going to go? Who,who,who, whos going to go with you?Lets chant单词卡when /wen/(副词)在什么时候近义词组:what time 什么时间形近词:then 然后例句:When did you see him

2、 last time? 你上次什么时候见到他的?单词卡end /end/ (动词) 结束,终止近义词:close/finish 结束对应词:begin/start 开始第三人称单数:ends现在分词:ending过去式:ended短语:end the story 结束故事例句:Lets end our quarrelling.让我们结束我们的争吵吧。单词卡nervous /nvs/(形容词) 紧张的,情绪不安的短语:feel nervous 感到紧张的辨析:nervous 和 anxious前者表示“紧张的,情绪不安的”,后者表示“担心的,着急的,焦虑的”,更强调一种担忧。例句:Im very

3、 nervous about taking the exam. 我对参加考试非常紧张。单词卡all right 没事,没问题短语:a bit of all right 意料之外的好运气例句:Will six oclock be all right? 六点钟行吗?单词卡airport /ept/(名词) 机场短语:go to the airport 去机场 arrive at the airport 到达机场 an old airport 一个旧机场例句:You must arrive at the airport two hours early. 你必须提前两小时到达机场。单词卡ticket

4、/tkt/(名词) 票复数:tickets形近词:pocket 口袋短语:buy a ticket 买票 ticket office 售票处例句:Is this your train ticket? 这是你的火车票吗?单词卡passport /pspt/ (名词) 护照复数:passports联想:visa 签证短语:carry a passport 持有护照 get a passport 得到护照例句:When can I collect my passport? 我什么时候能取我的护照?单词卡safe /sef/ (形容词) 安全的,平安的反义词:dangerous 危险的短语:safe

5、place 安全的地方 safe water 安全的水域例句:We all wish him a safe trip. 我们都祝他一路平安。课文讲解1. Look, listen and say. Ms Smart: Where are you going this weekend, Sam?Sam: I dont know.Ms Smart: When are you going to get up?Sam: I dont know.Sam: Mum, what did you say to me?Ms Smart: I dont know!斯玛特女士:你这周末打算去哪里,萨姆?萨姆:我不知

6、道。斯玛特女士:你打算什么时候起床?萨姆:我不知道。萨姆:妈妈,你(刚才)给我说什么了?斯玛特女士:我不知道!课文讲解2. Listen, read and act out.Grandma: Hello, Daming.Daming: Hello, Grandma.Grandma: Are you ready for your trip tomorrow?Daming: I think so. But I feel nervous.Grandma: It will be all right. Im going to meet you in New York.祖母:你好,大明。大明:你好,祖母。

7、祖母:你为明天的旅行做好准备了吗?大明:我想是的。但是我感到紧张。祖母:将会没事的。我将会在纽约接你。GrammarAre you ready for your trip tomorrow? 你为明天的旅行做好准备了吗?固定句型:Are you ready for+某事+其他?用法:此句型用来询问对方是否为某事做好准备。be ready for 是固定结构,意为“为做准备”,其后接名词。例句:Are you ready for the test tomorrow?你们为明天的测验做好准备了吗?知识拓展:get ready for与be ready for意思相同。Do you get read

8、y for your test next week? =Are you ready for your test next week?你为下周的测验做好准备了吗?返回课文课文讲解2. Listen, read and act out.Grandma: You can make a list of things to do.Daming: Thats a good idea!Grandma: Where are you going?Daming: To the airport.Grandma: What are you going to take?Daming: Clothes, shoes, p

9、resents, the ticket, my passport外祖母:你可以列一张要做的事情的清单。大明:那是一个好主意!祖母:你打算去哪里?大明:去机场。祖母:你打算带什么?大明:衣服、鞋子、礼物、票、我的护照课文讲解2. Listen, read and act out.Grandma: When are you going to the airport?Daming: At seven oclock tomorrow morning.Grandma: Whos going to the airport with you?Daming: Who? Mum!Grandma: Great!

10、Safe trip, Daming!祖母:你打算什么时候去机场?大明:明天早上七点钟。祖母:谁打算和你一起去机场?大明:谁?妈妈!祖母:太棒了!旅途平安,大明!课文讲解3. Listen and say.A: Where are you going?B: Im going to the airport.A: What are you going to take?B: Clothes, shoes, presents, the ticket and my passport.A: When are you going to the airport?B: At seven oclock tomorr

11、ow morning.A: Whos going to the airport with you?B: Who? Mum!A:你打算去哪里?B:我打算去机场。A:你打算带什么?B:衣服、鞋子、礼物、票和我的护照。A:你打算什么时候去机场?B:明天早上七点钟。A:谁打算和你一起去机场?B:谁?妈妈!GrammarWhere are you going? 你打算去哪里?固定句型: Where+一般疑问句?用法:此句型用来询问对方打算去哪里。where 是特殊疑问词,意为“哪里”,引导特殊疑问句。be动词在特殊疑问句中放在主语前,并随主语人称和数的变化而变化。例句:Where is she goin

12、g?她打算去哪里?返回课文GrammarWhat are you going to take? 你打算带什么?固定句型: What are you going to+动词原形+其他?用法:此句型用来询问对方将要做什么。what 是特殊疑问词,意为“什么”,引导特殊疑问句。are 是 be going to 中的 be 动词,be going to 后面接动词原形。例句:What is she going to do tomorrow? 明天她将要做什么?返回课文GrammarWhen are you going to the airport? 你打算什么时候去机场?固定句型:When are

13、you going to+地点?用法:此句型用来询问对方将在什么时候去某地。when 是特殊疑问词,意为 “什么时候”,用来询问时间。be going to 后面接地点名词。例句:When is she going to Nanjing?她打算什么时候去南京?返回课文GrammarWhos going to the airport with you? 谁打算和你一起去机场?固定句型:Who+be going to+地点+其他?用法:此句型用来询问谁将要去某地。who 是特殊疑问词,意为 “谁”, 用来询问人。例句:Whos going to the park with you? 谁将和你一起去

14、公园?返回课文课文讲解4. Practise.Where are you going this weekend?When are you going there?What are you going to do there?Whos going with you?你这个周末打算去哪里?你打算什么时候去那里?你在那里打算做什么?谁打算和你一起去?Ask and answer. 提问并回答。Exercise一、选出不同类的一项。( C )1. A. passport B. ticket C. ready( B )2. A. meet B. airport C. feel( A )3. A. trip B. shoes C. clothes( A )4. A. when B. nervous C. excited( C )5. A. how B. which C. endExercise二、单项选择。( B )1. are you going this weekend? To the US. A. What B. Where C. How( A )2. are you going to get up? At 7 oclock. A. When B. Why C. Who


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