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1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。. 单项选择1、Are you feeling tired after doing the heavy work? _. In fact, I am still energetic.ANot a little BNot a bit CNot a bit of DNot little2、We wont get to the camp on t

2、ime unless we _early tomorrow morning.Aset out Bstay out Clay out Dlook out3、-Excuse me, I am new here. I wonder_-Its about ten minuteswalk.Awhere the bus station isBwhen I can get to the bus stationChow long I can go to the bus stationDhow far the bus station is from here4、My grandparents live in t

3、he countryside. We often go to see _.AhimBthemCherDyou5、Which of the following saying has the meaning of “ risk losing everything all at one time”?AEvery dog has its day.BPut all your eggs in one basket.CBurn the candle at both ends.DIt never rains but it pours.6、They can hardly speak English, _ ?Ac

4、ant they Bwont they Ccan they Dwill they7、Mom didnt feel well. The doctor _ her but failed to find anything wrong.ArequiredBexaminedCpraised8、They _ the coming of the year 2018 when an accident happened.Awere celebrating BcelebratedCwould celebrate Dhave celebrated9、-Song of Youth is a very popular

5、movie these days. -Thats true. people, especially the young, enjoy watching it.AMillions ofBTwo millionsCTwo millions of10、Annie lost her wallet while shopping. , a senior high school student found it and returned it to her.AActuallyBLuckilyCFinally. 完形填空11、完形填空(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)Long long ago, th

6、ere was a swan (天鹅) with golden feathers. She lived in a lake. A woman lived in a small house _the lake with her two daughters. They were very poor. They worked hard all year round, _still, they lived a hard life and sometimes they even didnt have enough_to buy food.The swan was _ to see that. She s

7、aid to herself, “Ill give one of my_to them each day, then they can live a happy life with the money selling my feathers.” That evening, she _to the poor womans house and left a golden feather on the table without saying_. From then on, the swan came every day and gave them a feather. The woman was

8、very happy because their life was much_than before.But day after day, the woman became greedy(贪婪).She said to her 1 “The swan may fly away one day. If so, we will be poor again. We should take all_feathers if she comes next time.”“Oh, no, Mom!” cried the daughters, “This will _the swan. She helps us

9、 a lot!” But the mother wouldnt listen. When the _ came as usual, the mother caught her and took all her feathers. But suddenly, the golden feathers _chicken feathers.Then, the Golden Swan said, “Poor Mother, I came to _ you, but you wanted to kill me. Now, I am leaving and will _come back. Never be

10、 greedy!” With these words, the swan left.1Aabove Bover Cnear Dunder2Aand Bbut Cso Dor3Amoney Btime Croom Denergy4Ahappy Bsurprised Csad Dexcited5Apresents Bgolden coins Cfeathers Dcollections6Aflew Bran Cclimbed Dwalked7Asomething Beverything Cnothing Danything8Aduller Bbetter Cbusier Dharder9Abrot

11、hers Bsisters Csons Ddaughters10Ahis Bher Ctheir Dour11Ahurt Bsave Cprotect Dhelp12Awoman Bdaughter Cchicken Dswan13Aheard of Bchanged into Clooked for Dcame from14Atrouble Bhelp Cteach Dinvite15Asometimes Balways Cusually Dnever. 语法填空12、Dear editor,Last week I 1 (visit) our zoo, and I was very surp

12、rised 2(find) hardly anyone there. Zoos are important places .They are like living textbooks for young people. They provide homes for many endangered animals and help to educate the public about 3(care) for them. If we 4(not support) our zoos, they 5(not have) enough money to take care of so many fi

13、ne animals. I urge all of your readers to visit our wonderful zoo soon.Sincerely,Animal Friend. 阅读理解A13、Please sit down and enjoy your mealJust dont talk about itThese are the requirements at a popular dining party that is known as silent dinnersIt encourages people who take part in the dining party

14、 not to speak for one to two hours and not to use electronic devicesInstead,the idea is to just on the foodSilent dinner parties are fast growing, said Honi Ryan,who has hosted 32 silent dinner parties in 11 cities across eight countries,including Germany,Australia and the United StatesThe way we co

15、mmunicate is changing so fast that we need to stop and think about itAccording to a 2013 nationwide survey,restaurant noise came in second only to poor service among customer(顾客) complaintsAnd 19 percent of diners who took part in the survey said noise and crowds disturbed them most while eating out

16、Though silent dinners may seem curious,the idea is not a new oneYogis(瑜伽信徒) have long enjoyed silent meals as part of a deepened practiceIn fact,it was a trip to a temple(寺庙) in India by a man that encouraged one Brooklyn restaurant recently to add a silent dinner to its event programmingWell make a

17、 small speech at the beginning of the meal to make sure everyone understands what is happening and ask them not to speak or use their mobile phones for at least an hour, said EAT Greenpoint owner Jordan ColonAnd background music will be turned off,tooIts funny;when I first opened EAT,I didnt play mu

18、sic for some time and people had very different reactions(反映) to that, said ColonSome people who come out to eat are ready to party,but it was so quiet without musicBut I wanted to create an environment that makes you relaxedAlthough personal reactions to a silent dinner may be various,in general th

19、ey are more likely to get into a lot of talk afterwards,said RyanAt the end of the night people always have a lot to say about silenceBut the most reaction is that there is always a good laugh1The first paragraph is written to be a(n)_ AconclusionBintroductionCargumentDwarning2At silent dinner parti

20、es,people should not_Aleave before they finish eatingBjust pay attention to the foodCuse a mobile phone or listen to musicDtake electronic devices to the party3What does the writer try to tell us in Paragraph 5?ASilent meals help people live longerBYogis are the first to hold silent dinnersCMore and

21、 more people like eating in silenceDThe idea of eating in silence appeared long ago4In Jordan Colons opinion,silent dinners _Amake people comfortable and relaxedBare hard to be accepted by most peopleCcan help him to attract more customersDprovide a chance to get to know othersB14、The Yanfang line,

22、Beijings first driverless subway line connecting the citys southwest suburbs to its central urban district started its first pilot run on Wednesday morning.It is also the capital citys first subway line that is fully automatic, and fully equipped(装配)with domestic technology.The line is expected to o

23、fficially open to citizens at the end of next year.The difference between the driverless subway line and the ordinary line is that the driverless technology allows the subway train to automatically complete all running procedures, including traveling, dormancy, awakening, opening and closing train d

24、oors, as well as returning, without any operations by drivers.A comprehensive(综合的)control center has been set up for the subway line to far away control and supervise trains. In the event of an emergency, passengers riding on the subway trains are able to contact the control center through the wirel

25、ess intercom(对讲机)devices that have been set up on every carriage. The camera in the carriage can automatically transmit(传输) images back to the control center.The first Chinese-made driverless subway train opened in Hong Kong on Dec, 28. The seven-km line extends the MTR network to the Southern Distr

26、ict, allowing the special administrative regions 18 districts to be served by rail.1_ is also the capital citys first subway line that is fully automatic.AYuehai line BChengyu line CYanfang line DWusong line2The underlined word “automatic” in paragraph 2 probably means_A全面的 B自动的 C半自动的 D可行的3The passa

27、ge is probably from_.Anovel Bmagazine Cnews Dposter4Driverless subway has lots of advantages EXCEPT_.AIts automatic. BIts equipped with domestic technology.CIt cant be drive by people. DIt cant deal with an emergency.5Which of the following statement is TRUE_?AThe Yanfang line is the capital citys f

28、irst subway line.BThere is no difference between the driverless subway line and the ordinary line.CThe driverless subway line cant work without a comprehensive.DThere is a camera in some carriagesC15、Do you know how a young dog or cat gets to know a new home? The animal uses its nose. Right away it

29、smells its new places. Then it makes wider and wider circles, smelling all the time. Before long it can find its way home very well, even in the dark. It simply follows something it knows well.Stories happen about animals who found their way across land they had never smelled before. Take the case o

30、f Smoky, a small white cat. Smoky had some funny red hair around its right ear. One day Smoky and his owner began a long journey. They were moving from Oklahoma to Tennessee. When they were just eighteen miles from their Oklahoma home, Smoky jumped out of the car. Then he found his way back to the o

31、ld house. There he wandered around outside for many days. Finally he disappeared.A year later Smoky meowed at the door of a house in Tennessee. A man opened the door. “Is that you, Smoky?” he said in surprise. At first he couldnt believe it. Then he saw the red hair around its right ear. It was Smok

32、y!1What is the first thing a pet does in a new place?AIt smells the new place. BIt finds its way in the darkCIt follows something it knows.2Put these events in the right order that they happened.Smoky got to Tennessee. Smoky jumped out of the car. Smoky went to his old house.A B C3The underlined wor

33、d “wandered” in the passage means _.A思考 B围绕 C游荡4How long did Smoky take to get to the house in Tennessee?AA year. BA month. CA week.5What is the best title of the passage?AAn Excellent Memory BA Surprising Journey CA Humorous CatD16、Mrs. Thompson stood in front of her 5th grade class on the first da

34、y of school. She found a boy sleeping in his seat. He was Teddy. Also Thompson noticed the boy didnt play well with the other children. It got to the point F at the top of his papers. Mrs. Thompson reviewed each childs past records. However, when she reviewed Teddys file(档案), she was in a surprise.T

35、eddys first grade teacher wrote, Teddy is a bright child. He does his work neatly and has good manners.His second grade teacher wrote, Teddy is an excellent student, but he is troubled because his mother has an illness and life at home is difficult.His third grade teacher wrote, His mothers death ha

36、d been hard on him. He tries his best, but his father doesnt show much interest in his study.Teddys fourth grade teacher wrote, Teddy iswithdrawnand doesnt talk with others. Also he doesnt show much interest in school. He doesnt have many friends and he sometimes sleeps in class.By now, Mrs. Thompso

37、n realized the problem. She felt even worse when her students brought her Christmas presents wrapped in beautiful and bright paper, except for Teddys. He sent a rhinestone bracelet(石链手镯) with some stones missing. But Mrs. Thompson told him with a smile, “I like it very much.” After school Teddy said

38、, Mrs. Thompson, today you smell just like my Mother used to be. Mrs. Thompson paid particular attention to Teddy. The more she encouraged him, the faster he responded. By the end of the year, Teddy had become one of the smartest children in the class. Teddy became one of her teachers pets.根据材料内容选择最

39、佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。1Teddy is a _ student when Mrs. Thompson first taught him.Anaughty Bgood Csick Dtroubled2Teddys _ teacher began to realize the problems to Teddy.Afirst BsecondCthird Dfourth3Whats the meaning of the unlined word “withdrawn”?A乐观的 B滑稽的 C合作的 D孤僻的4Mrs. Thompson felt _ when Teddy sent he

40、r a present.Apleased BangryCsad Dthankful5From this passage, we know _ .AMrs. Thompson wasnt interested in Teddys studyBMrs. Thompson was the first teacher to find Teddy sleeping in classCteachers love can save a studentDTeddys parents death made his study fall behind othersE17、Lin Xiao, 21, a stude

41、nt at Guangdong University, has a big family her two parents, a younger brother and two younger sisters. Lin took her role as the “big sister” seriously. When her first sister was born, Lin took turns with her mom holding the baby late into the night. “I almost did everything that was supposed to be

42、 a parents job, but I felt proud of myself,” she said.Not all of Lins classmates shared her experiences because of the family planning policy (政策), The one child policy has been carried out in China for about forty years. But the situation is about to change. A new policy made on October 29 said all

43、 couples can now have two children.The new policy is expected to help raise the population of China. Recently, China has been facing an aging population and labor shortages because of the low birth rate (比率).The two-child policy may also be the gift for every only child. Researchers found that growi

44、ng up with a brother or sister can have good influence on ones mental (心理) health.“Brothers and sisters do matter inuniqueways. They give kids something that their parents dont.” Laura Walker, a professor from Beijing University, told China Daily. She noted that having a brother or a sister protects

45、 teenagers against loneliness, fear and so on.Liu Fang, 20, from Shenzhen University, has a 2-year-younger sister. When her sister disagreed with parents over choosing a college major, she helped her to communicate with her parents. “If necessary, I would always have her back,” said Liu. “The best p

46、art of having a sister is that you have a partner, friend and supporter throughout your life.”But children with brothers or sisters also have to learn to understand and look after each other, said Laura.1(小题1)There are _ children in Lin Xiaos family.Athree Bfour Cfive Dsix2(小题2)The one-child policy

47、caused some problems except _.Athe aging populationBlabor shortagesCthe population growthDthe low birth rate3(小题3)What does the underlined word “unique” possibly means _ in Chinese.A独特的 B相同的 C对立的 D相反的4(小题4)We can infer (推断) from the article that _.ALin Xiao doesnt like her sisterBLiu Fang has a 17-year-old sisterCLaura is against the two-child


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