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1、2022-2023学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项1考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回2答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置3请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符4作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效5如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗. 单项选择1、Which word of the following doesnt ha

2、ve the same stress as the others?ABelief.BVisitor.CSwimmer.2、 Jane. I hear there will be an art club in our school. Wonderful! I cant wait to it.AjoinBrepeatCforgetDreceive3、The teacher asked those boys too much noise in class.Ado not makeBnot makeCnot makingDnot to make4、 Lucy, could you help me _

3、the map on the blackboard? We wont need it. With pleasure.Aput out Bput up Cput on Dput away5、We _you good luck in the monthly exam.Ahope Bwish Clike Dwant6、Almost every school now has a website which allows us to _ the information about it.Alook atBlook afterClook aroundDlook through7、He was _ in t

4、he traffic accident.AinjureBinjuringCinjuredDinjures8、Come on, _youll be late.AandBbutCorDso9、Would you like some more noodles, Celia?Yes, just _, please.Aa fewBfewCa littleDlittle10、Im sorry, sir. Ive made lots of mistakes in the monthly exam. Never mind. _, the exam is a bit difficult.AIn allBAbov

5、e allCAfter allDFirst of all. 完形填空11、 Last weekend, we had an excellent school trip. We visited a 1 . When (当时) we arrived there, some farmers 2 us and showed us around the farm. It was really a 3 farm! We spent a long time visiting it. “On our farm, we keep (饲养) animals and 4 fruit trees,” the farm

6、ers told us. They also talked a lot 5 farming with us. Then, we did some 6 things. Tom likes horses, 7 he rode a horse. I 8 the chickens because I thought the chickens were cute. Alice milked a cow. She said the 9 had the same color as (和一样的) tofu. 10 thought everything on the farm was very interest

7、ing. We want to visit it again.1AtownBhotelCparkDfarm2AthankedBwelcomedCtaughtDjoined3AbigBsmallCcleanDdirty4AcutBsellCgrowDbrush5AatBaboutCfromDfor6AinterestingBboringChardDeasy7AifBbecauseCsoDbut8AkilledBleftCorderedDfed9AjuiceBsoupCmilkDwater10AHeBWeCYouDShe. 语法填空12、When you finish high school or

8、 university, is learning done? The answer is “no”. In many countries, people continue learning all their lives.1is lifelong(终身的) learning important? How can it help you?You go to school and learn. You study. You take tests.2learning doesnt only happen in school. Learning doesnt3when you graduate fro

9、m high school or college. You are learning all the time. For example, learning can4when you go to a museum. It can5happen when you get a job. You learn when you6sports or when you take a trip.7is life! We never stop learning. Every day you can improve yourself by learning something8.Lets look at one

10、 example of lifelong learning in Japan. In Japan, lifelong learning is very important. People in Japan like to try new learning activities. Music, calligraphy(书法) and foreign languages are some of their9classes.When we graduate from school, we should10on learning. Make lifelong learning one of your

11、goals!. 阅读理解A13、Not only a popular singer was Yao Beina, but also she was an energetic and warm-hearted angel. She had her corneas (眼角膜) donated to two men who needed them, which helped them see the world clearly again. Yao was born in a music family on Sept. 26, 1981 in Wuhan. She started to learn

12、the piano at the age of 4, and she sang her first song on the stage when she was 9 years old. Yao did quite well in singing, so she took part in the thirteenth Youth Singing Competition and won the first prize.She became well-known to the public after making a series of songs for the hit TV drama “T

13、he Legend of Zhenhuan” in 2012, and the mandarin version (中文版本) of “Let It Go” from Disneys “Frozen”. In July 2013, she competed in The Voice of China II and finally got the second place in Na Yings team. She had won a lot of music awards before she was famous. Yao Beina was unfortunate to be diagno

14、sed(诊断) with breast cancer (乳腺癌) and had a successful operation in 2011. Since then, she has fought against the disease for about four years while keeping singing, but sadly she failed. She originally thought of donating all of her organs (器官) to save others lives, but failed to do it because of her

15、 serious illness. Shes gone, even though she had never stopped struggling with cancer. Heaven just got another beautiful angel, with her beautiful voice and kindness.1Yao Beina had her _ donated to save others.Atwo corneasBall organsCheartDkidney2How old was Yao Beina when she started to sing for pe

16、ople?AFour.BNine.CThirteen.DThirty.3Which is TRUE about Yao Beina according to the passage?AShe started to play the piano at the age of 5.BShe had great voice and won a lot of awards in music.CShe was a weak and selfish girl.DShe won over the breast cancer in the end.4Whats the passage mainly about?

17、AYao Beinas family.BYao Beinas disease.CYao Beinas teacher.DYao Beinas art achievements.B14、Fiona Famous was a very popular girl at school. She was clever and fun, and got on well with everyone. It was no accident that Fiona was so popular. From an early age she had tried hard to be kind and friendl

18、y to everyone. She invited the whole class to her birthday party, and from time to time she would give presents to everybody. She was such a busy girl, with so many friends. However, she felt very lucky, no other girl had so many friends at school and in the neighborhood.But everything changed on Na

19、tional Friendship Day. On that day, at school, everyone was having a great time, drawing, painting, giving gifts. They had to make three presents to give to their three best friends.However, when all the presents had been made and shared out among classmates, Fiona was the only one who had not recei

20、ved a present! She felt terrible, and spent hours crying. How could it be possible? So much she had done to make so many friends, and in the end no one saw her as their best friend? Everyone came and tried to comfort her for a while. But each one only stayed for a short time before leaving.When she

21、got home that night and asked her mother where she could find true friends.“Fiona, my dear,” answered her mother, “you cannot buy friends with a smile or a few good words. If you really want true friends, you will have to give them real time and affection (情感). For a true friend you must always be t

22、here for them, in good times and bad”.“But I want to be everybodys friend! I need to share my time among everyone!” Fiona argued.“My dear, youre a lovely girl,” said her mother, “but you cant be a close friend to everybody. There just isnt enough time for everyone, so its only possible to have a few

23、 true friends. The others wont be close friends”.Hearing this, Fiona decided to change her ways so that she could finally have some true friends. That night, in bed, she thought about what she could do to get them._Her mother was always ready to help her. She could stand all of Fionas dislikes and p

24、roblems. She always encouraged her. She loved her a great deal.That was what makes friends!And Fiona smiled happily, realizing that she already had the best friend anyone could ever want.1(小题1)Fiona was a very popular girl because she _.Agave her best friends presentsBoften made presents for her fri

25、endsCwas kind and friendly to everyoneDinvited some of her class to her birthday party2(小题2)Which of the following can be put in the blank (空白处) in Paragraph 4?AShe thought about her mother.BShe decided to find true friends.CShe talked with her classmates on the phone.DShe was sad and couldnt sleep

26、any more.3(小题3)The right order about Fiona is _.a. She decided to have some true friends.b. She tried to get on well with everyone at school.c. She asked her mother where she could find true friends.d. She didnt receive any present on National Friendship Day.Ab-d-a -c Bb-d-c-aCc-b-d-a Db-c-d-a4(小题4)

27、According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?AFiona tried hard to find some true friends all the time.BFiona always spent more time with some of her friends.CFiona found that giving gifts to every friend was important.DFiona finally realized how she could find true friends.C15、Travel in

28、New YorkPublic transport Traffic is quite convenient in New York. The bus is cheap and the subway is common. Whats more, you can take both the bus and the subway with the same transit card. If you have something urgent to do. Youd better take a taxi because thats fast.HotelsThere are a lot of hotels

29、 in New York. The Plaza Hotel is the best and the most expensive one. If you want to pay less for your stay, there are many smaller hotels. The YMCA near Central Park is suitable for young people.Eating outRestaurants provide good service in New York. You dont have to eat at McDonalds every day and

30、you can try different kinds of food from many countries. You can also enjoy tasty Chinese food in Chinatown.ShoppingShopping in New York is fun. You can see big shops everywhere in this modern city. Stores are open seven days a week, but be careful when you look at the prices because you have to pay

31、 taxes on everything you buy. That means you have to pay an extra fee which in New York city is eight percent of the purchase price.Places to visits There are too many places to visit in New YorkTimes Square, the Empire State Building, and, the Statue of Liberty.1(小题1)If you decide to buy a book 10

32、in New York, you should pay a total of how much after tax?A9.80 B9.20 C10.80 D10.202(小题2)“The Plaza Hotel” here is the name of a _Ahouse Bstation Ccity Dhotel3(小题3)You can eat the delicious Chinese food _Aat McDonalds Bin Piaza Cin Chinatown. Din YMCA4(小题4)Which of the following is NOT in New York?A

33、Central Park. BThe Empire State Building.CTimes Square DThe White House.5(小题5)How many types of transportation are mentioned in the passage?AOne BTwo CThree DFourD16、This weekend a marathon ( 马拉松 ) took place in Salzburg. I admired the runners who ran 42.2 kilometers for over four hours. But Ive nev

34、er run for more than half an hour.At university I play korfball. This is a team sport with eight people on each team. The aim is to shoot ( 投篮 ) the ball into the hoop. All players get a chance to attack ( 攻 ) and defend ( 守 ) during the game and its very fast. When I started korfball, I wasnt very

35、good at it. I could throw and catch but I wasnt very fast on my feet. Shooting was also difficult for me. However, I really enjoyed the sport and made friends in the club, so I went training twice a week. Two years later I am in the first team for my university and have played in many matches. This

36、just shows if you train hard, you can succeed.Running is difficult because you have to make yourself willing to keep going. I used to get really out of breath while running and I didnt feel good at all! Now I actually enjoy going for a run along the river in Salzburg, feeling my muscles ( 肌肉 ) worki

37、ng and breathing in the fresh air.Challenging exercise is always worth doing. Hiking is fun because all the hard workwalking uphill comes at the beginning of the day, then at the top of the mountain you can enjoy the view. At the end of the day you feel like youve really achieved something.I will ne

38、ver be a marathon runner, but I would like to try a 10-km run sometime, or perhaps even a half-marathon. How happy the runners were as they crossed the finishing line! Id like to have that feelingthe months of training paying off as you achieve your goal.1What did the writer think of running the mar

39、athon at first?ADifficult.BStrange.CEnjoyable.DExciting.2When the writer started korfball, he couldnt .Acatch and throw a ballBcatch and shoot a ballCmove quickly while playingDcatch the ball from teammates3Why does the writer think challenging exercise is worth doing?AIt helps him make lots of frie

40、nds.BIt gives him a sense of achievement.CIt makes him become a marathon runner.DIt helps him get to the top of the mountain.E17、Tom walked into a shop . It bad a sign outside : Second-hand (旧的) clothes bought and sold . He was carrying an old pair of trousers and asked the owner of the shop, How mu

41、ch will you give me for these? The man looked at them and then said: Two dollars.What ! said Tom. I had guessed they were worth at least five dollars.No, said the man, they arent worth a cent more than two dollars.Well, said Tom, taking two dollars out of his pocket. Heres your money. These trousers

42、 were hanging outside your shop. The list price (标价)of them was six dollars and a half. But I thought that was too much money, so I wanted to find out how much they were really worth.Then he walked out of the shop with the pair of trousers and disappeared before the shop owner could think of anythin

43、g to say .1At first the owner of the shop thought that Tom _ .Awanted to steal the trousers Bwanted to sell the trousersCwanted to fool him Dwanted to buy the trousers2The owner of the shop_ for the old trousers .Awould give Tom two dollars Bwould pay three dollarsCwould pay five dollars Dwould give

44、 Tom six dollars and a half3The shop owner insisted that the trousers were worth only two dollars because _ .Ahe wanted to sell them cheaply (廉价地)Bhe wanted to buy them cheaplyChe didnt like the trousersDthey were old and dirty4In fact, the trousers _.Awere hanging inside the shop Bwere stolen by To

45、m from the shopChad been the shop owners Dhad been TomsF18、Since 1982, July 1st has been officially known as Canada Day. Canadians of all ages take part in this festival across the country.Canada Day is the years biggest national party. In many towns and cities, the government organizes a lot of eve

46、nts, often outdoors. These include parades(游行), concerts, festivals, firework displays and ceremonies for new Canadian citizens(公民).The celebrations often have a patriotic(爱国的)mood. Canadas national flag, a symbol for Canada Day, can be seen everywhere and a lot of people paint their faces red and w

47、hite, which are Canadas national colors. The celebrations in Ottawa, Canadas capital city, are especially grand and exciting.In the province of Quebec, many home rentals(租赁)start on July 1st and last for exactly one year, and many people in Quebec spend Canada Day moving from one house to another. S

48、o in Quebec, Canada Day is also known as Moving Day.Many organizations, businesses and stores are closed this day. Only some bookstores, hospitals and gas stations may be open. Post offices are closed, too. As Canada Day falls in the Canadian summer holiday period, all schools are closed as well. In

49、 some areas, special services are provided for large events. The concerts, parades and festivals may cause some traffic jams.1According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?ACanada Day falls on the first day of June.BCanada Day was celebrated before 1982.CCanada Day is celebrated throughout Canada.DCanadians except new citizens celebrate Canada Day.2From Paragraph 4, we know that on Canada Day _.Ano student goes to school Btraffic jams happen everywhereCall Canadians stop working Dfew businesses and stores are closed3Canada Day is known as Moving Day in


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