1、办公室英语-教你如何玩转办公室英语交流.txt世上最珍贵的不是永远得不到或已经得到的,而是你已经得到并且随时都有可能失去的东西!爱情是灯,友情是影子。灯灭时,你会发现周围都是影子。朋友,是在最后可以给你力量的人。1. 教你如何用英语跟上司说话1). 申请许可 Wouldnt it be possible for me to take the day off this Friday? (这个星期五,我是否可以休一粮天假?)请休假用take粮the day off。如果粮是两天以上就用daysoff粮。老板会很干脆地答应说that粮ll be OK,或是会带有粮不悦意味回答will ever欧yt
2、hing be all r欧ight?(一切都安排就绪了吗欧?),这些都要看你平时的工作表欧现而定。2). 提议 I t欧hink we need to欧buy a new copi欧er.(我想我们需要买一台新的欧复印机)说出上句之前,必须说欧明our copying ma欧chine has broke深n down again.(复深印机又出毛病了)以作为提案的依深据。客气一些的提议,用sugg深est如I would sug深gest we buy a n深ew copoer.3).深表示了解上司的指示Yes,深of course.(是,我知深道了)也可用I unders添tand(我
3、明白了),或Yes添, right away(好的添马上去做),对上司说OK,或添all right并不恰当。很添忙时,说Im sorry,添but Im busy no添w. Could I do i添t later?4). 确认添上司指示的内容You did添say next Tuesd恃ay at 2:00 P.M.恃, didnt you?(您恃是说在下星期二下午点,是不是恃?)任何事都必须确认一下。恃如果对方是外国人更要如此。上句恃也可直截了当地说let me恃confirm(让我确认一下恃时间和日期)5). 报告商脑谈结果I had a fe脑eling he was in脑fav
4、or of the p脑lan.(我觉得他赞成那个计划脑)记住I have a f脑eeling (that).脑.(我觉得),及(th脑at ) he was aga脑inst the plan.(脑他反对那个计划)这两句话都很管脑用。2. 谈判中用英语表达自己若的意见在双方谈判的过程中,一定若要注意倾听对方的发言,如果对对若方的观点表示了解,可以说:I若see what you m若ean.(我明白您的意思。)若如果表示赞成,可以说: Th若ats a good ide若a.(是个好主意。)或者说:梁I agree with y梁ou.(我赞成。) 如果是有梁条件地接受,可以用on the
5、梁condition that梁这个句型,例如:We acc梁ept your propos梁al, on the cond梁itionthat you位order 20,000 un位its.(如果您订2万台,我位们会接受您的建议。)在与外商位,尤其是欧美国家的商人谈判时,位如果有不同意见,最好坦白地提出位来而不要拐弯抹角,比如,表示无位法赞同对方的意见时,可以说:位I dont think t位hats a good id蚊ea.(我不认为那是个好主意靡。)或者 Frankly,靡we cant agree靡with your propo靡sal.(坦白地讲,我无法同靡意您的提案。)如果是
6、拒绝,可靡以说:Were not p靡repared to acce扔pt your proposa扔l at this time.扔(我们这一次不准备接受你们的扔建议。)有时,还要讲明拒绝的扔理由,如To be quit扔e honest, we do扔nt believe thi扔s product will扔sell very well扔in China.(说老实话填,我们不相信这种产品在中国会卖填得好。)谈判期间,由於言语沟填通问题,出现误解也是在所难免的填:可能是对方误解了你,也可能是填你误解了对方。在这两种情况出现填後,你可以说:No, Im填afraid you mis填unde
7、rstood me.沃What I was tryi沃ng to say was.沃.(不,恐怕你误解了。我想沃说的是)或者说: Oh,沃Im sorry, I m沃isunderstood yo沃u. Then I go al沃ong with you.沃(哦,对不起,我误解你了。那样舷的话,我同意你的观点。)总之不舷管你说什么,你最终的目的就是要舷促成一笔生意。即使不成,也要以舷善意对待对方,也许你以后还有机舷会,生意不成人情在,你说对吗?舷3.Business Lun舷ch商业午餐(business琼lunch)就是一种流行的商琼谈与社交合一的一种交际应酬方式琼。餐前,邀请人通常要向被邀
8、琼请人讲清这次商业午餐的目的,比琼如:Id like to琼introduce you琼to the new memb琼ers of the proj蹄ect group.(我想蹄要给你介绍项目组的新成员。)如蹄果无法成行,被邀请人应委婉地向蹄对方回绝:Im sorr蹄y, but I have a蹄nother appointm蹄ent.(对不起,我另有约泪会。)如果欣然接受,可以说:泪That sounds g泪reat.(那太好了。) 在泪商量好时间、地点之后,双方都应掌准时赴约 。一般说来,在吃饭时掌,大家会谈论一些轻松的与生意无掌关的话题,当餐具被收起,甜点上掌桌后,就可以提议:Ca
9、n掌we talk a littl掌e bit about the晕project?(我们能晕否谈谈有关的工作计划?)这样晕双方就比较自然地转入工作话题了晕。午餐结束后,应由邀请方料晕理付帐的事情:Well晕take care of th晕e bill. (我们来付帐。晕)双方告别时,邀请方要向接受应邀请的对方道谢:Were应glad you joine应d us.(我们非常高兴您的应赏光。)4. 如何用英语点菜?应点菜有两种方式,一是a la应carte(随意点菜),一是t应abled hote或fix颖ed price meal(份酗饭,套餐),后一种有几道固定的酗菜肴和饮料,价格也是固定
10、的。它酗的优点就是方便快捷,点菜时只需酗指着菜单说:Please gi酗ve me this one.酗(请给我来这个。)We wa酗nt two number e酗ights, please.酗(我们要四份第八套餐。)在点菜迂之前,一般先要份菜单:May迂I have a menu,迂please?(我可以看菜单迂吗?)如果不急于点菜,可以在服迂务生问到:Can I take迂your order now迂?(你现在叫点什么吗?)回答瑚:Not quite. Cou瑚ld I have a few瑚more minutes?(瑚不,我可以再多等会吗?)需要叫瑚菜时,可以说:Please t瑚
11、ake my order.(瑚请接受点菜。)如果对当地的菜肴玻不熟悉,可以问:What is玻the specialty玻of the restaura玻nt?(这家店的招牌餐是什么?玻)Do you have an玻y special meals玻today?(今天有什么特餐玻吗?)What would y舱ou recommend? I痴prefer somethi痴ng light.(我想来点清痴淡些的,你能推荐什么吗?)也可痴以让同来的人替你作主,或是点重痴复的饭菜:Ill leave痴it to you.(我让痴你来点。)Ill have充thesame as tha充t one.(
12、我要一份和那个充一样的。)自己点菜可以更随意些充,例如:A. Could yo充u tell me how t充his thing is co充oked?(能否告诉我这道菜是充怎么做的?)B. Lobste港r? Its steamed港and served wit港h our special s港auce.(龙虾?蒸过后加上本港店特制的调味料。)A. Is港it good?(好吃吗?)B港. Sure. Its a港most popular di港sh.(当然,很受欢迎的。)A雇. I think Ill雇try some lobste雇r, and give me雇some green s
13、ala雇d together.(我想我雇来点儿吧。再给我一份蔬菜沙拉。雇)B. We have thr雇ee dressings fo汞r salad. Which汞one would you l汞ike ?(我们有三种沙拉调味汞汁,您要哪种?)A. What汞kind do you ha汞ve?(你们有什么?)B. W汞e have Italian,汞French and Tho汞usand Island.(有抖义大利,法国和千岛的。)A.抖Make it French抖please.(给我法式的吧。抖)5. 时髦白领英语100句1抖. Im an office抖worker. 我是上班族。
14、抖2. I work for抖the government.具我在政府机关做事。3. I具m happy to mee具t you. 很高兴见到你。具4. I like your具sense of humor.具我喜欢你的幽默感。5. I具m glad to see具you again. 很高兴再具次见到你。6. Ill c仇all you. 我会打电话给仇你。7. I feel li仇ke sleeping/ ta仇king a walk. 我想仇睡/散步。8. I want仇something to e仇at. 我想吃点东西。9.仇I need your hel仇p. 我需要你的帮助。10
15、.船I would like t船o talk to you f船or a minute. 我想船和你谈一下。11. I ha船ve a lot of pro船blems. 我有很多问题。船12. I hope our船dreams come tru船e. 我希望我们的梦想成真。贾13. Im looking贾forward to see贾ing you. 我期望见到你贾。14. Im suppo贾sed to go on a贾diet / get a ra贾ise. 我应该节食/涨工资。贾15. I heard th贾at youre getti谨ng married. Con谨gratul
16、ations.听说谨你要结婚了,恭喜!16. I逞see what your逞mean. 我了解你的意思。逞17. I cant do逞this. 我不能这么做。1逞8. Let me expla逞in why I was la逞te. 让我解释迟到的理由。绊19. Lets have绊a beer or somet绊hing. 咱们喝点啤酒什么的绊。20. Where is绊your office? 你们绊的办公室在哪?21. What绊is your plan?绊你的计划是什么?22. Wh半en is the store汛closing? 这家店什么汛时候结束营业?23. Are汛you
17、 sure you c汛an come by at n汛ine? 你肯定你九点能来吗?汛24. Am I allow汛ed to stay out汛past 10? 我可以十点过汛后再回家吗?25. The阴meeting was sch阴eduled for two阴hours, but it i阴s now over yet.阴会议原定了两个小时,不过现在阴还没有结束。26. Toms阴birthday is th阴is week. 汤姆的生日就阴在这个星期。27. Woul阴d you care to s岩ee it/ sit down岩for a while? 你岩要不要看/坐一会呢?
18、28.岩Can you cover f岩or me on Friday岩/help me/ tell岩me how to get t岩here? 星期五能不能请你替岩我个班/你能帮我吗/你能告诉我岩到那里怎么走吗?29. Co扬uld you do me a育big favor? 能否请育你帮我个忙?30. He i育s crazy about C育razy English. 他育对疯狂英语很着迷。31. C育an you imagine育how much he pai育d for that car?育你能想象他买那车花了多少钱吗?育32. Can you be之lieve that I bo
19、之ught a TV for $之25?33. Did you之know he was ha之ving an affair/之cheating on his之wife? 你知道他有外遇了之吗?/欺骗他的妻子吗?34.之Did you hear a蘸bout the new pr蘸oject? 你知道那个新项目蘸吗?35. Do you r蘸ealize that all蘸of these shirt蘸s are half off?蘸你知道这些衬衫都卖半价了吗?蘸36. Are you mi蘸nd if I take to蘸morrow off? 你介意栈我明天请假吗?37. I en虚joy
20、working wit虚h you very much虚. 我很喜欢和你一起工作。3虚8. Did you know虚that Stone end虚ed up marrying虚his secretary?虚你知道吗?斯通最终和他的秘书结虚婚了。39 Lets ge岩t together for岩lunch. 让我们一起吃顿午岩餐吧。40. How did岩you do on your岩test?你这次考试的结果岩如何41. Do you th岩ink you can com岩e? 你认为你能来吗?42.岩How was your w墟eekend ? 你周末过得怎墟么样?43. Here i
21、s墟my card. 这是我的名墟片。44. He is us墟ed to eating ou墟t all the time.墟他已经习惯在外面吃饭了。4墟5. Im getting墟a new computer墟for birthday pr贞esent. 我得到一台电脑作贞为生日礼物。46. Have贞you ever drive贞n a BMW? 你有没有开过贞“宝马”?47. How a邮bout if we go t邮omorrow instead邮? 我们改成明天去怎么样?4邮8. How do you l尤ike Hong Kong?徐你喜欢香港吗?49. How徐do you
22、want yo徐ur steak? 你的牛排要徐几分熟?50. How di徐d the game turn徐out? 球赛结果如何?51徐. How did Mary徐make all of her徐money? 玛丽所有的钱是药怎么赚到的?52. How药was your date?药你的约会怎么样?53. Ho药w are you doing药with your new药boss? 你跟你的新上司处得药如何?54. How sho药uld I tell him药the bad news? 我药该如何告诉他这个坏消息?55镇. How much mone镇y did you make?镇你
23、赚了多少钱?56. Ho镇w much does it镇cost to go abro镇ad? 出国要多少钱?57.镇How long will镇it take to get镇to your house?镇到你家要多久?58. How板long have you板been here?你在这里板多久了?59. How ni板ce/pretty/cold/板funny/stupid/bo板ring/interestin板g.60. How abou板t going out for板dinner? 出去吃晚餐如技何?61. Im sorr技y that you didn技t get the job.
24、技很遗憾,你没有得到那份工作。技62. Im afraid技that its not技going to work o技ut. 我恐怕这事不会成的。技63. I guess I c技ould come over.单我想我能来。64. Is单it okay to smok单e in the office单? 在办公室里抽烟可以吗?6单5. It was kind单of exciting. 有点单剌激。66. I know w单hat you want. 我单知道你想要什么。67. Is浇that why you d浇ont want to go浇home? 这就是你不想回家浇的原因吗?68. Im
25、 s浇ure we can get浇you a great / g浇ood deal. 我很肯定我浇们可以帮你做成一笔好交易。69浇. Would you hel浇p me with the r奖eport? 你愿意帮我写报告北吗?70. I didnt北know he was th北e richest perso北n in the world.北我不知道他是世界上最有钱的人。北71. Ill have北to ask my boss/北wife first.我必须先北问一下我的老板/老婆。72.紧I take it you紧dont agree. 这么紧说来,我认为你是不同意。73紧. I t
26、ried losin紧g weight, but n紧othing worked.紧我曾试着减肥,但是毫无效果。紧74. It doesnt紧make any sense紧to get up so ea紧rly.那么早起来没有任何意义脯。75. It took y脯ears of hard wo脯rk to speak goo脯d English. 讲一口流脯利的英语需要多年的刻苦操练。脯76It feels lik脯e spring/ Ive脯been here befor脯e. 感觉好象春天到了/我以前脯来过这里。77I wonde瓣r if they can m瓣ake it. 我在想他
27、们是不瓣是能办得到。78Its瓣not as cold /瓣hot as it was y瓣esterday. 今天不想昨瓣天那么冷/热。79. It瓣s not his work瓣that bothers me瓣; its his atti帮tude. 困扰我的不是他的工帮作,而是他的态度。80. I帮t sounds like y帮ou enjoyed it.帮听起来你好象蛮喜欢的81. I帮t seems to me t帮hat be would li帮ke to go back h帮ome. 我觉得他好象想要回家帮。82. It looks骏very nice. 看起来很骏漂亮。83.
28、 Is every骏thing under con骏trol? 一切都在掌握之中吗骏?84. I thought赌you could do a赌better job. 我以赌为你的表现会更好。85. I赌ts time for us赌to say “No” to赌America. 是我们对美赌国说不的时候了。86. Th赌e show is suppo赌sed to be good.赌这场表演应当是相当好的。8扼7. It really de扼pends on who is扼in charge. 那纯粹扼要看谁负责了。88. It扼involves a lot扼of hard work. 那扼
29、需要很多的辛勤工作。89.扼That might be i扼n your favor. 那扼可能对你有利。90. I d吵idnt realize h吵ow much this me吵ant to you. 我不知吵道这个对你的意义有这么大。9吵1. I didnt mea吵n to offend you吵. 我不是故意冒犯你。92.个I was wonderin个g if you were d个oing anything t个his weekend. 我想个知道这个周末你有什么要做。9个3. May I have y个our attention.,个please? 请大家注意一个下。94.
30、This is饥great golfing /饥swimming/ picn饥ic weather. 这是个饥打高尔夫球/游泳/野餐的好天气饥。 95. Thanks fo饥r taking me the饥movie. 谢谢你带我去看饥电影。96. I am to饥o tired to spea饥k. 我累得说不出活来。97疥. Would you tel疥l me your phone疥number? 你能告诉我你疥的电话号码吗?98. Whe疥re did you lear疥n to speak Engl疥ish? 你从哪里学会说英语的疥呢?99. There is疥a TV show a
31、bout界AIDS on right逼now. 电视正在播放一个关于逼爱滋病的节目。100. Wh逼at do you think逼of his new job逼/ this magazine逼? 你对他的新工作/这本杂志看逼法如何?6. 申逼请加薪范文Im grat层eful for the op层portunity to wo层rk for you and层I enjoy doing s层o. I hope youl层l agree that, i层n the two years层Ive worked fo层r you, Ive bec层ome an integral层member of
32、your紧team and accom紧plished a great紧deal. For exam紧ple, in the las紧t six months al紧one, Ive Li紧st of major acc紧omplishments 紧 However, I觉m still workin觉g for the initi觉al salary on wh觉ich we agreed t觉wo years ago. A觉s I recall, we觉also agreed to觉renegotiate my觉salary in two y觉ears based on m揪y accom
33、plishmen揪ts, and that ti揪me has come. In揪light of my ac揪complishments a揪nd as per our a揪greement, Im r揪espectfully req揪uesting an imme答diate pay rise答of six percent,答to be followed答in six months答by a performanc答e-based pay ris更e of an additio更nal three perce更nt. I strong过ly feel that I过ve earned the
34、 i过mmediate pay ra过ise and Im con过fident that I w过ill also earn t过he six-month ra过ise based on my过performance. B过ut Im willing具to negotiate, a具s per our agree具ment. If you wo具uld like to mee具t to discuss th具is, please let具me know. 具Thanks again fo具r the opportuni具ty. I look forw锄ard to continui锄ng t
35、o be a key锄player on your锄team in a mutua锄lly-rewarding r锄elationship.7.锄面见客户时的实用英语会话场景初: 接机后的次日,Brian荤在公司里,为Johnathan荤介绍自己的老板-Mr. Su荤n。B: Mr. Sun荤, Id like you荤to meet Mr. Joh荤nathan Mitchell荤, sales manager荤for Nortern Re会flections of Ca件nada. (Sun exte件nds hand first;件Sun andMitche件ll shake hands
36、)件Mr. Mitchell,件Mr. Steven Sun,件general manage计r of Apex Tradi计ng.孙先生,让我为你介绍加计拿大Northern Refl计ections的业务经理Jon计athan Mitchell先计生。(孙先生先伸出,两人握手)驾Mitchell先生,这是St递even孙先生,Apex贸易公递司的总经理。S: Its递very nice to fi递nally meet you,递Mr. Mitchell递after somany p幂hone calls and幂faxes. (offers幂his business ca幂rd firs
37、t) Id l幂ike you to have幂my business ca幂rd.多次电话、传真往返之后连,非常高兴终于见到您,Mitc连hell先生(先递出名片),连请收下我的名片。J: Tha连nks very much,连Mr. Sun. Please连accept mine. (镰offers his own铆card) and pleas铆e, call me John铆athan.(both lo铆ok at cards for铆a few seconds,铆then put them铆in wallets-not挺pockets.)谢谢您,孙挺先生。也请收下我的名片(递上自挺己
38、的名片),叫我Johnath挺an就行了。(两个人都看了一下挺对方的名片,放入皮夹而非口袋中挺)B: If you韶dont mind, Joh韶nathan, while y韶ou and Mr. Sun韶get acquainted,韶Id like to ch韶eck the arrange韶mentsfor the m韶eeting.如果你不介意,茫Johnathan在你和孙先生茫互相认识时,我先失陪,看看会议茫安排得如何。J: Your茫e certainly on茫top of things,茫Brian.Brian,一切茫当然在你掌握之中!S:溶(looking at Br溶ia
39、n) Youll fin溶d Mr. Tayler-Br溶ian - is a forc溶e to be reckone溶d with at Apex溶Tradig.(看着Bria溶n)Talyer先生,您会发现溶Brian是Apex贸易公司的溶大将。B: Than唆ks for the vote唆of confidence,唆Mr. Sun. Ill唆be right back.唆(leaves room)羚孙先生,谢谢你的信任票,我马上羚回来。(走出房间)J: H羚e appears to be羚a top-notch yo羚ung man, Mr. Su羚n. Talent and e羚
40、nthusiasm like羚that are hard t羚o find.孙先生,他看破起来是个有为的青年,难找到像他破这样有才干、有热忱的人。S破: Dont I know破it. Hes doing破a great job for破us. And please破, call me Steve破n.我完全同意,他在公司表破现不凡,请叫我Steven就行破了。J: Steven,皖can you tell me皖in a nutshell皖what the retail皖market is like皖in Taiwan?St皖even,你可以简单地告诉我台皖湾零售市场的现况吗?S:皖Well
41、, as per ca绳pita income goe绳s up and up, th绳e growth sector绳seems to be in绳the to-end.唔绳,由于每人的平均收入不断地增高绳,市场的发展领域似乎偏向于高价绳位商品。J: Ret绳ail is going up乞scale here? Tai乞wan is certainl乞y growing more乞quickly than I乞had imagined.乞此地的零售走入高价位了?台湾的乞发展比我想像得要快多了。乞 S: Yes. Thing乞s certainly hav乞e changed since脏I
42、 was a boy. W脏eve developed脏very quickly.脏没错,现在的台湾和我小时候完全脏不一样了,这里发展得非常快速。脏J: Do you thi脏nk the trend wi脏ll continue?你脏想这种趋势还会维持下去吗?乍S: I dont see乍why not. We do乍have some probl乍ems, but we are乍still willing乍to work hard-an乍d wages arent乍too high at thi乍s point.我不觉得有睁什么不行!虽然是有一些问题,但睁我们仍愿意勤奋工作,而且现阶段睁工
43、资仍不算太高。J: E睁verything Ive睁seen so far is睁very impressive睁. Very impressi睁ve indeed.到目前睁为止,我所看到的一切都令我印象睁深刻,真的十分深刻。情境短语旨1. get acquain旨ted (with.)(和旨)认识,熟悉这个常旨用的短语暗示双方从不认识到熟识旨,“get”可换“become旨”。若是短语之后,要加上被认识旨的对象,以介系词“with”连旨接。例:Our boss g虚ot acquainted w虚ith a couple of虚real estate ag虚ents in the gol虚f
44、 Club.(我们老板在高虚尔夫俱乐部里结识了几位做房地产虚的商人。)2. on to虚p of things 完全掌愿握字面的意思是将问题克服,愿高高踩在上面,引申为“控制全局愿”。例:The new m愿anager wasalwa愿ys worried he w愿asnt on top of愿things.新经理一直泽担心自己无法掌握全局。)3泽. (a) force to泽be reckoned wit泽h 值得注意的人物“(a)泽force”,“力量”,可以泽指一个团体、事物或个人;“re泽ckon”在此的意思为“认定”泽。“a force to be袖reckoned with”袖
45、是形容“有成功的条件而值得注意袖的人物、团体”。例:The袖new company wi袖ll be a force t袖o be reckoned w袖ith in the futu袖re.(这家新公司未来值得音大家注意。)4. Don音t I know it. 我音完全同意!当此句型以句点音(.)而非问号结尾时,表示完全音同意对的方意见,为口语用法,强音调的是肯定的含意。意思为”我怎音会不知道!?;我当然明白这一点音!”。例:You say许the discount ra许te is too low?许Dont I know it许!(你说这折扣打得太少?我许完全同意!)5. i许n a
46、nutshell 简言戌之“nutshell”原鹰为“坚果壳”,又指“极小的容器鹰”,故“in a nutshe鹰ll” 这个副词短语的意思是“鹰简言之”。例:Bob t鹰old us in a nut鹰shell what happ鹰ened in the man只agers meeting.只(Bob简略地告诉我们经只理们开会的情形。)6.只growth sector 成只长领域这个经济学上的名词只是指经济成长特别快速的领域,“只sector”是“区域;部门”只的意思。例:The le瘴isure and enter瘴tainment indust瘴ry is a growth瘴secto
47、r in Taiwa瘴n.休闲娱乐业是台湾目前瘴的成长领域。)祝贺信 Con瘴gratulation Let瘴ter1. Dear Mr.蛰/ Ms,On the蛰occasion of the蛰35th anniversa蛰ry of your Nati蛰onal Day, pleas蛰e accept our he蛰artiest congrat蛰ulations. May t瘴he trade connec揖tions between o揖ur countries co揖ntinue to devel揖op with each pa揖ssing day!尊敬揖的先生/小姐,值此国庆三揖十
48、五周年之际,请接受我们最真诚揖的祝贺。愿我们两国之间的贸易联揖系持续发展。2. Dear许Mr. MinisterA许llow me to conv许ey my congratul许ations on your许promotion to Mi许nister of Trade许. I am delighte许d that many yea许rs service you许have given to y药our country sho药uld have been r药ecognized and a药ppreciated.We药wish you succe药ss in your new药post an
49、d look f药orward to close药r cooperation w药ith you in the询development of询trade between o询ur two countrie询s.Sincerely询尊敬的部长先生, 请允询许我向您升任贸易部长表示祝贺。询多年来你对国家的贡献被认可,欣询赏,我非常高兴。我们祝愿您在新询的职位取得成功,期待我们两国在崖贸易发展上进一步合作。芋诚挚的 (回信)D芋ear Mr. / Ms,芋Thank you for芋your letter co芋nveying congrat芋ulations on my芋appointment.
50、I芋wish also to th芋ank you for the则assistance you则have given me则in my work and则look forward to则better coopera则tion in the fut则ure.Sincere则ly尊敬的先生/小姐,绚感谢你来信对我的任命表绚达的祝贺。我也感谢您对我的工作绚给予的支持,并期望未来能有更好绚的合作。今天好些了吗?Feel绚ing better toda绚y?A: Hello, Mr.绚Macmillan.B: H绚i, Susan. How a艺re you feeling艺today?A: Much
51、 b艺etter, thanks.B艺: Glad to hear艺it.今天好些了吗?A:你好,艺麦克米伦先生。B:你好,苏珊。艺今天感觉怎么样?A:好多了,谢仰谢。B:听你这样说,真高兴!好仰久没见Long time no仰see!A: Hi, Jim仰. How are you?仰I havent seen沂you for a while沂.B: Im fine. I沂ve been out of沂town. I just g沂ot back.A: Wher沂e were you?B: I沂was in New Yor沂k for a wedding沂.好久没见A:嗨,吉姆。你好吗沂?好
52、久没见啦。B:我很好。我出沂了趟远门。刚回来。A:你去哪了沂?B:我去纽约参加了个婚礼。见沂到新雇员With a ne沂w employeeA: Hi主there! My name主s Terry Graham主. Youre new ar主ound here, huh?主B: Yes. My name主s Mark Benson.主I just started主a couple of we主eks ago.A: Well绣, if theres an绣ything I can do绣for you, let m眩e know.B: Thank眩s, I appreciate眩that!见到新
53、雇员A:嗨,眩你好。我叫泰利?格雷厄姆。你是眩新来的吧?B:是的。我叫马克?眩本森。我来这才两三个星期。A:竿哦,如果有什么我能帮忙的,请尽竿管开口。B:谢谢。认识新秘书C竿:Oh. I didnt r竿ealize I was ge竿tting an office竿all to myself.竿C:噢,没想到我可以拥有一间私竿人办公室。F:Yes, you竿are. And this计is your secreta计ry, Jane Borrom计eo. She is a Fi计lipina but was计born and brough计t up here and i计s complete
54、ly bi计lingual.F:是的,你可计以。这是你的秘书珍?包罗密。她计是菲律宾人,但在这里出生,长大计,完全能说两种语言。S:Hi.劫How do you do?劫Just holler if劫you need anyth劫ing.S:嗨。你好!如果有任劫何需要,只要叫我一声就可以。C劫:Thanks.(to Buc劫hwald)She is a劫very attractive劫girl.C:谢谢。(对布华调奇说)她是个非常迷人的女孩。F调:And capable, t调oo.F:而且也很能干。C:G调ee, my nameplat调es already on调the desk. Eve
55、ry调thing is so nea调t.C:哇,我的名牌已经放在桌调上了。每件东西都很整齐。F:F扼eel free to dro扼p by my office扼if you have a q扼uestion.F:如果有问题扼,请不要客气,随时到我的办公室扼来。C:Even a sill扼y one?C:即使是一个笨问扼题?F:How do you遁know its silly遁if you havent遁asked?F:你又没问,怎遁么知道会是个笨问题。C:My遁former colleagu遁es told me thre遁e secrets of su遁ccess in foreig遁
56、n-affiliated co遁mpanies. First,逞the ability to逞speak English逞well.C:我以前的同事告诉逞我,要在外商公司成功有三个秘诀逞。第一,良好的英文能力。C:S逞econd, an outgo逞ing and sociabl逞e wife. And thi逞rd, not getting逞involved in of滁fice politics.C记:第二,外向且善于社交的妻子。记第三,不要参与公司的政治斗争。记F:I agree with记the first and t记he last. You ha记ve to be carefu记l
57、 when you step记into the execu记tive jungle and记its best to s缸tay away from o缸ffice politics,缸especially in缸a big organizat缸ion like ours.F缸:我同意第一点和最后一点。当遇缸见激烈的竞争时,必须要小心,最缸好远离公司的政治斗争,特别是在构像我们这么庞大的机构中。F:T构he English abil构ity is helpful构but you already构have a fine co构mmand of it. I构m not so sure a构bout
58、the second构.F:英语能力是很有用的,但你灯的英语已经很好了。对于第二点,灯我不完全肯定。F:I have灯a good idea. W灯hy dont you br灯ing your wife t灯o our place for灯dinner next we灯ek? She can com灯pare notes with灯my wife.F:我有个好胆主意。下星期你带你太太到我家来胆共进晚餐怎么样?她可以和我太太胆交换一下看法。如何称呼对方 胆Every office h胆as its own prot胆ocol for who is胆called by his胆or her fi
59、rst na胆me and who is c淡alled by his or喉her title. New喉employees shou喉ld follow suit,喉after listenin喉g carefully to喉how people are喉addressed.对于男喉女同事的名称或职位的称呼,各个喉公司有不同的规矩。新雇员应该注喉意他们相互如何称呼而效仿。尽If yours is a 尽title office,尽but you call yo熔ur boss Charlie熔when meeting a熔lone, you shoul熔d still call hi熔m
60、Mr. Dodd when熔others are aro熔und.如果您的公司规矩是熔称呼职位,那么在单独会见时,您熔可以直呼老板查理,而有其他人在刃场时,应称其多迪先生。If刃yours is an in刃formal office,刃you still shoul刃d wait for the刃other person to刃say, Please c刃all me Jim, be刃fore doing so,刃if he has been刃introduced to y呢ou as Mr. Culy呢er.如果您的公司比较随呢便,您最好还是等到别人把“库叶呢先生”介绍给您后再如此称呼。在
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