1、光电鼠标改装成扫描仪有没有想过光电鼠标也可以改装成扫描仪?其实这是可能的,光电鼠标里面有个CCD器件,虽然只有16x16 像素,但是移动鼠标时,就可以“扫描”一整片区域。有个国外的DIY狂人就做了这种改装。笔者也想试试这个新奇的想法,就吧鼠标拆了。结果发现不能成功。根本原因:人家用的是Agilent的光电鼠标传感器,但是我用的是OM02的。Agilent那颗有个I2C接口,连几根线到并口上,就可以用I2C接口读出里面的内容。OM02也有I2C接口,不过这个接口只能在test mode下使用,但是芯片资料上没有写出进入test模式的方 法。Front ViewSymbolIODescriptio
2、nTCLKX!XY_LEDRE FAREFBo16noPDRBINVddGHDRQSCAGHDROSCBxg Yi?Y3oX and Y axis quadrature outputsXY_LEDoLED contiol141210RBINLED output contiolROSCAf ROSCBOil chip oscillator frequency controlVdd5.0 voir DC power supplyGNDSystem groundREFA. REFBInternal referencePDIPower down pili, active high9TCLKISeria
3、l port clock for testing modeTIOI/OSerial data br resting mode要是知道怎么进入test mode就可以实现扫描的功能了。Optical mouse camAre you using an optical mouse right now? Ever wanted to see your desktop through the eye on the bottom of it? Me neither, I already know I have to clean my desktop :-)People get bored sometim
4、es, and when I get bored I sometimes open up stuff to find out what makes it tick. One time, I did this with an old optical mouse. Well, a mouse only has 2 chips inside: the optical sensor and a chip for the usb/ps2-interfacing. I looked up the datasheet of the optical sensor (which is an ADNS2610)
5、and it told me the sensor has a tiny 18x18 CCD, which can be read out using the serial port(the one which normallyinterfaces to the PS2/USB-chip).So I start Visual Basic (I usually do my stuff under Linux, but I,m no star at using anything graphical like QT or GTK, so for this quickndirty project I
6、fell back in my old habits) and hack something up using a few wires to the trusty ole parallel port. The result: crisp lo-res b&w imaging :-)As you can see, the mouse was over some text with an e in it.One of the more obvious features of a mouse, however, is that it can detect movement. Combine this
7、 with the just-aquired imaging features, and we havea ghetto b&w handscanner. This is a scanned piece of a receipt:I can understand you can t wait to have such a handy scanner yourself. And now, you can! The software is downloadable here. The software works on mice which use an ADNS-2610 optical sen
8、sor, recognisable by the eight pins, the sun-like mark and the text A2610. I,ve seen this sensor in most cheap optical mice that arent too old. To hook it up, check out the pinout in the datasheeet, then on the PCB cut the traces running from the sensors SCK- and SDIO-pins to the rest of the mouse.
9、Then connect the sensor, using a diode, to a parallel port, like this:pp:adns-2610:25GND12+SDIO51| -+SCKPlug in the USB/PS2-plug (or apply 5V to the Vcc-pin of the sensor), run the software and you should be OK.I got a few questions about whether it would be possible to get the image from the USB or
10、 PS/2-port of the mouse, so you can view the image of an unmodified mouse. The answer is: In theory, it could be possible, if the microcontroller between the port and the sensor-IC supports some kind of pass-through-mode so you can use it to talk directly to the sensor. In practice though, I don,t k
11、now of any chip that supports that kind of mode, so the answer wouldhave to be: Nope, as far as I know, it cant be done.By the way, if you search for datasheets, it seems that Agilent has spun off their optical division to a new company called Avage ( HYPERLINK /pages/home/ /pages/home/).Mails about
12、 thisJoshua Wise mailed me about an optical sensor chip with A2050 on it. Seems the chip is compatible with the A2051, which in itself isnt directly compatible with the ADNS2610, but the basic idea of reading the pixels of the CCD is the same. Joshua created a program for Linux to read out the senso
13、r. Another note: Some mice have the Vcc of the sensor switched by the microcontroller; if you try this hack with such a mouse youll need to connect the Vcc directly to the sensor chip.Carsten Gross mailed me:Hi,Im working on an university project and Im using your webpage as base for my idea to use
14、an optical mouse as motion sensor for a model car.I removed the original optics of the mouse and replaced it with a lens with f=4,6 mm. To check wether the image of the world (as seen by the mouse sensor) is focussed Im using a modified Linux version of the software downloadable on your page: as my
15、mouse has a ADNS-2610 (and not one of the older chips).Please see the attachmentfor a modifiedversionof the softwareby Joshua Wise now running with the ADNS-2610 and Linux.Using the different optics the focus is now near infinity. This way the sensor can be mounted at a safe place in the model car.
16、Perhaps it is necessary to add specles on the floor ;-) The source of the software is downloadable here.He mailed me a second time:Im the meantime we built our own board with the sensor chip here and use it as movement and direction detector.Please see this for the images of the sensor board and the
17、 lens. I connect the synchronousserial port of the ADNS-2610with some simpleglue logic to the SPI interface of the Atmel AT91RM9200. This way I can use the Linux-kernelsand microcontrollershardware support for reading the data from the motion sensor.The lens is adjustable and the focus can be adjust
18、ed to generate a sharp image and the maximum quality value in register 4.EaterOfPies mailed me: This also works with A1610 / ADNS-1610 sensor IC.It appears to bepin compatible but i couldnt find any documentation on it.I have received several questions about using this device as a barcode-scanner. Y
19、es, that would probably be possible, but one would need the right software for that, and Im not interested in writing it. If you think its a goodidea; knock yourself out; the sourcecode of my program is provided in the zip-file :)If you used this information or software in any useful project, I woul
20、dnt mind being mailed about it. One thing: mails containing not much more than It doesnt work here, help! will be deleted.Gnyaneshwar, GSM, India wrote at 1 Jul 2010, 17.30:Hi, I would like to know how get captured the scanned images from optical mouse in to VB. Plz let me know plz send me mail: HYP
21、ERLINK mailto:gnyanu gnyanuDIZA wrote at 19 Jun 2010, 5.29:Hi, its working. i have used LOGITECH: M-BT96a and its running well. thanks to mark_mmjq. i really respect you sir.A.N.other wrote at 4 Jun 2010, 16.46:Ive tried this. Im using a USB optical mouse (microsoft intelimouse), on a laptop running
22、 windows. Im not sure where one of the files should be.GAURAV wrote at 29 Mar 2010, 18.28:hi need some help on spi interface of adns2610 with microcontroller how did u achieve 250ns of hold of LSB address in read cycle plz help my mail address is HYPERLINK mailto:gauravy06 gauravy06Anonymous wrote a
23、t 10 Mar 2010, 5.42:If anyone has a question about the frame rate of that method it is because although the internal image processor has access to the image at 1500 fps the chip was never intended to send that image across the serial line in real operation, that is more or less a debug feature and w
24、hen you request the raw image it doesn,t just store the current image and send it to you, it actually sends you the first pixel of the first image then the second pixel of the next image and so on and so forth. what this means is that its 182 times slower than the actual frame rate which is seen by
25、1500/182 =4.629 repeating which is pretty close to the frame rate you observed. And now that I,ve typed all of that I finally looked up at the post date, oh well maybe someone will find my rantings useful. Im actually thinking about modifying one of these things to mount to the underside of a robot that,ll travel at around 10 fps so I figure if I raise it 12x its designed height and focus it then it,ll work in counts per foo
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