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1、翻译不仅要求真更要求美例一:A thousand moustaches can live together, but not four breasts.千条汉子能相处;两个婆娘不相容。1例二:-What flower does everybody have?-Tulips (=two lips) -人人都有什么花?-泪花。2例三:Some fishing boats were becalmed just in front of us. Their shadows slept, or almost slept, upon that water, a gentle quivering alone

2、showing that it was not complete sleep, or if sleep, that it was sleep with dreams.渔舟三五,横泊眼前,樯影倒映水面,仿佛睡去,偶尔微颤,似未深眠,恍若惊梦。3作业11. Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closet natural equivalent of the source language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.

3、( Eugene, Nida )42. Translation may be defined as follows: The replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent textual material in another language.3. A translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. The style and manner of writing should be the same c

4、haracter as that of the original. A translation should have all the ease of the original composition. (Tytler 1791)5参考译文1:所谓翻译,是在译语中用最切近的自然的对等语再现原语的信息,首先就意义而言,其次就文体而言。参考译文2:翻译可作如下界定:用一种语言的文本材料对等地再现另一种语言的文本材料。参考译文3:译文应完全复写出原作的意思。译文的风格和笔调应与原文的性质相同。译文应和原作同样流畅。6翻译与美学一、音韵美 (music value) 1)The electronic

5、devices are used in computers as switches that simply turn on and off. 7译文1、这些电子器械在计算机中起着开关的作用,只是为了打开和关掉。 2、这些电子器械在计算机中起着开关的作用,只是开开关关而已。 82)Only a very slight and very scattering ripples of half-hearted hand-clapping greeted him. 9译文1、欢迎他的只有轻微的、分散的、三心二意的掌声。 2、欢迎他的只有轻轻的、零零落落的、半心半意的掌声。 10 二、节奏美(rhythm

6、 value)1)One of my friends is lucky enough to be housed in a building constructed in the age of Henry VIII. Almost every other day, groups of tourists will congregate outside his window, peering in curiously, as if he were part of the history. 11译文1、有一位朋友有幸住在一幢亨利八世时代的古老建筑里,隔三差五窗外就有一批指指点点的游客,把他当成古董一并

7、参观了。 2、有一位朋友有幸住在一幢亨利八世时代的古老建筑里,隔三差五,窗外就驻足成批游客,指指点点,把他,连同这古屋,一并当古董参观了。 122)In the doorway, lay at least 12 umbrellas of all sizes and colors. 13译文1、在门口至少放着尺寸不同、颜色各异的12把伞。 2、门口放着一堆雨伞,少说也有12把,五颜六色,大小不一”。 14三、简约美(conciseness value) 1)Any person not putting litter in this basket will be liable to a fine

8、of $5. 15译文1、任何不把凌乱的东西放入这个筐内而任意乱扔的人将处以罚款5美元。2、垃圾不入篮,罚款5美元”。 16 四、丰润美 (full-grownness value)1)Previously, if I had been really interested in a book, I would race from page to page, eager to know what came next. Now, I decide, I had to become a miser with words and stretch every sentence like a poor m

9、an spending his last dollar. 17译文1、以前,假如我对一本书真的有了兴趣,我就会一页一页往下赶,迫切地想知道接下去发生了什么。现在,我决定我对词汇应该变得像小气鬼一样,并且拉长每一句句子,就像一个穷人花费他的最后一美元一样。 2、以前,假如我对一本书真的有了兴趣,就会一页一页的往下赶,迫切地想知道接下去发生了什么。现在,我决定对词汇要像守财奴那样,不轻易放过,也要像穷人过日子,把每个句子,当作身边的最后一块钱,省吃俭用,慢慢花费”。 18五、意境美(artistic conception value)1)Illness brought her a strange

10、restlessness and made her all the more eager to cling to life and squeeze from it the last drop of happiness. It made her envy health, but it also made her sentimental over a leaf that the wind had blown into her room. 19译文1、疾病带给她一种奇怪的烦乱不宁,使她更加迫切地抓住人生,从中挤出最后一滴幸福。疾病还使她羡慕健康,可是,也同样使她看见一片被风吹进房间的树叶而感伤。 2

11、、这种病使她特别敏感不安,她越发急切于抓住人生不放,似乎是要把人生的甜蜜幸福挤到最后的一滴而后已。这病使她多么羡慕人家的健康,也使她多愁善感,见一叶飘零,随风入室,便愁绪满怀,无以自解 。20 六、口吻美(tone value) A thousand moustaches can live together, but not four breasts.21 七、形象美 (image value) 1)The magic spades of archaeology have given us the whole lost world of Egypt 22译文1、考古学家们的工作让我们了解整个古

12、埃及的情况。 2、考古学家手中的魔铲为我们重现了古埃及失落的世界”。 232)My Heynes Tibullus was grasped at such a moment. It lay on the stall of the old bookshop in Goodge Street a stall where now and then one found an excellent thing among quantities of rubbish. 24译文1、我的那本海涅编写的狄巴拉斯诗选就是在这样的情况下得到手的。它躺在古畿大街一家旧书屋的书摊上,你在这个书店可以时不时地在大量的垃圾

13、货中找到绝妙的东西。 2、我的那本海涅编写的狄巴拉斯诗选就是在这样的情况下得到手的。它躺在古畿大街一家旧书屋的书摊上,这家书屋是一个可以沙里淘金的去处 。25 八、整饬美(parallelism value)1)They are aware that there is a difference between being loving and acting loving, between being stupid and acting stupid, between being knowledgeable and acting knowledgeable. (2002年TEM8英译汉) 26译

14、文1、他们清楚地知道可爱和假装可爱,愚蠢和大智若愚,知识渊博和假装博学间是有区别的。2、他们明白,爱与装爱、傻与装傻、博学和装博学之间的区别。 272) It begins when a feeling of stillness creeps into my consciousness. Everything has suddenly gone quiet. Birds do not chirp. Leaves do not rustle. Insects do not sing. 28译文1、起初,有一种平静的感觉悄然袭上我的心头。刹那间,万物都沉寂无声。鸟儿不再啁啾,树叶不再沙沙作响,昆虫

15、也停止了欢唱。 2、起初,有一种平静的感觉悄然爬上我的心头。世间万物,顿时沉寂。鸟儿不再啁啾,树叶不再婆娑,昆虫不再吟唱。 29 九、朦胧美(mistiness value)1) Aside from damaging the islands international image, Liao said the skimpily clad women caused car accidents and spurred juvenile crime. He said they attracted the attention of teenagers who got into fights, eve

16、n though sex isnt generally on offer. 30译文1、除了有损此岛的国际形象之外,廖说,这些穿“三点式”服装的女子常诱发小轿车的交通事故,导致少年犯罪。他说,这些女子对十几岁的青少年颇具诱惑力,而常引起斗殴,即使这些女子通常不出卖其肉体。 2、除了有损此岛的国际形象之外,廖说,这些穿着暴露的女子常诱发交通事故,他说,这些女子对十几岁的青少年颇具诱惑力,而常引起斗殴,即使这些女子通常不从事色情交易 31十、创造美(creativity value) 1)If my mother had known of it, shed have died a second t

17、ime. 32译文1、如果我母亲知道这事,她一定会气得死第二次的。 2、假如我的母亲知道这件事情,她一定会气得从棺材里面跳出来”。 332)为女民兵题照(毛泽东)飒爽英姿五尺枪,曙光初照演兵场。中华儿女多奇志,不爱红装爱武装。34Militia Women -Inscription on a PhotoSo bright and brave, with rifles five feet long,At early dawn they shine on a drilling place.Most Chinese daughters have desire so strong,To face th

18、e powder and not to powder the face.353)When I was as young as you are now, towering in confidence of twenty- one, little did I suspect that I should be at forty-nine, what I now am. 36译文1、我在你这个年纪,二十出头,充满自信,意气风发,哪里会想到49岁今天的我呢?2、我在你这个年纪,二十出头,小荷尖尖,意气风发,哪里会想到49岁今天的我呢? 37我有你这么年轻的时候,二十一岁,壮志凌云,半点没有想到,四十九岁,这个年龄的样子。38作业2翻译下列材料,注意划线部分1. The best friend a man has in this world may turn against him and become his enemy. His son or daughter whom he has reared with loving care m


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