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1、七上仁爱版英语Unit 4 Topic 3 We want to go to the zoo Section A 教学设计The main activities are 1a and 3a. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 3a;. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. 1Learn some words about animals: panda, monkey, lion, tiger, elephant 2Learn other useful words: zoo, past, quarter, half, show 2. Learn how to make app

2、ointments: 1Do you have time tomorrowYes.2Let s meet at 9 o clock at my home.OK.3. Talk about time:What time is it, please/Whats the time, pleaseIts one oclock./It s five past one. Teaching aids 教具 图片 / 课件 /小黑板 /录音机 /塑料锤 / 钟表 . Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 时间 :8 分钟 1. 1检查同学上节

3、课作业的完成情形; T: Hello, boys and girls. Did you do the homework Who can tell us the answers The first one will get two points.老师总结同学上节课归纳的关于邀请、应答及打电话用语,并板书; Would you like to How about /What about Yes, I d love to./I d like to./I d like that.That would be very nice.I d like that, but I m afraid I have n

4、o time.I m sorry I cant. I have no time.Hello.Hello. May I speak to Yes, this is . Whos this This is .He/She isnt at home/in now.2老师要求同学用黑板上的这些句子自由交谈;复习邀请、应答及打电话用语; Example:S1: Hello.S2: Hello. May I speak to S 1 S1: This is S1. Whos this S2: Hi, S1. This is S2. Are you free tomorrow S1: Yes. Whats

5、up S2: Would you like to go shopping with me S1: Yes, Id love to. What would you like to buy S2: How about buying some drinks S1: Good idea. See you tomorrow.S2: See you.2. 复习所学关于动物的名称; T: Now let s go over the names of animals. Who can remember 老师拿出一些动物的图片,第一展现一张猫的图片,然后一一展现其他动物的图片让学 生明白老师的意思;Ss: Ca

6、t.S3: Dog.S4: Rabbit.S5: Mouse.S6: Fish.在同学回答的同时,老师板书这些单词;cat, dog, rabbit, mouse, fishStep 2 Presentation 其次步 出现 时间 :13 分钟 1. 老师利用课件展现一幅动物园的图片,动物园中有很多种动物; T: Hi, boys and girls. Now, we learn some names of animals. Let s look at this picture. What can you see in the picture 同学说不出动物的名称,老师帮忙同学回答; T:

7、We can see pandas, monkeys, lions, tigers and elephants. 老师边介绍边写出这些动物的名称;T: Where can we see them Ss:In the zoo, panda, monkey, lion, tiger, elephant/ / / / / /老师勉励同学依据音标读单词;T: Can you read these words Who can read correctly Please have a try.老师可叫几位同学试读这些单词;2. 1老师挂出小黑板,让同学听1a 录音,并回答疑题;T: Now let s l

8、isten to the tape and answer these questions on the small blackboard.Where would Michael and Kangkang like to go How many kinds of animals are there in the dialog What are theyDo they want to meet at 9 o clock2先让同学相互争论,并给出答案,老师最终核对;肯定要让同学在黑板上写句子,培 养整句意识; 参考答案如下:They would like to go to the zoo.There

9、 are five kinds of animals .They are pandas, monkeys, lions, tigers and elephants.Yes, they do.3. 让同学挑出本段对话的关键词,挑出一个给 1 分,为下一步同学不看书自由表演打下基础;T: OK, just now we heard the dialog and watched the picture. Now, please find out the key words of the dialog. If you find one, you can get one point. OK, lets

10、begin. The faster, the better.老师板书关键词;have time go to the zooMichael see pandasKangkangsee monkeys, lions, tigers and elephantsmeet at 9 o clockStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 时间 :5 分钟 1. 老师再次放 1a 录音,让同学跟读,并留意重读和语调;2. 同学两人一组不看书,只看黑板上的关键词表演对话,完成 1b;T: Look at the blackboard and act out the dialog. Pair w

11、ork.3. 听关于动物的描述,完成2;练习 时间 :13 分钟 Step 4 Practice 第四步1. 复习数词 1-59,全班同学玩数字接龙嬉戏,逢6,16,26 击掌而过,出错者出局;T: Now. Lets play a number game. All of you count from 1 to 59. If you meet 6, 16, 26 , you should clap your hands. If you are wrong, you cant go on playing games. Are you clear Go.2. 1由上步复习导入本课的新词句;老师手举

12、一座钟;T: What s thisSs: “ 钟”T: Oh. It s a clock.多说几次; Ss: It is a clock.同学跟老师说;T: What time is it板书 What time is it把钟拨到六点;Ss: It is six.同学不能回答时,老师帮忙;T: Yes. It is six o clock.多说几次,同学跟着说;板书 oclock老师把钟拨到 6:20;T: What time is itSs: Its six twenty.T: Yes. How clever you are. We can also answer “ Its twent

13、y past six. ”板书 past 老师把钟拨到 8:50 T: What s the time, please 板书 What s the time, please同学可能有点意外,怎么变成了What s the time 老师借此解说;T: We can also ask“ What s the time ”Ss: Oh. It s eight fifty.T: Another way Ss: It is fifty past eight.同学可能这样回答; T: Oh, I m afraid you are wrong. We should say “ It is ten to n

14、ine. ”板书 t o 老师解说表示时间 to 与 past 的用法, to 意为“ 差” , past 意为“ 过” ; 老师将时钟拨到 7:15,学习 quarter ; T: What s the time, please Ss: It is seven fifteen.T: Yes, we can also answer“ It is fifteen past seven. ” or“ It is a quarter past seven. ”板书 quarter 老师将时间拨到 12:30 ,学习 half; T: What s the time Ss: It is twelve

15、thirty.T: Yes. We can also answer“ It is half past twelve. ”板书 half 板书设计 What time is it What s the timeIts six oclock.oclock3-5 遍,听 3a 录音,完成3a;Its twenty past six.pastIts ten to nine.toIts a quarter past seven.quarterIts half past twelve.half老师归纳讲解时间表达法,然后叫同学读黑板上的词句2两人一组练习3b;T: Boys and girls, you

16、know how to say the time. Look at the poster of the zoo. Practice with your partner after the example and finish 3b.Example: A: What can we see at 11 o clock B: We can see Tiger Show at 11 oclock.板书 show同学完成后核对答案;Project 第五步综合探究活动 时间 :6 分钟 Step 5 1. 做嬉戏;一个同学表演一个典型动作,班上其他同学猜该同学仿照的是什么动物,最先 猜对者得 1 分; T

17、: Now let s play a game again. One student performs actions or makes sounds. The others guess what animals he/she imitates. The student who guesses first and correctly will get one point. Now who can try first S1: Let me have a try.2. 做打时间嬉戏;老师在黑板上写十个左右的时间,黑板前站着两到三名同学,手持塑料 锤,台下一位同学读出黑板上的时间,看台上哪位同学最先

18、敲到这个时间,谁先打中得 1分,打错者退出嬉戏;T: Lets play a new game called“ hit the time. ” There are some“ time ” on the blackboard. One student reads the time. The students in front of the blackboard hit the“ time ” , then the student who hits the right “time ” first gets one point. The student who hits the wrong“ ti

19、me ” will go down. Do you understand5:09 3:10 4:15 5:58 6:30 11:50 8:00 3:29 6:31 12:013. Homework: 1假期里跟随父母逛动物园,巩固动物的名词和句型;2找一个小钟表,练习如何正确表达时间;板书设计:We want to go to the zoo. Section ASome words about animals: oclock, past, to, quarter,panda, monkey, lion, tiger, halfelephant useful expressions:other

20、s: show What time is it=What s the timeIts Section B 教学设计The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 2a;. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some useful words and expressions:clever, animal, It s time to , go home, next, next time, get, get up, have breakfast2. Talk about preference:What are

21、 your favorite animals, JaneElephants.3. Talk about time and daily activities:Excuse me, what time is it, pleaseIts a quarter past six.Its time to get up. Teaching aids 教具 图片 / 录音机 /小黑板 . Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步复习 时间 :7 分钟 1. 通过快速地出现动物图片,对同学进行头脑风暴式训练,让同学在紧急而开心的气氛中 复习所学过的动物名

22、称;T: Hello, boys and girls. Do you like animals Ss: Yes.板书 animals 老师举起手中全部的图片; T: Are they nice Ss: Yes, they are.T: Do you know their names Ss: Yes, we do.T: OK. I ll show you the pictures one by one. You must tell me the names of the animals in two seconds. Do you understand Ss: Yes.T: OK, let s

23、begin. Are you ready Go.老师快速抽出一张图片; T: What s this in English Ss: Its a panda.动物单词如下: panda, monkey, lion, tiger, elephant, cat, dog, rabbit T: Well done. You are very clever. 板书 clever favorite animal ; 2. 通过复习动物的名称,进而引出 T: What are your favorite animals S3: My favorite animals are cats.S4: My favo

24、rite animals are dogs.T: Now, the next, S 5, what are your favorite animals 板书 next next time S5: My favorite animals are elephants.T: Yes, youre right. You can also say“ Elephants are my favorite. ”Step 2 Presentation 其次步出现 时间 :8 分钟 1. 听 1a 录音;老师出示小黑板,同学结合问题,尽力猎取有效信息; 1Who is at Kangkang s home 2Wh

25、at time is it 3Where do they want to go 4How many kinds of animals are there in the dialog 5What are they 6What are Jane s favourite animals 7Why does she like them假如同学听完录音后不能完成问题,再让同学自己朗读 句子,培育整句意识;老师核对答案;1a,完成问题;肯定要让同学写2. 让同学挑出本段对话的关键词,挑出一个给 1 分,为下一步同学不看书自由表演打下基 础; T: OK, just now we listened to t

26、he dialog and watched the pictures. You must know the meaning of the dialog. Please find out the key words of the dialog. If you find one, you can get one point. OK, let s begin. The faster, the better.老师板书关键词; favorite animals Kangkangmonkeysso clever Michael pandas cute Janeelephants so kind, have

27、 long noses Maria tigers very strongStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 时间 :10 分钟 1. 同学四人一组不看书,只看黑板上的关键词,表演 1a; 2. 依据 1a,完成 1b; 3. 仿照 1a,四人一组表演一个相像的对话,完成 1c; T: Well done, boys and girls. Now let s read 1a again and put on a similar short paly.先让同学四人一组预备,后叫2-3 组同学上台前表演;Example: At Xiao Min gs home Xiao Ming

28、: What time is it Xiao Gang: It s 10 o clock.Xiao Ming: Are we all here Xiao Wu and Xiao Dan: Yes, we are.Xiao Ming: Let s go.On the farm Xiao Ming: Look at those pigs. They are so fat. I like them very much.Xiao Gang: I like dogs. They can look after houses and they are clever. What are your favori

29、te animals, Xiao Wu Xiao Wu: I like rabbits. They re so kind and they have red eyes. What about you, Xiao Dan Xiao Dan: Cats. They are very cute.Xiao Wu: Oh, what s the time now Xiao Gang: Mmm. It s a quarter to twelve. It s time to go home.Xiao Wu: Yes. We have to go now.All: Goodbye, animal friend

30、s. See you next time.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 时间 :13 分钟 1. 出示 2a 图片,复习旧词组,导入学习新词组;板书 get uphave breakfast2. 两人一组,练习时间的正确表达方法;S1: What time is itS2: It s a quarter past six.3.仿照 2a 例子,结合每幅图画中的动词短语,练习句型 It s time to ;S3: It s time to get up.S4: It s time to have breakfast.S5: It s time to go to Kangkang

31、 s home.S6: It s time to go to the zoo.S7: It s time to watch animals.S8: It s time to go home.4.结合 2a;完成 2b;同学可适当发挥想象力;5.老师播放 3 录音,同学完成表格,师生核对答案;Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 时间 :7 分钟 1. “ 人体钟” 嬉戏复习时间表达法,巩固本节课所学的日常活动;1测测灵敏度; 老师先选几个理想者当“ 人体钟” ;主持人发言后,看同学们谁最先举手谁就说出一个日常活动名称;如:get up ,“ 人体钟” 依据指令做出反应,一边做出“

32、 起床” 的时间,一边说出大致时间,如“seven oclock” 如说的和做的相符,说明“ 钟” 的灵敏度高,奖励 1 分;如不符,回座位换另一个“ 人体钟” ;T: Hello, boys and girls, let s play a game to review how to express time and consolidate the daily activities that we learn today. Are you readySs: Yes, we are. Yeah.T: First, all of you should try to get the chance b

33、y putting up your hands quickly. Second, the student who wins the chance says a daily activity. Third, the “ Body clock” acts out the time according to the activity and says the point of time at the same time. If the time that the“ Body clock” acts out is right. He/she will get one point. If he/she

34、acts wrongly, he must go back and we will change another “ Body clock” . Do you understand老师要边说边示范讲解,以便同学完全明白嬉戏的要领;2老师总结,夸奖优秀,勉励后进;2. Homework:拓展写作;依据2a,结合自己一天的日常活动,写一篇60 个词左右的小短文,发挥自己的想象力;板书设计:We want to go to the zoo.Section B Key words: Useful expressions: animal, next go home, next time, clever,

35、 cute, kind, strong get up, have breakfast Its time to Section C 教学设计The main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是 .Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1a;1. Learn some useful words and expressions:way, on one s way home, wrong, meat 2. Talk about worries and thanks: 1What s wrong with you, Baby Monkey 2I can t find m

36、y way home.3It s very kind of you.4Thank you for your help, Kangkang. Teaching aids 教具 小黑板 / 钟/ 录音机 /谜语词条 /课件 . Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步复习 时间 :10 分钟 1. 老师挂出有一首歌词的小黑板,并教唱这首歌;一是可以活跃课堂气氛,二是可以复习 It s time to do sth. 这个句型; T: Good morning, boys and girls. Are you happy today Ss:

37、Yes.T: First, Ill teach you a song. The name is “It s time to go to school. ” Do you want to learn Ss: Yes, we do.歌词如下: It s time to go to school. Its time to go to school. Jane, put your shoes on, it s time to go to school.It s time to go home. Its time to go home. Jane, put your bag away, it s tim

38、e to go home.It s time to go to bed. It s time to go to bed, Jane, take your shoes off, it s time to go to bed.老师说明歌词大意; 老师教唱两遍;2. 老师拿出一座钟,引导同学复习时间和日常活动; T: Is it nice Now, let s look at the clock. Please tell me the time and say what we usually do at that time. Do you understand Ss:Yes.老师把钟拨到 6:50;

39、 T: What time is it Ss:It s six fifty./It s ten to seven.T: What do you usually do S1: I usually get up.T: Yes, its time to get up.12:00; 老师把钟拨到 T: What s the time, please Ss: Its twelve o clock.T: What do you usually do S2: I usually have lunch.T: Yes, its time to have lunch.老师再拨几个时刻,让同学两人一组进行问答; T

40、: Now look at the clock. Ask and answer in pairs.3. 同学两人一组谈论自己宠爱的动物,并说出宠爱的理由;T: Hi, boys and girls, we talked about time just now. Now, let pairs and ask:“ What are your favorite animals ” and“叫两组同学上台前表演; Example: S2: S3, what are your favorite animals S3: Tigers.S2: Why do you like them S3: Because

41、 they are very strong. How about you s talk about animals. Work in Why do you like them ”S2: My favorite animals are pandas, because they are very cute.4. 由复习前面的学问,导入本课的新词句; T: You do very well. We know that Kangkang and his friends went to the zoo. Do you remember what animals Kangkang likes best S

42、s: Monkeys.T: Yeah, monkeys are very clever. What do monkeys like eating Ss: They like eating bananas.T: Yeah, youre clever. Are you brave 翻译成“ 英勇的” 老师问一位女同学; S4: Yes, I am.T: If you can t find your way home, do you cry 老师用动作让同学明白意思; 板书 way S4: Yes, I do.T: Ha-ha.Step 2 Presentation 其次步 出现 时间 :8 分钟

43、1. 老师提几个问题,让同学回答以明确课文大意,出现活动场景; T: Now please look at the text. What can you see Ss: I can see Kangkang and some animals.T: What animals can you seeSs: Some monkeys, a tiger and a lion.T: Oh. How careful.2. 让同学听 1a 录音,出现目标语言;T: Lets listen to the tape and answer the question.板书 What s wrong with Bab

44、y Monkeywrong老师核对答案;3. 由同学整理出本段文章的关键词,每找对一个嘉奖 1 分; T: Now let s find out the key words of the passage. If you find one word, you can get one point.老师板书关键词;What s wrong cant find my way home Dont worry not my houseMr. TigersMr. Lion herekindStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 时间 :8 分钟 1. 明确题意 , 完成是非判定题,最终师生核

45、对答案,完成 1b ;T: Now let s look at the exercises on Page 98. Mark T for True or F for False. For example, look at the first question. Baby Monkey can t find his way home, what will you markSs:T.T: Yes. Please read the passage again and finish the exercises.2. 看其次步出现在黑板上的关键词,五人一组表演 1a,完成 1c;T: Look at t

46、he key words on the blackboard and act out the dialog in groups of five.叫两到三组上台表演;同学互评,看哪个组表演得最好;3. 让同学帮忙以下动物找到食物,完成 2;师生核对答案;Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 时间 :12 分钟 1. 猜谜语嬉戏;老师预备一些谜语,让同学猜是什么动物,最先猜准者得 1 分,训练同学的听力和懂得才能;T: Now let s do some riddles. Please guess what animals they are according to my descript

47、ions. Ready Go.参考谜语如下:1It s a very cute animal. It can fly. Some of them even can speak English or Chinese. It usually lives in trees. a bird2It s a very big animal. Its nose is very long. It is very strong and it can help people do much heavy work.an elephant3It is very cute. It often helps people

48、and lives with us. It eats mice. a cat如觉得不够,老师可适当补充,老师在黑板上写出land ,sky,water 这三个单词,让学生小组争论,然后各组出一名同学写出一种类型动物;2. 完成 3;1明确题意,为同学的写作水平提高打下基础;T: Good job. Boys and girls, now let s do some written work. Each of you must write a passage to describe your favorite animal. Then talk with your partner and let

49、 him/her guess what the animal is. Do you understand 老师作说明; Ss: Yes.T: OK. Lets begin.2同学完成描写后,给你的伙伴口头描述一遍,猜对方最宠爱什么动物,猜对了举手 示意,没有猜对的让全班同学来猜,答对了全班鼓掌,放松心情;Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 时间 :7 分钟 1. 假如你在放学回家途中遇到一位迷路的小女孩,然后你帮忙她查找家,在查找途中你们 遇到了小女孩的邻居杨阿姨,最终小女孩找到了家;依据这些提示,写一篇与课文 1a 类 似的对话; T: Suppose you meet a

50、girl on your way home, and she can help her look for her home. On the way, you meet the girlt find her way home. Then you s neighbour 邻居 Aunt Yang. At last, you find her home, please write a similar dialog according to 1a.Example: 假设你叫雷飞; Lei Fei meets the girl on his way home. Lei: Whats wrong with

51、 you Girl: I can find my way home.Lei: Don t worry. Let me help you.Girl: Thank you.Lei: Whose home is this Girl: I don t know. It s not my home.Lei: Is this your home Girl: No, it isn t.They meet Aunt Yang. Aunt Yang:Oh, , why are you here Girl: I cant find my way home.Lei: Excuse me, Aunt Yang, wh

52、eres her home Aunt Yang: It s over there, the white house. Lei: Over there Oh, thank you.They find the girl s home. Lei: Here we are. This is your home.Girl s mother: Oh, my dear daughter.Girl: Oh, Mom.Girl s mother: It s very kind of you. What s your nameLei: Im Lei Fei.Girl s mother: Thank you for

53、 your help.Lei Fei: Not at all. Goodbye.Girl s mother: Bye.在检查了同学写的情形后,老师可用课件展现范文;2. Homework: 12022 年奥运会刚刚终止,很多外国游客意犹未尽,他她 们仍想在中国玩上几天;假如 有一天,一名英国游客在大街上迷了路;请结合本课题 1a 的内容,能否帮他 她找到他 她 的住处2背诵本课的目标语言;板书设计:We want to go to the zoo. Section CWhat s wrong What s wrong with cant find on my way home Don t wo

54、rry. s Mr. Lion here kindSection D 教学设计The main activities are 1 and 5. 本课重点活动是 1 和 5;. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn the phonetics: / /, /e /, / /, / 2. Review how to talk about the point of time: 1 Whats the time, please It s one oclock.2 Excuse me, what time is it, please It s a quarter

55、past one.It s one fifteen.3. Review some useful expressions: 1 It s time to go home.2 See you next time.3 Kangkang meets Baby Monkey on his way home.4 What s wrong with you, Baby Monkey I can t find my way home.5 Here we are.6 It s very kind of you.7 Thank you for your help, Kangkang. Teaching aids

56、教具橡皮骰子 /音标卡片 /词条 / 录音机 / 小黑板 . Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 时间 :10 分钟 1.表演对话;复习时间表达法及日常活动; 1让同学看黑板上的时间,组成一个含有时间及日常活动的对话; T: Good morning, boys and girls. Let s begin our lesson. First, I ll write some“ point of time ” on the blackboard, then you make up a conversation about t

57、he time and your daily activities. Do you understand OK. Let s begin.6:50 7:10 7:40 12:00 4:00. 6:00. 8:15.S1: What s the time S2: It s ten to seven.S1: It s time to get up.老师说明 .的意思; 2 老师将日常活动的短语写在黑板上,然后让同学表演对话; 板书 get up have breakfast go to school have lunch go home have supper watch TV短语仅供参考 板书是

58、为了让同学把握这些短语,会说会写会运用; 2.丢骰子嬉戏,老师课前预备好六面都写有字母的橡皮骰子,同学掷骰子看那面是什么字 母,然后说出以这个字母开头的动物名称,并描述这个动物的特点;T: Just now we reviewed the time. Now lets play a game. I have a dice 骰子 in my hand. On each side there is a letter, you throw the dice and see what the letter is. Then say an animals name which begins with t

59、his letter and describe the will try Please begin.如同学不懂,可说明;T: For example, you throw the dice and the letter is “ E” , you can say “ elephant ” . Then you say: It s very strong. It has a long nose. It can help people do much heavy work.通过这个嬉戏,既可以帮忙同学复习本单元关于动物的单词,又可以培育同学口头表达才能; 老师在设计骰子时,肯定要设计同学已学过的动

60、物名称的词;Step 2 Presentation 其次步 出现 时间 :5 分钟 1. 1老师将 1 的例词写在小黑板上,让同学读出单词,并留意画线部分字母组合的发音;ear dear ideathere chair pearsure tour poor boy toy coin 2通过读单词来归类;老师出现音标卡片; / / / /3听录音,让同学跟读;巩固 时间 :10 分钟 Step 3 Consolidation 第三步1. 小组活动;把全班同学分成四组;为上述音标补充单词,每一组同学就某个音标补充单词;补充一个单词,该组加1 分;如该组全体同学再也没有补充,可让其他组同学补充,每补


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