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1、山西省应县第一中学校(朔州外国语学校)2019-2020学年高一英语上学期第四次月考试题PAGE PAGE - 32 -山西省应县第一中学校(朔州外国语学校)2019-2020学年高一英语上学期第四次月考试题时间:120分钟 满分:150分 第卷(选择题,共 100分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。What happened to the woman?A. Her house was

2、 broken into. B. She was robbed of the money. C. She was called by the police.How is the womans test score?Very high B. Quite low C. As expectedWho is Shirley?The woman. B. The mans kid C. A turtleWhere does the conversation probably take place?In a shop. B. In a hotel. C. In a hospitalWhat is the m

3、ans father doing?He is waiting outside. B. He is parking the car. C. He is talking to the woman第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6和第7两个小题。Why did the teacher call the woman?Because Michael fought

4、 with others. B. Because Michael failed the exams C. Because Michael didnt finish his homework.What will the man do?Talk to the teacherB. Talk to Michael C. Beat Michael听第7段材料,回答第8和第9两个小题。What do the kids want?They want a dog. B. They want more toys. C. They want cakes.What is the probable relations

5、hip between the two speakers?Mother and son. B. Doctor and patient. C. Husband and wife.听第8段材料,回答第10至第12三个小题。Who will the man meet at 11:00 a.m.?The woman B. Mr. Thompson C. Mr. Li.Why cant the man attend the press conference(记者招待会)?He has an urgent conference. B. He has to prepare a marketing repor

6、t. C. He has a lunch appointment with Mr. Li. When will the marketing report be ready?In the afternoon B. By tomorrow morning . C. In the evening.听第9段材料,回答第13至第16四个小题。 Where does the man want to have his breakfast?In his room. B. In the cafeteria. C. In his office.How should the man order his breakf

7、ast?By turning the doorknob. Through the internet.By dialing 1 to call the room service.What should the man do with the dishes when he finishes eating?Put them back B. Leave them outside his room C. Leave them in his room Where does the conversation probably take place?In a shop B. In a restaurant C

8、. In a hotel听第10段材料,回答第17至第20四个小题。How old was Elvis Presley when he passed away(去世)?35 years old. B. 42 years old C. 77 years old When did he begin to sing ?Two years old. B. Eight years old C. Eleven years oldWhat present did he give at the age of 17 for his mothers birthday?A bicycle B. A guitar C

9、 . His first record.What has his house he once lived in been turned into now?A meeting room B. A concert hall C. A museum.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从题中所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。A The Teen Summer Reading Program runs from June 21st through August 30th, 2019 and is for s

10、tudents going into grades 6-12. But we dont want you just to read all summer! Once you register(登记) for the program, you can check out this page to find interesting activities that you can do.Cooking Rocks!June 28th at 3:00 p.m. Waffles(华夫饼) arent just for breakfast any more! Come experiment with us

11、 as we try out different dishes to see if theyll work in a waffle iron(烤馍). Brownies? Cookie dough? Mac and cheese? Pizza? The possibilities are endless! Well supply the foods and the waffle irons.Art rocks!July 12th at 3:00 p.m. Painting parities are very popular and artist Brigette Roy will walk u

12、s through the steps to create an 1114 music-related masterpiece(杰作) to take home with you! All things needed are supplied.Music rocks!July 19th at 3:00 p.m. A race unlike any youve done before! Follow the words of a song and answer a couple of musical questions in this scavenger hunt(寻宝游戏) that lead

13、s throughout the library grounds and downtown Portland.Friendship rocks!July 27th from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. This yearly event is always one of our most popular events of the year! While information about this national event is always TOP SECRET, we promise the night will be full of food, special games

14、 and lots of laughs! You need to register for this program, as early as possible, because it will fill up!What can students do in Art Rocks?Create a painting B. Join a paining club.C. Talk with famous artists. D. Take part in a painting raceWhich activity requires early registration?Art Rocks! B. Mu

15、sic Rocks! C. Cooking Rocks! D. Friendship Rocks!Where does this text probably come from?An art review B. A news report C. A holiday plan D. A program introduction B In an attempt to win back old customers, restaurants and companies often introduce new menu items or new flavors(口味). Most of these ar

16、e successful with customers because they have always been researched and tested by companies before they meet the public. However, there are still some that are so unpopular with customers and they fail so badly as a product that they become infamous(臭名昭著的). One of the most well-known marketing fail

17、ures happened in 1985 with New Coke, a soft drink created to replace (替换) the old Coca-Cola flavor. The Coca-Cola Company tested several new flavors and found that people always preferred a sweeter soda. As a result, the CEO decided that the sweeter soda would replace the old Coca-Cola drink. Many c

18、ustomers, however, soon started to express their dissatisfaction with the new drink. The Coca-Cola Company received over 1500 angry telephone calls every day. The Coca-Cola Company actually employed special experts to talk to customers because they were so angry and sad about the change. Some Americ

19、ans were buying old Coca-Cola drinks from overseas where the new drink had not yet been introduced. And in some parts of America people were so angry that they emptied bottles of New Coke into the street. So many people were unhappy with Coca-Colas new drink that the company decided only three month

20、s later to return to the old Coca-Cola drink. On July 10,1985, the Coca-Cola Company said that it would bring back the old Coke and rename the drink “Coca-Cola Classic” or “Coke Classic”. Thousands of customers phoned the company to express their support. Even today, business experts are interested

21、in the case. Even though the Coca-Cola Company had carefully tested and experimented with New Coke before introducing it to customers, the New drink was still very unpopular. So, what did Coca-Cola do wrong? It seems the company simply did not understand customers deep historical and emotional attac

22、hment(情感依恋) to the drink. 24. Why do companies usually introduce new menu items?To attract new customers.To attract elderly customers.To attract past customers.To attract customers with special needs.25.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?How customers acted in answer to the introduction of New Coke. B

23、. The comparison between sales of New Coke and the old one.C. The harm New Coke did to people health D. Why New Coke failed in America.26. When was New Coke put on the market?In April 1985. B. In May 1985. C. In June 1985. D. In July 1985.27. What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that

24、 follows?The reasons why New Coke succeeded overseas. B. The history of the Coca-Cola Company in the 1990s.C. The difference between New Coke and Coke Classic. D. The importance of peoples feelings about old products. C Alcohol abuse(酗酒) among teens is a common problem across the world, but in Denma

25、rk, it is a huge one. Danish teens between the ages of 15 to 17 are the heaviest drinkers for their age in Europe according to a recent ESPAD(European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs) report. To deal with the problem, the Danish government has turned to virtual reality (VR) (虚拟现实) t

26、o help educate teenagers on how to party properly and give them a better understanding of how alcohol affects people, all through VR roleplaying. The VR experience is very realistic. Youll find yourself going to a teen party with friends, surrounded (环绕) by people dancing,laughing and drinking. Youl

27、l have friends come to you and offer you beer which you can accept or decline simply by looking through the choices and choosing one. Declining isnt that easy, however, since your VR friends will use peer pressure(同辈压力) to talk you into drinking one, two, three, or more as the VR experience continue

28、s. Throughout the experience a screen in your VR headset shows your virtual blood-alcohol level rising after every beer you accept. The more you drink, the more difficult it becomes to see clearly. The VR experience can last up to 15 minutes if you make the right choices, but as you would guess, its

29、 shorter if you accept too many drinks. You can even black out in the VR experience, where the screen goes black. Christiane Stock, Lead researcher for Denmarks VR project, notes how powerful roleplaying can be as an education tool for young people, saying,” we will simulate(模拟) a party situation. T

30、he user of this tool can say yes to a drink, or no, and explore what happens next.” The 240,000 project will be tested on Danish schools before being put on the world market in app stores later this year.28. What did the ESPAD find?Teen alcohol abuse has become a world problem.Danish teen drink more

31、 than other European teensEuropean teens are at high risk of developing alcohol abuse.Teens of 15-17 years old are more likely to drink than other teens.29. What do we know about the roleplaying mentioned in the text?It lasts for 15 minutes. B. It stimulates a teen party.C. It can be found in app st

32、ores. D. It is designed for young smokers.30. What does the underlined word “decline” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?Refuse . B. Consider . C. Discuss D. Change.31. What will teen learn from their VR experience?Preparations to make before going to a party.How to tell whether a drink is alcoholic.C. Th

33、e possible harm of drinking alcohol.D. How to organize a party successfully. D There is an industry selling a product that is bad for ones health. A generation ago that industry was tobacco and its product was cigarettes. Today it is the food and beverage(饮料) industry and its product is sugarsugar t

34、hat is being added to food and drink. Overweight and obesity(肥胖) in children, and the amount of sugary food children continue to eat and drink, are of particular concern to health professionals as well as parents. One area where experts see that a difference can be made is in reducing or stopping TV

35、 advertising of sugary foods and beverage around childrens programming. A recent study by the National Heart Foundation of Australia found that teenage boys who watched more TV were more likely to eat junk food, and were more likely to be obese. “We thought obesity was high in people with high TV vi

36、ewing habits because they may not be as active, but most studies show that its about what they are watching and how thats affecting the foods they are having,” says Kathy Chapman, chair of Cancer Council Australias Nutrition and Physical Activity Committee. “Despite voluntary industry guidelines(方针)

37、that say junk food and soft drinks cant be advertised directly to children, these guidelines are not mandatory, so the manufactures(制造商) set their own standard of what they consider to be healthy or unhealthy,” Chapman says. Advertising works, and thats why these companies spend a lot of money on it

38、. The Canadian province of Quebec has been a leader in this field, limiting such “junk food” TV advertising to children since 1978. Quebec now has lower obesity rates than the rest of Canada. Other countries that started to limit advertisements for sugary drinks and other junk food during times when

39、 kids watch TV include Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Mexico and the UK.32. How does the author introduce the topic in Paragraph 1?By giving examples. B. By making a comparison.C. By collecting some facts. D. By raising questions.33.What message does Kathy Chapman want to pass on?What one watches affects

40、what one eats. Watching TV is bad for peoples health.C. People who like watching TV arent active. D. People like eating junk food when watching TV.34. The underlined word “mandatory” in Paragraph 5 refers to something that _is useful. B. is important C. must be done. D. can be achieved.35. What does

41、 the author want to show by mentioning the example of Quebec?It has limited advertisements for a long time. Limiting advertisements is effective.C. The obesity rate of Quebec is low. D. The food in Quebec is healthier.第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Ru

42、nning is a popular form of exercise that provides great health benefits for everyone. It helps with weight control, slows down aging and keeps the heart healthy. There are other benefits besides those related to health. _36_.you dont need a gym membership or expensive equipment. For that reason and

43、others, running is a favorite form of exercise for many people. If you want to run, how can you get started? _37_ He or she will let you know if youre healthy enough to begin a new running workout. If your doctor says OK, you are ready to go! Whats next? _38_ They dont need to be expensive; they jus

44、t need to give your feet good support. Then, find a running partner. On days that you dont feel like exercising, a partner can help motivate(激励) you. _39_ It is always ready to go outside, and the exercise make it healthier, too. Whats more, practice safety first. Be careful of the traffic and run f

45、acing the cars coming toward you. _40_. They prevent you from hearing cars, stray(走失的)dogs, etc. Be sure to wear bright clothing in order to be seen easily. If you are ready to start, why not join the next “Lets Run”? The event benefits children and families in need. Its a great way to experience th

46、e joy of running while helping others. Run for fitness.You can run almost anywhere.Choose a good pair of running shoes.Dont wear headphones while running outside.As we age, we seem to lose the enjoyment of running.If you cant find a friend who enjoys running, take your dog along.If you havent exerci

47、sed for a while, you should check with your doctor.第三节 (共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 It was two weeks before Christmas and my heart was full of joy and gratitude(感激). I had been employed at my new job for two months and I _41_it. One day, I walked through the door

48、of the tall golden building _42_. Then a friend of mine _43_me to corner. “ People are being laid off(解雇)! “she _44_.”Oh, I am sure youll be _45_though. They just hired you.” At 10:28 a.m., Henry, the hiring manager, called me to his office. He handed me some _46_ to sign and then tried to _47_that

49、the order came from head office. I _48_as he explained.” I really appreciate that you hired me two months ago. I love this job. Thank you so much.” I said. Relieved(放心的),Henry touched his _49_face and said,” The one thing I did not _50_ to hear today was thank you.” That night, as I pulled my _51_ou

50、t of my wallet, I noticed I had a voicemail. I listened to the message and could not _52_ what I was hearing. Emma, the hiring manager of a different company, said that I was highly recommended (推荐) by my _53_manager. They said they had a(n) _54_that was perfect for me. Finally, she added, “ Henry a

51、sked me to tell a(n) _55_to you: Anyone who can be so_56_as she is leaving a job should have a _57_to find another job!” I had always _58_”thank you” as little gifts that I give to others to brighten their day, gifts that are never returned. _59_, the day I was hired to a new job just _60_ after bei

52、ng laid off, I knew that my gift of gratitude returned to me. A.found B. loved C.banned D.disliked A.proudly B. calmly C. carefully D. seriouslyA. left B. drove C.forced D. tookA.asked B. whispered C. added D. shoutedA. fine B.successful C.awful D.painfulA.photos B. bills C. papers D.leafletsA. doub

53、t B. demand C. admit D. explainA. nodded B.injected C. composed D.cried A. handsome B. angry C.tired D. pinkA. worry B. expect C. care D.wantA. pen B. key C. wallet D. phone A. repeat B. hear C. believe D. agreeA. former B. responsible C. new D.rare54. A. company B. symptom C. crime D.position55. A.

54、 impression B.lesson C.message D.idea56. A. illegal B.grateful C.helpful D. forgetful 57. A. chance B. plan C. reason D. wish58. A. thought about B. talked about C. thought of D.spoken of59. A. Besides B. Instead C. Therefore D. However 60. A.days B. hours C. weeks D. Minutes第 卷(非选择题,共50分)第二节(共15小题;

55、每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(I) I have found a way to keep fit jogging. I have to admit that it was not easy_61_ first. Often, a few meters from the start, the laziness inside me _62_ (gradual) appeared. My legs started to shake and my throat dried up, _63_ (breathe) in quickl

56、y. What was worse, the seemingly unreachable finishing line discouraged me. I had a strong desire for belief to support methe purpose of keeping fit didnt seem enough when I saw the _64_ (end) track(跑道). Just then , I saw a young woman pushing her mother in a wheelchair. As I was running past them,

57、I _65_(hear) the daughter whispering to her mom, “See that girl? You should start exercising ,too” All of _66_ sudden, my tiredness disappeared, and the track and the trees along the way seemed to fade away. There were only _67_ (voice) in my head that continued,” You can be just like her.” It sudde

58、nly occurred to me that besides the joy of conquering_68_(I) and the sense of pride when I run past other people, there is more meaning in jogging: You jog to pass on the idea of health. And that is something _69_ makes the journey more worthwhile. If you also have the desire _70_(exercise), dont ho

59、ld off. Do it now! () He was born in a village in Austria, the son of a peasant. He had a beautiful singing voice. After _71_(study) music in Vienna, Haydn went to work at the court of a prince in eastern Austria,_72_ he became director of music. _73_(work) there for 30 years, Haydn moved to London,

60、 where he was very successful. Haydn _74_(meet)Mozart in 1781 and was very impressed with him. “He is the _75_(great) composer the world has known.” he said.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题l分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面


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