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1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、Almost everything _ be done online. And the life today has changed a lot.AmustBcanCshouldDwould2、- Excuse me, could you please tell me

2、 where I can find an ATM(自动取款机)? - Sorry, I myself is a stranger here.ANo problemBYoure rightCIt is my pleasureDThank you all the same3、My mother often says that _ / mlk / is good for me.AmakeBmilkClikeDmeat4、Where is your uncle? I havent seen him for a long time.He Beijing for about half a year. He

3、 moved there Last November.Ahas gone to Bhas been to Chas arrived in Dhas been in5、How noisy it is outside!Oh, I forgot to tell you. My neighbours _ their houses.Ahave decorated Bwere decoratingCare decorating Dwill decorate6、Do you know that another new book last week?Sounds great. Id like to read

4、it.Athought aboutBcame outCwent outDtalked about7、Jim, I passed the English exam. Did you? _.AGood ideaBCongratulationsCBest wishesDWith pleasure8、Animals as our good friends because they help us a lot.Atreat Bare treated Ctreated Dwere treated9、-How was your last weekend? - _.AIts goodBIts greatCIt

5、 was interestingDI am happy10、The 1st National Youth Games _ in Fuzhou in 2015.Atakes place Btook place Cis taken place Dwas taken place. 完形填空11、 Human beings have different feelings. While we all look for happiness, we still often end up with bad feelings. Here is some advice to deal with your 1 fe

6、elings. Talk with someone When you talk about your feelings to someone you trust, he will understand how you feel. It starts you on the road to becoming 2 .Get out of the house Getting out can be 3 if you dont want to be around people. Thats OK for now, but at least make yourself walk to a place tha

7、t brings you some peace. Eat your favorite food Dont eat too much, 4 allow yourself to eat whatever you love. Maybe the foods you love are good for you and can make you happy. Smile If you are shy, 5 at home first, and then go to a public place and wear that smile. People will smile back, and that w

8、ill make you happier.1AhighBlowCnormal2AhappierBsilenterCwiser3AhelpfulBvaluableChard4AbecauseBbutCor5AstayBperformCpractice. 语法填空12、阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Self-driving CarsDo you like cars?1will the car be like in the future? Maybe we can sit in a car that can drive2(it).About 40 year

9、s ago, scientists from the United States3(start) to develop self-driving cars. The most famous one4(make) by Google in 2012. There are cameras and radars(雷达)on the top of the car. They allow the computer in the car5(draw) a 3D map of the environment. Chinese scientists have also6(successful) develop

10、ed a self-driving car. The car made a trip7Changsha to Wuhan.Is a self-driving car safe? A recent study shows that robots make8(safe)drives than humans. If 10% of cars on the street are self-driving ones, 1, 000 lives will be saved every year. If 90% of vehicles(交通工具)are self-driving ones, 21, 700 l

11、ives will be saved a year. However, a self-driving car is expensive9each costs about $100,000. So it is10(possible)to be very popular in the near future. 阅读理解A13、Hi Sam! Sorry I havent emailed recently Ive been revising for my exams. I have finished them now and I have got some time to relax and som

12、e money to spend on going out. Last weekend, I went to see a great film called Yes Man. If you havent seen it, you must go! Jim Carrey plays the main character and its very funny-and also quite encouraging. Its based on a book by Danny Wallace which is also called Yes Man. I read the book a few mont

13、hs ago and thatshilarious, too I really laughed out loud!The book is a true story about what happens to the writer, Danny. Basically, he found that he was doing nothing all the time, just worrying about things and complaining about his life. He wasnt seeing his friends much, so he was lonely and bor

14、ed. Then one day, he was on a bus in London when he sat down next to a man. The man was a stranger, but they started talking. Danny told him about his boring life and the man just gave him three words: Say “yes” more. And for Danny this was a turning point in his life. Those three words influenced e

15、verything he did. At that moment, he made a decision: I will say “yes” to everything! And he wrote a book about what happened to him in the next year or so. Three years later, the book was made into a hit film.The film is based on the book although there are some differences. First, its set in the U

16、S instead of England. Secondly, the main character is based on Danny, but he called Carl in the film. And whats more, he doesnt meet a man on a bus. His turning point comes when he goes to a self-help class and they advise him to say “yes” more. In the film, Carl succeeds in changing his life and do

17、ing lots of crazy things: he has flying lessons, he learns to speak Korean and he rides a motorbike with no clothes on! The storyline isnt very strong. Its quite weak, I suppose, but all Carls stories are very interesting especially because Jim Carrey is a very funny actor.Im really interested in th

18、e film because theres a serious message, too. I believe in making the most of life and Ive decided Im going to be more positive. Ive decided Im not going to stay at home so much. Im going to do more things, see my friends more and everything. Actually, thats why Im emailing you! It would be great if

19、 we could meet up soon. Let me know when you are free.All the best, Adam1The underlined wordhilariousin Paragraph1 most probably means _.AsimpleBhelpfulChumorousDmeaningful2In Paragraph 3, there are_ differences mentioned between the book and the film.AtwoBthreeCfourDfive3Adam wrote this email mainl

20、y _.Ato talk about what he was doing recentlyBto introduce the book Yes Manwritten by Danny to SamCto advise Sam to watch the film Yes Man made in USDto talk about why and how he wants to change his life4From the email we can infer (推断) that _.ASam will love Yes Man as much as Adam doesBYes Man must

21、 be the most popular book in the USCAdam used to stay at home a lot before seeing Yes ManDJim Carrey is now a very funny actor because of Yes ManB14、Mr. Browns house was less than two miles from his office, so he could drive home every day for lunch. Every time he drove home at noon, he found many c

22、ars outside his house and there was no room for his own car. He had to drive somewhere else to park his car. Then he walked back home. This made him very angry.He put up a board in the garden facing the road. The board said, “No Parking”. But nobody noticed it. People seemed to obey only a police no

23、tice with white letters on a blue board:POLICE NOTICENO PARKINGMrs. Brown asked his husband to steal a police notice but he was afraid to do so. Then she asked him to make one just like a police notice. Mr. Brown said he was not the police and couldnt use the word “police”. Several days later, Mr. B

24、rown made a blue board with white letters.PLEASE NOTICENO PARKING“Oh!” Mrs. Brown said. “You told me you werent going to use the word police, but why do you use it now?” “Really?” he asked.“Look again,” she started to laugh. “You are really clever”.1Mr. Browns office was _ his house.Anext toBnot far

25、 fromC2 hours drive fromD5 miles from2Mr. Brown was angry because _.Ahe found no room to park his car outside his houseBhe had nothing to eat for lunch at homeChe lost the way when he drove back home one dayDhe couldnt make a police notice outside his house3Mr. Brown made _ notice board (s) altogeth

26、er (总共)。AoneBtwoCthreeDno4In the end, Mr. Brown made a notice board and it _.Awas just the same as a police noticeBwas different in color from a police noticeCjust looked like a police noticeDsaid “POLICE NOTICE, NO PARKING”5We can infer(推断) that _ after he put up the blue board.Amore people will pa

27、rk their cars outside his houseBmore policemen will park their cars outside his houseCfewer people will park their cars outside his houseDfewer people will visit him at noon later onC15、Nick Vujicic was born, without arms and legs, in 1982 in Melbourne, Australia. Nick faced all kinds of problems an

28、d troubles in his life, but he never gave up. Now Nick has his own speaking company: Attitude Is Altitude. And he has traveled around the world to give speeches. He shares with his audience the importance of vision (视野) and dreaming big. He says attitude is the most powerful tool in the life and fai

29、lure is just a learning experience.Mark Zuckerberg, the boss of Facebook, is only 34. In only eight years, Zuckerberg turned his small website into a world famous network. Zuckerberg once wrote to his workmates, “We dont build service to make money; we make money to build better service.”Jeremy Lin

30、is an excellent basketball player. Then what has led this young man to such a success? The following may help us understand it.1. Believe in yourself.2. People will love you for being yourself.3. Stay humble (谦逊的).1Attitude Is Altitude is _.Athe title of Zuckerbergs speechBNicks companyCan internati

31、onal organizationDa machine that can speak2What is Mark Zuckerberg?AA boss of a speaking company.BThe writers workmate.CA basketball player.DA boss of a network company.3The reason why Jeremy Lin be successful _.AAttitude is the most powerful toolBMake money to build better serviceCBeing yourselfDal

32、ways follow others4From what Zuckerberg wrote to his workmates, we can learn _.AFacebook doesnt build serviceBFacebook doesnt make moneyCbuilding service doesnt make moneyDoffering better service is more important than making money5Which of the following is right?ANick had no arms or legs because of

33、 an accident.BNick says people can learn from their failures.CMark Zuckerberg begins his company when he was 8 years old.DJeremy Lin loves being himself so he never learns from others.D16、 Paul awoke to the sound of the alarm clock. Normally, this would be followed by feelings of worry about the day

34、 ahead. But today was different. Today he couldnt wait to go to school.He rushed to his desk and picked up the old jam jar which contained a colorful butterfly. It had taken him hours to catch and now it was going to be part of his biology presentation for school.While most of his classmates would b

35、e showing drawings of insects or animals taken from textbooks, Paul planned to present something different - a live creature. This was sure to get him the highest grade in the class.Paul sat at his desk admiring the insects beautiful red and yellow wings. He had made air holes in the jars lid, and a

36、dded leaves for the butterfly to eat. It might be in a glass prison but at least it was being well cared for, Paul thought as he left for school.Paul entered the classroom early, and put the jar in his desk. Biology was the first lesson after lunch and he wanted his presentation to be a surprise. Af

37、ter taking the jar from his bag, he noticed the butterfly was very still. Its wings moved very slowly and its color seemed to have faded too. Probably just a little tired from the trip in the bag, Paul hoped.Throughout the morning, Paul secretly checked on the insect. Each time it seemed a little st

38、iller, its color a little duller. Something was wrong. When the lunch-bell rang, he waited for his classmates to leave before opening the jar. The butterfly was still alive, but only just.He took the jar to the bathroom and sprinkled a few drops of water on the butterflys head. The cooling effect wa

39、s instant. The butterfly came to life again and Paul barely managed to replace the lid before it flew out. But rather than pleasure, the sight of the revived butterfly crashing against the jar, desperate for freedom, made Paul feel guilty. He was being cruel for a mark.As he walked back to class, fe

40、eling ashamed, the bell went again. It was time for Biology. He walked over to the window, opened the jar and set the butterfly free. A moment later the biology teacher entered. Paul,your presentations first today.Sorry sir, the boy replied,” I forgot all about it.1What can we guess about Paul from

41、the passage?AHe often caught animals.BHe did not usually enjoy school.CHe was a very clever student.DHe was sometimes quite cruel.2Why was Paul confident that his biology project would receive a high grade?ABecause biology was his favourite subject.BBecause his project idea was popular.CBecause he h

42、ad spent much time preparing.DBecause his butterfly was real and very colourful.3The underlined word revived in Paragraph 7 is closest in meaning to _ArefreshedBreturnedCreplacedDrelieved4Why did Paul finally free the butterfly?AIt was time for class.BIt was no longer very active.CHe felt ashamed at

43、 his actions.DHe forgot about the presentation.5In what order did the following event take place?a. Paul took the jar to the bathroom and sprinkled a few drops of water on the butterflys head.b. Paul walked over to the window, opened the jar and set the butterfly freec. Paul planned to present somet

44、hing different in the Biology presentationd.Paul entered the classroom early, and put the jar in his desk.e.Throughout the morning, Paul secretly checked on the insectAd-c-b-e-aBd-b-c -a-eCc-d-e-a-bDc-d-a-e-bE17、 According to the 2018 World Happiness Report, Denmark(丹麦)ranked (排名)No.3! And its not s

45、urprising at all! In 2016, Denmark ranked No.l , then No.2 in 2017. In fact, Denmark has been on the list for many years. Why? Because people who live in Denmark know the secret to happiness “hygge”. But what is “hygge”?The Danish(丹麦的)word “hygge” (pronounced “hoo-ga”)is often translated in English

46、as “coziness”. But “hygge” is more than that. Its also about spending peaceful time in a quiet environment with no calendar. Its about spending time alone or spending time with family.Danish people are very good at “hygge”. For example, they create a “ hygge” environment by burning candles in classr

47、ooms, kitchens, bedrooms, etc. According to some reports, Danish people bum more candles every year than people from any other European country.However, “hygge” isnt just about creating a nice and warm environment; it is best enjoyed with family members and friends. With up to 17 hours of darkness e

48、very day in winter, Danish people spend more time indoors as a result, and they often get together for a meal or hot drinks, without the distraction(使人分心的事物)of technology or the stress of daily life.Still cant understand what “hygge” is? If youre reading this in a comfortable chair, with a few candl

49、es around you, that sense of coziness youre feeling might just be “hygge”.1In the World Happiness Report, Denmark used to rank No._ in 2016.A1B2C3D172How do Danish people create a “hygge” environment?ABy repairing their housesBBy playing video gamesCBy cleaning up bedroomsDBy burning candles3With up

50、 to 17 hours of darkness every day in winter, Danish people .play computer games till midnight spend more time indoors as a result stay up to work in their own rooms often get together fora meal or hot drinksABCD4In the last paragraph, the word “ coziness” means “ ” in Chinese.A舒适B友善C奢侈D密切5The artic

51、le mainly tells us Ahow Danish people spend their winterBwhat the Danish secret to happiness isCwhen Danish people like to stay at homeDwhy Danish people burn so many candleF18、Nina felt nervous this morning. She couldnt believe that she decided to try out for a talent show. She loved to sing but sh

52、e disliked singing in front of other people.Taking a deep breath, she pushed open the door of the theater and went inside.The room was filled with laughing children. Nina saw Luz, James and others from her class. The bright, sunny room left her no place to hide. A few teachers sat on chairs. They wa

53、ited for the children to become quiet.“Hi, Nina!” Luz called out. “I didnt think you would try out. You are so timid(胆怯的) in front of people.”“Thats not true,” Nina said. “Im not shy at all.”“Yeah, right,” Luz chuckled(轻声地笑) and ran off to find a seat.One by one the students got up on the stage(舞台)

54、and did their acts.“Nina Martinez!” a voice called out. It was Mrs. Brent, the music teacher. Nina rose from her chair. She felt small as she walked to the huge, empty stage. Her face was hot and her shaking hands were as cold as ice.“I-I-” Nina began, and then stopped. “I cant,” she said softly.“Cl

55、ose your eyes,” said Mrs. Brent gently. “Forget about everyone else. Just sing.”Nina felt silly, but she gave it a try. She closed her eyes and raised her voice and sang out. Her hands stopped shaking. The song was so nice that everybody enjoyed it.Nina heard Mrs. Brent clap (鼓掌) loudly at the end of her song. “Thats the first time I have really heard your voice,” she said. “You are in the show!”Nina let out a big sigh(叹息) and smiled happily.1What was the


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