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1、2022-2023学年高考英语模拟试卷注意事项1考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回2答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置3请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符4作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效5如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1All children shoul

2、d get access to a high-quality education _ their race, zip code or family income.Adepending onBregardless ofCdue toDapart from2The maple trees turn a brilliant red in autumn, adding another to the colors in the harvest season.AthemeBversionCcategoryDdimension3According to the companys rule, ones pay

3、ment is _ the work done, not to the time spent doing it.Ain proportion toBin addition toCin contrast toDin regard to4Its really stupid of you _ him the news yesterday so that it has been disturbing him all the timeAhaving toldBtellingCto tellDto have told5If you leave this application form and go to

4、 another website, you will lose _ you have already filled out on this form.Awhatever BwhoeverCwherever Dwhenever6With no one them,the two thieves stole into the house Awatch Bwatching Cwatches Dwatched7We _back in the hotel now if you didnt lose the mapAareBwereCwould beDwill be8Much to my _, my voc

5、abulary has expanded a great deal.AdelightingBdelightedCdelight9 Dont put the waste on the ground, young man. Oh, Im sorry. I _ the dustbin there. Ahadnt seen Bhavent seen Cdidnt see Dwasnt seeing10It is obvious that John is unhappy. _, it comes as no surprise that she has decided to change her job.

6、AHoweverBOtherwiseCMoreoverDTherefore11Many developing countries are unwilling to pursue their economic development _ destroying the environment despite there being several financial crises.Aat the risk ofBat the cost ofCat the end ofDat the mercy of12Professor Wang _in our school till next SundayAw

7、ill have stayedBhas stayedCis stayingDstayed13John lives _. He has a very small budget and little money to spend on clothes.Ain the black Bon a shoestringCover the moon Dat the drop of a hat14Dont let yourself be _ into buying things you dont really want.AadvocatedBclarifiedCflashedDpersuaded15You _

8、 have booked the tickets in advance; there were plenty left.AneedntBcantCshouldntDmustnt16The possibility that Frank was lying _ through my mind.AswallowedBmaskedCflashed17Eventually, she has recognized _, whatever happens and however bad _ seems today, life still goes on and everything will be bett

9、er tomorrowAthat; itBit; thatCit; whatDthat; what18Afghans used to hold big weddings, costing thousands of dollars, in a county _ the average annual income is less than $400. Awhich Bwhose Cwhere Dwhat19Throughout history, China never colonized any nation. _ this peaceful tradition, it is committed

10、to building a community with a shared future for mankind.AIn line with BIn regard toCIn harmony with DIn addition to20_ his conclusion on the evidence he collected on the scene, he proved that the murderer was guilty.ABasedBBasingCTo baseDBeing based第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。2

11、1(6分) Amid growing global condemnation of elephant riding as a tourist activity, Yok Don National Park in southern Vietnam has ended the practice and replaced it with the first ethical (伦理的) elephant experience of its kind in the country.The formally captive group of four elephants were released fro

12、m their chains earlier this month and no longer carry tourists on rides through the park. Visitors can instead observe the animals roaming freely in their natural habitat.The park worked on the initiative with Animal Protection Asia, which campaigns for long-term changes in animal welfare and touris

13、m in Vietnam. The official agreement between the charity and the state-run park was signed on 13 July, and runs until April 2023, with the first tours taking place earlier this month. Over the next five years, it is hoped that the new model will provide as much or even more revenue for owners as rid

14、ing, and encourage mahouts (管象人) and elephant tourism companies to follow.This project has entirely changed the lives of the elephants at the park and it also provides a much better experience for the tourists. Misuse has been replaced with respect, and the animals look much healthier and happier th

15、an before.Awareness of the adverse effects of elephant riding has increased in recent years, with a growing number of tourists avoiding cruel attractions and supporting welfare centres and animal protection instead, alongside an increasing number of tour operators refusing to sell elephant treks tha

16、t include riding.Many of the elephants used in riding and other activities, such as painting or performing tricks, are caught as babies from the wild, their mothers often killed. Once captured, they typically undergo intensive conditioning known as “crushing the spirit”, where they are kept in tiny

17、pens and beaten and starved, sometimes for weeks. Once trained, many of the animals eventually die from exhaustion. Campaigners and charities hope to continue to educate the industry in Vietnam and around the world, and show how profitable ethical elephant experiences, with retired and rescued anima

18、ls, can be, instead.1、What is true for most working elephants in Vietnam?AThey are allowed to roam freely.BThey are chained up and cruelly treated.CThey outnumber those found in the wild.DThey are kept with their mothers during training.2、What is the goal of Animal Protection Asia?AIt seeks to raise

19、 money for national parks operation.BIt wants to organize more sightseeing tours in Vietnam.CIt hopes to set a new model for elephant tourism companies.DIt expects to eventually free all the working elephants in Asia.3、Which of the following best explains “adverse” underlined in paragraph 5?APractic

20、al.BUnexpected.CFinancial.DNegative.4、What can be a suitable title for the text?ASay no to elephant ridingBA new profitable modelCVietnam takes the leadDNegative effects of elephant tourism22(8分) We all know the hard work that filmmakers and actors put in to provide us with entertainment, but it see

21、ms that even regular moviegoers like us have a big impact on how a movie turns out too. For decades now, film studios have used so-called test screenings to get feedback from members of the public before a movie comes out. While test audience members are usually asked to fill in a questionnaire afte

22、r a screening, telling the film studio what they liked and didnt like, media giant Disney has come up with a more high-tech solution.According to a paper published this summer by the companys researchers, Disney is measuring test audiences reactions by using special cameras placed inside cinemas. Pa

23、iring the cameras with custom software, the company can track what each audience member is feeling at any point in the movie, from anger to joy. This works by mapping 68 different points on each audience members face. The cameras can see in the dark, and the software can figure out a persons mood ba

24、sed on the slightest of facial expressions.Its hoped that this new method will allow more detailed feedback from test audiences. Rather than relying on audience members to recall their feelings after the movies over, it can accurately read their reactions in real-time.Test screenings are highly valu

25、ed in the movie industry, and several well-known movies have been greatly altered following feedback. Viewers of E.T., the Extra-Terrestrial (142), would have left the cinema feeling a whole lot differently if it werent for its test audiences feedback. “In one cut of the film that was tested, E.T. d

26、ied instead of going home in his spaceship. You wont be surprised to hear that the test audience in question didnt warm to this ending at all,” wrote media website Den of Geek.But for those who are concerned about privacy, the cameras wont be installed in public cinemas. After all, unless youre part

27、 of a test audience, being in front of the camera is best left to the movie stars.1、Why are test screenings necessary?ATo amuse us.BTo influence a movie.CTo get reactions of the audience.DTo spy on the audience.2、How does the high-tech method work?AAudiences recall their detailed feelings.BThe camer

28、as can read accurate feedback from the audience.CThe company can track each audience member.DThe company are measuring audiences reactions.3、What do we know about E.T? AIt doesnt warm the audience.BIt altered audiences feedback.CThe original ending is different.DE.T died in his spaceship.4、What can

29、we infer from the passage?APeople worry about privacy.BThe cameras wont be put in public cinemas.CThe technology of test screenings is reliable.DYou can be in front of the camera.23(8分)One day a very skilled artist met a beautiful woman who immediately became the object of his affections. As he obse

30、rved her and spoke with her, he admired her more and more. He showered her with kindness and words of praise until she consented to be his wife.Not long after they were married, however, the beautiful woman found out that she was more the object of his artistic interest than of his affections. When

31、he admired her classic beauty, it was as though he were standing in front of a work of art rather than in front of a human being to whom he had pledged his love and promised his life. And soon he expressed his great desire to put her rare beauty on canvas.“ Please sit for me in the workroom,” he ple

32、aded, “ and I will make your beauty permanent. The work will be my masterpiece!”She was humble and patient as well as flattered by his words, so she said, “Yes, my love. I will be happy to sit for you.” So the beautiful, young wife of the artist sat meekly for hours in his studio, not complaining. D

33、ay after day she sat patiently, smiling as she posed, because she loved him and because she hoped that he would see her love in her smile and obedience. She sometimes wanted to call out to him, “ Please love me and want me as a person rather than as an object !” But instead, she spoke nothing but wo

34、rds which pleased him.At length, as the labor drew to close, the painter became wilder in his passion for his work. He only rarely turned his eyes from the canvas to look at his wife. As he stood there gazing at his beautiful work of art, he cried with a loud voice, “This is indeed life itself!” The

35、n he turned to his beloved and saw that she was dead!1、In what way did the artist express his appreciation of his wifes rare beauty?AHe put her classic beauty on canvas.BHe promised to marry her.CHe centered his deep affection on her.DHe pledged his love and promised his life to her.2、What can be in

36、ferred from the story?AThe artist loved his work more than his wife.BThe artist didnt really understand what is beauty.CThe wife was fooled to sacrifice for his art creation.DThe wife loved his painting more than herself.3、What did the artist mean by saying “This is indeed life itself!”?AHe apprecia

37、ted his life of painting. BHe was grateful to his wife.CHis work was more true to life than life itself. DHis effort was really worth it.4、What would be the best title for this passage?AA Well-matched Couple BA Devoted ArtistCA Rare Masterpiece DA Stupid Wife24(8分)We have some friends who seem as if

38、 they understand and appreciate you, but really they might not. A girl named Nevaeh was about to find a friend that she thought understood her, but she actually didnt.When Nevaeh was in kindergarten she didnt have friends. Every time she wanted to make some they would just walk away. That happened u

39、ntil she went to the third grade when a girl named Brooke said hello to her.Nevaeh, a shy girl, didnt answer. Since Nevaeh had no friends to talk to, her mouth would close up. After knowing Nevaeh was shy and needed friends, Brooke wouldnt leave Nevaeh s side and always talked to her. Nevaeh started

40、 talking more and was less shy. Once Brooke took her to her friends. There were only three girls, Karla, Mariana, and Isela, but Nevaeh was fine with it. At least she had friends.They got along very well and had a few things in common. When they were finally in middle school, Brooke and Nevaeh becam

41、e best friends, but as they got older, they changed. When Nevaeh changed the way she looked and acted, Brooke didnt like it. Brooke startled to judge her, and make her wear stuff that she didnt like. They had arguments about the wav Nevaeh wanted to look, and how Brooke didnt like what she wore.Neva

42、eh wasnt sure if she could really trust Brooke anymore. That was until she met Susan who understood Nevaeh and didnt judge her by her looks, but had the same interests as Nevaeh. They liked to dress in the same kinds of things and had similar hobbies.Nevaeh really liked Susan because she never judge

43、d her. When they were talking about their interests it was like they had known each other for a long lime.Nevaeh was still friends with the other girls, and was happy that she finally had someone that understood her and appreciated her.1、What does the underlined word she” in the first paragraph refe

44、r to?ASusan. BKarla.CBrooke. DNevaeh.2、Why did Nevaeh have no friends in kindergarten?AShe didnt want friends BShe wasnt accepted by others.CShe didnt deserve to have friends. DShe was stopped from making friends.3、How did Nevaeh react to Brookes judgment on her?AShe rejected it. BShe tolerated it.C

45、She corrected it. DShe appreciated it.4、What was Susan like according to the text?ABrave and helpful. BSmart and humorous.CSincere and supportive. DClever and hard-working.25(10分) New York City is a world capital in every sense of the wordits a cultural and economic powerhouse, and arguably the most

46、 influential city on the planet. But it wasnt always this way, as the following cities once dominated the world around them.DjenneDjennoIn the flood lands of the Niger delta people have been building houses and other structures with clay for centuries. The town of DjenneDjenno is made entirely out o

47、f clay. It was inhabited as far back as 250 BC, and became an important link in the transSaharan gold trade(跨撒哈拉黄金交易). Constructed on hills called “toguere”, the city managed to escape the marshy(沼泽的) landscape and annual floods produced by the rainy season. DjenneDjenno is believed to be one of the

48、 earliest settlements in the subSaharan region, and is considered by some to be “the typical African City”.Archeological evidence shows us a continuous human presence in the area up until the 14th century AD, when people moved to the nearby town of Djenne, founded in the 11th century. Further eviden

49、ce points out that even before the citys construction, the Bozo people were growing wild rice in the region. In the 13th century AD, with King Koumboros conversion to Islam, its palace transformed into a mosque.CarthageLegend has it that Carthage was founded by Queen Dido of the Phoenicians. She fle

50、d the city of Tyre located in presentday Lebanon in order to escape the hatred of her brother Pygmalion, who was her rival to the throne. Along with a group of settlers, she traveled a great distance by sea and landed in North Africa, where she met King Iarbas. He offered to give them land in order

51、to build a settlement, but no bigger than the surface covered by the hide(牛皮) of an ox. They cleverly cut the hide into thin strips and were able to enclose a fairly large area of land. On this land, the mighty city of Carthage was built.These stories are most likely just that, but the fact that the

52、 Phoenicians built the city around 760 BC is true. Located in such a good positionin the middle of the Mediterranean, close to Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica, and a pretty good distance from Egypthelped make Carthage a leading trade center and military power. The population soon reached half a million

53、 citizens and, in order to house them all, buildings were all built five or six stories tall. Carthage was the first city in ancient times to have a centralized sewage system, linking all buildings within the city walls. The most notable of structures among the ruins was the “Thophet”, which is beli

54、eved to be an altar(圣坛) for child sacrifice.TenochtitlanTenochtitlan was the capital city of the Aztec Empire. It was built on an island surrounded by Lake Texcoco deep inside the jungles of Central America. By the time the Spanish conquerors were aware of its existence, the population was around 20

55、0,000. This was a city very different from what the Europeans were used to. Founded in 1325 AD, the Aztec capital was joined to the mainland by three causeways(堤道). It was laid out in straight street grids and had enormous pyramids at its center, which were surrounded by the skulls of the dead and c

56、eremonial sculptures.1、What do we know about the ancient cities?ATenochtitlan was the first city to link all buildings within the city walls using a centralized sewage system.BCarthage was considered to have played an important role in the transSaharan gold trade.CThere was no doubt that Carthage wa

57、s founded by Queen Dido of the Phoenicians.DAccording to some people, the city DjenneDjenno is “a typical African city”.2、The passage is most probably taken from _.Aa news reportBa science fictionCa history bookDa research paper第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处

58、的最佳选项26(30分)第二节完形填空(共20小题,阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Mobile phones are everywhere. It seems that no one can 1 without one. Mobile phones are a great way to stay 2 with friends and family. 3 it is important to remember that there are certain 4 when you should not be using your phon

59、e, the most important of these being during 5 . There is no reason 6 you should feel the need to have your mobile phone during class. Arent you at school to 7 ? If you are in class, you should not be 8 your friends text messages or taking phone calls. In America students would never be 9 to use thei

60、r mobile phones during class. If you were to send or 10 a text message you would probably be kicked out of class. It is OK to have your mobile phone with you, you just need to remember to turn it 11 . It is very disturbing to hear a lot of tones and 12 during class. As a teacher in China, I have to


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