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1、作文English in quite a few respects is useful, enough “内的内容或斜体字表示是作文题目。Different people have different ideas with regard to n. 名词。Some people believe argue/ claim that 观点(肯)宾语从句。如果作文名是一个名词n. knowledge ,就直接填上去。如果作文名是一个句子,例如: computer is important ,就加the fact that 作文题。Computer in quite a few respects is

2、 useful (good) enough.While some other people hold a strong (认为)belief that 观点(否)定语从句。Computer is not important.Computer is unimportant.Computer is less important.这种写法最好。You are ugly.You are less beautiful.这种写法要好。As far as I am concerned, I appreciate (agree) the former s (B者)idea.There are a number

3、 of reasons which can account for (explain) this.递进关系:论述时,最重要的观点(原因)放在最后讲。In the firstplace, reason 1 .in addition (并且,此夕卜),reason 2 and what s more important, reason 3 . 小结论:ThereforeAs a resultAs a consequenceAs a consequence,小结论。From what has been discussed above,(综上所述)We can safely (useful, vita

4、l) come to a conclusion that 同位语从句。注:如果作文不够 3段时,一定要在第三段写个OK或Yes符合文体结本也能得 1至2分。如何把句子写长:Computer is so important that it can be used everywhere especially in scientific research for young people nowadays in China who are interested in computer science.语法一、虚拟语气.与现在或将来事实相反If + S + did (be-were), S + sho

5、uld (would could might might) + do 例:If I were you, I (we) should study English well.省略If的话,就应该将 were提至前边:Were I you, I (we) should study English well.仅适应与将来事实相反If + S + were to do,S + should (would could might might) + doIf + S + should + do,S + should (would could might might) + do.与过去事实相反If + S +

6、 had + done, S + should (would could might might) have done 例:If he hadnt been ill yesterday, he wouldn t have been absent.省略If的话,应该将hadnt变成had not,现将had提至前边:Had he not been ill yesterday, he wouldn t have been absent.省略与倒装必须同时讲行:见 1和3.特别注意主丛句时间不二致,分别用各自的结构。If I were a beautiful girl, I should have

7、married a Japanese man.介词短语Without = but for (没有)Without your help last term, I couldn t have passed all my exams.二、在从句中的应用(主、宾、表、同、状)S + should + do1.主语从句It is + adj. that s + should + do (真主语)obvious明显natural自然important vital重要生命necessary essential imperative 必要的必不可少的当务之急strange odd 奇怪urgent desir

8、able 紧急的 advisable 建议的incredible unbelievable 不可信的2.宾语从句 建议:propose, advise, suggest.表示“人”的单词做主语,肯定是虚拟语气;反之则不是。I suggest that he should speak English. 可以用虚拟语气Her pale face suggests that she is ill. 不可以用虚拟语气要求:desire demand requestRequire command request order insist3. It is + done that S + should +

9、do只限第2种里讲过的过去分词中用虚拟语气It is required that he should come here.4和5.表.同n. order desire demand, command, request(2) proposal, advice, suggestion, requirement, insistenceMy suggestion is that he should speak English. The news(内容或含义 )that I heard (定) that he died A professor gave us an order that we shoul

10、d hand in our papers.6.状语从句lest = in case = for fear that conj.We have to learn to cheat in case we should be created.注:凡be done (should + do)答案都是对的。S + doIt is strange that he be(省略了 should) out manager. 正确That he has (should have) a car.错误S + be doneIt is natural (be spoken) that English should. 否

11、定 S + not + be done. wish (vt.).as ifas though3.if only4.would rather (宁愿)凡be done (v)都是对的。. S + doIt is strange that he be(should) our manager. 正确That he has (should have) a car.错误. S + be doneIt is natural(be spoken) that English should.否定S + not + be done三、1.wish (vt.)与现在或将来事实相反:S + did(be-were).

12、as if与过去:S + had + doneAs though.if only.would(宁愿)ratherWe wish we passed out English test.I wish my mother had married an American 20 years ago.四、It is (was) high(about) time that早该做什么事了,但是没有S + didIt is you went home.小书P99页1A 3C 省略了 if 4B 5B 11C 16B 17C 26D 31B 32C倒装(部分侄装)把助、系、情态动词放在主语的前边so+助+系+情+

13、主语(肯)You like English. So do I.You went home. So did I.You are a teacher. So am I.Neither (Nor) + 助+系+情 +主语(否)You don t like Japanese. Neither do I.So +adj. So +adv.倒装So great is Mr. Jiang that he is loved by anyone everywhere.Only can you save yourself in the world. 错误Only(状语)注意only后边必须紧跟状语才能倒装。Onl

14、y in the world can you save yourself. 正确No sooner . than .(就)Hardly/scarcely .when .标五角星的地方要求倒装:had + S + donethan和when后边表示一般过去时。No sooner had he passed his exams than he received his diploma.否定意义的单词或短语放在句首 never, seldom, hardly, scarcely, barely, rarely例: Never do I miss you. Never, beforeNever bef

15、ore have I cheated you. Little, nowhere, not until, conj.例: Not until she was 30, did she make her first boyfriend. at no time, by no meanson no account, in no case / wayunder no circumstances adv.决不(副词)例: under no circumstances will china be the first country to use nuclear weapons( 核武器). 注:If were

16、, should, had, 一旦把if省去,这个句子就必须倒装。反问句 Let s gshall we? Let s us gwill you? Sit down, please will you? 祈使句 He must(is) be a doctor, Isn t ?e He told me that they would fly to Japan, ?A. Didn t heB.did heC. would theyD. wouldn t they There is little water,?A. isn t is B.it C.is there D. isn t thereX式一致

17、) He used to swim once a week, Didn t he同 he went home didn t he主渭一致. n(主语)+介词短语名词单数例: A professor together with his six students is making an experiment. A. are B. is. Not only . but alsoEither orNeither nor均采取就近原则,看省略号后边的,主语有几个,就选几个。例: Not only you but also Tom and ID.两个主语,因此选 DA . am a doctor B.a

18、m doctors C.are a doctor D. ,are doctors. The rich the poor教员 一类人(复数).a number of books / teachers 复数The number of book /teacher 单数.时间、金钱、距离都用单数Ten yearsjs short.many a teacher (单数,第三人称 )is poor.people, police, staff = personnel (全体工彳人员 )crew(复数)every teacher and every student is以个句子为主语的也是单数What you

19、r name is has nothing to do with me.情态动词的完成时态(时间一过去)must have done反义词-can t have doneHis father must have robed the bank last week.It must have rained last night.can t have doneIt can t have rained last night.could have doneI could have killed him last night.should have done改成否定句直接在 should后边加 notoug

20、ht to have done 早该 ago.You should have been here 10 minutes.You should have played computer games last night.needn t have donej必You needn t have made such an inhuman girlfriend.形容词与.一样(相同)as .as 用于肯定句so .as 用于否定句等立连词:前后一致。adv.副词注:倍数只能放在 as的前边。As poor as you As hard as Very good Very wellYou are as t

21、all as me.错误You are as tall as I (am 省略了 ).正确You are as tall as I do. 错误You are as tall as I can.正确You are ten times as tall as I.单数: The climate in Xi an is as goodhas in Lanzhou.复数:The students A.itB.thatthan比较级(一个比其余的都 .)He is taller than C in his class. 正确答案永远是than any other n.(名词单数)A.any boy B.

22、any boys C.any other boy D.any other boys.the more the morels越 等立连词as- as比较级thanThe more you work, the less you get.The more she makes up, the uglier she becomes.一种特殊的比较级Be superior to(介) be inferior to比.好=be better than比.差最高级(必须有对比的范围,没有对比范围,就不可能有最高级)介词短语as as,比如 of all the doctors.定语从句:比如 Guilin i

23、s the most beautifu l place. That I ve ever visited.时态注:哪个是将来完成时,哪个就是正确答案S + shall (will) have doneWhoever 只要有它,就是正确答案=anyone, who任何一个人共16个时态按时间划分4个:现在,过去,将来,过去将来按动作划分4个:一般现在时,过去进行时,过去完成时,现在完成进行时凡是完成时态:所涉及的时间单位肯定是2个。 S + have / has + done现在完成进行时:S + have / has + been + doing过去完成时,在 过去”之前完成的。相对时态: S

24、+ had + done (比如:在此之前,我已经学习了3年英语了)考得最多:时态呼应(一致)1.时间、条件、让步状语从语用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时。If it is fine to morrow, we shall go.n (within, daring, over, for) the past (last) ten( 数目)years(复: 表示时间 )Great changes have taken place in China during the past 30 years.3.主语:is (am, are) the first(序)time that 现在完成时. This

25、is the third time that you have cheated me.主语:is (am, are) the only + n(单数)that现在完成时.You are the only girl that I ve ever loved in my life.主语:is (am, are) the形容词最高级 that现在完成时.You are the cleverest students that I ve ever taught.代词Everyone - no one(反义词,用法相同)1个,永远不能表示人ofBoth -neither 2 个All - none 3个及

26、以上of 正确如:forget - rememberAll of_us All of books名词the news = words, informationfact statement, idea = beliefevidence = proof 证据这些名词如果放在句首,这一步的正确答案肯定是“that因为它是从渭语从句。A. three woman doctorsthree women doctorsthree women doctorman和woman是单数还是复数,必须和前面的数字保持一致,后边的名词也应保持boyfriends定语从句There are many students,

27、 D are poor.A.some of them B. some of those C. some of who D.some of whom 介词宾格He is the same(先行词)girl(人、物)who you loved before.There is nothing(先行词)that is more important than knowledge.Chin has a large population, which is known to all.先行词如果出现 such或such a(定语),后边就只能用as.I ll never forget the days B I

28、 spent in Japan. A. when B. which关系代词 :who, whom, whose, that, which, as (主,宾,定)关系副词 : when, where, how, whyEverything, something, anything, 先行词是这些时用 that.All thatSpent moneyTime小书 P64: 1B 2C 6BP66: 21C 18BP70: 47B18BP107: 2D 4D 5B 8D 9B 10C 11BP110: 24C 28CP113: 10B 11CP114: 18AP115: 22A大书:P121是往届正

29、式考题P122: 16A 18D一般现在时,S + or(otherwise, should, would, could, might) +do, 否则You are ugly, or I should marry you = If you were not ugly.过去时,or(otherwise) S + should (would, could, might) have doneHe was ill, or he wouldn t have been.If he hadn t been ill.情态动词的完成时He must have overslept, or he wouldn t

30、 have been late for class.P122: 22 题 neither (Nor)P122: 30题 两个答案不知道选哪个时,选前边的,正确率高。词汇看哪两个单词尾部一样,选前边的。非渭语动词:也是动词,它的限制就是不能单独做渭语。.动名词:I like reading (v. n.)novels.一个单词既具备名词特性又具备动词特性的,叫动名词。.分词:doing (adj.)形容词 可作表、定、状、宾、补语。重点考分词做状语。Done(adv.)副词I find English easy. I find English interesting.伴随状语时间状语原因状语 二

31、、时态和语态状语(目的、结果)变否定全在结构的最前边加not.被动语态完成时态doingnot having doneto doto have donenotbeing done having been done to be doneto have been done最常考的是完成时态:当发生在句子渭语动词前,要用非渭语动词的完成时态。I am sorry to have given you up last year.动名词一、动名词做主语,只考一种情况:出形主)is noise /no sense /no good=useless =senseless无意义 / worthwhile 值得M

32、y coming (Tom s cryin砂名词的复合结构:如果变否定,my not coming.Your studying English.Would you mind my opening (vt.) the window?使用类推法。It is no sense hs making (vt.) a girlfriend at college.动名词做宾语.介词后边都要跟动名词,不能跟动词不定式I am good at speaking English.动词宾语Enjoy, finish, practice, mind, avoidSuggest, consider, risk, del

33、ay = postponeAppreciate, furry = imagine, involve, deny 否认后边只能跟doing ,不能跟to do注:常考的几个:forget, remember, regret这些单词既可以跟doing(表示动作已经发生),又可以跟to do(宾语,表示没有发生)。I remember returning your money. 已发生I remember to return your money. 未发生I regret marrying you such an unable man. 已发生I regret to tell you that I

34、can t, for you are both poor and foolish. need doing (to be done)My car needs repairing (= to be repaired).有些短语后边只能跟动名词be busy doingbe used / accuse torned to价)习惯于have trouble / difficulty /in doingwaste / spend timecan t he help doing禁不住,忍不住动词不定式have (get) sb. Do sth.sth. doneX 2.前边是个句子或短语,被动语态to d

35、oHe is said to have been killed last night.think / make it adj. (for sb.) to dofind / consider(形宾)宾补真宾I find it_easy for us to study English well.let, see, malce, watch, hear sb. Do(宾补)we often watch children play football.It is + adj. of (for) sb. To do sth.主语是人,形容词做表语,那么形容词后边都跟of.Possible, necessa

36、ry, hard, difficult 这些跟 forEnglish in half a year.I have(had, has) no choice but B .(跟 to do)I can do nothing but A .(跟 do)A. stayhere B. to stay here7.状语动词不定式做目的状We have to learn to cheat others in order(为了 ) to(so as to ) not to be cheated.做结果状l.too . To do 太.以至于不 .You are too young to understand

37、what love means.2.only to do表示出人意料的结果He hurried to the classroom only to see that his girlfriend was being kissed by another boy.伴随状语He often sits in class dreaming.We often lie in bed reading novels.同一个人发出来的动作,要求保持一致。.时间状语I feel nervous, answering your questions.When I answer.原因状语Being a party memb

38、er, you should serve people by heart and soul.考得较多的是分词的独立结构:其特点是,句子中有两个主语,两个主语不一致,必须用两个,用逗号隔开;分词的独立结构中永远不会出现渭语。You should take your raincoat, gaining hard.She being ugly, you love her.Money being important, we all love it.小书P74页3Bout of (= witheet) job fashion control order4D 6BP77 页 24BP80 页 52B57A 58B强调句式It is(was) + 强调部分 that .It is_English that we all like.It was in 1949 that PRC was founded.英译汉和汉译英以及作文一定不要空白,这样好加分。汉译英随便抄一段差不多长的,英译汉大书P122页第17BI ll kill you ifI am (is are ) cheated again. 省去了 was


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