



1、材料工程基础(双语)Fundamentals of Materials Engineering(Bilingual)课程编号:07410015学 分:3分学 时:48学时(其中:讲课学时48;实验学时0;上机学时0)先修课程:材料科学基础、大学英语CET4适用专业:金属材料工程,材料成型及控制工程,冶金工程教 材: Fundamentals of Solidification (Kurz & Fischer), Physical Metallurgy (Fifth Edition)( David E. Laughlin & Kazuhiro Hono) 一、课程性质与教学目标(-)课程性质与任

2、务本课程为金属材料工程、材料成型及控制工程专业及冶金工程专业本科生的 选修课程,重点培养学生的专业外语学习能力,加强材料工程基础知识水平的培 训,满足需要。This is an optional course suitable for Metallic Material Engineering, materials forming and controlling engineering and metallurgical engineering. In order to meet the requirement for internationality, the course focuses

3、itself on training students/ professional foreign language learning and enhancing the knowledge of the theoretical basis of materials engineering.本课程介绍了现代材料科学与工程中,围绕材料性能展开的材料成分、微观 组织、热加工历史对材料性能产生影响的基本规律及控制机理。重点介绍材料熔 体微结构与材料性能之间的关联关系,凝固过程中溶质分配及微观组织的演变与 材料性能之间的对应关系。为学生建立起一个系统的熔体-凝固过程-固相有机结 合的凝固组织演变体系,

4、正确理解凝固过程中出现的各种基本现象及理论原理, 为凝固理论在材料制备过程中的应用奠定基础。This course provides an introduction to modern materials science and engineering, which has as its central theme how the properties of a material, its microstructure, its processing history, and its performance are inherently interrelated. This course wi

5、ll focus on understanding of relationship between melt, microstructure and properties. The right understanding of fundamentals of solidification process can help students much in future preparation of materials.课程同时介绍了材料扩散与相变的基本概念、基本理论和基本计算方法,材 料在各种加工过程中相变行为和原子的扩散规律。The courses at the same time intr

6、oduce the basic concepts ,the basic theory and basic computing methods of diffusion and phase transformation, phase transformation behavior and the diffusion regularity of the atom in the process of all kinds of materials.(-)教学目标. 了解凝固过程的基本原理、定性及定量分析之基本方法Fundamentals of solidification process, quali

7、tative and quantitative analysis methods should be understood.了解凝固与材料性能及其应用之间的内在关系。The interrelationship between solidification and properties and its application of materials should be understood.掌握材料中各类相变与扩散的基本概念、基本理论和基本计算方法.The basic concepts, the basic theory and basic computing methods of diffu

8、sion and phase transformation should be understood. 了解材料在各种加工过程中相变行为和原子的扩散规律Students should get to know the phase transformation behavior and the diffusion regularity of the atom in the process of all kinds of materials.掌握凝固理论、相变与扩散的基本英语词汇,理解科技英语与大学外语 之间的基本差异。After this course students should get ge

9、neral concept of solidification, transformation and diffusion in English and get to know the difference between college English and scientific English.(三)课程目标与专业毕业要求指标点的对应关系本课程支撑专业培养计划中毕业要求1-3、2-1和10-1:.指标点1-3:掌握材料专业基础知识,能够用于分析、评价与金属材料工 程有关的工程问题。.指标点2-1:能够应用数学、自然科学、工程科学等基本原理识别和表达 材料的性能、成分、制备/加工和结构相互

10、关系的工程问题。.指标点10-1:掌握一门外语,能够在跨文化背景下进行沟通、交流和合 作。课程目标与毕业要求指标点的对应关系见下表。毕业要求 指标点课程目标1课程目标2课程目标3课程目标4课程目标5毕业要求指标点1-3VV毕业要求指标点2-1V毕业要求 指标点10-1二、课程内容、学时分配及对毕业要求指标点的支撑注:课外学时按相关专业培养计划列入表格章节内裳讲课实验上 机课外小 计支撑课程目标支撑的毕业要求 指标点Chapter 1Introduction441、51-3、10-1Chapter 2Atomic transfer at the solid/liquid interface :

11、Atomic behavior at the S/L interface is very important not only for crystallization but also key for microstructural evolution. Every practical inoculation or microstructural refinement technology shall all be based on this process441、51-3、10-1Chapter 3Morphological instability of a S/L interface :

12、Interface stability depends on elemental, solute, curvature, temperature gradient and velocity, which are all tractable during overall solidification process. Morphological instability of the S/L interface results in various microstructure.441、51-3、10-1Chapter 4Soliditication microstructure: cells a

13、nd dendrites Planar interface for single crystal turbine, Cellular crystal in ingots or fine dendrite in aluminum cylinder heads castings can all be tracked down to stability criterion problems.442、52-1、10-1Chapter 5Solidification microstructure: eutectic and peritectic Finer microstructure is the m

14、ost important for better mechanical property of metals. For multi-component alloy systems and Fc-C binary system is cutcctic and peritectic especially meaningful for research.442、52-1、10-1Chapter 6Solute distribution : Heat treatment is always based on solute redistribution. How can solidification p

15、rocess parameter exert its influence on solute distribution?442、52-1、10-1Chapter 7Ficks law of diffusion: Ficks first law and its application, Ficks second law and its application883、51-3、10-1Chapter 8DifTusional Phase Transformations in the Solid State: Introduction, Energetics, Rate Processes in S

16、olids,Classical Nucleation,Diffusional Growth of Phases, Precipitation from Solid Solution, Crystallography and Microstructure, Massive Transformation. Closure884、52-1、10-1Chapter 9Phase lYansforniations: Nondiffusive Martensitic Transformations, Crystallographic Theory, Martensite Morphology and Su

17、bstructure, Martensite-Parent Interfaces, Energetics of Martensitic Transformations, Crystallographically Similar Transformations, Omega Phase Formation. Phase Changes and Charge Density Waves884、52-1、10-1合计4848三、达成课程目标的途径和措施本课程以经典的原版教材为主,但也建议同学借助学校的英文电子期刊,搜 索一些感兴趣的专业文章作为补充,在拓宽知识面的同时,提高科技文献的阅读 理解能力。

18、This course is based on a traditional textbook. But we also suggest students to make full use of electrical journals, and to find some interesting reading materials. This can not only enlarge students knowledgebase, but also improve their ability of reading comprehension.四 考核方式1.课程考核方式包括期末考试、平时考核,期末考试采用开卷笔试。2.课程成绩=平时成绩X 30%+期末考试成绩X 70%。成绩组成考核/评价环节分值考核/评价细则对应的 课程目 标平时成绩30%点名及平时作业30课后每章完成相应习题,主要考核学生对每节课知识点的复习、 理解和掌握程度,计算全部作业的平均成绩再按30%计入总成绩。1、 2、 3、4期末考试70%期末考试卷面 成绩70试卷题型可包括名词解释题、翻译题、综合题类型,权重分布如 下:对应课程目标1约占60%;对应课程目标2约占40%;根据 评分标准计算得分并以卷面成绩计入课程总成绩。1、 2、 3、4、5五、参考书目及学习资料T


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