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1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、-Have you found the information about the famous people _ you can use for the report? -Not yet. Ill search some on the Internet.AwhoB

2、whatCwhomDwhich2、When I write down what I am showing thanks to, its always for things that money _buy.AneedntBshouldntCmay notDcant3、Who is the man _ was talking to our English teacher?Oh! Its Mr Baker, our maths teacher.AheBthatCwhomDwhich4、Look! What a mess it is in your room!Sorry, I will_ my sch

3、ool things and tidy it right now.Aput upBput outCput awayDput off5、Many schools set up chatting groups on QQ so that parents will be able to discuss their childs _ with their teachers any time.AproductsBprogrammesCprogressDpromises6、The public hope that Mercedes-Benz will provide better after-sales

4、in the future.AmasterBserviceCmethodDsituation7、She usually has _ egg and some porridge for _ breakfast.Aan; theBan; Ca; theDa; 8、Jim broke a pair of shoes made of _ in a _store yesterday.Aglass; womanBglasses; womanCglass; womensDglasses; womens9、 Everybody is going to climb the mountain. Can I go

5、too, mom? _ Wait till you are old enough, dear.AGood idea.BWhy not?CI hope so.DIm afraid not.10、How sad! _ Ethiopian Airlines(埃航) plane crashed shortly after takeoff, killing all on board _ the morning of March 10, 2019 local time.AA; onBAn; onCA; inDAn; in. 完形填空11、完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然

6、后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。Reading is very important to children. It can _ the way children think. Books can help children improve their skills and learn more about the world. However, choosing the right book for a child isnt an easy job. If we choose a book that is too easy, the child wont ge

7、t a challenge, and he or she will make _ progress in reading. If we choose a book that is too difficult, the child can _ his or her interest and even stop reading. The following are a few _ on how to choose the right book for your child.First, _ buying a book, open it and have your child read a page

8、 of it. When he or she meets a few new words, ask him or her to raise a finger. If the child raises five fingers before he or she _ the page, it means the book is too difficult. On the other hand, if the child raises no finger after reading the whole page _, the book is probably too easy. Usually, r

9、aising two or three fingers means that the book is _ for your child! Second, choose books that can _your childs attention. Most children like books that have many pictures and everyday things in their lives. Thirdly, choose books _ small essays or stories. These kinds of books will give children som

10、e time to rest as they read them.1Amention Binfluence Csuggest Dbreak2Amany Bmuch Clittle Dfew3Alose Bget Cshow Dtake4Aadvice Binformation Cquestion Dsuggestions5Auntil Bafter Cbefore Dunless6Acollects Bfinishes Corganizes Dbuys7Aslowly Bquietly Cheavily Dquickly8Aexpensive Bcheap Cimportant Dperfec

11、t9Acatch Bdescribe Cstop Dchange10Ato Bwith Cfor Din. 语法填空12、If you need to call your parents but your phone is not with you, can you remember their numbers?To remember 11 numbers is not difficult.1 , because of the smartphone (智能手机), many of us2(lose) this ability , Chinese daily reported. Whats mo

12、re, smartphones make our skills at giving directions weak, as well as3(kill) face-to-face communications. Even when friends are having a meal together, 4common for most to check their phones.According to a report by Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers, 5American company, Chinese people spend on average 1

13、70 minutes on their smartphones daily. For students, an addiction(上瘾) to smartphones does no good for6(study). Research in Japan showed children who spend more than four hours a day on their phones do much worse7 (bad) in school tests than those who play with their phones for 30 minutes.Its true tha

14、t the smartphone has made our lives easier. But many also think they spend too much time on it, and this is bad for their study8work. People are trying to change that.A new app(应用程序) named Forest9(introduce) this month. It lets users plant a seed (种子) that grows into a tree over the next 30 minutes.

15、 During the half hour, users cannot use their phones, or the tree will die.A restaurant in Los Angeles, US, gives people a 5 % discount (折扣)if they dont check their phones during a meal. Owner Mark Gold said that he hopes it gives people a way to enjoy their meal and really talk with friends and fam

16、ily10person. 阅读理解A13、A man named Hayden was seriously ill in a hospital. Another patient named Kevin was in the same room with him. But Hilarys bed was next to the window; Kevins was in the corner. The two men talked a lot. Every afternoon Hilary passed the time by describing to his roommate Kevin a

17、ll the things he could see outside the window. He described there was a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats and grand old trees graced the landscapes. As Hilary described all those in details, Kevin closed his eyes and imagined the sce

18、neries.The days passed and Kevin missed seeing more sights, so he began to brood(沉思) and found himself unable to sleep. He should be by that window. Late one night, Hilary began to cough. In less than five minutes, there was only silencedeathly silence. Hilary died in the bed next to the window.The

19、following morning, Kevin asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to do that for him. Finally, he would have the joy of seeing the scenes all himself. He slowly looked out of the window beside the bed. It was nothing but faced a black wall.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。1From this passage, w

20、e know Hilary was staying _.Ain the rooms corner Bbeside the rooms windowCin the front park Dbeside the parks lake2Why did Hilary describe the sceneries outside the window?ABecause he wanted to make Kevin happy.BBecause the sceneries out of the window were too beautiful.CBecause the nurse asked him

21、to exchange his mind with Kevin.DBecause he wanted to spend his boring time out.3When Hilary described the sceneries, Kevin _.Aslept deeply Blooked out of the windowCtalked with the nurse Dshared the sceneries in mind4The nurse was happy when Kevin asked to move next to the window. Which is the poss

22、ible reason?AThe nurse felt sad for Hilarys death. BNo patients would like to stay in that bed.CHilary and Kevin were good friends. DGood sceneries made Kevin feel better.5Whats the best title for this passage?AOut of the Window BTwo Patients in the HospitalCThe Nurse and the Patients DA Patients Be

23、dB14、This dictionary tells you about English words and how to use them in reading, writing and speaking English. It not only gives the meaning of words, it can also help you with spelling, word building, grammar and pronunciation. To use your dictionary correctly, you need to understand how the dict

24、ionary works. At the front of the book, you will find some exercises to help you make the most use of your dictionary. If you look up the word “colour”, you will find two spellings for this word. “Colour” is used in British English, while “color” is used in American English. When such a thing happen

25、s, the dictionary shows it with the word “BrE” for British English and “AmE” for American English. The dictionary also helps you pronounce words correctly. It uses a special alphabet (特殊字母表) to show pronunciation. If you turn to the inside back face, you will see all the phonetic letters (音标) with s

26、ome words to show you how they are pronounced. Just have a look at this page when youre not sure how to say a word.The most important reason for using a dictionary is to find out the meaning of a worditsDEFINITION. In this dictionary, the definitions have been written using only 2000 words. This mea

27、ns that the definitions of even the most difficult words are simply explained and easy to understand.1According to the passage, “neighbor” is used in _ English.AAustralian BCanadian CAmerican DBritish2In Paragraph 5, what does the underlined word “definition” mean?A词性 B词条 C词库 D词义3The dictionary expl

28、ains _.Asome of the difficult words Ball the words in a simple wayCall the easy words Dthe words of two meaningsC15、Millions of Chinese have been playing a mobile game called Travel Frog recently. You play as the “mother” of a frog who lives alone and enjoys traveling. You need to prepare food and t

29、ools for his trips. The frog will send you postcards while he is away.The games popularity may have something to do with how lonely people are these days, according to the Xinhua News Agency. Many players have said that the lonely frog is just like them. But playing with the frog helps them forget t

30、heir loneliness for a short time.Loneliness seems to be a common problem today. According to the Guardian, about 40 percent of American adults say theyre lonely. And in the UK, about one in five people in the country are “always or often lonely”, The Telegraph reported.This might be why the UK gover

31、nment declared (宣布) the countrys very first “Minister of Loneliness” (孤独大臣) in January. The ministers job is to find ways to help UK citizens feel less lonely. The ministers office will provide more money for activities that connect people together.This loneliness problem may be partly due to social

32、 media. When we see pictures of friends having fun or posting selfies (自拍) without us, we may compare their “perfect” lives with our own and feel inferior (较差的) and lonely.But we should remember that no one is destined (注定) to be lonely. As UK poet John Donne once wrote, “No man is an island, entire

33、 of itself; every man is a piece of the continent (陆地), a part of the main.”Tips to get rid of lonelinessSing your favorite songs.Connect with a friend.Do something creative, such as drawing a picture.Imagine some place youd like to visit, like a fun gathering or a sporting event.1What do players do

34、 while playing Travel Frog?ABuild houses for their frogs.BPrepare food and tools for their frogs trips.CChoose places for their frogs to travel.DWrite postcards to their frogs.2To deal with loneliness, the UK government _.Adesigned the game Travel FrogBcreated the “Minister of Loneliness”Cholds part

35、ies for people to get togetherDstopped peoples use of social media3What can we infer from the last paragraph?AEveryone is connected with others.BWe should not compare ourselves to others.CIts not fun to feel lonely.DNo one should live alone.D16、There are different ways in which people try to deal wi

36、th the problem of energy. One way is thegreater production of common energy sources(能源), such as coal, oil and gas. The trouble with these sources, however, is that they are not renewable.Another way is energy conservation(节能), which means using energy more efficiently(有效地).In some very cold countri

37、es people build special houses to save energy. They place materials between the inside and the outside of the walls of the house to keep the cold out and the warmth in. The house is heated by the lights, the body heat of the people and the other equipment in it.Finally, renewable energy sources are

38、used even though they are often expensive to develop.One form of these is_In certain parts of the world the temperature of the earth increases thirty degrees centigrade with each kilometre down. At six kilometres, therefore, it rises to nearly two hundred degrees. To get the heat, water is pumped(压;

39、抽)down into the rocks and back up to the surface. Heat from the earth is already used in certain countries.1The writer tells about the special houses because they _Ashow the excellent skills of the buildersBserve as an example of energy conservationCare heated by different sources of energyDare warm

40、er than other types of houses2The underlined words geothermal energy in the third paragraph mean_Arenewable source Bunderground sourceCheat inside the earth Dtemperature of the earth3At a place where the surface temperature is 15, how deep do you have to dig so as to get a temperature of 75?AOne km.

41、 BTwo km.CThree km. DFour km.E17、She is a cute, quiet girl. As a daughter, she has no secrets from her mother, who is very pleased with her. But these days she has become not so open as before. She has a diary that she keeps under lock and key(严密保管). Her mother cannot help worrying about her: what i

42、f she falls in love, which is too early of her age? After all she is reaching the “dangerous time”. These thoughts have caused trouble in the mothers mind.One weekend the girl came to tell her mother that she was going to the cinema with her schoolmate and would return late. This was the first time

43、her mother agreed, and she couldnt help worrying because her daughter had never been away at night before. The mother waited till nine. She decided to go out to meet her daughter. Just at that time the noise of a car drew her to the window andthere was her daughter, waving goodbye to a boy. Her hear

44、t missed a beat. When the girl came in, the mother was watching TV, just like nothing had happened. “Mum, Im back.” “Yeah.” “Sorry to be late. Still sitting up?” “Yes. Oh, that Whos that boy?” The daughter was stunned(发楞) for some time. “Ah. Its my monitor. He gave me a ride on his way home. Mum, Im

45、 going to bed.” “All right. Go to sleep early.”Next morning when the mother went to the daughters room to do some cleaning, she found her diary left on the bed. After a few minutes thinking, she at last opened it to the page of the night before. It reads: Mum, its love that made you ask, but it woul

46、d show your understanding of me if you hadnt.Holding the diary, the mother fell in meditation.1Which is the correct order according to the story?a. She took a ride back in her monitors car.b. She went to see a film with her classmate.c. She wrote a diary to her mother. d. Her mother was watching TV.

47、e. Her mother worried about her daughters returning late.Ab, e, a , d, c Be, b, a, d, c Cb, a, e, d, c Db, e, a, c, d2Which of the following is TRUE according to the story?AThe girl knew her mother would ask her the question about the boy.BWhat the daughter did these days worried her mother.CThe mot

48、her wanted to read her daughters diary the next day.DThe girls diary was always on the bed.3From the diary, we can see the daughter_.Athanked her mother for asking herBthought her mother cared about her very muchCthought it was her mothers duty to askDthought her mothers understanding is better than

49、 simple love4The main purpose(目标) of this article is to show that parents should _.Acare about what their children really think and feelBnot give much freedom to their childrenCtalk with their children about their early loveDnot read their childrens diary5Which can be the best title for this story?A

50、Mothers True Love BEarly Love Between StudentsCTo Ask or Not to Ask DDangerous AgeF18、Do you want to control equipments with your mind? Do you want to power your home with the energy of your own activities? These are two of the developments that engineers at International Business Machines Company (

51、IBM) think will come true within the next five years. The technology company has announced its latest “5 in 5” report.The engineers at IBM think people will soon be able to control many electronic equipments simply by using their minds. They say people will soon have a way to just think about callin

52、g or emailing someone in order to make it happen.Another thing that will happen is a way for people to power their homes and offices using energy from activities like walking or running. Bemie Meyerson, IBMS President, says this is known as micro-electronic times.Also, passwords could soon become a

53、thing of the past. IBM says technology developments could soon make passwords unnecessary. Some of the most common ways used to tell people are fingerprints, face and voice differences, and iris scans. The iris is the colored part of the eye. Bemie Meyerson says this technology will soon be more wid

54、ely used by money machines and other designs.The fourth possibility on IBMs “5 in 5” list is an end to the digital designs “between those who have technology and those who do not”.1According to Paragraph 2, you can control an electronic equipments by .Awriting an English email to it Bgiving it a tel

55、ephone callCthinking about your thoughts Dordering it in your voice2We know if micro-electronic times come true, people .Awill need to run in the house all dayBwill live a much more relaxing lifeCwill no longer need to go to their officesDcan produce electricity through activities3If you use iris scans to tell a person, you .Ahave to use passwords at firstBshould show your fi


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