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1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、Hi, Cathy! I saw Miss Zhang in the meeting room just now.No, it _ be her. She went to Nanjing two days ago.AmustBmayCcantDneednt2、_ r

2、unners took part in the half marathon(半程马拉松) in Haikou in April.AHundredBHundredsCHundreds of3、-Im awfully sorry for bringing you so much trouble.- _ANever mind. Bits a pleasure. COf course not. DYou are welcome4、If you are buying todays Nanjing Daily, could you get _ for me?I am glad to help you.Ai

3、t Bthis Cone Dthat5、Some of my fathers friends have been to the USA, but _ of them can speak English.AneitherBbothCallDnone6、I am very interested in this maths problem. Can you show me_?Awhat to work it outBwhat to work out itChow to work it outDhow to work out it7、Sorry Im late. The first undergrou

4、nd started moving _ I could get on it.Awhile Bbefore Cas soon as Dafter8、Zhang Miman is a great woman scientist is 82 years old in 2018 .Awho Bwhich Cwhat9、Mom, must I finish my homework now? No, you _. You may have supper first.AmustntBneedntCcantDmay not10、Take the medicine on time, _ you may feel

5、 worse.AandBorCalthoughDbut. 完形填空11、 Father in NeedI quietly placed my ear against the kitchen door. Mom had a male 1 ! I peeked (从缝隙偷看) around. Sitting there was a gentleman, the most handsome man Id ever seen.Mom was a young widow (寡妇) then with three children. My sister was ten, my brother four a

6、nd I six. I 2 having a daddy. And I knew he was the one. Then I marched right into the kitchen.“Hi! Im Patty. Whats your name?”“George.” 3 towards Mom, I asked, “Dont you think my moms pretty?”“Patty!” Mom scolded (责备) with embarrassment. “Go and check on Benny.”George leaned forward and whispered,

7、“Yes, I do. Ill see you later, Patty. I think well be good friends.” George started 4 on Mom more often. He always seemed happy to see me and never grew tired of my endless questions.Soon they entered into a marriage. But one evening was especially bad. Benny was crying on the kitchen floor. Annie w

8、as complained 5 it wasnt her place to look after that spoiled child. And I spilled(使溢出) a whole pot of butter milk. With an empty look, George muttered, “I must have been 6 to marry a woman with three kids.”Mom flew to their bedroom in tears,and George walked out. I hurried to the porch (门廊). “Im so

9、rry. Ill be more careful next time. Please dont 7 !”Gently wiping my tears, he said, “Were friends, and friends never abandon (抛弃、遗弃) the people they love.” Then he went to comfort Mom.Over the years, George has always been there for me, through many ups and downs. I still turn to him with my 8 thou

10、gh hes already 85.1AvolunteerBsupporterCchallengerDvisitor2AkeptBmissedCspentDminded3ALookingBCheckingCTurningDSpeaking4AworkingBcallingCtakingDliving5AloudlyBquietlyCcarefullyDgently6AtalentedBbraveCmadDexcited7AlaughBworryCrelaxDleave8AsuggestionsBexperiencesCproblemsDachievements. 语法填空12、How time

11、 flies! My three-year middle school life will be over soon. Looking back, I have many memories of my English study. When I 1 (enter) the middle school, I had so many difficulties with my English. I was not able to understand the teacher in class, and I couldnt master the words and phrases. For a tim

12、e I wanted 2 (give) it up. 3 (late), with the help of the teacher and my classmates, I listened to the teacher 4 (care) in class, kept on reading English every day and spoke as much as possible. Step by step I made great progress in English. In a word, only when you develop interest in 5 (study) Eng

13、lish can you learn it well. 阅读理解A13、 Susan Boyle was born as the ninth child in a Catholic family. She suffered from learning disabilities ever since her birth because of her mothers poor health.School was difficult for Susan and she was bulled(凌辱) because of her different behaviour. Her siblings, w

14、ho were much older, had life experiences that were unknown to their little sister. From the time of her birth, Susan was a screamer. The only really safe place that she would use as a repeat was her bedroom. There she would hang posters of her musical heroes on the walls and sing popular music into

15、a hairbrush that she pretended was a microphone.One by one her brothers and sisters moved away from home and then Susans father died. This left her alone with an old mother and a cat. She tried volunteer work. Her best state of mind, however, was found when she was singing and so she would regularly

16、 join others in karaoke or pubs where she could show her skills and receive appreciation(欣赏)from the crowd.When Susan announced at Christmas that she was planning to take part in the Britains Got Talent competition, her brothers and sisters tried to discourage her. It was a wonder that she was even

17、able to do the audition(试唱) considering the troubles she faced just physically getting to the right place.The Woman I Was Born to Be is a beautiful story written in the simple but humorous voice of the author, Susan Boyle. She tells her story from birth to the present in an interesting and education

18、al manner.I love this book ! In fact, I read the whole thing in one day! There is something in the stories that not only teaches the reader but also encourage us to reach for our dreamsno matter how impossible they may seem to be!1What does the underlined part “Her siblings” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

19、ASusans parentsBSusans friendCSusans classmatesDSusans brothers and sisters2What can we learn about Susan from Paragraph 3?AShe liked being aloneBShe was good at singingCShe had various hobbiesDShe disliked volunteer work.3We learn that the book The Woman I Was Born to Be_.Ais based on Susans life s

20、toriesBis written to educate readersCis very sad to readDis difficult to read4What does the author probably think of Susans life stories?AEncouragingBDiscouragingCWorriedDBoringB14、I was not having a happy holiday. My family had decided to go back to the countryside in New Hampshire, US, again. But

21、I found it boring. What made the holiday even worse was that I had to sleep in the same bed as my brother. But I was wrong. This trip was the best holiday I have ever had. During the holiday, I met a very special friend. While I was walking in the countryside, I saw a man carrying a small brown bag.

22、 Wearing white clothes, the man looked like a ghost. As he looked at me, I felt frightened. I wanted to run away when the man spoke to me. “Hello. Beautiful day, isnt it?” he said. The man talked a lot. I wasnt listening very carefully because I was looking at his little bag. I wanted to see what wa

23、s inside it! He saw me looking at the bag and he asked me if I would like to see. Out came a lively, beautiful puppy. The brown puppy was small and only about two months old. The man then asked me, “Would you like to keep this puppy?” I had always wanted a puppy and now I had the chance. I thanked h

24、im, took the puppy and ran home. For the rest of that summer, I played with him all the time. And after the trip, I took him home. The puppy is now loved by all my family. He is a friend to both my brother and me, a warm little ball of happiness in our lives. Ive always wanted to thank the man becau

25、se he changed my life. His gift has given me years of pleasure. And I never have boring family holidays anymore.1The “special friend” in the third paragraph referred to _.Athe man Ba ghostCthe puppy Dthe bag2According to the story, which words can be used to describe the man?Atalkative and friendly

26、Bboring and frighteningCunfriendly and strange-looking Dgood-looking and outgoing3Why did the writer keep looking at the mans little bag?ABecause the man was carrying it and running quickly.BBecause the writer wondered what was inside.CBecause there was something dangerous in it.DBecause the writer

27、saw a puppy in it.4How did the writer deal with the puppy?AHe left it in the countryside.BHe gave it to his brother.CHe took it home after the holiday.DHe played with it and gave it back to the man at last.5Whats the best title for the story?ADont Be Afraid BA Strange ManCNever Believe in Others DTh

28、e Best HolidayC15、 Im the engine that keeps you working, and Im here to share some of my secrets. I have 100 billion nerve cells (神经细胞),so you need to consider before you blame (责怪)me for not being so fast enough. Its not really my fault: information travels through me too fast and sometimes I cant

29、keep all of it.The Internet is making me weak. A study found that youve been relying more on the Internet. That means Im going to forget more over time. Scientists have been worried that our ability to think is being lost.In general, Im about ten percent larger in men than women. It doesnt make men

30、smarter. It just lets me control their different bodies. Actually, its more common for women to get angry, but men cant focus on a thing well. They usually have language difficulties.Your mobile phone scares me. A new study showed that more than one hour of mobile phone use can get me in trouble. Mo

31、bile phone radiation (辐射)might cause me to be in a worse situation.Some parts of me never sleep. Its important for you to get a good nights sleep. Sleep helps to improve memories. In fact, when you are asleep, some parts of me are still working hard on my duty. Besides, laughter is really the best m

32、edicine for me. So remember to laugh more for my better situation.1Whats the result of depending too much on the Internet?AIt will make people remember things for a long time.BIt helps people to remember things more easily.CIt may affect ones regular way of thinking.DIt may make us lose the ability

33、to learn.2Compared with men, women_according to the passage.Aare easy to get angryBcant think carefully about somethingCare much smarterDusually have language difficulties3Why cant I keep all the information?ABecause there is too much information.BBecause information travels too fast.CBecause I can

34、hardly work.DBecause I am lazy.4What can you do to make “me” work better?AGet a shorter sleep every night.BBlame “me” for not being fast enough.CUse “me” more instead of the Internet.DUse a mobile phone for one hour each day.5What can we know from the passage?AMen can pay close attention to a thing.

35、BAt night, “I” can completely sleep and stop working.CIts clear that “I” should take medicine to work better.DMobile phone radiation may bring serious problems to “me”.D16、Overhead bridges are found in many parts of Nanjing, especially in places where traffic is very heavy and crossing the road is v

36、ery dangerous.The purpose of these bridges is to enable passengers to cross road safely. Overhead bridges are used in very much the same way as zebra crossings. They are more efficient although less convenient because people have to climb up a long flight of steps. This is inconvenient especially to

37、 old people. When passengers using_, traffic is held up. This is why the government has built many overhead bridges to help passengers and to keep traffic moving at the same time.The government of Nanjing has spent much money in building these bridges. For their own safety, passengers should be enco

38、uraged to use. They cant risk their lives by running across the road. Old people may think that it is a little difficult to climb up and down the steps, but it is much safer than walking across the road with all the dangerous of moving traffic.Overhead bridges serve a very useful purpose. Passengers

39、, both old and young, should make it a habit to use them. This will prevent unnecessary accidents and loss of life.1What is the advantage(优点) of overhead bridges mentioned in this passage?ATaller trucks can pass under them.BPassengers can climb up and have a good view of the city.CThey are safer for

40、 the passengers and keep traffic moving at the same time.DThey are easier and more convenient for the passengers.2Why were overhead bridges built in Nanjing?ABecause they stop traffic from being held up.BBecause they provide an easy way for the drivers to cross the road.CBecause they save money for

41、the government.DBecause they save time for the passengers.3Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?AOverhead bridges are found in every part of Nanjing.BOverhead bridges are found in the centre of Nanjing.COverhead bridges are found in many parts of big cities in China.DOv

42、erhead bridges are found in places where traffic is heavy.4The underlined words “ a zebra crossing” probably mean _.Aa safe place across road for passengers to walk across the roadBa wild animal from Africa that looks like a horse with black and white colour on its bodyCa safe place across a road fo

43、r zebras to walk across the roadDa safe place across a road for children to play a game.5Whats the writers attitude(态度)towards overhead bridges?AIt is inconvenient for old people to walk across the road.BIt is much safer for the passengers though climbing up and down the steps may be a little diffic

44、ultCAn overhead bridge is more beautiful than a zebra crossing.DTo build overhead bridges is the business of the government.E17、When Henry came home from the office last Thursday night, he saw a note from his wife on the kitchen table. Henry, the note said, my mother isnt well and I am going home to

45、 be with her for a few days. There are a few things that ought to be done while I am away. First, would you please stop at the shoe repairmans and get my brown shoes? And go to the supermarket and get some coffee, milk and butter. When you get home, please telephone Mary and tell her I wont be able

46、to go to her party tomorrow evening. Tell her why I cant come. There are three things that must be done before you go to work tomorrow morning:Leave a note for the milkman asking for just one quart of milk, not two; put the garbage in the backyard; give the dog something to eat. On Saturday, cut the

47、 grass in the backyard. The newspaper boy will come on Saturday afternoon. Be sure to give him money. ”1Henrys wife is going home _.Ato see her friendsBto be with her motherCto get her brown shoesDto go to the supermarket2Henrys wife wouldnt be able to go to Marys party _.AThursday nightBFriday even

48、ingCSaturday nightDMonday evening3What was the first thing which was done by Henry before going to work?ACut grass in the backyard.BLeave a note for the milkman asking for just one quart of milk.CPut the garbage in the backyard.DGive the dog something to eat.4How many things would Henry do when his

49、wife were away?AThree things.BFive things.CSix things.DEight things.F18、Before you cut off the tags(标签)and put on your newest clothing, you may want to make a stop at the washing machine. Although new clothing may look clean and fresh, it could actually be bad for your health.According to Donald Bel

50、stio, MD, a professor at Columbia University Medical Center, new clothes do cause some risks of health problems when they are worn without washing. For starters, in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Dr. Belstio explained that dyes(染料)found on new clothes can hurt the skin. Pre-washing of ne

51、w clothes will prevent any dyes from doing bad to our skin or other things, like chairs, as New York City doctor Hilary Baldwin, MD, told Real Simple. But theres more.Dr Belstio also warns that lice(虱子)can come to you from clothing tried on the store dressing room, and there are certain illnesses th

52、at can be passed along through clothing. Dr Baldwin advises people that its especially critical to pre-wash pieces like underpants and swimsuits. You may not want to imagine this, but maybe youre not the first person to try on that new clothing一perhaps its been tried on in the dressing room, and tha

53、ts just the first of many cases of possible skin contact. Another point is that your clothing came into contact with many people during the producing, shipping, and selling processes. Theres just no real way of knowing how many hands or other body parts have touched your clothing, Dr Belstio warns Washing your new clothes is a very smart thing to do, Dr Belsotio said. Ive seen examples of some strange things, so I dont take any chances.To wash new clothes, simply put them in very hot water (if they can stand that temperature一check the tag first), and hang them to dry. While you prepa


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